中设集团 CMEC పᱧ䃫䃎 DESIGN CONTENTS 目录 中国机械设备工程股份有限公司 China Machinery Engineering Corporation 1. 中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司 China Machinery International Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd 1 2. 中机中电设计研究院有限公司 China Electric Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. 46 3. 机械工业勘察设计研究院有限公司 China Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigations and Design Co., Ltd. 61 4. 哈尔滨电站设备成套设计研究所有限公司 Introduction of Harbin Power System Engineering & Research Institute CO.,LTD 71 5. 天津电气科学研究院有限公司 Tianjin Research Institute of Electric Science Co., Ltd. 77 中工国际工程股份有限公司 China CAMC Engineering Co.,Ltd. 6. 中国中元国际工程有限公司 China ippr international engineering co.,ltd 85 7. 北京起重运输机械设计研究院有限公司 Beijing Materials Handling Research Institute Co.,ltd(BMHRI) 96 中国机械工业建设集团有限公司 China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc. 8. 中机建设工程设计研究院青岛分院 Engineering Research and Design Institute of SINOCONST Qingdao Branch 108 9. 天津中机建设工程设计有限公司 Tianjin SINOCONST Engineering Design Co., Ltd 112 国机重型装备集团股份有限公司 SINOMACH HEAVY EQUIPMENT GROUP CO.,LTD. 10. 中国重型机械研究院股份公司 China National Heavy Machinery Research Institute Co.,Ltd. 117 目录 CONTENTS 11. 陕西冶金设计研究院有限公司 Metallurgical Design Institute Co., Ltd. Shaanxi 149 12. 二重(德阳)重型装备有限公司 Erzhong (Deyang) Heavy Equipment Co.,Ltd. 153 13. 中国第二重型机械集团德阳万航模锻有限责任公司 CHINA NATIONAL ERZHONG GROUP DEYANG WANHANG DIE FORGING CO., LTD. 160 中国浦发机械工业股份有限公司 China Perfect Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd. 14. 中国浦发机械工业股份有限公司 China Perfect Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd. 163 15. 甘肃蓝科石化高新装备股份有限公司 Lanpec Technologies Limited 165 中国联合工程有限公司 China United Engineering Corporation Limited 16. 中国联合工程有限公司 China United Engineering Corporation Limited 171 合肥通用机械研究院有限公司 Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd. 17. 合肥通用机械研究院有限公司 Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd. 203 18. 中国通用机械工程有限公司 China National General Machinery Engineering Corporation 211 中国电器科学研究院股份有限公司 China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd. 19. 中国电器科学研究院股份有限公司 China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd. 214 CONTENTS 目录 国机集团科学技术研究院有限公司 SINOMACH Academy of Science and Technology Co., Ltd 20. 沈阳仪表科学研究院有限公司 Shenyang Academy of Instrumentation Science Co.,Ltd. 219 机械工业第六设计研究院有限公司 SIPPR Engineering Group Co., Ltd 21. 机械工业第六设计研究院有限公司 SIPPR Engineering Group Co., Ltd 228 中国农业机械化科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences 22. 中国农业机械化科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences 238 23. 中机十院国际工程有限公司 China Machinery TDI International Engineering Co.,Ltd. 243 中设集团 CMEC 中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司 China Machinery International Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd 公司名称:中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司 Company Name: China Machinery International Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd 公司简介 Company Profile 中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司 ( 简称中机 Founded in 1951,China Machinery International Engineering Design 国 际, 英 文 全 称 China Machinery International Engineering & Research Institute Co., Ltd, (referred to as CMIE, which is the former 8th Design Institute of Ministry of Machinery Industry),is one of Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd,简称 CMIE, 原机械工 China's first batch of large comprehensive design units, also a high- 业部第八设计研究院 ),我国最早组建的国家大型综合性设 tech enterprise integrating engineering consulting, engineering design, 计单位之一,创建于 1951 年,是集工程咨询、工程设计、 general project contracting, project management, project supervision, engineering investigation, construction, special equipment design 工程总承包、项目管理、工程监理、工程勘察、工程施工、 and manufacturing, complete plant supply and engineering research. 专用设备设计与制造、设备成套和工程技术研究于一体的 Headquartered in Changsha, it belongs to one of the Fortune 500 高新技术企业,总部设在长沙,隶属于世界 500 强企业中 enterprises- China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as SINOMACH), and is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Machinery 国机械工业集团有限公司 ( 简称国机集团 ),是中国机械设 Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as CMEC, a Hong Kong listed 备工程股份有限公司 ( 简称 CMEC,香港上市公司 ) 的全资 company). 子公司。 专业团队 Professional Team 中机国际由综合设计研究院、建筑设计研究院、市政 CMIE is composed of Comprehensive Design and Research 与环保设计研究院、技术研究院、工程公司等板块组成, Division, Architectural Design and Research Division, Municipal and Environmental Protection Design Division, Technology Research 共有 40 余个生产单元、10 余个研究机构,拥有 30 多个专 Division and Engineering Company, etc. It has a total of more than 业类别的专业技术人员 1500 余人,其中有享受政府特殊津 40 production units, more than 10 research institutes and more than 贴专家、APEC 建筑师、IPMP 项目管理师、湖南省勘察设计 1,500 professional and technical personnel from over 30 professional categories. There are nearly 500 people including experts who 大师、研究员级高级工程师、高级技术人员、各类国家注 enjoy government special allowance, APEC architects, IPMP project 册师等近 500 人。在北京、南京等地设有分支机构。 