• America ~ e~e:M n6W61'"l'er Copyright 1951 by United States Chess Federation Vol. XI, No. 19 Wednesday, June 5, 1957 15 Cenls Rohland Triumphs In Wisconsin State Conducl«l b" POJitio1l No. 209 USCF Secretary Scores 6 -1 Victory IRWIN SIGMOND - USCF Secretary Marshall Rohland of Milwaukee tallied 6-1 i.n the END solutions to Position No. 23rd annual Wisconsin State Championship event at LaCrosse to Win the Wisconsin State Championship, succeeding Jerome ~l'aszcwski w~o S 209 to reach Irwin Sigmond, did not defend his title. The new champion learned his chess on Mil" 5200 Williasmburg Blvd., Arlington waukee's playgrounds, a contribution of the famous Milwau~ee ch~ss 7, Va., by July 5, 1957. With your solution, please send analysis or program, and as a junior won the Milwaukee Journal's ~11,clty JUnior reasons supporting your choice of Championship, but Illis is his first major victory in statewide chess. "Best Move" or moves. Second, also with 6·1, was Alfred vice-president, Arpad Elo of Mi!­ Solution to position No. 209 will ap· Wehrley of Milwaukee, who lost waukee secl'etary.treasur~r . Madl­ pear In the July 20, 1957 Issue. out to Rohland on weighted points son was awarded the 1958 state after drawing with the champion tournament. NOTE: Do "at pldu solutions to tl>'O in the fifth round in a game which FRENCH DEFENSE pOlitio"s 0" o,,~ ~d,d; b~ JUrt to jnJjCt1t~ spectators believed Wehrley should Meo: p~ge 56, column 58 (i) Cf)rr~a numbe, of politio" being solyd, have won. Third place went to Wisconsin State Championship d"d giye the full n"",e dnd dJd,t!f of William Banerdt of Milwaukee the solyer to dSrist in p10ptr ~1tdjting of with 5lh-l%, while fourth to ninth laCrosse, 1957 solution. White Black all weighted scores with 5-2 each M. ROHLAND DR. O. WEHRLEY were Werner Schroeder of La­ 1. P·K4 P-K3 16. Kt-KtS K-Kl Crosse, Dr. L. C. Young of Madi­ 2. P·Q4 P.Q4 17. KR.QKt1 Kt·Q2 Chicago Team Captures Mid-West 3. Kt·QB3 B·KtS 18. R·KtS P.KR3 son, Dr. O. Wehrley of Milwaukee, 4. P·KS P-QB4 19. Kt·B3 Kt·QB3 Inter-University Tournament Huse of Appleton, Helke of La­ 5. P·QR3 BxKt eh 20. QR.QKtl P·KB3 Crosse, and Weldon of Milwaukee. 6. PxB Q.B2 21. Kt·R4 K·B2 By FREDERICK KERR Tenth to twelfth 41,-2-2% each were 7. Kt.KB3 Kt-Q2 22. P.KB4 P·Kt4 8. P..QR4 P.QA4 23. B_RSch K·Kt2 College Uft Edito, Arpad Elo of Milwaukee, Herman 9. Q·Q2 P·B5 24. Kt-Kt6 KtltB The United States Intercollegiate Championship Team from the Un!­ Zierke of Racine, and Mrs. Lois 10. B·R3 Kt-Kt3 2S. PltKt R_Q1 versity of Chirago finished first in the strong 1957 Mjdwe~t Inter-Um­ Housfeld of Milw:mkee. 11. Q·Kt5 P.KKt3 26. RxKtPch BltR versity Team Tournament. The Chicago team was the same one that 12. 8·B5 R-R3 27. RxBch K-Kt1 Mrs. Housfeld, for many years 13. B-K2 Q.Q1 28. KPltP A-R2 captured the national title at Philadelphia last December; it is composed Wisconsin Woman Champion, re­ 14. QxQch KltQ 29. P.B7eh ReSigns of Mitchell Sweig, Robion Kirby, Michael Robinson, and Leonard Fran. 15. K-Q2 Kt·K2 gained the title from Mrs. L. kenstein. , - - --- The event was the second in an annual series. It was held at the Uni. Schuetze of LaCrosse who has held versity of Chicago on May 11 and 12. the title since 1953. They drew their individual encounter. The THREE SHARE 1ST The University of Minnesota and =c-;c=-=::-~;-o-:::-::-:-:=---­ Wisconsin junior title went to a IN MARYLAND the University of Michigan were BURDICK WINS brilliant new star in David Allen second and third. Only one-half INVITATIONAL of Sturgeon Bay, 15, who finished The Maryland Open Champion­ of a game point separated each of sixteenth with 4-3 in the 46-player ship at Baltimore ended in a three­ the first three teams. Donald Burdick of Duke Univer· Swiss. way tie for first place between sity tallied 4 1h_% to win the ().. CHESS LrFE columnist Irwin Sig­ 1. u. of Chicago (A team) .......... 14'h. SV2 The annual meeting of the Wis­ 2. U. MInnesota ............................ 14 _ (\ player North Carolina Invitational mond, I. Kandel, and N. T. Whita­ consin Chess Association saw Her­ 3. U. of MIchigan .......................... 13'/.1;· 6'h Tournament comprising the six ker with equal 5--1 scores. AU three 4. U. of Illinois .............................. 11 . 9 ranking players in the state. Run­ man Zierke of Racine elected pres· were undefeated. Sigmond drew S. U. Of Chicago (B team) ........ 