THE G ENEALOGY OFHE T BE A INEED - BE AIN AED FAMILYN I AMERICA 1649-1908 BY LUCY A BIGAIL BRAINARDMl A. L IFE MEMBER OP TUE CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL, SOCIETY, HARTFORD, CONN. A MEMBER OF THE R'UTH WYLLY8 CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AT HARTFORD, CONN., AND A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF DAUGHTERS OF FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA Jllnetratrt p nntcb bp tbc «utt>or *' H appy he who with bright regard looks back upon uiB father's fathers, who with joy recounts their deeds of grace, and in himself values the latest link in the fair chain of noble sequences." — Gobthb. DESCENDANTS O F DANIEL1 THE EMIGRANT ANCESTOR PUBLISHED I N SEVEN PAKTS HARTFORD P RESS THE C ASE, U OKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1908 THE G ENEALOGY OFHE T BEAINEED - BEAINAED FAMILYN I AMERICA 1649-1908 . BT LUCY A BIGAIL BRAINARD Vol.I I PARTSV I V VI VII DESCENDANTS O F WILLIAM, CALEB, ELIJAH AND HEZEKIAH BRAINERD, SONS OF DANIELi AND HANNAH (SPENCER) BRAINERD JllMtrateK |printed b toe Ituttior HARTFORD P RESS THE C ASE, LOCKWOOD * BRAINARD COMPANY 1908 (RECAP) ion <£o t be CbertBbeS iHemorp OF A N OBLE AND GENEROUS FATHER AND A GENTLE AND DEVOTED MOTHER, WHOSE INTEREST IN THE LINEAGE OF HERSELF AND HER HUSBAND WAS EVER DEAR TO HER, AN INTEREST WHICH INSPIRED HER ONLY DAUGHTER TO THE COMPILING OF THIS WORK, THESE VOLUMES ARE MOST AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED CONTENTS. Page Preface, . ..... 0 A G enealogist's Reward, .... 1 1 Intbodtjction. a. T he Origin of the Name, .... 6.n O the Name Brainerd, .... c. C ommissary Court for Essex and Hertfordshire, d. P robate and Admon Acts, e. A rchdeaconry Court for Essex, . f. T he Orthography of the Name, . g. C oat of Arms, ..... h. D ea. Elijah Brainerd's Statement, i. E nglish Investigation, .... /. J eremiah Gates Brainerd, I. E xplanatory, ..... Daniel's L ine. First G eneration, . a. L etters of Administration, Second G eneration, Third " Fourth " Fifth Sixth Seventh " Eighth Ninth " Military R ecords, Inventors, Summary, James' L ine. Second G eneration, Third Fourth " Fifth " Sixth Seventh " Eighth " Ninth Tenth Military R ecords, Inventors, Summary, Joshua's L ine. Second G eneration, Third Fourth " Fifth Sixth " Seventh " Eighth Ninth Military R ecords, Inventors, Summary , iv C ontents. Page William's L ine. Second G eneration, . 41 Third " . ..... 42 Fourth " . ..... 46 Fifth " M Sixth " 8 2 Seventh " . ..... 13> Eighth " . ..... 194 Ninth " 2 18 Military R ecords, ...... 220 Inventors, . ...... 225 Summary, 2 25 Caleb's L ine. Second G eneration, . 41 Third " . ..... 42 Fourth " . ..... 45 Fifth " 6 0 Sixth " . ..... 0« Seventh " . ..... 107 Eighth - 1 61 Military R ecords, Inventors, . • • • • ' J 85, Summary, . ...... 