managers, survey and design masters of Hunan Province, senior engineers of professor level, senior technicians and various national registered engineers. CMIE has branch companies in Beijing and Nanjing, etc. 企业资质 Qualifications 中机国际拥有机械、建筑、市政、军工、冶金、轻纺、 CMIE has Class A design qualification in the industries of machinery, 风景园林、环境工程等行业甲级设计资质;具有电力、电 architecture, municipal engineering, military industry, metallurgy, textile, landscape architecture and environmental engineering, etc.; It 子通信广电、化工石化医药、农林、商物粮、石油天然气 has Class B design qualification in electric power, telecommunication, 等行业乙级设计资质;具有机械、建筑、电子、有色冶金、 chemical and petrochemical industry, agriculture and forestry, commercial grain, oil and natural gas, etc.; It has Class A consulting 火电、生态建设与环境工程、市政公用工程甲级咨询资质; qualification in machinery, architecture, electronics, nonferrous 具有城乡规划编制甲级、工程造价咨询甲级和工程监理甲 metallurgy, thermal power, ecological construction and environmental engineering, municipal public works; It has Class A qualification 级资质、施工图审查一类资质;具有压力管道 GA、GB、 in urban and rural planning preparation, Class A qualification in - 1 - 中设集团 CMEC GC、GD 设计资质以及工程勘察、环境影响评价乙级资质; engineering cost consultation, Class A qualification in engineering 具有进出口企业和对外承包工程经营资格;具有市政公用 supervision, and Class A qualification in construction drawings review; It has design qualification of pressure pipeline GA, GB, GC 工程施工总承包一级资质以及建筑装饰工程、机电安装工 and GD, and Class B qualification in engineering investigation and 程、建筑智能化工程、环保工程、送变电工程和园林绿化 environmental impact assessment; it has import and export operation qualification, and implementation qualification of foreign project; it has 施工专业承包资质以及检验检测机构计量认证资格。 1st level qualification of general construction contracting in municipal public works and professional construction qualification in architectural decoration engineering, mechanical and electrical installation, intelligent building engineering, environmental protection engineering, power transmission and transformation and landscaping. 服务领域 Service Areas 中机国际业务包括工业工程、民用建筑工程、市政工程、 CMIE Business covers five major industries of industrial engineering, 环保工程、电力工程五大领域,国内、国际两大市场。 civil building engineering, municipal engineering, environmental protection engineering and power engineering, both in domestic and international markets. 工业工程在哈电、东电、上电等一大批传统电工行业 CMIE has made remarkable achievements in industrial engineering, with a large number of clients which are national backbone enterprises 国家重点骨干企业中创下了骄人的业绩,在工程机械、交 in traditional electrician industry, such as Harbin Electric Co., Ltd, 通运输设备、有色冶金、新能源装备、新材料、汽车及零 Dongfang Electric Corporation and Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd. CMIE makes great contributions and enjoys its competitive advantages in the 部件等行业硕果累累,形成了新的竞争优势。 areas of engineering machinery, transportation equipment, nonferrous metallurgy, new energy equipment, new materials, automobiles and 民用建筑形成了从规划到设计、风景园林、建筑装饰 parts, etc. CMIE delivers a complete service chain in civil building design, from 全业务链服务能力,在医院、学校、酒店、办公、商业、金融、 planning and design, to landscape architecture and architectural 体育、文化、古建、博物馆、居住等十多类民用建筑领域, decoration. It has technology brand advantage in more than ten civil building areas, such as hospitals, schools, hotels, offices, commerce, 形成了技术品牌优势。 finance, sports, culture, ancient architecture, museums and residences. CMIE has strong technical strength and makes great performance in 市政工程在市政给水排水,生活垃圾、餐厨垃圾、医 engineering consulting, engineering design, engineering investigation and engineering measurement of municipal engineering projects, in 疗垃圾处理,城镇燃气,市政道路桥梁等工程咨询、工程 the fields of municipal water supply and drainage, domestic waste, 设计及工程勘察、工程测量等方面,技术实力雄厚,业绩 food waste, medical waste disposal, urban gas, municipal roads and bridges. 丰富。 CMIE provides characteristic service and accumulates extensive experience in engineering design, general contracting and environmental impact assessment of environmental protection projects, 环保工程在水污染防治、固体废物处理处置、噪声治理、 in the specific areas such as prevention and control of water pollution, 大气污染防治、污染修复等工程设计、工程总承包以及环 treatment and disposal of solid waste, noise control, prevention and 境影响评价等方面具有技术特色和丰富的经验。 control of air pollution and pollution remediation. Via distinctive operation, CMIE has achieved good results in power engineering projects, such as photovoltaic power generation projects, 电力工程领域,在光伏发电工程、分布式能源工程、 distributed energy projects, heat supply projects, power transmission and transformation projects, gas turbine power stations and diesel 供热工程、输变电工程、燃机电站和柴油机电站等业务方面, power stations. It has completed more than 100 various types of 通过特色化经营,取得了良好业绩。完成各类电力工程设 electrical engineering design and accumulated rich experience in design of international electrical engineering projects. 计 100 多项,并积累了较丰富的国际电力工程设计经验。 Through resource combination and scientific management, CMIE explores international project operation mode that adapts to various 国际工程业务通过资源组合和科学管理,探索适应各 kinds of international engineering
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