Observational Evidence of AGN Feedback A.C Fabian Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK Abstract Radiation, winds and jets from the active nucleus of a massive galaxy can interact with its interstellar medium leading to ejection or heating of the gas. This can terminate star formation in the galaxy and stifle accretion onto the black hole. Such Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) feedback can account for the observed proportionality between central black hole and host galaxy mass. Direct observational evidence for the radiative or quasar mode of feedback, which occurs when the AGN is very luminous, has been difficult to obtain but is accumulating from a few exceptional objects. Feedback from the kinetic or radio mode, which uses the mechanical energy of radio-emitting jets often seen when the AGN is operating at a lower level, is common in massive elliptical galaxies. This mode is well observed directly through X-ray observations of the central galaxies of cool core clusters in the form of bubbles in the hot surrounding medium. The energy flow, which is roughly continuous, heats the hot intracluster gas and reduces radiative cooling and subsequent star formation by an order of magnitude. Feedback appears to maintain a long-lived heating/cooling balance. Powerful, jetted radio outbursts may represent a further mode of energy feedback which affect the cores of groups and subclusters. New telescopes and instruments from the radio to X-ray bands will come into operation over the next few years and lead to a rapid expansion in observational data on all modes of AGN feedback. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 The Radiative or Wind Mode 3 2.1 Radiationpressureondust . ............ 4 2.2 AGNwinds ........................................ ..... 5 2.3 Galaxyoutflows................................... ........ 5 2.4 Fromthepeaktothelate evolutionofAGNandquasars . .................. 7 2.5 Mergersorsecularevolution?. .............. 8 3 The Kinetic Mode 8 3.1 Heating/Cooling balance – Maintenance mode feedback . ................... 16 3.2 Cool,ColdGasandStarFormation. ............. 17 arXiv:1204.4114v1 [astro-ph.CO] 18 Apr 2012 3.3 Theevolutionofcoolcoresinclusters . ................ 20 3.4 Themostluminousclusters. ............ 20 3.5 Hotgasingroupsandellipticalgalaxies . ................. 21 3.6 TheKineticluminosityfunction . .............. 22 4 Baryon profiles at different mass scales and AGN feedback 22 4.1 PowerfulRadioGalaxies . ........... 23 4.2 Similarities with Galactic Black Hole Binaries . .................... 23 5 Future studies 24 6 Summary 25 7 Acknowledgements 25 1 1 Introduction It has been realised over the past decade that the black hole at the centre of a galaxy bulge is no mere ornament but may play a major role in determining the final stellar mass of the bulge. The process by which this occurs is known as AGN (Active Galactic Nucleus) feedback and it takes place through an interaction between the energy and radiation generated by accretion onto the massive black hole (the AGN) and the gas in the host galaxy. The possibility arises where the intense flux of photons and particles produced by the AGN sweeps the galaxy bulge clean of interstellar gas, terminates star formation, and through lack of fuel for accretion, terminates the AGN. The ratio of the size of the black hole to its massive host galaxy is tiny and similar to a coin in comparison to the Earth. The feedback process must therefore operate over a hundred to thousand millionfold range of scale (i.e. 108 − 109). The details of the feedback are complex and the observational evidence is not always clear. The overall picture in terms of energetics is fairly straightforward and at least two major modes have been identified, differentiated by the nature of the energy outflow near the black hole. The first is the radiative mode, also known as the quasar or wind mode, which operates, or operated, in a typical bulge when the accreting black hole was close to the Eddington limit. It is most concerned with pushing cold gas about. The second mode is the kinetic mode, also known as the radio jet, or maintenance mode. This typically operates when the galaxy has a hot halo (or is at the centre of a group or cluster of galaxies) and the accreting black hole has powerful jets. At the present epoch it tends to occur at a lower Eddington fraction and in more massive galaxies and involves hot gas. A further, ill-understood, mode may be associated with giant radio sources, which range in size up to a few Mpc. The energies in these sources are prodigious and approach the binding energy of the gas in groups and subclusters. It is easy to demonstrate that the growth of the central black hole by accretion can have a profound effect on its host galaxy. If the velocity dispersion of the galaxy is σ then the binding energy of the galaxy bulge, which 2 −3 is of mass Mgal, is Egal ≈ Mgalσ . The mass of the black hole is typically observed to be MBH ≈ 1.4 × 10 