187 Elijah's L ine. Second G eneration, . • . • 1 Third " 4 f Fourth " i . Fifth " « J Sixth " • } °_\ Seventh " ^ Eighth 2 1, Ninth " I f Military R ecords, ...... 241 Inventors, . ...... 244 Summary, 2 46 Hezekiah's L ine. Second G eneration, . • • • • 41 Third . " « ' Fourth " 1 ° Fifth " 8 5 Sixth " « Seventh " * • Eighth " , /u ;22 Military R ecords, ...... 104. 10b Summary, . • . • • . :f J{J Inventors Miscellaneous R ecords, l! LISTF O ILLUSTRATIONS Brainard, L ucy Abigail, frontispiece. INTRODUCTORY. Braintree, E ng., Ancient Houses, between pp. 24 and 25. Braintree, E ng., Upper Corner of the Market Square, between pp. 24 and 25. facing. p 30. The H eadstone of Daniel Brainerd, facing. p 32. Thirty M ilk Island, facing. p 29. DANIEL'S L INE. Brainard, A lbert, .... facing p . 80, N o. 53—ii. >1 Charles E dwin, ". P 117, " 1 18— ii. HULDAH ( FOOTE), -" P 79, " 5 3. " Leverett, . ... "- P 115, " 1 18. Morgan B ulkeley, . "- P 157, " 2 27. M Newton C ase, . ". P 118, " 1 18— vii. Brainerd , A maziah, .... -" P 148, ' * 205. i* Charles G reen, "- P 162, " 2 47— ii. u Charles G reene, between p p. 162 a nd 163, No. 247. tt Charlotte D oo little, pp. 162 a nd 163, No. 247. .. Commissions, between p p. 56 a nd 57. M Daniel A dams, . facing p . 124, " 1 25. tt Daniel A dams, . between p p. 158 a nd 159, No. 231- -iii. tt Florence E lizabeth (Doo- ltttle), - p p. 162 a nd 163, No. 247. M George D ewane, "P- P 158 a nd 159, No. 231- -ii. tt Ira, between p p. 124 a nd 125, No. 126. H Ira D ewane, facing p . 158, N o. 231. tt Jemima ( Beebe), between p p. 124 a nd 125, No. 126. tt John. G C, ... "PP- 62 a nd 63, " 28- — i v. M John G ardiner Caulkins, "P- P 62 a nd 63, " 28— iv. M Lyman B ushnell, facing p . 150, N o. 210. tt Mary G ardiner, "- P 93, " 7 6— iv. M Oliver D ay, "- P 113, " 1 13. (t Patience ( Foote), . "'- P 77, " 4 9. Brooks, M arcia L. (Brainerd), ". P 154, " 2 21. Buell, D orothy (Brainerd) Staples, "- P 83, " 5 9. Fuller, Sarah ( Brainerd) (Emmons^, " p. 82, " 5 8. Lord, L ucy Day (Brainerd), . "- P 123, " 1 24. Usher, L ucy (Brainerd), ". P 78, " 5 2. Olive ( Brainerd), "- P 114, " 1 14. vi B rainerd-Brainard Genealogy. JAMES' L INE. Brainebd, A ustin, .... facing P- 172, No. 2 89 it Cephas, . ... tt 291, No. 6 24. » P- Cephas, J r., P- 415, tt 1036. Ii Rev. T homas, . .4 164, tt 280. tt tt P- Thomas C halmers, . p. 284, tt 611. tt Mather, S amuel Holmes, LL.D., P- 189, 331— i i. JOSHUA'S L INE. nView i Cove B urying Ground, facing P- 4L WILLIAM'S L INE. Brainebd, A lbert, .... facing P- o184, N 324— i . it Albert., W it 183, tt 324. Ii P- Calvin, . ... P- 71, tt 59. u Chauncey N iles, Ii 147, tt 231. tt P- Clara ( Castle), Ii P- 209, tt 409. tt Cyprian S ., ... >> 88, tt 102. tt tt P- Cyprian S ., P- 145, u 225. tt David, . ... tt 158, M 258. • i t* P- Dwelling H ouse of C. S. P- 89. tt Edward R ., ... tt 206, tt 398. It " P- Ezra, . ... P- 51, " 24. .