Index to Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management, Nos. 1–68 ABC Radio National’s Bush Telegraph program, seeks regional people for its ‘Country Viewpoint’ segment 31.19 Abbottsmith Youl, Tom, wins DEDJTR Innovation in Sustainable Farm Practices Award – Goulburn Broken 65.17, 65.23 Aboriginal Australians see Indigenous headings Aboriginal Landcare Facilitator Cultural Insight Training Day, Benalla 66.22 role 63.14, 65.22 absentee landholders attracting to Landcare 40.12–13, 60.7 Landcare-aid, Goulburn Broken CMA 24.18 purchasing rural properties 40.12–13 Adair, Robin, New bio control for boneseed 9.13 Adams, Margaret, Miners Rest Landcare Group changes wasteland to wetland 41.21 Adams family, Lower Hopkins River properties 38.18 Adamson’s blown grass, endangered species 15.22 Adlam, Lauren, Woodend Trees for Mum, Mother’s Day event 55.18 Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES) 55.4 aerial video technique, for crop and Landcare use 2.8–9 African feather grass, removal, along Glenelg River 36.17 African Landcare Network (ALN) conference, Mafikeng 56.9 African nationals, participation in Master TreeGrower course 56.17 African weed orchid, control 66.14–15 Agg, Cathie, Greenfleet – simple, ingenious and successful 28.20–21 agroforestry see farm forestry Agroforestry Expo ‘99 13.6 Agrostis adamsonii 15.22 Ainsworth, Justin and Melissa, win DPI Sustainable Farming Award – West Gippsland 47.16 Ainsworth, Melissa, Group leader, Merriman Creek Landcare Group 67.10 Ainsworth, Nigel, Herbicide advice for environmental weeds 18.8 Aire River, streamside revegetation 8.10 Akers, Daryl Melton community works with youth – to transform a local creek 61.16–17 revegetation to link islands of bushland, Pinkerton Forest 50.14 Alberta, Canada, Landcare exchange 6.21 Alcan Landcare Indigenous Award 41.12 Alcan Landcare Indigenous Community Award 35.14 Alcoa Landcare Community Group Award 14.16, 22.14–15, 29.18–19, 35.11, 41.5 Alcoa Landcare Program partnership with ATCV to benefit Landcare 7.4–5 tree and shrub planting, Anderson’s Creek, Swan Bay catchment 9.14–15 Alcoa Landcare Project foundation seminar 3.8 1 praised by Senator Robert Hill 3.8 Alcoa Living Landscapes, restoring connections between remnant vegetation, Portland 27.3 Alcoa Revegetation Assistance Program, direct seeding equipment available through 6.24 Alcoa Woady Yaloak project, gorse control 10.9 algal blooms Blue-green Algae and Nutrients in Victoria – a Resource Handbook 1.26 controlled by ostrocods 13.5 controlling, farm dams 10.13 Lake Hamilton 5.24 management strategy, Kiewa River Basin and Upper Murray Basin 13.22 reduction through nutrient and flow management strategies, Gum and Cockatoo Lagoons (near Gunbower) 8.14–15 and stream health, computer model, Avoca catchment 15.17 Allen, Catherine, Conversing with the carers: a snapshot of Landcare in North east Victoria [book review] 12.28 Allen, Cathy see Sedgman, Colin Allender, Ken see Goodman, Hayley Allender, Una 63.7 as EBMP co-ordinator, Wallaura in the Glenelg–Hopkins region 26.7 Healing walk promotes reconciliation and respect 63.8–9 alligator weed 51.13 control, City of Casey 7.22–23 mistaken by Sri Lankan families as leafy vegetable 7.23, 14.10, 24.14–15, 51.13 alpine environments, climate change effects 43.18–19 alpine grazing, and moss beds 34.4 Alpine National Park, impact of 2002/03 fire season bushfires on 28.10–11 Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program 62.24 Alternanthera denticulata, as vegetable 24.15 Alternanthera philoxeroides 51.13 Amor, John, Maremma dogs protect penguins and gannets 47.7 analogue forestry Costa Rica, Heather Mitchell Memorial Fellowship report 63.20–21 explained 3.16–17 model 57.6–7, 59.12 Anania, Linda, SEED reaches out to schools and teachers in the north east 61.10 Anderson, Don A living memorial for native pines 37.4 member, Kyabram urban Landcare group 40.21 Anderson, Graeme Farm forestry with greenhouse benefits at Jigsaw Farms 36.12–13 Farming carbon – an update 43.16–17 Jigsaw Farms – a new picture for the farming puzzle 44.8–9 Plantations for Greenhouse 27.15–16 Plantations and greenhouse – your questions answered 30.16–17 Rob McColl – the man from Meredith–Bamganie 17.16–17 Sugar gums use in Plantations for Greenhouse scheme 33.8 2 Using forestry to repair our degraded landscapes – what will it take? 23.14–15 Anderson, Helen, How we are tackling weeds on private land 39.5 Anderson, Nerida and Richard, Environmental Best Management Practices program (EBMP) use to protect waterways, Meredith 45.12 Anderson, Susan, Catchment management demonstration – Bunyip style [letter] 13.4 Anderson’s Creek Catchment Area Landcare Group (ACCA) 57.5 Andrew, Julie Athol and Doreen McKay take to the hills 20.12–13 Managing native pastures 24.10–11 Paired catchments in the Great Western 19.18 angled