APPENDIX A: EVENTS THE EXAMINATION The list below contains the main events which occurred and the procedural decisions taken during the Examination. 1 September 2015 Site Inspection (Unaccompanied) Unaccompanied Site Inspection beginning on 1 September 2015 and continuing on 2 September 2015. 3 September 2015 Preliminary Meeting 11 September 2015 Issue by ExA of: Rule 8 letter that included: • Examination timetable • Examining Authority’s (ExA) first written questions (publication) 5 October 2015 Deadline 1: Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs) Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words Written Representations (WRs) by all interested parties Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from any local authorities Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) Responses to ExA’s first written questions Schedule of compulsory acquisition Comments on any submissions received prior to the preliminary meeting Deadline for notification: Of wish for a Compulsory Acquisition hearing to be held Of wish to be heard at an Open Floor hearing Of suggested locations to be inspected by the ExA and the Features to be observed there, with reasons for each nomination stating if they can be viewed from a publicly accessible location Of wish to attend an Accompanied Site Inspection by statutory parties who wish to be considered an interested party 13 October 2015 Issue by ExA of: A Rule 8(3), Rule 13 and Rule 17- notifying of changes to the examination timetable, notifying of all hearings and Accompanied Site Inspection and request for further information 27 October 2015 Deadline 2 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on WRs Comments on responses to comments on RRs Comments on LIRs Comments on responses to ExA’s first written questions Updated schedule of compulsory acquisition Updated Statements of Common Ground Revised draft DCO from applicant Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 1 2 November 2015 Publication of: Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary Open Floor hearing agenda Agenda for Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition hearings 10 November 2015 Open Floor hearing (evening) 10 November 2015 Site Visit (Accompanied) Day One 11 November 2015 Site Visit (Accompanied) Day Two Open Floor hearing (evening) 12 November 2015 Issue Specific hearing on the draft Development Consent Order 13 November 2015 Compulsory Acquisition hearing 16 November 2015 Open Floor hearing 17 November 2015 Issue Specific hearing on: On-shore Issues hearing including Construction and Noise 18 November 2015 Issue Specific hearing on Landscape and Visual Impacts 19 November 2015 Issue Specific hearing on Socio-Economic Issues hearing 30 November 2015 Deadline 3 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Post hearing documents Written summary of oral cases put at hearings Applicant’s revised draft DCO Updated schedule of compulsory acquisition Updated SoCG Any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any other information received at Deadline 2 11 November 2015 Publication of: Agendas for the second round of Issue Specific hearings 11 December 2015 Publication of: Agendas for the second written questions 11 January 2016 Publication of: Agendas for the hearings on 20, 21 and 22 January 2016 19 January 2016 Issue Specific Hearing on Local Impacts 20 January 2016 Compulsory Acquisition hearing (Day One) 21 January 2016 Compulsory Acquisition hearing (Day Two) 22 January 2016 Compulsory Acquisition hearing (Day Three) 22 January 2016 Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order 1 February 2016 Deadline 5 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Post hearing documents Written summary of oral cases put at hearings Comments on responses to ExA’s second written questions Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 4 Updated schedule of compulsory acquisition Updated SoCG Any further information requested by the ExA 10 February 2016 Publication of: Report on the Implication for European Sites (RIES) ExA's consultation draft DCO in the form of a Schedule of ExA’s recommended amendments to the Applicant’s draft DCO version F [REP5-035] Third Round of Written Questions 17 February 2016 Deadline 6: Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on ExA’s consultation draft DCO in the form of a Schedule of ExA’s recommended amendments to the Applicant’s draft DCO version F [REP5-035] Response to Third Round Written Questions 23 February 2016 Issue by ExA of: A Rule 8(3) and a Rule 17 that included: A request for further information and change to the timetable 24 February 2016 Deadline 7: Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on RIES Applicant’s final draft DCO Final updated SoCG Any further information required by the ExA 29 February 2016 Deadline 