May 5, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 8733 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution re- ORDER OF BUSINESS might of the Allied Forces finally ended forever ported yesterday the concerns of one Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. the murderous regime of Adolf Hitler and his bureaucrat at the National Conference Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to brutal henchmen and brought the curtain down of State Legislators. He complained take my special order at this time. on the European theater of World War II. Nev- that the REAL ID would cost States The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ertheless, the Nazi dictatorship already had $500 million to implement. But my objection to the request of the gentle- succeeded in deliberately murdering more home State of Georgia, like many oth- woman from Florida? than six million Jews and countless other peo- ers, already require many of the stand- There was no objection. ple, in particular gypsies, persons with mental ards in this bill. So this figure is very or physical disabilities, and those perceived to questionable, extremely questionable. f have a different sexual orientation or set of But for the sake of argument, let us ac- GENERAL LEAVE political beliefs. They achieved this terrible end cept that figure as valid. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. through a nefarious network of secret police, a Would it be worth $500 million to Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that perverted legal process, a barbarous system have avoided 9/11? The 19 attackers who all Members may have 5 legislative of concentration camps that doubled as killed 3,000 Americans in New York and days within which to revise and extend human extermination factories—and the tacit Washington on that day had 63 driver’s their remarks and include extraneous and often active participation of many, many licenses between them, which they material on the subject of this special others from a wide variety of backgrounds and used, as we all know, to board the air- order. national origins. We observe Holocaust Remembrance Day liners they crashed into the World The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in part to honor the memory of those men, Trade Center and the Pentagon. $500 objection to the request of the gentle- women, and children who perished in this million would be the deal of the cen- woman from Florida? tragedy unparalleled in the course of human tury to have avoided the loss of all There was no objection. these Americans. events. We observe Holocaust Remembrance f Day to pay tribute to the courage and suffering Beyond our battle against terror, HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY of so many who lost their lives. But we also this bill addresses a growing threat to observe Holocaust Remembrance Day for an our very culture, to our way of life, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a all too practical, and unfortunately still nec- the reasons that people all over the previous order of the House, the gentle- essary, purpose: because we must never for- world want to come here to start with. woman from Florida (Ms. WASSERMAN get. We are a Nation that respects the law, SCHULTZ) is recognized for 5 minutes. The six decades that have intervened since abhors corruption and graft. And as a Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. the Nazi regime was forcibly ended may make result, we have built the greatest econ- Speaker, today is Holocaust Remem- the Holocaust seem like a chapter in history omy on Earth by having established a brance Day, Yom Hoshoa. from a bygone era. Yet each succeeding gen- firm foundation of public honesty; reli- Today is a day of reflection and re- eration has a moral obligation to remember able documents; trustworthy personal, membrance, not just for Jews, but for the Holocaust and its lessons for humanity: business, and official records. Those everyone who needs to learn from the that mankind has an enormous capacity for standards are in stark contrast to most world’s injustices in order not to re- evil; that, if left unchecked, evil can and will of the Third World, where graft and peat them. Today we need not just say, prevail; and that in order to overcome a mas- cronyism and corruption are the norm. ‘‘never again.’’ We must live our lives sive concentration of power in the hands of That is why people from those coun- by this mantra. those who would achieve evil ends, we have tries want out, because they cannot A few weeks ago, I attended a solemn a moral obligation to act and to intervene on feed themselves under the economic ceremony to remember the 60th anni- behalf of those without the capacity to resist conditions created by this corruption. versary of the liberation of Auschwitz. such evil. These lessons, we must never for- But illegal immigrants begin their As I reflected upon the horror of the get. journey by bringing that corruption to death camps where at least 1.5 million For the unfortunate truth is that each suc- this country, by intentionally vio- innocent people from many different ceeding generation in the decades following lating our immigration laws and cross- nations died, 90 percent of whom were the Holocaust has been obliged to grapple ing our borders illegally, and with the Jews, I asked myself the following with mass murder on a geopolitical scale. help of their own corrupt government. question: how far have we come as a From the tyranny of Josef Stalin’s Gulag Ar- Once here, they continue the process civil society and a world in the last 60 chipelago; to the Cultural Revolution of Com- by falsifying identification documents, years? How much have we learned? munist China; to the killing fields of Cambodia; which they then use to corrupt our Have we honored their memory by not to the ‘‘ethnic cleansing’’ in Bosnia and public records at both the State and allowing these atrocities to be re- Kosovo; to the senseless slaughters in Rwan- Federal level. peated? da, the Sudan, and Darfur; to the tumbling Unfortunately, my answer had to be twin towers at Ground Zero; and in countless not far enough. In the last 15 years, we other corners of the earth, man’s capacity to b 1445 have seen genocide raise its ugly head inflict grievous harm on his fellow man con- In the process, they have created an in Bosnia, Rwanda and, most recently, tinues to rage on, all too often unchecked. underground criminal industry based in the Darfur region in Sudan, where at Mr. Speaker, my distinguished colleagues, on graft and deceit, with the sole pur- least 180,000 people are dead and over 2 that is why we must never forget. We must pose of undermining the public records million people displaced from their never forget the more than 6 million victims, of this Nation. homes. their grievous suffering, and the tremendous On Yom Hoshoa, let us recommit and loss experienced not only by their loved ones To allow this to continue would be reaffirm our vigilance against acts of who survived them, but by all of mankind. We far more damaging than just allowing horrific inhumanity. Let us make sure must never forget the names associated with false information. It would allow a cul- that the lost souls from the Holocaust that greatest of all human tragedies, names ture of corruption to take seed and did not die in vain. which still to this day all too readily roll off the grow in this country, until the weeds of Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tongue, drenched in a thousand tears: Ausch- graft choke the economy and the pub- commemorate Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Re- witz, Dachau, Treblinka, Babi Yar—the Shoah. lic integrity of America, as it has the membrance Day, the annual observance of But above all, we must never forget, be- nations that the illegal immigrants the mass genocide perpetrated in the mid- cause we must continue to look forward, as flee from, especially south of us. twentieth century by Nazi Germany, the most well as behind us. Man must never again I urge the Senate, I urge the Senate evil tyranny in the annals of human history. allow his fellow man to stand by while the to join us in passing this essential first On Sunday, May 8th, we mark the sixtieth wholesale extermination of entire peoples is effort against illegal immigration. anniversary of V–E Day, when the combined attempted under our very noses. We must VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:15 Mar 11, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR05\H05MY5.001 H05MY5 erowe on PROD1PC63 with BOUND RECORD 8734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 May 5, 2005 never forget the maxim offered by Edmund has visited hundreds of classrooms and spo- nity. And it still operates on a global scale. Burke centuries before the Holocaust: that the ken to thousands of students about his life in Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is German concentration camps during the Holo- has termed the failure of the United States for good men to do nothing. caust. Sam Harris—born Szlamek Rzeznik— and other nations to intervene to prevent the Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to has taken his remarkable life story and made genocidal massacres of 1994 in Rwanda as commemorate the Holocaust Martyrs’ and He- it a driving force in his effort to help America’s her ‘‘deepest regret’’ from her years of public roes’ Remembrance Day, known in Hebrew as children learn the value of tolerance.
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