> Ezra, D .D., LL.D., " 203, tt 394. Ii » P- Fred A lfred, P- 195, M 363. >L FlSK, ; . tt 159, M 259. tt .. P- » Geo. B radford, P- 154, 248—v i tt tt Hannah ( Dart), P- 61, 42. tt Henry A llen, tt 209, « 409. tt tt P- Henry H all, P- 167, tt 276. tt Henry H all, tt 209, " .409— v tt P' Henry L awrence, P- 159, tt 260. " Hon. L awrence, 98, a 127. " P- John, . ... P- »e, tt 123. Il John B .t 207, tt 401. M Ii P- Lawrence R obbins, . P- 161, tt 265. tt Library B uilding, " 145. tt P- P. C M.,. P- 216, tt 435. tt Ii Sarah ( B rainerd ) , . P- 71 59. tt Timothy G reen, ti 110, tt 145. tt iI P- William C hauncey, . P- 1)0, tt 108. William F isk, tt 157, tt 254. tt tt P- Wilson F isk, P- 202, tt 388. Chaffee, Adeliza ( Brainerd), . tt 206, H 400. tt P- Smith, M rs. Ann Eliza (Brainerd), P- 162, tt 267. STRANAhaN, M rs. Miranda (Brainerd), " 166, tt 272. tt P- Tarbox, Julia ( Brainerd), P- 116, tl 151. Listf o Illustrations. vii CALEB'S L INE. Brainard, H omeb Wobthington, . f acing 118, No. 2 04— i tt P- " M aby Eliza (Goft), P- 118, " 2 04. " W illiam Royal, u 118, " 2 04. tt P- Brainerd, D aniel, M.D., P- 99, " 1 53. " W esley, tt P- 129, " 2 41. HOLMAN, M ARGARET FULLER (BRAINARD), " P- 118, " 3 54. " W abd G rover, tt P- 118, " 3 54. ELIJAH'S L INE. Brainard, D avid Leog, . f acing P- 218, No. 4 31. " I ra Fitch, tt 211, " 4 05. n P- Calvin C one, P- 154, " 2 45. Bbainebd, C ephas, *t 109, " 1 47. tt P- Polly. A (Crosby), . P- 109, " 1 4.. Merrill, J eremiah B., tt 167, " 2 81. tt P- " P olly A. (Brainerd), P- 167, " 2 81. HEZEKIAH'S L INE. Brainebd, C harlie Hobert, . facing p. 1 02, No. 54 — i ii. " David, Birthplace, p. 4 3. David, Diary, between p p. 60 and 61. David, Table Monument, facing p . 63. Goldie Mary, p. 1 02, No. 54— i i. Lucy Abigail, . p. 1 02, " 54— i. Memorial Tablet, p. 6 5. The i ntervening pages from p. 8 to p. 41 are to be found in Vol. 1. The contents mid illustrations are reprinted in Vol. II for convenience to individuals in looking up facts or tracing out families. Second G eneration. 41 SECOND G ENEKATION. FOURTHON S AND FIFTH CHILD. 2. W illiam3 Brainerd* (Daniel1) of Haddam Neck, Middle sex Co., Conn., then called Haddam, East Side; m., Dec. 13, 1698, Sarah Bidwell, b. Sept. 20, 1674, at Middletown, Conn., dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Stow) Bidwell of the same place. He was chosen fence viewer in 1696, and was one of a committee for laying out of land. He was appointed Lieutenant of a company Oct., 1722, He and his wife joined the church in Middle Haddam, Conn., Dec. 16, 1740. They were both alive Sept. 11, 1747. She deeded land to her son, Samuel, Mch. 2, 1759, and was called Sarah the second. He was a farmer, liv ing on the east side of the great river (Connecticut river), in what is now called Haddam Neck, which is a part of Haddam, in a house which stood between Quarry Hill and the house occupied by the late Dea.
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