Dr. J. Durrenburger Retires; Dr. W. Pafford Successor After 37 years on the faculty Studies in Social Progress/ 1940. says, “VSC is going to be the at VSC, Dr. Joseph Austin Dur­ Dr. D decided to come to VSC leading educational institution renburger, academic dean and “ because it offered me an op­ in south Georgia.” He also add­ head of the department of so­ portunity to do the kind of col­ ed, “I have hopes that the col­ ciology, is to retire effective lege teaching in which I was lege will expand and the grad­ July 1, 1966. interested.” . uate school will attract quality “ Dr. D.” , as he is known to Dr. D. says he thinks the most students.” most of his students, came to important thing that ever hap­ Dr. Durrenburger’s successor VSC in 1929. Since that time pened to VSC in his 37 years is to be named in the near fu­ he has served as head of the was when it became co-ed in ture. division of social sciences, di­ 1950. “ Some of us advocated • 0 m rector of summer school, aca­ going co-ed along with FSU in demic dean, and head of the so­ 1946-47. If we had, I think we The Regents of the Univer­ ciology department. When Dr. would have gone to 2,000 stu­ sity System of Georgia today D. became Academic Dean in dents by 1950. By the time we approved the appointment of Dr. 1949 this made him third in did go co-ed, the veteran rush Ward B. Pafford, professor of the history of the college. was almost over,” he recalled. English at Emory University, as Dr. Durrenburger became fa­ After retirement from the col­ academic dean and professor of miliar with VSC through the lege community, Dr. D. says he English at Valdosta State Col­ placement office at Columbia and his wife wish to do some lege. U. where he received his M.A. traveling to places they have Pafford replaces Dr. J. A. and Ph.D. degrees. He holds never seen or missed on other Durrenberger, whose retirement the B.A. degree from South­ trips. “ We have always wanted as VSC academic dean is ef­ western U. located at George­ to visit Hawaii,” he added. fective July 1, 1966. Pafford Dr. J. A. Durrenburger town, Texas, and is co-author of Looking into the future Dr. D. (Continued on Page 8) Dr. W. B. Pafford tfm g p li TKe Campus Canopy Volume xaaa Valdosta State College, Valdosta, Georgia, Friday, January 14, 1966 Number 6 24 SENIORS NAMED TO WHO'S WHO This year VSC has added 24 Named to Who's Who is Gail TKE Calendar Girl contest, Alpha Chi honor society, the outstanding senior students to Allen of Quitman. Miss Allen Miss VSC Spirit, and a winner BSU and Men's Christian Alii- u j a a i Who's Who in American Uni­ has served on the SGA and in of the Poultry Princess contest. ance. Margaret Ann Smith ^/IrirV VI ri TV versities and Colleges. The stu­ 1965 received the English de­ William H. (Bud) Bridges of Crowe of Valdosta is a mem- IV,tM 7* IVI - 7 dents, selected by a student-fac- partment’s prose award. Tommy Valdosta is a member of Sig­ ber of Alpha Delta Pi, the Alpha ^ IV I I ulty committee, were chosen on Anderson of Valdosta is a mem­ ma Phi Epsilon and has served Chi honor society and has been I o c f l\ j£ ^ m P n the basis of contribution to ber of the Circle K, Sigma Phi as its secretary and assistant [aa membermumhpp ofnf the IVWAA. A A TLee V y t l O L I » LJ I I I V-* U Epsilon fraternity, and the VSC comptroller. He was a member (Peachy) Daniel is a member of campus community life, partici­ Mary, Mary, quite contrary, pation in extra-curricular activi­ tennis team. Gail Bazemore of of the VSC basebal team for Kappa Delta sorority and has Quitman is an Alpha Delta Pi two years and was president of __|served as its secretary. She has How does your lovelife go? ties, the promise of future use­ With publisher husband and fulness, and citizenship. This and has served as vice-presi­ his junior class. Bridges is been a cheerleader for two serving as vice-president of the years and was captain in 1964- movie star boyfriend, year the selection committee dent and chaplain. She has One of them must go. first asked students for their been a member of the WAA, SGA. Jo Bryan Sells has served 65. She was the secretary of the on the SGA, president of the junior class and voted one of With this as the theme of recommendations f o r Who's Glee Club, Sociology Club and the winter quarter drama pro­ Who. Using