l. l The ]ournalofthe Association of Adventist Forums Surviving 1844 VOICES OUT OF THE SILENCE 1844 IN GREAT AMERICAN LITERATURE ~ "DAY-DAWN"-A DRAMATIZATION THE SANCTUARY-GOD IN OUR MIDST !:' SDA TRAGEDY, HEROISM j; l· IN RWANDA I I i· l' ADVENTISTS ON ;: NETWORK TELEVISION ! '!·" i' I· ! CHANGING OF THE GUARD L 1 AT LOMA LINDA l !· I 1:-,)l'oo·'l 11' ~! . ,, October 1994 · Volume 24, Number 2 Spectrum Editorial Board Consulting Editors Editor Benrt,Beem K.ren Bottomley Edna M.,.e Lmete. Engliab History Engliab Roy Branson Walla Walla College Canadian Union CoDeee La Siena Univenity Bonnie L. l!chrard L111enbeol RoyBenloa c_, Anlbtopology Mau.ematical Sdenoea Wrlter/Editcx Senior Editor Washlngtoo, D.C. Atlanlic Union ColleJ!O Columbia Union CoileJ!O TomDybdahl RoyBraiWOII Raymcad CoUrell ~R.MeAdamo Etblos, Kennedy lnaUtute Tbeology Plaidcnt ·Loma Unda, California ·McAdams, Faillace, and Aaooc. Geori!IO~ Univemty OarkDavlo Ronald Numben Assistant Editor Joy C....... Coleman History of Medicine Chip Cassano Fteelan<e Writer History . Benlen Spdnga. Michigan UniYcnity of Soutbcm California Univenlty of~ Molleur,. Couper• Lawrence Gua!J BenJamin Reav• News Editor Pbyaldan Plaidcnt Plaldcnt Anpin, California La Siena Univemty Oakwood COlleJ!O Gary Chartier Gerhard Svrcek.S.ller GeneDaRem J"rltzGuy Psychiatrist Pbysldan 1beology Vienna, Austria Ftedcrlclo:, Maryland La Siena Univemty Book Review Editor Helen Ward Th<NJIII&OI1 Bonnie Dwyer K.riHoll Joomalisn History of Science Educational Admlnlsl1lllion Beverly Beem College Place, Washington Folsom, Callfomla Harvard UniYOtsity F. E. J, Harder LouloVenden TomDybdahl Retigion Editorial Assistant Editor Educational Admlnial1lllion College Plaoe, Washington Padfic Union ColleJ!O ShariseEsh Allentown, Pennsylvania Gary Land David Laraon Norman Youns Testament History Direc:tor, Ethics Center New Avondale ColleJ!lO Production Andrews Unlvemty Lorna Uoda UniYOtaity Rennie Sehoepllln Chip Cassano History La Siena Univemty Chari• Serlven Pialdent Columbl~ Union ColleJ!O Association of Adventist Forums ti Ojfzcers Directors Regional Representatives Pialdent Of Campus RelaUona Atlantic Lake L.-PIUon Kendra Holovlak Gary Gilbert Marie Roblnoon Vice President Retigion Instructor Vice-cbanceUor AdvenUst Healtbcale Mid-AtlanUc Columbia Union ColleJ!O Harvard Medical Scbool University of Dlinois Vice Plaldent Of lritemational Relationa Canadian (East) Northern Pacific Jerry Gladoon Walter Doug!• Todd Coupland JobnTeoke Pastor Olurdl History ln-tment Analyst Insurance Garden Orove, California Andrews Univemty Toronto, Canada Yakima. Wasblngton Executive Secrelaly Of Martetins Canadian (West) Soutbcm Mary Halmlak Patricia Solcedo Williama BrueeBulller Robert Hale Adminial1lltlve Secrelaly Marketing Dean, Science Division Certified Public Accountant SllYOt Spring. Maryland. Samunonto, California Cansdian Union ColleJ!O Atlanta, Georgia Treasuier OfPrcmolioo CenuaJ Soutbcm Pacific J.,. M. DuN..me Richard B. Lewis, Jr. K.).Ciaylon Jim K.atz Investment Banker AdYOttising Cleburne, Texas Education Lake Arrowhead. California BO.ton, Massachusetts Lakeside, California Central Padfic Editor Of Special Projects Michael Saueedu RoyBraiWOII .Glenn E. Coe Legal Analyst Staff Etblca, Kennedy lnaUtule Attorney Samunonto, California Legal Consultant · GeorJ!Otawn uliivemty Hartferd, Connecticut Columbia Bradley UtchReld SuoanSlckler Attorney . ·~ Kettering. Obio Washington, D.C SPECTRUM is a journal establislled to encourage Seventh-day Adventist Editorial Correspondence: SPECTRUM is published by the Association of participation in the discussion of CQntemporruy issues from a Ouistian viewpoint, Adventist Forums. Direct all editorial correspondence to SPECfRUM, 7710 to lOok Without prejudice at all sides of a subject to evaluate the merits of diver.;e CairollAvenue, ·Takoma Park, Maryland 20912; Fax: (301) 270-2814. Manuscripts views, and to foster Oui5tian intellectual and cultural growth. Although effort is should be typewritten, double spaced, or on Apple Macintosh disks. Please made to ensure accurate scholarship and discriminating judgment, the statements include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Letters to the editors may be of. fact are the responsability of contnbut01s, and the views individual authors shortened before publication. express are not necessarily those ofthe editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. Subscription Information: In order to receive SPECTRUM, enclose a 1be AssOciation of Adventist Forums is a ·non-subsidized, non-pr0fit membership fee ($25 per 5 issues, $32 in Canada and.in other foreign countries, organization for which gifts are deductible in the rer.ort of income for purpoSes $18 for students) by check made to the Association of Adventist Forums, Box ofiaxation. The publishing of