5'h-14'h ident, Dr. L . E. Young of Madison 6. Southern illinoIs U ............ ..... 11f.z_181f.z ·ner·up with 4-1 was Berti! Westin with both Kandel and Whitaker; of Raleigh who drew with Bur· Kandel also drew with M. Pivar, It became evident in the early dick and Dr. A. M. Jenkins of BENHAM TAKES and Whitaker with R. McComas. rounds that a close race between Raleigh who placed third with Since Sigmond is a resident of and Chicago, Minnesota, Michigan, 3%-1%. Dr. Norman M. Hornstein Virginia, Kandel and Whitaker be­ lllinois was at band. In the third SO. JERSEY TITLE of Hope Mills finished fourth with Thomas Benham of Trenton tal­ came co·champions of Maryland. round, Michigan defeated Illinois Pete Henderson of the University Fourth to sixth with 4% ·Ph each 3·1 to knock the mini from the top of North Carolina fifth and Dan lied 6-1 to win the annual South group. Michigan's depth was too Jersey Chess Association Individ· were R. McComas, M. Pivar, and Diano of North Carolina State Col· ual Championship, losing no games Dr. B. Garfinkel, while seventh to much for the lllinois team led by lege sixth. The tourney was played USCF Master Paul Poschel. This but drawing with Lewis E. Wood eleventh with 4·2 each were C. in the public meeting room of the Cross, H. Heimlich, O. Hutaff, I. left the Wolverines with a eom\ News and Observer-Raleigh Times and Andrew Chressanthis. Placing manding lead. second, also with 6·1, was Andrew Zucker, and L. GUden. Gliden, 14, Bldg. at Raleigh and drew good Chressanthis of Philadelphia, rep­ was declared Junior Champion Minnesota scored a close win pUblicity and a number of specta­ resenting Camden, who also lost while Mrs. Krieg won the Woman's ~ver Chicago when Arturo Colon, tors. Stuart Noblin directed the title. The youngest pl·ayer was event. no games but drew with Benham the former Puerto Rican Champ. and Tom Jorgensen. Tied for third 12·year old S. Sloan who had to ion, drew with Mitchell Sweig. Chi­ with 5·2 each were Philip Selvaggi withdraw-but had an excellent )ago bounced hack, however, to win COHEN COPS of Moorestown and Lewis E. Wood reason (chicken·pox!). The tourna­ ~heir match with Michigan 2%-1% of Haddon Heights, while Leonard ment was held in the Jr. I.O.A.M. ;0 take the title. PHILA TITLE Streitfeld of Hammonton was fifth, Bldg. and was directed by William Dr. Max Cohen tallied 5¥.!-% to also with a 5·2 score. Sixth to C. Koenig. win the Metropolitan Philadelphia eighth with 4%-2% each were Gus­ champoinship, drawing with Attilio tave Krauhs of Trenton, Ewald U. S. JUNIOR DiCamillo who placed second, also Carlson of Camden, and Thomas 58TH U. S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP with 5¥.!-%. Third and fourth with Jorgensen of Wildwood Crest. The 4·1 each in the 22-p!ayer Swiss were Junior title went to Frank DiEian­ CHAMPIONSHIP July 8-14, 1957 Gilbert Raich and Mrs. Mary D. ca of Atlantic City with 3lh-3lh Selensky. Scoring 3%-llh were G. score while Herbert A. Wright August 5·17. 1957 San Francisco. Calif. Marcus, S. Geller, D. SCiarretta, V. with 4-3 won the Class B prize. D. Smith, Jr. and W. A. Ruth. D. A. The event, held at Hammonton, Cleveland. Ohio Giangiulio directed. was directed by Lewis E. Wood, DUKE TEAM TOPS Finish It The Clever Way! b, Edm •• d N~h SOUTH COllEGES Po/ilio)) No. 201 POtiliol! N o. 102 By FREDE RICK H. KERR E. Nash 'Is. J . Galvins M. Stark 'IS. E. Nash Col/t,t Lift Ediu" Wnshington, 1957 Washington, 1957:-_ The host Duke University team ~ won the 1957 Southern Intercolleg· Conti"tl,d 6., iate Team Championship with a Frederick H. KeN' 16%.3% scor e. Tied for second were Georgetown University and All college clubs and playars a re urged 10 send nlt"'S Items to Frederick the University of North Carolina. H. Kerr, 1776 Si mple I!:oild, ALLlsDn 1. Oukll u niversity •..•...........•.... 16V'· 3th Park, Pennsylvilnla. 2. Georgetown Un,venity ..... .13V.· 61/lt 2. un'\ler. of North Carolln' ._.13'h· 6'12 HYS W. HAYS, Eliot S. Hearst, 4. U. S. Naval A(.Id. tA Te.rn )._. 71Jt.121/lt R and Harold M. Phillips have S. Un ivarsily Of Rkhmond ..•. ._ . ' 1/lt. I31/J been appointed to the Advisory 6. U. S. N ... "I And. (8 T ..m) .... 2'12.17'h The A tcam of the Unitcd States Board of the Intereollegiate Chess Naval Academy took an early Icad League of America. All are former by defeating the B team from An· presidents of the League.
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