Bettina Steible premiobrunet 2018 a la mejor tesis doctoral a la promoción de los derechos humanos El Premio Jaime Brunet distingue a las mejores tesis doctorales relacionadas con la defensa y promoción de los derechos humanos. Bettina Steible (Montpellier, 1987) Colección Premio Brunet: 1. Tendencias internacionales sobre la jurisdicción universal: Pursuant to Common Article 1 to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, the State parties and Spain France, The EU, Ensuring compliance with International Humanitarian Law Bettina Steible is an assistant professor of law at the la experiencia española. Maria Chiara Marullo (2016). have the obligation to respect and to ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law Ensuring compliance Open University of Catalonia (UOC). 2. Procesos de verdad, justicia y reparación a las víctimas de (IHL). In this context, the objective of this thesis is to analyze whether the European Union desaparición forzada en el Sahara Occidental. (EU) and two of its Member States – France and Spain – have enforced their obligation to with International She holds a PhD in law from the Autonomous María López Belloso (2017). ensure respect for IHL. It seeks to scrutinize how two juris corpuses, namely IHL and EU law, University of Barcelona (UAB) as well as a Bachelor of which used to follow separate paths, appeared to converge and be interlinked. This thesis takes 3. Ensuring compliance with International Humanitarian Law. Laws and a Master’s in Public Law from the University the view that the enforcement of IHL must be analyzed from a multilevel perspective. While Humanitarian Law The EU, France, and Spain. of Montpellier. She also pursued a Master’s in European IHL rely on national law to be truly effective, the process of European integration makes it Bettina Steible (2018). Law and Politics, a two-year bilingual program with imperative to add the supranational level: the EU. This configuration generates a virtuous circle The EU, France, and Spain of compliance whereby the legal authority of Common Article 1 is reinforced, thus leading mobility at the four partner universities (UAB – ES, Università degli Studi di Milano - IT, Uniwersytet to the improved enforcement of IHL. In turn, the EU projects its values on the international Bettina Steible scene and is strengthened as a leader in human rights. Likewise, the EU constitutes an additional Szczecinski – PL, and Université Montpellier I - FR). level of guarantee and action for its Member States in the enforcement of their obligation arising under IHL. It is argued that the EU has established itself as an essential actor of IHL on During her PhD, she went to UC Berkeley (Boalt the international scene. The EU – a self-proclaimed leader in human rights matters – and its Hall, USA) and Paris Panthéon-Assas (FR) as visiting Member States are not only bound by Common Article 1, but they also have accepted their scholar. She also benefited from a four-year predoctoral mandate to effectively enforce it on the international scene scholarship at the UAB and a ‘Carlos V European Award – Sofia Corradi’ grant from the European Academy of Yuste Foundation. Apart from her teaching and research at the UOC, UAB and Pompeu Fabra University, she has worked for the European Institute of Public Administration and EuroMed Justice. Her main research interests focus on European Constitutional Law and the multilevel protection of human rights in Europe. ISBN: 978-84-9769-359-2 9 7 8 8 4 9 7 6 9 3 5 9 2 cubierta_brunet_steible.indd 1 24/08/20 13:08 Ensuring compliance with International Humanitarian Law The EU, France, and Spain Ensuring compliance with International Humanitarian Law The EU, France, and Spain Bettina Steible Colección Premio Brunet (2018) Título: Ensuring compliance with International Humanitarian Law. The EU, France, and Spain Autora: Bettina Steible Edita: Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa 1ª ed.: 2020 Diseño de cubierta: Sonia Beroiz (Kö Comunicación Gráfica) Fotoomposición: Pretexto ISBN: 978-84-9769-359-2 ISBN: 978-84-9769-360-8 DOI: https://doi.org/10.48035/978-84-9769-359-2 © Autora © Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa This is a open access title distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license, which permits any non-comercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source credited. Further information and the com- plete license text can be found at: https://creativecommons.org/about/cclicenses/ Coordinación Sección de Comunicación (Publicaciones) Universidad Pública de Navarra Campus de Arrosadia 31006 Pamplona [email protected] Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Que la fascination intellectuelle suscitée par le droit humanitaire ne nous fasse jamais oublier ce qu’il est censé protéger : une humanité compromise par la guerre. Jean d’Aspremont & Jérôme de Hemptinne (Droit international humanitaire, Paris, Pedone, 2012) Jaime Brunet Romero was born in