00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 225 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLAND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1986 House Claims Iran Put Out $12 Million For Arms Strike Agreement By LAWRENCE L KNUTSON Assoclated Press Wrlter other countrIes" have shIpped InformatIon about a covert op- Tentative arms to Iran But he saId these eratlon from Congress By JANET BRAUNSTEIN WASHINGTON -- AccusIng the shIpments were not necessarIly "I don't thInk there IS any AP Auto Wn ter Reagan admInIstratIon of VIO­ connected to the efforts by the questIon that the law has been latIng the law, House MajOrIty UnIted States to Improve U S - broken," WrIght saId DETROIT -- A tentatIve set­ Leader JIm WrIght saId today IranIan relatIons and free He saId the law forbIds the tlement was reached today In that Iran paId more than AmerIcan hostages held In Leb­ UnIted States from WIthholdIng a walkout that forced General $12 mIllIon for the weapons It anon secret InformatIon from the Motors Corp to shut down fac­ purchased from the UnIted States "We have learned about people Congress and saId It IS "clear torIes In eIght states, but WrIght, commentIng after a from other countrIes who have and unambIguous " the 44,550 strIkIng and lald­ closed-door hearIng wIth CIA been Involved In shIpments (of Rep Henry Hyde, R-Ill , off workers stayed off the Job, DIrector WIllIam Casey, told re­ arms) wIth the condonIng of emerged from the prIvate brIef­ a GM spokesman saId porters that 1,000 of the 2,008 the UnIted States and the com­ Ing and saId, "I thInk there IS The agreement came about TOW MIssIles bought from the plIcIty of the UnIted States In an unresolved dIfference of 2 a m after a 17-hour bargaIn­ UnIted States were assembled In some Instances," WrIght saId opInIon on the InterpretatIon Ing seSSIon between negotIators San AntonIo last February And he saId these countrIes of the law " for GM's Delco ElectronIcs sub­ Others were shIpped separately, "felt, at least, that they were "I thInk there was no VIola­ SIdIary and UnIted Auto Workers he saId abIdIng wIth the wIshes of the tIon of the law," Hyde declared Local 292 In Kokomo, Ind , saId "All were paId for by Iran UnIted States" In shIpPIng arms And, referrIng to the keyword GM spokesman John Mueller $12 mIllIon plus," WrIght to Iran used by the admInIstratIon's DetaIls of the agreement saId WrIght saId Casey assured crItICS, he saId '''TImely' IS would not be dIsclosed because WrIght, who IS lIkely to be members of the House IntellI­ a word of art The law In that of the pendIng ratIfIcatIon House Speaker next year, saId gence CommIttee that there are regard was delIberately drawn vote, scheduled for Saturday, that other than the UnIted no other cases In WhICh the CIA In a vague fashIon " he saId States and Israel, "several has been ordered to wIthhold "Clearly the presIdent has "Work WIll resume as soon the rIght to WIthhold Informa­ as possIble follOWIng ratIfIca­ tIon from Congress I'm not tIon," Mueller saId Boys From Bechtel Band Together sayIng It was WIse I'm sayIng Local 292 presIdent Ron Cas­ By BARRY SCHWEID It was unWIse," he saId SIS predIcted the proposal would AP Dlplomatlc Wrlter culprIt In thIS who led the Rep Bob McEwen, R-OhlO, be ratIfIed POlICY down an alley, It would commentIng on the entIre SItua­ The strIke by 7,700 workers WASHINGTON -- The Boys from be McFarlane " tIon, saId, "Hell hath no fury at the Delco plant In Kokomo ~echtel are together agaIn And yet Robert McFarlane, lIke a congressIonal commIttee forced other GM a0sembly lInes George Shultz and Caspar the former natIonal securIty scorned " to shut down for lack of parts WeInberger, who were top offIC­ adVIser, told The WashIngton EarlIer, WhIte House offI­ The strIke began Monday at ers In the huge CalIfornIa con­ Post that whIle It was sensIble CIals brIefed members of the the plant, whIch ShIPS parts structIon company, see eye-to­ to try to open a dIalogue "WIth House commIttee on "the whole to GM assembly plants on a "lust­ eye on U S arms deals wIth reformIst people In Iran" It setup" of the secret detaIls of In-tIme" baSIS as they are or­ Ira'1 was "a mIstake to Introduce any the IranIan arms deal dered They are agaInst them element of arms transfers Into Shultz and WeInberger have It " had theIr dIfferences In the ConfUSIng? Not any more than John Paul Arrives In Fiji, CabInet Shultz, for Instance, the way allIances take shape favored strIkIng out agaInst WIthIn the CabInet room and Greeted By Traditional Silence terrorIsm, whIle WeInberger across the to~ echelons of SUVA, FIJI -- TrIbal chIefs, The 66-year-ol~ pontIff then was reluctant to use force government In a ceremony reserved for hon­ took an aerIal tour around VItI But they both thInk PresIdent Shultz and McFarlane were a ored guests, today presented