
S 18470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 13, 1995 the President to waive the funding re- would cut off funds in the U.S. Con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there strictions if he determined United gress, and I still have that same atti- objection? The Chair hears none, and it States citizens were being held as pris- tude today. is so ordered. oners of war in Cambodia by North The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, let me in- Vietnam or the Viet Cong. This amend- question now occurs on H.R. 2606. The dicate that we now have had our first ment failed. Believe it or not, the question is: Shall the bill pass? vote. We would like to complete action amendment failed by 36 to 54, and Coo- The yeas and nays have been ordered. on the concurrent resolution authored per-Church passed, but only after troop The clerk will call the roll. by Senators HUTCHISON, NICKLES, and withdrawal had begun. The legislative clerk called the roll. others and then have that vote very Mr. President, while I understand op- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. quickly if we can. I know a lot of peo- position to and disagreement with the CAMPBELL). Are there any other Sen- ple want to talk, but I think it is gen- President's decision to send American ators in the Chamber who desire to eral debate. We would also like to have ground forces to Bosnia, I believe that vote? the vote on my joint resolution, the action to cut off funds for this deploy- The result was announced, yeas 22, Dole-McCain joint resolution, some- ment is wrong. It is wrong because it nays 77, as follows: time, hopefully by 6 o'clock this makes our brave young men and [Rollcall Vote No. 601 Leg.] evening. So that gives us about 5 hours of debate. We have already had a num- women bear the brunt of a decision not YEASÐ22 made by them, but by the Commander ber of Members, I would say about 20 Brown Grassley Nickles Members, each requesting from 10 min- in Chief. Campbell Gregg Pressler I will vote against H.R. 2606, spon- Craig Hatfield Smith utes to 15 minutes to 90 minutes. sored by Representative HEFLEY, which D'Amato Helms Thomas Now, we are not going to be able to was passed by the House last month. Domenici Inhofe Thompson accommodate everybody, or I hope Faircloth Kempthorne Warner they can accommodate us, and I hope H.R. 2606 prohibits any use of Depart- Feingold Kyl ment of Defense funds for deployment Gramm Murkowski we can, as much as we can, keep our re- marks limited to 5 or 7 or 8 minutes, of United States Armed Forces on the NAYSÐ77 ground in Bosnia participating in the because if I just add up these requests, Abraham Exon Lugar this will take us beyond 6 o'clock, NATO implementation forceÐunless Akaka Feinstein Mack such funds have been specifically ap- Ashcroft Ford McCain probably 7 or 8 o'clock. And I would propriated by subsequent law. There Baucus Frist McConnell say as the Republican leader, we are Bennett Glenn Mikulski has been no appropriation for this oper- trying to accommodate the President Biden Gorton Moseley-Braun of the United States. So, hopefully, we ation, so the effect would be to cut off Bingaman Graham Moynihan funds to our troops who are on the way Bond Grams Murray will have cooperation on both sides. I Boxer Harkin Nunn think the Senator from Texas would or already on the ground in Bosnia. I Bradley Hatch Pell do not believe we should limit the like to have a vote about what, mid- Breaux Heflin Pryor afternoon, on her concurrent resolu- funds for food, supplies, and ammuni- Bryan Hollings Reid tion for our troops. It was wrong dur- Bumpers Hutchison Robb tion? Burns Inouye Rockefeller Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, ing Vietnam, and it is wrong now. Byrd Jeffords Roth yes, I would like to vote as early as we I believe that passing the Hefley res- Chafee Johnston Santorum can. I think most people are speaking olution would undermine our troops, as Coats Kassebaum Sarbanes in general terms so I think midafter- well as our credibility. Cochran Kennedy Shelby Cohen Kerrey Simon noon. And then I would like to see the I believe that even at this late date, Conrad Kerry Simpson final vote on yours around 5 so that the the Congress can play a constructive Coverdell Kohl Snowe House could have the opportunity, if roleÐsupporting the troops by enhanc- Daschle Lautenberg Specter that is possible. ing their prospects for a timely and DeWine Leahy Stevens Dodd Levin Thurmond Mr. DOLE. We will do our best. safe withdrawal, and ensuring that Dole Lieberman Wellstone Mr. DASCHLE addressed the Chair. there is a military balance upon the de- Dorgan Lott The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- parture of our