AMERICAN BIRDS Sl,l•t•t½l. '•987 A seasonaljournal devotedto the birds of the Americas Published by the National Audubon Society AMERICAN BIRDS Summer 1987 ß . from the editor's desk Vol. 41, No. 2 Les Line skills. The millions of cosmopolitan peepsand stints that have sur- Senior Vice President, Publications NOW,inmidsummer, itis time tosharpen yourshorebird identification vived their sometimeschaotic annual breedingcycle have left the high latitudes of their circumpolar breedingdistribution and are en route to EDITORS their southernnonbreeding areas, some of which are well beyond the confinesof the North American continent.These long-distance migrants Susan Roney Drennan Editor can be found during this seasonand well into autumn continentwide Manuela G. Soares and in oftentimesconfounding plumages. For your field-viewingpleasure Associate Editor and in responseto the requestsof so many, we have here repeated one Kenn Kaufman of our great seminalarticles of 3 yearsago: 'Field identificationof smaller Editor, Regional Reports sandpiperswithin the genus Calidris' by Veit and Jonsson. Chandler S. Robbins Marshall Howe's 'Wetlands and waterbird conservation,' is a note- Technical Editor worthy contribution to our International Council for Bird Preservation J.P. Myers series.We exhort you to keep in mind his cogent points and some of SpecialProjects Editor the environmental outrages visited upon the nation's wetlands while AIdeen and Wi!let T. Van Velzen Co-editors.Breeding Bird Censuses shorebirdingyour favorite haunts this season.Criticizing ecologicaler- Calvin L. Cink and Roger L. Boyd rors, commending noteworthy contributionsto the protection of our Co-editors, natural heritage,and monitoringthe progressof preservationprograms Winter Bird-Population Studies is the responsibilityand obligationof each of us.Conservationists heaved Fredrick Baumgarten an enormoussigh of relief when finally, in April 1987, the United States Editorial Assistant becamea signatoryto the Ramsat Convention. This is the only inter- Tony Leukering national wildlife conservationtreaty whose focus is the protection of Christmas Bird Count Editor habitat. As a contractingparty, the United Stateshas the obligationto Nancy Johnson-Monroe BusinessManager formulate and implement land use planning for designatedwetlands. In short,this means that the federalgovernment has the moral obligation to create new wetland reserves. What better time for birders nationwide to voice their views? The EDITORIAL ADVISORS useful momentum generatedby accessionto the Ramsar Convention Carl E. Bock clears the way to designate more areas "wetlands of international im- Mary H. Clench portance." John Farrand, Jr. The time is ripe for you, as a shorebird enthusiast,to sit down and Thomas R. Howell Frances C. James write an extremely political letter. Do your share to preservethe won- Robert J. Newman drously complex ecosystemsour migratory shorebirdsdepend upon. Kenneth C. Parkes Communicating with your electedrepresentatives is no more difficult Roger Tory Peterson than sendinga letter. Influencing the legislative processdoesn't mean Olin Sewall Pettingill,Jr. Alexander Sprunt, IV traveling to the nation's capital. Writing lettersand making telephone Dale A. Zimmerman calls are effectiveand time-honoredways of deliveringyour political message.Because these are electedofficials, every message is very care- fully recordedin the officesof our congressionaldelegates. More im- portantly, voiced viewpoints of voters are carefully consideredwhen it AMERICAN BIRDSis publishedfive times a year. Editorial and business offices are located at 950 Third comes right down to voting on a particular issue. Avenue,New York, N.Y. 10022 (212) 546-919 I. Sub- Air your point of view. Use a letter to your membersof Congressas scriptions,all in U.S. $: One year $25, Canadaand Foreign$30, Librariesand lustitutions$32. Single an opportunity to inform him/her about the importance of wetlands copies:Christmas (Bird Count)Issue $15, SpringIssue preservation.Urge your state and federal representativesto designate (AutumnMigration), Summer Issue (Winter Season), Fall Issue(Spring Migration), Winter Issue(Nesting Bowerman Basin in Washington state,Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas,and Season)all $4.50each. Checks and moneyorders in San FranciscoBay as complementsto the four wildlife refugesalready U.S. $ onlyshould be madepayable to AMERICAN BIRDS. Secondclass postage paid at New York, N.Y. identified as "wetlands of international importance." andadditional Post Offices. Copyright ¸ 1987by The NationalAudubon Sociely_ If you really care about all of thosepeeps