Levu, FIJI'S maIn Island, and Reagan made a mIstake In approv­ cozy duo before ~cFarlane qUIt Pope John Paul II WIth a set of Kadavu, the fourth bIggest IS­ Ing a weapons purchase by Teh­ hIS WhIte House post a year ago whale's teeth and a roast pIg land Heavy drIzzle was fallIng ran They frequently lIned up agaInst to welcome hIm on hIS fIrst from a sudden monsoon shower They stood slde-by-slde In WeInberger on arms control IS­ VISIt to thIS South PaCIfIc when the Jet reached Nausorl opposIng the decIsIon prIvately, sues and other aspects of U S - archIpelago aIrport outsIde Suva, the cap­ and after the secret sale sur­ SOVIet relatIons "By comIng to FIJI I hope to Hal faced, the two senIor CabInet The fact that Shultz and encourage all ChrIstIans here He descended and on reachIng offIcers made the publIC aware McFarlane worked well together and throughout the PaCIfIC to a small grass mat, knelt and of theIr objectIons -- WeInberg­ was, In Itself, unusual The dedIcate themselves whole kIssed the ground He was greet­ er more IndIrectly than Shultz fact that Shultz and Adm John heartedly to the Lord," the ed by PrIme MInIster SIr Ratu That Isn't the way Reagan -­ POIndexter, the current securIty pope saId In reply Kamlsese Mara and Gov -Gen SIr or any other presIdent -- lIkes advIser, dIsagreed over Iran John Paul plans a 24-hour Panala Ganllau hIS adVIsers to behave He was not surprIsIng VISIt to the Islands, hIS About 1,000 people, mostly doesn't mInd dIssent In the Alexander Halg, who was thIrd stop after Bangladesh and chIldren shelterIng under um­ CabInet room but not In the Reagan's fIrst secretary of SIngapore on a two-week, SlX­ brellas, welcomed the pope at publIC arena And yet, Reagan state, fought frequently WIth natIon tour of ASIan and PaCIf­ Nausorl aIrport, 12 mIles out­ eVIdently can lIve WIth It WIllIam Clark, then the natIonal IC countrIes The pope IS sched­ SIde the capItal They stood In DIsmIssIng rumors that Shultz securIty adVIser The struggle uled to return to Rome Dec 1 SIlence, the tradItIonal greet­ mIght qUIt ovel Iran, the presI­ was mostly over access to the after stops In New Zealand, Ing for VISItors of hIgh rank dent saId Wednesday nIght "He presIdent Halg lost, and Reagan AustralIa and the Seychelles The pope then drove to the knows that I want hIm to stay, accepted hIS reSIgnatIon The pope arrIved at rlJl s CIty'S palm-rInged Albert Park, and he has In advance saId that In the Carter years, Secre­ InternatIonal aIrport at Nadl, where trIbal chIefs gave hIm he wants to, There's been no tary of State Cyrus Vance and where be transferred from hIS the rItual welcome talk of resIgnatIon" natIonal securIty adVIser Zblg­ Alltalla 747 Jumbo Jet to a The chIefs handed the pope MeantIme, there has never nlew BrzezInskI had sharp dIf­ smaller BoeIng 737 of AIr a mud-colored, alcoholIC drInk, been a suggestIon that WeInberg­ ferences over the dIrectIon of PaCIfIC, FIll'S natIonal aIr­ called yava, In a coconut shell er would qUlt over Iran, even U S foreIgn polICY lIne He do~ned the brew In a SIngle though he let It be known as quaff They also presented hIm late as Wednesday, whIle Reagan WIth gIant roots of the yagona was hopIng the controversy would Lava On Move, Thousands Evacuate tree, from WhICh kava IS made melt away, that he thought TOKYO (AP) -- A 600-yard fIS­ ated aboard the I,OOO-ton MarI­ The drInk IS consumed on all It was lIke "InvItIng (Llbya'1 sure opened In the ground today tIme Safety Agency patrol ves­ ceremonIal occaSIons leader Moammal) Gadhafl over for near the Mount MIhara volcano, sel Katorl, agency spokesman The hourlong ceremony culmIn­ a cozy lunch," saId a source, sendIng lava pourIng toward a Susumu Haneda saId He saId he ated In an elaborate dance by speakIng on (Ondltlon he not be small town on OshIma Island and had been Informed that one per­ 200 chantIng, spear-carrYIng Identlfled forCIng thousands of reSIdents son aboard the shIp was dead, trIbesman wearIng black war In a strIkIng example of how and tourIsts to evacuate but dId not say how the person paInt on theIr faces the game IS played In WashIngton, PolIce In Tokyo saId molten dIed Mara saId the welcome was WeInberger was out of town at a lava was headed toward the IS­ In addItIon, the Tokal Steam­ "the hIghest trIbute we can ex­ mliitarl computer trade show In land's most populated dl~trict ShIP Company, WhICh operates tend to an honored guest " Charleston, W Va , sayIng that and that about 40 forest fIres regular ferry serVIce between ReSIdents from outlYIng IS­ Reagan's POSItIon on terrorIsm were reported OshIma and Tokyo, saId It lands have been streamIng In was "fu 11y understood and sup­ About 10,300 people lIve on brought 388 elderly people and aboard packed steamers and can­ ported " the 35-square-mile
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