THE FEBRUARY , 2015 TURBRIDGE IMES S THE CHRONICLE OF STURBRIDGE AREA LIVING MATGAZINE 2 . o N t i m r e P A M , r e t s e c r o W D I A P e g a t s o P . S . U d t S . t r s r P Feb. Sturbridge screening opportunity for renowned indie film Kip Andersen and Keegan supported by simple but beau - Kuhn, producers of the ac - tiful cinematography.” claimed “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” have From The Huffington Post: been enjoying much global in - “[Andersen] pulls no terest in their film about envi - punches and makes no apolo - ronmental sustainability gies: ‘The future of our planet specifically as it relates to the is being destroyed by this in - food industry. dustry.’ Hard to argue with the Andersen and Keegan are data.” distributing their work through a unique system with the Tugg From Louie Psihoyos, School, which works to bring “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” will be screened at Sturbridge Cinemagic Theatre on Oscar-Winning Director of independent feature-length Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. The event is being hosted by Tip Top Country Store in Brookfield. In - "The Cove": motion pictures to American terested parties should reserve their $12.00 tickets online at www.tugg.com/events/13131. “Cowspiracy may be the cinemas without influence most important film made to from corporate entities. must achieve a critical mass of demon - Excerpts from The London Economic: inspire saving the planet.” The Sturbridge event will be strated interest through advance ticket pur - Following is from the review of this film From The Examiner: sponsored by Tip Top Country chases. In this case, in order for the film to from Nick Figgis of the above publication: Store in Brookfield, and it be screened in Sturbridge, a total of 72 in - “To start with this is a masterclass in scheduled for the Sturbridge dividuals must order tickets for the Febru - documentary film making. Deft pacing, a ★★★★★! A fresh Cinemagic Theatre on Tuesday, ary 26 event on or before February 17. A dry sense of humour and a self-effacing take. Few films are brave February 26 at 6:30 p.m. status check on the Sturbridge ticket order - protagonist make it eminently watchable. enough to tackle a topic this The arrangement through ing and purchase of tickets can be done at There’s an engaging simplicity to the controversial. Tugg requires that the film www.tugg.com/events/13131 . narrative and data presentation which is 2 THE STURBRIDGE TIMES MAGAZINE THE CHRONICLE OF STURBRIDGE COUNTRY LIVING STURBRIDGE AREA LIVING FEBRUARY 2015 THE STURBRIDGE TIMES MAGAZINE PUBlISHeR & eDITOR .....................PAUl CARR MANAgINg eDITOR ........................jOHN SMAll STORy eDITOR ...............................STePHANIe RICHARDS ADveRTISINg DIReCTOR ................KAReN ROTHWeIleR ADveRTISINg PRODUCTION ............TeRRI RACCA WRITeRS ........................................lISA BOUley , MS ......................................................THOMAS CHAMBeRlAND ......................................................AMANDA COllINS ......................................................PATRICIA A. gAUMOND ......................................................ROBeRT geORge , eSQ ......................................................RICHARD MCgRATH ......................................................KATHy MeNARD ......................................................RICHARD MORCHOe ......................................................MICHAel Neely ......................................................STePHANIe RICHARDS ......................................................PeTeR SAgANSKy ......................................................g.e. SHUMAN THe STURBRIDge TIMeS MAgAzINe | C ARR , Q UINN & S MAll , I NC . P.O. BOx 418, STURBRIDge , MA 01566 Tel . 508-347-7077 FAx 508-347-8150 STURBRIDgeTIMeS .COM CQSMeDIA .COM THe STURBRIDge TIMeS MAgAzINe is published 11 times a year, with no january issue, in Sturbridge, Massachusetts by Carr, Quinn & Small, Inc. We accept photos, opinions, short articles, stories, poems and drawings from the general public, but assume no re - sponsibility for failure to publish a submission or for typographic errors published or incorrect placement. The contents of this magazine consist of copyrightable material and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the author and the publishers of The Sturbridge Times Magazine . We reserve the right to refuse any advertising for any reason. We reserve the right to require editing to any advertising that is accepted for publication. Opinion printed herein report views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the magazine, its publisher, or Carr, Quinn & Small, Inc. We invite varying opinions and information from our writers and readers, wishing to provide a public forum for well-tempered, well-reasoned thoughts, ideas and opinion. ADveRTISINg DeADlINe: Camera ready: the 20th of each month prior to publication. The 17th of the month for Nov. and Dec. ADveRTISINg OFFICe: 508-347-7077 ext. 2 (Karen Rothweiler, Ad Director). 