Bayonne (France) on 20 July 1926 and died on 4 January 1992 in San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa). Born into a family of Catalan businesspeople who had moved to Gipuzkoa in the 18th century (where they performed significant industrial work), he was educated in a liberal environ- ment, critical of the times in which he lived. He was encouraged to study law by his father, Jaime Brunet Goitia, the local head of the Republican Party and former deputy mayor of San Sebastián, where both his grandfather and great-grandfather had previously held the post of mayor. He studied at the University of Valladolid, where he worked for a time as assistant professor. His love of reading was only matched by that of learning languages, which allowed him to get by with ease on his many travels, which took him, despite the difficulties of the day, to more than thirty countries. It was during his travels, he recounted, that he realised the degree of abuse of and discrimination and violence against the weak by the powerful still present in the 20th century and the ease with which the most elementary of human rights were infringed on a daily basis. During the later years of his life, his sensitivity towards human rights and the defence of civil freedom, often in the face of governmental abuse, became a constant concern for him. In the absence of heirs, and stirred by a disgust for injustice, he decided to leave his fortune in order that a foundation bearing his name be created on his death devoted to disseminating human rights and rewarding those whose work in their defence should merit such recognition. This led to the creation of the Jaime Brunet Romero Foundation, based at the Public University of Navarre, in accordance with his last will and testament. * * * 10 │ ENSURING COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW The Jaime Brunet Foundation, based at the Public University of Navarre, was created at the express wish of Jaime Brunet Romero to encourage respect for human dignity, basic freedoms and human rights, and to contribute to the eradication of inhumane and degrading situations and treatment. Since 1998, the principal activity of the foundation has been to hold the Prize bearing Brunet’s name to distinguish the track records or work of people or institu- tions that have excelled in the defence of human rights. Coming with a signif- icant monetary prize, it has, to date, been awarded on 19 occasions to people and institutions of international renown, which in turn has consolidated the prestige of the prize. Given the important relationship between the Foundation and the Public University of Navarre, it seemed appropriate to strengthen the ties between the objectives of the foundation and the academic activity conducted at the university, chiefly research, and within that field that of young researchers in training. In this regard, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation decided to establish a new award to recognise doctoral thesis work whose content was directly related to human rights, their defence and advocacy. In addition to the recognition itself and the prize money, the award also entails the publication of the doctoral thesis in question. The copy you are holding is the winning entry from the 2018 edition, the third in a collection which will, logically, focus on the subject of human rights. At the Brunet Foundation, we are convinced that this initiative will contrib- ute very positively to the ends of the foundation and incentivise the careers of many young researchers. Ramón Gonzalo García Chair of the Jaime Brunet Foundation Rector of the Public University of Navarre Jaime Brunet Romero nació en Bayona (Francia) el 20 de julio de 1926 y fa- lleció el 4 de enero de 1992 en San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa). Nacido en el seno de una familia de emprendedores catalanes que se había asentado en el siglo XVIII en Gipuzkoa (donde desarrollaron una importante actividad industrial), fue educado con un talante liberal y crítico con la época que le tocó vivir. Fue en- caminado a la carrera de Derecho por su padre, Jaime Brunet Goitia, jefe local del partido republicano que llegó a ser teniente de alcalde del ayuntamiento de San Sebastián, donde ya habían ocupado la alcaldía su abuelo y bisabuelo. Cursó sus estudios en la Universidad de Valladolid, en la que ejerció por un tiempo como profesor ayudante. Su afición destacada por la lectura se acompañó por el interés de apren- der idiomas, con los que pudo desenvolverse con facilidad en sus numerosos viajes, que le llevaron, a pesar de las dificultades de su tiempo, a recorrer más de treinta países. En estos viajes, según confesaba, captó y comprendió cuánta discriminación y violencia, cuánto abuso de los poderosos sobre los débiles existen aún en nuestro siglo, y con qué facilidad se conculcan diariamente los derechos más elementales de la persona humana.
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