September, 2012 September, Afghan News Latest News Facts on Afghan- Singaporean Rela- tions in honor of Ambassador Fatimie’s reception in the Republic of Singapore Diplomatic relations be- tween the Islamic Repub- lic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Singa- pore were formalized in 2006. The Republic of Singa- pore has been a major cooperative partner in a H.E. President Karzai swears into office Defense, Inte- number of activities re- lated to Afghanistan’s rior, and Head of NDS peace and development, particularly in capacity development of officials. In a ceremony was held in the Presidential The appointments had been approved by Palace on September 16, 2012 adminis- the Lower House one day earlier. tered by H.E. President Hamid Karzai, H.E. General Bismellah Mohammadi, (also pictured above, H.E. First Vice- H.E. General Gholam Mujtaba Patang, president Marshal Mohammad Qaseem and H.E. Mr. Asadullah Khalid were Fahim with Their Excellencies Minister Inside this issue: sworn in as the new Minister of Defense, Mohammadi and Minister Patang ) Minister of Interior, and Head of the Na- tional Directorate of Security, respec- Latest News Pg.1-4 tively. Each of the individuals, in pledg- H.E. Foreign Minister Rassoul visits ing their allegiance to God, people, Gov- Lithuania, inaugurates international ernment, and office, recited the oath of conference on regional cooperation office as read out by H.E. the President. H.E. President Karzai wished success for H.E. Foreign Minister Dr. Zalmai Ras- the gentlemen in serving their nation and soul visited Lithuania September 18-19 country. (Continued on page 2) 1 AfghanAfghan News,News, NovemberSeptember 1010 2012 Ambassador Fatimie had the dis- tinct honor of meeting with H.E. the President. First and foremost, Ambassador Fatimie offered sin- cerest appreciation for the arrange- ments made and the precious time provided H.E. President Yam. The Ambassador also expressed, on behalf of the people and Govern- ment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, deepest gratitude for the Republic's support in Afghani- stan's peace and development, in in order to meet with key officials, Ambassador Fatimie visits Repub- particular referencing Singapore's prominently including H.E. Prime lic of Singapore, presents creden- efforts in capacity building. Minister Andrius Kubilius, and to tials, meets with H.E. President attend an international conference Yam and key officials Representative of His and His na- entitled “Afghanistan and the Re- tion's kindness and generosity, H.E. gion: Practical Approaches for Sus- Between August 28th and September the President expressed that the tainable Development” on the19th. 5th, Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Republic of Singapore considers its More than 20 countries and regional Amin Fatimie visited the Republic of efforts in Afghanistan as its duty to and international organizations par- Singapore in order to present his cre- the Afghan people and pledged to ticipated. dentials as non-resident Ambassador continue. Furthermore, He men- to the Republic of Singapore to H.E. tioned that the peace and stability Speaking on Afghanistan’s intercon- President Tony Tan Keng Yam and of Afghanistan is central to the nectedness with the region and the to meet with senior government offi- peace and stability of the world. mutual benefit that this can bring, cials. This was Ambassador H.E. Minister Rassoul stated, “since Fatimie's first visit to the City State, Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin late last year, the series of confer- a very cherished experience and in- Fatimie had the honor of meeting ences beginning with Istanbul in vestment in further strengthening with H.E. Ms. Grace Fu, Second November, followed by Bonn in relations between the two nations. Minister for Foreign Affairs and December, Dushanbe in March, Second Minister for the Environ- Chicago in May, and the Heart of On August 30th, H.E. President Yam ment and Water Resources on Au- Asia Ministerial meeting in Kabul graciously met with Ambassador gust 31st. During his valuable audi- this June, have demonstrated an Fatimie in a most special ceremony. ence with H.E. Second Minister Fu, emerging consensus in the region, Following the credential ceremony, Ambassador Fatimie firstly ex- supported by the international com- munity, for a secure, stable, prosper- ous Afghanistan that is a reliable hub for regional trade and transit at a key interchange in Asia, the world’s most dynamic region. Be- sides facilitating the movement of goods and services, the private sec- tor gathering in New Delhi this past June, in the lead-up to Tokyo, dem- onstrated Afghanistan’s growing contributions to global markets in the trade of, for example, precious minerals, agricultural products, car- pets, cashmere, and marble.” The conference and H.E. Minister Rassoul’s participation have been hailed as highly successful. (Continued on page 3) 2 Afghan News, September 2012 existing Singaporean cooperation, role it has played in allowing Af- H.E. Second Minister Fu graciously ghanistan’s officials to develop echoed the words of H.E. President