RIC POST OFFICE LONDON 1494 ltichanlson & Co. s:>licitors, 49.\, Lincoln's inn fields WC Richardson George Davill, merchant, 43 Wellclose square E Richardson & Dyer, portable house buildera, 1o3 Euston road NW Richard30n George F1·ederick, accountant, 23 Bucklersbnry E C Richardson Erimund William & Son, auctioneers. 5o Finsbury square Richardson Gco.Jamcs. undertaker, 1 Ripley street, New Kent rd SE E C-T N 1879 Avenue Richardson George \Villiam, shipping agent, see Upton & RicllardBOn Richardson Edward & Co. beer merchants, 63 St.Thomas' st.Boro'S E Richardson Harriet(Miss),drcssmaker, 51 Moreton street.PimhcoS W Richardson (Frank) & Sadler, solicitors, 28 Golden square W-T N Richardson Harrict (Mills), private hotel, 38 Craven st. Strand WC: 3568 Gerrard Richardson Harry, builder & contractor, 8 Great Garden street E- Richardson Frederick Robert & Co. stockbrokers, 11 Copthall court TA "Underlet'' ; T N 649 Avenue E C-T A" Vignette"; T K 70J Avenue Richardson Harry, surveyor, St. Ermin's, Westminster SW Richardson G. W. & Son, builders, decorators, surveyors & sanitacy Richardson Harry Coleman, accountant, 42 Finsoury pavement E C engineers. Lennox works, Halsey street, Cadogan square SW­ Richardson Harry Halliday, solicitor, 2 Broad street buildings E C T N 8.15 Kensington Richardson Harry Leo Sidney, official as3i.gnee of the Stock E't· RichardsonH.&Co. wine merchants,Bloomsburymansion, HarlstW G change, New court, T!Jrogmorton street E C Richanlson Hy. G. & Sons, glas.~ mannfactnrer.'l, J 1 Thavtc's inn E C Richardson Henry, chandler's shop, 1 Burcham street, Bromley E Richardson&Hewett,ea.indiamers.1 01 Leadnhll.st E C-TA''Jalonsie" Richardson Henry. eel salesman, 39 Botolph lane, Eastcheap E C & Richardson & Hill, public house brokers, 74 Regent street W & 7 fish s~lesman, Billingsgate E C Air street, Piccadilly W-T N 1737 Gerrard Richardson IIenry. steam printer & manufacturing stationer, Richardson J. N. lOons & Owden Limited, linen manufacturers, 4 4 Church street, Greenwich SE Friday street E C-T A "Primus"; T N 801 Bank Richardson Henry Bryan, merchant, q3 Cannon street E C-T A Richardson J. Topham Bros. & Oo. importers of selected foreign "Suppletive " barley, 6 Duke street, London bridge SE ; also 15 Brunswick Ri~hardson IIenry Edward, physician & snrgeon, 78 Waterloord SE street, Liverpool-T A "Topham Ricb.ardson"; T N 787 Hop Richardson Henry Ferdinand, agent, see Burys & Do. Limited Richardson John & Co.soap makers,perfumers & importers of essen· Richardson Henry William, carpenter, 431 Kingsland road NE tial oils, 26, 28 & 3o Artillery la Bishopsgate E-T A" Tangerine "; Richardson IIephzibah (Mrs.), apartments, 105 (ffiwer street WC T N 1212 Avenue. Established 1800 Richardson Herbert, apartments, 82 l\iildmay road N Richanlson John & Co. Lim. manufacturing chemiEts, 48A., Artillery Richuclson Ho race, surgeon, 53o Commercial road east E lane, Bishopsgate E Richardson Ja.mes, beer retailer, 272 Devonshire street, ~file entl E Richardson, Koolman & Isger, book & newspaper stereo & electro· Richaccl.