I BEGD.OOA-S I Panaji, 21st February, 1980 (Phalguna 2, 19011 SERIES III No. 47 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Department Works Division I (Bldgs. & Com.) - North - Panaji Tender Notice No. B/Adm·8/59/79·80 The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs. & Com.) North, PWD, Panaji invites on behalf of the President of India sealed Item Rate Tenders from approved and eligible contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on March 11th '80 for the work of:- Estimated Earnest Time limit Class ot Cost of Sr. No. Description amount money in days contractor Tender Ro. Ro. ns. 1. Fire Station Complex. at Panaji. S. H. Administrative Building cum Garages. 6,51,395.46 13,028 00 480 days II & above Rs. 40/­ (Incl. f1 monsoon) Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. must -produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate before issu· Conditions and tender forms can be had from the above office ing the tenders. I upto 4.30 p. m. on March 10th '80 during working hours. t T-enders of contractors who do not deposit earnest money in Panaji, 12th February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, t the prescribed form a,re liable to be rejected. Contractors K. V. N culkaT'll4. f t • ,f w",b o;.";on X, s.nguem-G"" manner will summarily rejected. Right to reject any or all the tender without assigning any reason is reserved. Tender Notice No. PWD/AB!I+A(4)/3/79·80. The contractor should produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate before issue of tender. The Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Masonry Dam Division, Pajimol, Sanguem.aoa ",invites on behalf of President of Sanguem, 11th February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, India, sealed tenders in C.P.W.D. :Form-9 reputed firms/ Sd/· B. N. Navalawala. suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 1-3·1980 for the supply of ac· cessories for drilling rig of S.LP. at an estimated cost of • Rs. 1,76,077-46 (Rupees One lakh seventy six thousand Works Division XIII- Panai,j ~eventy seven and paise forty six only). The tenders will be opened at 4.00 p. m. on the same day Corrigendum if possible. Earnest money of Rs. 4,405/· (Rupees four thou­ sand and four hundred five only) should be deposited in the State Bank of India or any scheduled bank in the fonn of To Notice No. PWD/WDXIII/NH/5/79·80 Deposit Call Receipt in favour of Executive Engineer, PWD, The last date for receipt of the tenders for the work of Masonry Dam Diyision, Pajimol, Sanguem and be enclosed "Construction of Pontoon Bridge across Chapora River at with the tender. Conditions, terms and tender forms can Colvale near existing Ferry crossing" is postponed to be had from this Office from 15-2-80 to 29·2-80 during 29·2-1980. The tenders will .be opened at 4 p. m on same working hours on payment of Rs. 30/- (if required by post day_ Tender papers will be sold upto 4 p_ m. of 28--2·1980. Rs. 5/· will be charged extra per copy)_ Other conditions remain unchanged.. The 'time limit allowed to carry out the work will be 30 droys inclusive of monsoon. The tender of the ContrMtor Panaji, 13th February. 1980 - The Executive Engineer, who does not deposit Earnest Money in the prescribed S. S. Sidm.. • Office of the Executive Engineer National Highways (Soutb)~ Fatorda. Margao..,Qoa Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVjNHSG/F.l/6/80 The Executive Engineer, National Highways South Goa, Fatorda Margao, Goa invites on behalf of the President ot I;,i~~~i. sealed Lumpsum tenders from approved. and eligible Contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of i, Territories/State PWD's!M.E.S./Railways upto 3.30 p. m. on 29-2·1980, for the following work. 662 SERIES III No. 1/1 Estimated Earnest Cost of Category of Time Sr. No. Desc"ription Cost money tender Contractor! Limit Rs. Rs. Rs. /Firm '1. Construction -of 150 metre long viaduct on approaches to the New Borim Bridge (Margao side) on Margao- Borim~Ponda state Highway in Goa ......................... 