3 DelIveReD INTO eveRy HOMe AND BUSINeSS AND POST OFFICe BOxeS IN STURBRIDge AND TO SeleCTeD HOMeS IN BRIMFIelD BROOKFIelD CHARl Annual Subscription Rate , , , - If you live outside Sturbridge and Sturbridge Times TON , eAST BROOKFIelD , HOllAND , NORTH BROOKFIelD , WAleS , WeST BROOK - Magazine is not mailed to your home, you may sub - FIelD , SOUTHBRIDge , SPeNCeR . AlSO MAIleD TO INDIvIDUAlS AND scribe at our annual rate of $29.00. Checks must indi - BUSINeSSeS elSeWHeRe IN THe UNITeD STATeS . AND TO MeN AND WOMeN OF cate “Annual Subscription” on the detail and be made THe U S ARMeD FORCeS WHO ARe SeRvINg OUR COUNTRy IN THe UNITeD payable to Carr, Quinn & Small, Inc. and forwarded . to: Sturbridge Times, P.O. Box 418, Sturbridge, MA STATeS AND ABROAD . THE CHRONICLE OF STURBRIDGE COUNTRY LIVING THE STURBRIDGE TIMES MAGAZINE 3 GETTING READY | TAX TIME Sturbridge Coffeehouse Tom Dubrey’s five top tax tips for 2015 moves to new grounds By Tom Dubrey fordable Care Act is a twist on the MA health By Stephanie Richards gathering information to prepare your care reporting we have been complying with tax return can be an exciting experience or for a number of years now. like MA, the fed - Seven years ago, Pia Rogers and her mom (then a dreadful one depending on your antici - eral law does provide for a “shared responsi - a partner) set out to create a special blend in a busi - pated result. Here are some tips for making bility payment” or tax penalty for not being ness that captured the two in the heart of Stur - the experience as pleasant as possible and a enrolled in a qualified health plan. The law bridge’s Main Street area. few new items to watch for as you embark carries a maximum $12,240 per family For Sturbridge Coffee House, the New year on this year’s tax journey. penalty for not being enrolled. All of us need brewed up a move this month from the former to report our coverage as part of this year’s tax Hearthstone Inn to a space just down the road adja - Tax Tip 1 - Stay organized filing. A tax credit is available for taxpayers cent to Admiral T. j. O’Brien’s. The building may be It doesn’t matter if you are a do it your - who meet income eligibility guidelines and smaller, but the aroma inside is the same with its sig - self tax preparer or use a professional tax also purchase insurance through the Federal nature blend of coffee and community. “Our sign in service, staying organized is likely to make insurance “Marketplace” (MA Health Con - front now says community. I will always be in Stur - the experience more pleasant. If you use a nector). bridge; I wouldn’t consider a location other than professional service, ask for a client organ - Main Street in town,” Rogers said. “The space is izer. This document will list all of the items Tax Tip 4 - Small Business Expensing smaller, but it is still all about good coffee in a com - you had in last year’s tax return and ask a Ask any small business owner who pur - munity gathering place...that has always been the series of questions to alert the prepare of chases equipment or vehicles and they will tell whole idea.” changes to your life that may impact the re - you how important this law is to them. IRC Ironically, Rogers looked at the new space three turn. When you arrive for your appoint - Section 179 allows small businesses to expense other times but said it just didn’t “feel right. The old ment, having all of your required up to $500,000 of fixed asset purchases in - building (Hearthstone) was beautiful but expensive documents will avoid rework and ultimately stead of depreciating them over several years. to heat. I’d spend $90 a day in oil. you have to sell a reduce professional fees. Another way to The law expired in 2013 and was retroactively lot of coffee to make that up,” she said. “I also spent stay organized is to provide a summary of extended this past December for 2014. Tax - a lot of time in my office doing paperwork. I wanted expenses. Tax preparers don’t need to see payers flooded equipment and auto dealers to to be back on the front-line and interact with cus - every business receipt that you have accu - take advantage of the last minute tax law tomers more. It was time to move on.” mulated throughout the year. Providing a change before it expired again at the end of located at 408 Main Street, the new 2,000 summary makes things easier on both of the year. square-foot space includes a living room area with you. couches set around a pellet stove, toy box with chil - Tax Tip 5 - What if I get audited? dren’s items and a craft area. Rogers wanted to Tax Tip 2 - Repaired or replaced? The thought of being audited is enough to recreate a homey atmosphere. She is also returning In 2014, The Treasury issued final reg - trigger anxiety in the calmest of people. Au - to her roots with a Children’s Music Hour (in the ulations on this long debated topic. gen - dits are a necessary part of our “voluntary” near future) and extended hours, open seven day a erally, if a taxpayer makes large capital tax reporting system.
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