~on J ames, bootmaker, 49 Lonsdale road W typers, photo electrotypers, patentees of curved electros & foundry Richardson J ames, chandler's shop, 45 Oharlbert st. Portland tn NW fitters, Racquet foundry, St. Bride street E C; TX 384 Holborn Richardson .Tames, coffee rooms, 65:i Commercial road east E Richardson (Macminn) & Co. wine & spirit merchants, brokers, Richardson James, cork merchant, see Rdenborough & Richa.rdson shippers & agents, 11 Hart st. Mark lane E C-T A "Snnpshot" Richardson James, iron, timber & general merchant, Blyth's wha.rl RichardsonPercyCussons & Co.freight& insur. brkrs.6A,Lime st.sqE C Narrow street E-T A "Utensil" Richardson Richard & Son, wheelwrights, Raine st. Old Gravel la E Richardson James, van builder, 103 to 106 Snow's fields, Bermondsey RichardsonRo bt. Moo re &Co. cotton mnftrs.5P hili p la. London w ll E C SE & 12 Porlock place, Kipling street, Bermondsey SE Richardson R. & Co. cyder merchants, If enry street, Toolcy streetS E Richardson James, wholesale newsagent, 3 Dorset buildings E C Richardson Sidney&Co. Limited, wholesale opticians,manufacturers Richardson James Alexander, iron merchant, Horseferry branch of barometers, thermometers, meteorological & scientific instru. road, Stepney E-T A" Rubstone" ments; reg. trade mark, "Sidric "; 19 Cross street, Hatton Richardson James Os borne, builder & contractor; offices & works, garden E C -T A " Sidric ·' Albert road, Peckham SE & Leo street, Old Kent road SE Richardson, Spence & Co. shipbrokers, u6 Leadenhall street E C­ Richardson James \V m. brush & mop maker,35 Sun st.Finsbury E C T A "Cisatlantic"; T N 427 Avenue & 3 Cockspur street SW­ Richardson John, builder, 480 Edgware road W TA "Interlace" ; T N 3534 G~rrard Richardson John, confectioner, 56 Led bury roau W Richardson, Tee, Rycroft & Co. warehousemen, 9 Friday street E C Richardson John, financial agent, 15 Copthall avenue E C -TA" Borespring" Richardson John, grainer, 12 Macclesfield street, Soho W Richardson Thomas & Co. picture dealers, restorers & cleaners, Richardson John, printers' broker &c. 70 St. John street E G printsellers & picture frame makers, 43 Piccadilly W-T A Richardson John, travelling draper, 26 Beaumont square, StepneyE '' Pictura"; T N 38'15 Gerrard Richardson John, who. milliner, 140 Lansdownc road, Dalston NE Richardson Thomas & Sons, greengrocers, 62 Roman road N Richa.rdson John, wholesale pastrycook, 6 Clerkenwell green E C & Hichardson W. & Co. straw hat manufacturers, 79 Wood street E C coffee rooms, 1Sg St. John street E C Richa.rdson & White, architects, 87 Finsbury pavement E C Richardson John Charles, greengrocer, 7 Holywelllane E C Richardson (Wigham)&Co.ship& marine engine builders,4 Fen et E C Richardson John Charles Bayliffe, linendraper, 194, 196 & 1!)3 Richardson William & Co. mediaeval metal workers, smiths, brass Bnck lane E ; hosier, 67 Holloway road N & ~40 Mare street & finishers, gasfitters & manufacturers of Ricket·~ ventilating globe hatter, 5 Town hall building3, Ma.re street, Ha~kney NE lights, 18 Brownlow street, lligh Holb~rn WC ; manufactory, Art Riclmrdson John Daniel, butcher, 19 Chapel street, Somers tn NW metal works, Summers town, Tooting SW Richardson John Fryer, coffee rooms, 1 Bradbury st. Kingaland NE Richardson William & Son, chandler's shop, 12 Crooked lane E C Richardson John Henry, dairyman, r83 