these suggestions homecoming court for two years. Panhellenic Council, and as the ten best dressed women on Kappa Delta president and vice- campus in 1965. duction, “Mary, Mary” authored as a starting point, the commit­ She is currently serving as Miss by Jean Kerr, the double cast tee nominated the 24 most out­ Pine Cone and served in the president. In 1964 she was Miss President of the Sociology Congeniality in the Miss Val­ Club, Gail Fountain is the trea­ has been announced and rehear­ standing senior students. Dr. court in 1963. Gail has been sals are underway. Louis Sosebee, Dean of Stu­ freshman and junior sweet­ dosta Contest and served on the surer of the Spanish Club, vice- VSC homecoming court. president of Phi Mu sorority Under the direction of Stan­ dents, said that the quota for heart and is the senior class ley DeHart, who joined the VSC VSC for nominations to Who's sweetheart. She was vice-presi­ Dennis Cox is a member of and a member of Sigma Alpha the Circle K, Math Science Club Chi. She has served as the Can­ Speech Department at the be­ Who is 24, either two over or dent of her sophomore class. She ginning of the fall quarter, the two under. has been a runner-up in the of which he is the president, opy exchange editor. Elaine Freeman Pilcher has been a first weekend cast is as follows: mmber of the Education Club, a Mary, the sharp-tongued di­ Sig Ep sponsor, Pi Kappa Phi vorcee, will be played by Dianne sponsor and served as Alpha Leary; Bob, her ex-husband Delta Pi treasurer and presi­ and a publisher, will be portray­ dent. he is a member of Sigma ed by Jimmy Womack; Dirk, Alpha Chi honor society. the movie star, played by Bill Billy Gillis, active in support Gable; Tiffany, Bob’s fiancee, is of VSC athletics, has served as Mell McCord; and in the role Phi Beta Lambda treasurer. A of Oscar Nelson, Bob's tax law­ transfer student from Mercer yer and friend to Bob and Mary, University in 1963, Lynn Glas­ will be Larry Hayslip. gow is a member of Alpha Delta The second week-end cast will Pi and has won the soroty's be Mary, Angie Thompson; Bob, scholarship award. She is a Jimmy Womack; Dirk, Bill Ga­ member of the Education Club, ble; Tiffany, Kay Powell; and the Spanish Club and Sigma A l­ as Oscar Nelson, Terry Carter. pha Chi. This year she was The performances are sched­ president of Ashley Hall and uled for the weekends of Feb. on the executive council of the 25 - 26, and March 4 - 5 in the WAA. Pound Hall Auditorium. Another ADPi, Alwyn Hamill, Jerry Dickson from Adel, is is a member of the Sociology the assistant director, and will Club, Sigma Alpha Chi, the BSU assume all the duties of the di­ and the Pine Cone staff. In rector when DeHart is unable 1965 she was a state public wel­ to attend rehearsals. fare trainee. Ellen Taylor Hodg­ es has been a member of the Education Club, SGA, Alpha Xi Delta sorority, the homecoming ETV Office court, and a cheerleader. Delle Hughes has held offices in the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, Moves Here been a member of the Inter- Fraternity Council, the Campus The South Georgia education­ Canopy staff, Phi Beta Lambda al television community rela­ business fraternity, and is cur­ tions office has been moved rently serving on the SGA. from Waycross to Valdosta by Mike Jarvis won the best ac­ the University of Georgia. tor award in 1964-65 and Mr. Van B. Darby, the University VSC Talent in 1964. Larry Man­ ETV representative, has located ning is the Pine Cone business his office at North Campus of manager and ha served as its VSC. sports editor. He has been a The move was made because member of the Circle K. Cheryl Valdosta is an ideal location Dalle ClrftJy Margaret Ann Ellen Taylor Larry Metts is a member of Alpha for the type of program Darby Hughes Sessions Smith Crowe Hodges Manning (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) Page Two t h e c a m p u s c a n o p y January 14, 1966 KAY PO W E LL LITTLE MAN ON CAMKJS Entertainment Rule Must Be Changed Even though VSC is an integrated college author Louis Lomax could not appear at VSC and has been for three years, no Negro enter­ for lectures. tainers are allowed on campus. It is time for Usually better Negro entertainers can be ruling to be changed.
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