quickly and professionally. The Yam, saying that the Republic of Institute’s representatives kindly Singapore is committed to continu- stated that while already possess- ing to work with the Islamic Re- ing deep ties with Afghanistan’s public of Afghanistan. Civil Service Institute, they hope to further strengthen this relationship During this visit, Ambassador and would like to increase the sup- Fatimie also had the privilege of port it provides. meeting with the Ministry of For- eign Affairs’ Director General for Another of the highlights of Am- pressed, on behalf of the people and Middle East and North Central bassador Fatimie’s Singapore trip Government of the Islamic Republic Asia, H.E. Mr. Samuel Tan; and its was the visit to Sentosa island, of Singapore, deepest gratitude for Acting Chief of Protocol, Mr. Mi- which is an internationally re- the Republic’s unwavering and gener- chael Tan. With H.E. Director Gen- nowned tourist destination, con- ous support towards Afghanistan’s eral Tan, Ambassador Fatimie was tributing largely to the Republic’s peace and development. The Ambas- able to express deepest gratitude finances. This trip helped to reso- sador spoke of the impact that this directly to a highly influential fig- nate the point that was made to support has had, in making possible ure directly responsible for Singa- Ambassador Fatimie that despite great progress across multiple sectors. pore’s effect-generating assistance. the small land mass of the nation Touching on the successes of the To- The two spoke on a range of topics and the lack of natural resources, kyo Conference, Ambassador Fatimie of mutual interest including the through its strong exports and tour- mentioned that this would set up the achievements of Afghanistan since ism, the Republic has become a transition to fully Afghan security as the formation of the current Gov- world economic power; this served well as to a decrease on donor de- ernment, the Tokyo Conference and as further inspiration to the poten- pendence; Ambassador Fatimie wel- its significance, and the security tial of Afghanistan to capitalize comed potential Singaporean private transition. H.E. Director General upon its own unique traits towards sector investment in Afghanistan, in Tan conferred upon Ambassador increased success. particularly in natural resources, to- Fatimie an invitation to in the fu- wards this end. ture speak at the esteemed Singa- pore Strategic Institution. Work towards sustained and eq- H.E. the Second Minister showed uitable access to education fur- great interest in the topics of discus- Having the opportunity to visit Sin- ther strengthened sion, and directed her office to follow gapore’s Civil Service Institute, -up on these matters with an eye on Ambassador Fatimie praised the Since March 2011, Afghanistan potential partnership. As far as the Institute and its staff for the crucial has been taking another action in its course to provide sustained and equitable access to education within the nation through its mem- bership in the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) initiative. Earlier this month, the nation’s involvement in this initiative was further underscored in the granting of further resources over three years to 55 priority districts in 13 provinces (Badghis, Ghor, Dai- kundi, Urozgan, Farah, Nimruz, Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Pak- tika, Paktia, Khost, and Nuristan). The move is supported by partners UNICEF and the Kingdom of Den- mark. The program has four pil- lars, described by the Ministry of Finance as: 3 Afghan News, September 2012 “strengthening community and so- park in a ceremony attended by cial mobilization and governance H.E. Commerce and Industries system at the local level, Minister Anwarul Haq Ahadi, H.E. “Expanding and reinforcing multiple Economic Minister Abdul Hadi pathways to education, Arghandiwal, and Hon. Governor “Increasing the number of qualified Daud Shah Saba. The factory now female teachers in areas with high produces about 80 tonnes of iron gender disparities, on a daily, but plans call for in- “Streamlining policy and adminis- creasing the capability to 400 ton- trative systems in the Ministry of nes per day. Education.” Telecommunication towers to the Afghan Society for Science and bring access to rural areas Engineering Education and the Af- ghanistan Telecommunication Regu- 220 telecommunication towers will latory Authority the Ministry of be built in rural areas currently with- Communication and Information out coverage by private companies Technology and technical assistance, through the arrangement of the Min- was attended by professors from Ka- istry of Communications and Infor- bul, Nangarhar, and mation Technology. 440,000 people Balkh Universities, experts in vari- will benefit from the project. The ous departments of science and engi- companies participating in the pro- neering community, Afghan re- ject are Afghan Telecom, which will searchers and scientists abroad, stu- build 195 towers; Afghan Wireless, dents of universities and a large au- to build 9; and MTN, which will dience.
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