Mgal (Kormendy & Gebhardt 2001; Merritt & Ferrarese 2001; H¨aring & Rix 2004). Assuming a radiative efficiency for the accretion process of 10%, then the energy released by the growth of the black hole is given by EBH = 2 −4 2 −1 0.1MBHc . Therefore EBH/Egal ≈ 1.4 × 10 (c/σ) . Most galaxies have σ < 400kms , so EBH/Egal > 80. The energy produced by the growth of the black hole therefore exceeds the binding energy by a large factor. If even a small fraction of the energy can be transferred to the gas, then an AGN can have a profound effect on the evolution of its host galaxy. Fortunately accretion energy does not significantly affect the stars already existing in the host galaxy, or there would not be any galaxies as we know them. Nevertheless, observational evidence is reviewed here that energy and momentum from accretion onto the central black hole can couple strongly with the gas from which new stars forms. AGN feedback is a relatively young topic and a wide range of argument and opinion has been expressed. One opinion holds that AGN feedback locks the mass of the black hole to that of its host galaxy bulge, and determines the ultimate stellar mass of the bulge. Another opinion has it as just one of many processes of comparable importance in galaxy evolution; with the black hole – galaxy bulge mass correlation merely being a result of repeated mergers (e.g. Jahnke & Macci´o2011). There is little or no evidence at the present time for AGN feedback operating in low mass galaxies where stellar feedback is important, or that it significantly affects galaxy disks, or pseudobulges. The clearest observationalevidence for AGN feedback is found in the most massive galaxies known, Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) in cool core clusters of galaxies. Without energy input through kinetic feedback, many BCGs would be yet more massive and appear as brilliant, giant starbursts. AGN feedback features in many theoretical, numerical and semi-analytic simulations of galaxy growth and evolution (e.g. Kauffmann & Haehnelt 2000; Granato et al 2004; Di Matteo et al 2005; Springel, Di Matteo & Hernquist 2005; Bower et al 2006; Croton et al 2006; Ciotti et al 2010; Hopkins et al 2006, Scannapieco et al 2011). They are not reviewed here. The 9 orders of magnitude in physical scale means that all such simulations include subgrid assumptions and approximations. The review begins with a brief outline of the physics behind the radiative mode, then discusses the effects of radiation pressure on dusty gas, followed by AGN winds, outflows and AGN evolution. The radiative mode is the most likely AGN feedback explanation for the black hole mass – stellar velocity dispersion relation (M − σ, see Section 2), since it relies on the accretion being radiatively efficient and close to the Eddington limit. It was 2 probably most effective back at z ∼ 2 − 3 when quasar activity peaked and galaxies were most gas rich. Much of the feedback action involves absorption of the quasar radiation, which obscures the AGN itself, so direct observational evidence is patchy at the moment. If feedback empties a massive galaxy of gas it will then refill with at least stellar mass loss if isolated, or with intracluster plasma if in a cluster or group. Keeping it empty, or at least keeping the gas hot so it does not cool, appears to be the role of the kinetic mode, which is discussed next. This mode gives the most dramatic observational examples of AGN feedback in terms of bubbles in the cores of clusters. Energy injection from powerful giant radio galaxies is treated last. This may have a drastic impact on the gas in groups and subclusters. Observational evidence is poor, however, since much of the power in relativistic electrons (but not protons) is lost in Compton scattering of the Cosmic Microwave Background, the energy density of which was much higher in the past. The review finishes by considering whether the long term behaviour of AGN, and the modes of accretion, parallels the outbursts of Galactic, stellar mass, binary black holes which tend to be radiatively efficient and windy at high luminosity, and radiatively inefficient and jetted at low luminosity. Future observational prospects for AGN feedback, which are very bright, are treated in a concluding section. 2 The Radiative or Wind Mode Silk & Rees (1998, see also Haehnelt, Natarajan & Rees 1998) pointed out that a quasar at the Eddington limit can prevent accretion into a galaxy at the maximum possible rate provided that f σ 5σ ∼ T MBH 2 , 4πG mpc where σT is the Thomson cross section for electron scattering and f is the fraction of the galaxy mass in gas . 2 The galaxy is assumed to be isothermal with radius r, so that its mass is Mgal = 2σ r/G. The maximum collapse 3 rate, ∼ 2 f σ /G, is equivalent to the gas content, f Mgal, collapsing on a freefall time, r/σ, requiring a power of 5 ∼ f σ /G to balance it which is limited by the Eddington luminosity LEdd = 4πGMBHmpc/σT.
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