forces. So, the bill (H.R. 2606) was rejected. nority leader is recognized. President Clinton does not have an Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I move to Mr. DASCHLE. Let me just add to exit strategy for our troops. Let us be reconsider the vote. what the majority leader said. Obvi- clear: A date is not an exit strategy. In Mr. DASCHLE. I move to lay that ously, a lot of Senators wish to speak, my view, it would be irresponsible to motion on the table. for good reason, about this issue and on send thousands of American forces in The motion to lay on the table was these resolutions. I hope, though, that without a concrete plan to bring them agreed to. we could accommodate all Senators out. We will be debating that at a later who wish to speak by shortening the f time. length of our statements to the extent Furthermore, we need to do what we that it is practical to do so. Obviously, can to make certain that the sacrifices EXPRESSING OPPOSITION OF CON- GRESS TO PRESIDENT CLINTON'S we will have more opportunities once being made nowÐby our men and the resolution passes to come to the women in uniform, by the U.S. tax- PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF GROUND FORCES TO BOSNIA floor and continue this exchange and to payerÐare not for nought. It would be continue to express ourselves. inexcusable to undertake this immense The Senate continued with the con- But if we are going to allow every endeavor, only to leave Bosnia, a year sideration of the concurrent resolution. Senator an opportunity to speak, we later, in the same situation it is in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are going to be constrained somewhat nowÐvirtually defenseless and at the ate will now resume consideration of in the time allotted for each Senator. mercy of its bigger and stronger neigh- Senate Concurrent Resolution 35, of- So I hope everyone will bear that in bors. fered by the Senator from Texas, Mrs. mind and cooperate to the extent it is Later today, we will have an oppor- HUTCHISON. possible so that we can have a vote at tunity to vote on the Hutchison-Inhofe Mr. DOLE addressed the Chair. the earliest possible time. and Dole-McCain resolutions. Now, we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- I yield the floor. should speak decisively in support of jority leader is recognized. Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, we our troops and defeat H.R. 2606. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask unan- need to get aunanimous consent on the This is not the way to goÐcutting off imous consent the Senate resume con- next sequence of speakers. I wish to do funds. As I have said, in all the debates sideration of Senate Concurrent Reso- that so that people know how to plan that I have engaged in, these are the lution 35 and it be in order for this Sen- their afternoon. records of my votes between 1969 and ator to offer my Senate joint resolu- This is the second list after the one 1973. It never seemed appropriate for tion and that no amendments or mo- that was agreed to earlier, and it would me, when you had young men like JOHN tions to commit be in order to either include Senator DEWINE, then FEIN- MCCAIN, a prisoner of war, that we vehicle. STEIN, then LOTT, then BIDEN, then December 13, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 18471 ASHCROFT, KOHL, HATFIELD, LEVIN, along with the President's decision as Bosnians, Serbians, and Croatians INHOFE, BYRD, FAIRCLOTH, WELLSTONE, our Commander in Chief will have came to Dayton because they sought D'AMATO, MURRAY, LEAHY, SIMON, great historic significance, affecting an end to the fighting. The peace BRADLEY, and NUNN, and there will be not only the short-term prospect of agreement reached in Ohio is their Republicans between MURRAY, LEAHY, peace in the Balkans but also the long- peace, not a peace that the United SIMON, BRADLEY, and NUNN. Senator term role of America in NATO and as a States or any other nation is imposing MURKOWSKI would be after Senator worldwide leader. upon them. The Dayton agreement is BYRD. I ask unanimous consent that we Some seem to believe that some of us quite clear about what is expected of put that order in place so that people who have served our country in the each of the signatory parties. If the can begin to plan. And I urge, but do past by being placed in harm's way agreement is broken by any of the not ask for unanimous consent, that have some special insight or superior three parties, we and the other peace- people hold their remarks to 5 minutes wisdom or license to be holier than keeping nations are under no obliga- so that everyone will have a chance, thou in these decisions.
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