47,45,000/- 20,000/· 150/- Class I-A 24 Calen- . or its equi- dar Months valent ,(Inclusive monsoon) Tenders wiU be opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on Tender documents shall be sold to only such of those re~­ the same day in the presence of the tenderers or their autho- tered Contractors of category mentioned above and who have rised represantative, who like to be present. sufficient experience in carrying out such work in prestressed Earnest money shown against the work should be deposited concrete and who have satisfactorily completed similar works. in.the State Bank ~of __ India.. Margao or .any Scheduled Bank _Th,e, tenders -of the contracto~ Who. _49', ng,t d~p?Si-~ -t!1:'? ~~E­ in form of Deposit at call receipt and enclosed with the ten­ nest money in the prescribed manner will be summarily re­ der. Conditions of contract and tender form can be had from jected. the above mentioned office upto 3.30 p. m. on 27~2-80 on all working days on payment of cost of tender (Non refundable) Right ,to reject the tender without assigning any reason ff>r the work mentioned above, in cash. If required by post whatsoveT is reserved with the authority competent to accept the tendel'. an amount of Rs. 10/- will be charg~ extra. The intending tenderer will have to produce valid Income Panaji, 29th January, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, Tax Clearance Certificate at the time of buying tender. Sd/-. • Works Division xvn (RWS) Panaji . Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVII/A.CCTS/F.64/RWS/25/79-80 The Executive Engineer Works Division XVII(RWS) P. W. D., Panaji, - inVites on behalf of the President of India s~led item .rate tenders ..from approyed and eligible -Contractors of C. P. W. D. and those of appropriate list of Union Te?2ifories/State'" 'p; W. D./MES/Railw~y~· -upto 15:otY hours on 29-2-1980 for the fol1o\Ving works: - Estimated Earnest Time limit Cost of Tender Sr. No. Description cost money Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. Ru~l water Supply Scheme to Xeldem-Amona in Quepem Taluk.a. ................................................... 2,41,185-28 6030/- 240 days 30/- , including monsoon The tenders Will be opened at 15.30 hours on the same day. The tender- of the contractor who do -not deposit earnest Earnest money against work should be deposited by Challan _,money in the prescribed manner is liable to be rejected. in the State Bank of India or any other schedule Bank. in The contractor must produce Income-Tax Clearance Cer­ the fonn 'of Deposit at Call Receipt to be enclosed with the tificate before the issue of the tender. tender. Conditions and -tender forms can be had from Uus Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning office upto 16.00 hours on 28-2-1980 during -working hours any reasons thereof is reserved. on payment of fees (non-refundable) in Cash. if required ,Panaji, 8th February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, by post an amount of Rs. 10.00 will be charged extra. R. G. /)00. " Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVII/ACCTS/F.64/RWS/26/79-80 The Executive Engineer Works Divi$ion xvn (RWS) P. W. D. Panaji inVItes on behalf of the President of India sealed item rate tenders from approved and elligible contractors of C. P~ W. D. and those of appropriate list of Union_ Territories/ /State P. W. D./MES/Railways upto -15.00 hours on 29-2-80 for the following works:- Estimated cost Earnest money Time limit. Cost at 'Sr. No. Description terder Rs. Rs. R •. 1. Water Supply Scheme to Vadem Rehabilitation Colony in Sanguem Taluk.a - DrilImg of two tube wells. 48,500-00 1,213-00 90 days 20-00 excluding mOIlSOOI) 2. Water Supply Scheme to Valkinim Rehabilitation Colony in Sanguem Taluka -pri1Iing of 'three Tube WellS. 62,455-00 1;561-00 120 days 30-00 eXcluding monsoon The tenderS wili bk opeheci at·15.3'0 hours on the same day. Conditions and tender forms can be had from thLs dffice- upto Earnest Money against work should be deposited by Challan 16.00 hours on 28-2-1980 during worRing hours on payment -of in the State Bank of India- or any 'other Schedule Bank. in the -fees --(non-refundable) in· cash. If reqUired by post an .amount form of Deposit at Call Receipt to be- enclosed with the tender. of Rs. 10'00 will be charged extra. 21ST FESRUARY, 1980 (PHALGUNA 2, 1901) 663 The tender of the contractor who do not deposit earnest Right to reject any or ail the tenders without assigning money iil the prescribed manner is liable to be rejected. any reasons thereof is reserved. The Contractor must produce Income-Tax Clearance Cer­ Panaji, 11th February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, tificate before the issue of tender. R. G. Deo. •••• Forest and Agriculture Department Office of the Dy. Conservator of Forests {North Goa Division) Auction Sale Notice Auction for the right of collection of cashew nuts and tional cases earnest money in cash may be accepted at the cashew apples from the area departmental cashew plan~ discretion of the Dy. Conservator of Forests, North Goa tation during the year 1980 fruiting season shall be held at Division, Ponda Goa other details and conditions can be .
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