onion control, Koolunga Reserve, Ferntree Gully 6.22 Anthony, John and Dorothy, grazing property revegetation, Korumburra 20.10–11 ants, disappearance of big ants 39.4 APN Outdoor Media Group Local Government Award 22.17 Apollo Bay Music Festival, reduces carbon footprint by planting days 43.5 Apollo Bay School, assist with streamside revegetation, Aire Heritage River 8.10 apps, Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary 59.9 aquaculture Atlantic Salmon and caviar production, Yarra Valley Salmon 7.16–17 brine shrimp, Pyramid Salt 7.17 Aquatic Life in Freshwater Ponds [book review] 5.26 aquatic plants, endangered 51.14 aquatic weeds 38.16–17, 51.12–13 arrowhead 19.7 dense waterweed 18.14 Lagarosiphon 51.13 northern Victoria 19.7 parrot’s feather 23.22 salvinia 21.16, 38.16–17, 51.13 Senegal tea 20.7 water hyacinth 38.16–17, 51.12 Ararat Landcare Group (ALCG) 44.22, 45.23, 59.6 restoring Cemetery Creek 64.7 Arbor Week, promotion in schools 12.5 Arbuthnot, Alex Get ready for the International Landcare Conference 37.19 Interview with 14.6 Landcare study tour a rolling success 6.28 Landcare volunteer honoured at Government House function 22.5 stands down from Victorian Landcare & Catchment Magazine editorial committee 47.21 A tribute to Wally Shaw 27.5 Archer, Tim, gorse control, Woady Yaloak catchment 10.9 Archies Creek, streamside revegetation 1.5 Archies Creek Reafforestation Group, riparian planting 2.10 Arentz, John and Debra, cereal and sheep farmers win DEPI Innovation in Sustainable Farm Practices Award Mallee 59.18 3 Argall, Darryl, on Hindmarsh Landcare Network winning Nature Conservation Award 41.8 Argall, Mary, orchid woman of the Wimmera 26.10–11 Armit, John, wins DPI Sustainable Farming Award – East Gippsland 47.17 Arnalds, Andrés, Carbon sequestration and Landcare – an Icelandic perspective 16.17 Arnold, Catherine, Somerville students repair a wetland and restore community 61.14–15 Arnold, Neil and Wendy, Wooragee dairy farm goes solar 43.12–13 arrowhead 19.7 Ashton, Ken, Landcare Forum, West Gippsland CMA 13.22 Ashton-Smith, Elissa; Percy, Helen and Spear, Felicity, Landcare at the junction of city and country 64.8–9 Atlantic Salmon, aquaculture production, Yarra Valley Salmon 7.16–17 Atlas of Living Australia 64.23 Australian Conservation Foundation, Listening to the Land [directory] 3.26 Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), and Landcare, shared philosophies 6.6 Australian Deer Association of Victoria, Landcare work at Clydebank Morass, near Sale 42.19 The Australian Farmer’s Guide to the Internet [book review] 8.28 Australian Forest Growers 57.6–7 2004 Conference, Ballarat 27.5, 29.7 Australian Government Carbon Farming Initiative 57.19 Australian Government Coastcare Award 41.10, 47.7, 53.16 Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award 53.19, 65.12 Australian Government Innovation in Sustainable Farm Practices Award 53.9, 65.16 Australian Government Landcare Facilitator or Coordinator Award 65.7 Australian Government Landcare NRM Region Award 47.10 Australian Government Landcare Regional Award 35.17, 41.6 Australian Government Local Landcare Facilitator/Coordinator Award 53.14 Australian Government Natural Resource Management Award 53.13 Australian Government Partnerships with Landcare Award 65.13 Australian grayling, sighted, Gellibrand River 51.19 Australian Koala Foundation, Koala Science News 31.18 Australian Landcare comparison with German Landcare 40.16–17 framework 46.10 Australian Landcare Council Bruce Lloyd appointed chairman 6.27 visits North Central CMA 36.10 Australian Landcare International (ALI) 48.24, 56.15 crowd funding for, launched through Pozible website 62.19 formation 43.9 Overseas Landcare Fund 60.16 Australian Rare Fauna Research Association (ARFRA), database of mainland thylacine sightings 13.5 Australian Soil Classification 3.26 Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers (ATCV) assists Landcare groups with their vegetation projects 10.6 4 partnership with Alcoa to benefit Landcare 7.4–5 provides volunteers for Landcare and environmental projects 14.11 Auton, Terry, fox and wild dog bounty reward 54.15 Avoca catchment flooding and salinity 10.21 perennial pasture for 12.20 Avoca Nutrient Management Strategy 15.18 Avon Plains Banyena Landcare Group, Walkers Lake Management Plan 67.22–23 Avon–Richardson catchment, flooding and salinity 10.21 Avon River, cultural significance, Gunaikurnai people 63.16–17 Backway, Wayne, member, Undera Landcare Group 40.21 Badenoch, Corey, Robinvale Indigenous Landcare Group shares knowledge and culture 63.14 Badger Creek Primary School, wins Westpac Landcare Education Award 47.6 Bagot, Chris and Charmaine, waterway improvement and revegetation, Jindivick dairy property 8.5 Bahgallah Killara Landcare Group 44.22
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