Sbaftesbury avenue WC Richardson William & Son, cutlers, 273 Whitcchapel road E Richardson J ohnTopham, hop merchant, seeWigan,Richa.rdson &Co Richardson W.W. & G. metal brokers,3 Lombard court, Gracechurch Richardson Joseph, fi~hiug tackle maker, Ill Judd street we street E C-T A" Richardson"; T N 12047 Avenue Richardson J oseph, iron, rape, timber & mat merchant. Z Pa.rk RICHARDSON & CO. bankers, army, east india, colonial & general place. Limehouse causeway E-T A" Forceful" agents, 25 Suffolk street, Pall mall east SW-TA "Repeater" Richardson Joseph, tobacconist, 383 Caledonian road i~ Richardson & Co. mnfrs.' agts. 36 Monkwell st E C-TA "Colocticus" Richardson Jspb. Wm. grocer, Ball's Head pass. Gracechurch stE C Richardson & Oo. stationers, 176 Charing cross road WC Richardson Louisa Eleanor (Miss), bootmaker, g3 Chippenho.m rdW Richardson & Co. timber merchant~, r55 Fenchw·chstreet E C-T A Richardson Luther Joseph, grocer, 91 Union road, Rotherhithe SE "Fraudless" ; T N 5765 A venue Jil.ichardson Martin Tracey, 'Crooked Billet' P.H. 10 Crooked la E C Richardson Alau, stock & share broker, 6A, Austinfriars E C-T A Richardson Mary Ann (Mrs.), corn dealer, 224 Oxfordst. Stepney E " In telligo" ; T N 17 49 A ven ne Richanlsan Maurice Henry, stockjobber, see Ward & Richo.rdson Richardson .Albert Edward, confectioner. 233 KentiEh town road NW Richardson Murray Spenser, barrister, 7 Figtree court, Temple E C Richardson Alfred, greengrocer, 12 Greenfield street, Deptford SE Richardson Octavia (Miss), type writer, 5 Victoria street SW Richardson Alfred Theodore, hosier, 25 Chalk Farm road NW Richardson Oscar, baker, 59 Brook street, Ratcliff E RichardsonAlice (Mrs.), collar dres;;er, 5 Alhany st. CamberwellS E Richardson Philip Suttun, vinegar stores, Sun pass. Jamaica rd SE Richardson AliceAmelia (Mrs.), laundry, zo8Hillingdon st. Wl wth S E Richardson Philip Wigham, shi:powner & insurance broker, 38 Great Richardson.Annie(Miss),dressmakr. seeKramer&Richardson(Misses) St. Helen's E C-T A "Armadores '' Ricnardson Arthur James, oilman, 41 President street E C Richardson Richard, gasfitter, 62 South street, Walworth SE Richardson Basil, hop merchant, see Wigan, Richardson & Co. Richardson Richard, silversmith; manufacturer of electro plated Richardson Charles, newsagent, t85 Roman road, Bow E wares, spoons, forks, cutlery &c. 13 Hatton garden E C & Richardson Chas. travelling drapr.53 Philpot st.Commercial rd.ea E Cornwall works, Scotland street, Sheffield .Richardson Daniel, sen. rag dealer, 12 Peter's lane, Smithfield E C & Richardson Robert, chandler's :;hop, 22 Robert street, Grosvenor sqW waste paper dealer, Bayer street, Golden lane E C Rieha.rdson Robert, china & glass dealer, 76 Watney street E Rkhardson David Wm. custom house a~rent, 43 Wellclose square E Richardson Robert Henry, auditor & accountant, 3 Serle street, Richardson Edwd. artificl. florist, 115 Arlingtonst. New NorthrdN Lincoln's inn fields WC Richardson Edward, cheesemonger, 144 Fetter lane E C Richardson Sarah (Mrs.), apartments,32 Redhurn street,ChelseaSW Richardson Edward, urn brella stick m a. 19&21 Ash croft rd. Grove rd E Richardson
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