8: Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Response to Rule 17 issued 23 February 2015 Comments on documents received for Deadline 6 and 7 3 March 2016 Close of Examination 4 March 2016 Issue by ExA of: Notification of Close of Examination Project EN020019 Triton Knoll Electrical System Examination Library Updated – 02/06/2016 This Examination Library relates to the Triton Knoll Electrical System application. The library lists each document that has been submitted to the examination by any party and documents that have been issued by the Planning Inspectorate. All documents listed have been published to the National Infrastructures Planning website and a hyperlink is provided for each document. A unique reference is given to each document; these references will be used within the Report on the Implications for European Sites and will be used in the Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report. The documents within the library are categorised either by document type or by the deadline to which they are submitted. Please note the following: • This is a working document and will be updated periodically as the examination progresses. • Advice under Section 51 of the Planning Act 2008 that has been issued by the Inspectorate, is published to the National Infrastructure Website but is not included within the Examination Library as such advice is not an examination document. • This document contains references to documents from the point the application was submitted. • The order of documents within each sub-section is either chronological, numerical, or alphabetical and confers no priority or higher status on those that have been listed first. EN020019 – Triton Knoll Electrical System Examination Library – Index Use these links to search the Library Category Reference Application Documents APP-xxx (as submitted, any amended version to be saved under the deadline received) Post-Submission Changes APP-xxx (accepted by the Examining Authority(ExA) at the Preliminary Meeting (PM)) Post-Submission Changes APP-xxx (accepted by the ExA between 9 – 13 November 2015) Adequacy of Consultation responses AoC-xxx Relevant Representations RR-xxx Procedural Decisions and Notifications PD-xxx from the ExA (includes ExA’s questions ,s55, and post acceptance s51 advice) Additional Submissions AS-xxx (this includes anything accepted at the PM, correspondence that is either relevant to a procedural decision or contains factual information pertaining to the examination) Events and Hearings EV-xxx (includes agendas for hearings and site inspections, audio recordings, responses to notifications, Applicant’s hearing notices, and responses to R6 and R8) Representations – by Deadline 2 Deadline 1: REP1-xxx Written Representations, responses to the ExA’s first written questions, Local Impact Reports (LIR), Statements of Common Ground (SoCG), other submissions Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) REP1-xxx Local Impact Reports (LIR) LIR-xxx Deadline 2: REP2-xxx Comments on Written Representations, comments on responses to comments on Relevant Representations, comments on Local Impact Reports, comments on responses to Examining Authority’s first written questions, updated schedule of Compulsory Acquisition, updated SoCG, revised draft Development Consent Order (DCO) from Applicant, comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 1 Deadline 3: REP3-xxx Post hearing documents, written summary of oral cases put at hearings, Applicant’s revised draft DCO, updated schedule of Compulsory Acquisition, updated SoCG, any further information requested by the ExA, comments on any other information received at Deadline 2 Deadline 4: REP4-xxx Response to ExA’s second written questions, comments on any other information received at Deadline 3, updated schedule of Compulsory Acquisition, updated SoCG, any further information requested by the ExA Deadline 5: REP5-xxx Post hearing documents, written summary of oral cases put at hearings, 3 comments on responses to ExA’s second written questions, comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 4, updated schedule of Compulsory Acquisition, updated SoCG, any further information requested by the ExA Deadline 6: REP6-xxx Comments on ExA’s consultation draft DCO in the form of a schedule of ExA’s recommended amendments to the Applicant’s draft DCO version F [REP5- 035] and response to third round written questions Deadline 7: REP7-xxx Comments on RIES, Applicant’s final draft DCO, final updated SoCG and any further information required by the ExA Deadline 8 REP8-xxx Response to Rule 17 issued 23 February 2015, comments on documents received for Deadline 6 and 7 Statements of Common Ground REP2-xxx Other Documents OD-xxx (includes s127/131/138 information, Applicant’s hearing
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