SPECTRUM depends 6n subscriptions, gifts from 5330, Takoma Park, MD 20913. Phone: (301) 27<M>423. Single copies are $5. For individuals, and the voluntary efforts of the contnbutors and the staff. address changes, send old address label along with the new address. © 1994 All rights reserved Litho USA FROM TilE EDITOR Surviving the Great Disappointment 2 ARTICLES Adventist Tragedy, Heroism in Rwanda 3 Sharise Esh tells Rwanda's stories, as seen through the eyes of missionaries and victims' relatives. Why King Was Not an Adventist 12 Roland J. Hill shows how Adventism would have hampered King's becoming one of our nation's greatest leaders. SPECIAL SECTION: SURVIVING TilE GREAT DISAPPOINIMENT Voices Out of the Silence 18 Luther Boutelle and Hiram Edson remember October 22, 1844, and the days that followed. Day-Dawn 24 Betty Cooney offers a dramatized re-creation of the domestic reality of the Great Disappointment. 1844 in Great American Literature 28 Gary Scharnhorst discusses Millerism and apocalyptic expectations as part of the canon of American culture. The Sanctuary-God in Our Midst 42 Glen Greenwalt argues that the sanctuary opens the way for God to dwell in our midst. DEPARTMENIS News Updates 50 Adventists in the news, in Rwanda, in health care, and at Ministry magazine. Responses 55 -~ Readers respond to Yob's feminine images of God, Burnham on AIDS in Africa, and Christenson on race. FROM THE EDITOR Sutviving the Great Disappointment he General Conference has just produced a We are the disappointed, singing in a strange land" (in professional, 100-minute color television docu­ Pilgrimage ofHope, 1986). This understanding of T mentary on William Miller. A plethora of books Adventism makes embracing the victims of violence, by Seventh-day Adventists on the Millerites has also and preventing future such victims, a fundamental appeared throughout 1994. In some Adventist congrega­ mission of the church (See "Adventist Tragedy, Heroism tions, October 22 has become a time to evoke the Great in Rwanda," on p. 3). Disappointment in Scripture, preaching, and singing; the Disappointment is a part of their liturgical year. Now, nother approach that deserves attention, stresses Spectrnm has devoted a special section to 1844. Athat whatever their historical relationship, Seventh­ ·But what does the Great Disappointment mean to day Adventists are, in important theological respects, Adventists? As we identify ourselves more and more not Millerites. Of course Millerites, defined by their closely with the Millerites, what is happening to expectation of the Second Coming, do have an identity Adventism? What is the significance of making the with Adventists. But Millerites, defined by the· Great Disappointment not only a part of Adventist scholar­ Disappointment of October 22, are not Seventh-day ship, but also increasingly embedded in its worship Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventist community arose and spiritual experience? precisely by proposing an alternative to setting dates One response is to resist the idea that 150 years of for the return of Christ, and by discovering other ways Adventism has been built on a mistake, and to turn the to experience the presence of God-The Sabbath, the Disappointment from a negative into a valuable visions of Ellen White, and to an extent not yet fully experience. Adventists were on a pilgrimage to find the understood, according to Glen Greenwalt, the sanctuary truth. The Great Disappointment was a major setback, (See "The Sanctuary-God in Our Midst," p. 42). to be sure, but all in all a helpful learning experience. Perhaps if we are clear that the Seventh-day Advent­ As George Knight says in the new documentary, after ist community is in crucial ways different from the 1844 Seventh-day Adventists realized they should never Millerite community, we can avoid denegrating the again set dates for the Lord's return. experience of 1844 by transforming it into merely a A second very important response is to embrace the learning experience; we can appreciate the pain and Great Disappointment as a central, underdeveloped loneliness of the Great Disappointment as a genuine part of Adventist self-understanding. In this issue of tragedy; and we can also better see the the Seventh-day Spectrnm, Glen Greenwalt appreciates Jan Daffern's Adventist Church as emerging, not just from a failed declaration that for Adventism "communities of disap­ appearance of Christ, but from new ways of sensing pointment are our communities"; that "we are the God's presence in our midst. disappointed who are lonely and doubting, poor and jobless, divorced and widowed, young and vulnerable. -Roy Branson 2 VoLCME 24, NuMBER 2 Adventist Tragedy, Heroism in Rwanda TANZANIA Rwanda's genocide through the
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