you enjoy seeingas they migratethrough your area, let your representativeknow how you feel. Postmaster.Send addresschanges to AMERICAN Stay tuned!! BIRDS, 950 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. ISSN 0004-7686. S.R.D. Mrs D A Lacoss William Rlsser StephanieLanday Rick Robinson 1987 BIRDATHON SPONSORS Dave Lange Martha M Roney Dr. J. M. Langham Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,Jr We would like to expresssincere thanks and recognitionto thefol- Mrs. F. David Lapham David & M. Rorick lowtngpersons who so generouslysupported our 1987 Birdathon, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Y. Larkin Mrs. Paul D. Rosahn whtchenabled us to raise$20,000 on behalfof AMERICAN BIRDS: Greg Lasley Mrs. William J. Ross Paul Lehman Peter M. Ross Mr. William T. Lenehan Carl Safina Dr John W. Aldrich Mr. Edwin S. Duerr Mr. & Mrs. John G. Leness Robin Schiffman Mr & Mrs. John H. Allan Dr. Charles D. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Leukering Betty L. Schmidt ClydeAnderson Robert A. Duncan Tony Leukering Anne Schwartz Karen Anderson Chris Duthie Mrs. Sandra M. Lewis SeaboardSeed Company Mr & Mrs. O.K. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. JamesA. Edgar, Jr. Rochelle Lieberstein David Seay Richard E. Andrews David A. Edwards MaggieLinn Donald M. Self Dr R. K. Archibald Cynthia D. Ellis Daniel London Kenneth D. Seyffert Eltmg Arnold David L. Emerson Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lorenze, III Leonard A. Shelton H C Ashman Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Barbara A. Lurid Mr. Jay M. Sheppard Mrs A. W. Augustson Mrs. R. H. Evans John Lynes Philip Sheridan A C Bacon Kate Feeney Mr. & Mrs. David Mackintosh John W. Shipman Sidney Bahrt Davis W. Finch Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Malabre Richard B. Sichel Mr Robert B. Baird Howard Fischer Helen C. Maneher Mr. David E. Simpson Burr S. Barnon Mr. & Mrs. C. Herbert Fisher Juliet KelloggMarkowsky Mrs. Samuel E. Sims Mr & Mrs. Abraham Baumgarten Erma J. Fisk The Hon. & Mrs. Anthony D. Mar- Sam W. Sinderson,Jr. Fredrick Baumgarten Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fletcher, Jr. shall Mr. & Mrs. David C. Siphron Mr & Mrs. SidneyBaumgarten Florida OrnithologicalSociety Peg Martin Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Siphron Samuel Baumgarten Mary Ford Susan P. Martin Mr. John R. Siphron Mrs Edward F. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Cruger D. G. l:bwler, Jr. Russell Marx Mr. & Mrs. Alexander B. Slater Wfiham Belton David B. Freeland Mr. & Mrs. Hamish Maxwell ChristopherSmith Ellen Benner Anna Freytag Franklin McCamey David Smith Mrs Karl Bergey Dorothea H. Frysinger Rev. McCandless Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Smith Peter A. A. Berle Karen EastmanGalley Ellery McClintock Mrs. Arlo I. Smith Leo R. Best Edwin F. Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mclntosh Robert T Smith GeorgeF. Bing Mr. Henry Gardiner Hugh McMillan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Smithers Francois Blouin Mr. Clifton C. Garvin, Jr. Carole McNamara Patricia R. Snider Bob & Jean Boardman Mrs. Philomene A. Gates J. A. Meadows Manuela Soares Ray F. Boehmer Daphne Gemmill GeoffreyMelior Mr. George Soares Kyrle Boldt Jerome L. Gifford Helen C. Menchef Mr. & Mrs. John Somonick Gerald L. Boyd C. R. & P. Godchaux Paul R. Meyer Dr. JeffreySpendelow Mr & Mrs. Otis Bradley Betty L. Goodwin Mary Miller Walter R. Spofford Robert C. Bradley Ada& Frank Graham Mr. Frank A. Miller Richard Stackpole Herb Btammeier,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Griffith Wayne Mones Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stebbins Mr & Mrs. William J. Brennan,Jr. Deborah Grimes Ms. Colleen J. Monroe Dr. James H. Strauss Antoinette Brevillier Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Groves Mr. Edwin Morgens Connie Stroud Hal W. Broadfoot, Jr. Bryan Hale Mr. & Mrs. George K. Moss Mrs. Kathleen Struthers Howard P. Brokaw Mrs. Violet Hallerr Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mott John E. Sunder Mrs Dwight Brooke Mrs. Henry W. Happel Dr. Peter Muhlenberg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Swint. Jr. Mr & Mrs. J. M. Brotherton Larry E. Hare Dr. & Mrs. Eldred Mundth MelissaD. Synco Mrs W. L. Lyons Brown Mr. Ed N. Harrison Paul A. Murphy Sandra Tanzer Mrs Donald J. Bruckman Mrs. Henry F. Hartmann Dr. J. P. Myers Richard J. Tego Dorothy Bryan Tbeo R. Haugen James Nelson Mrs. JosephA. Thomas Margaret Buckwalter Brian E. Hay Vic Nelson Patricia A. Timmons BucksCounty AudubonSociety Lois Heilbrun Richard Newman Gary S. Triandos Jeff Buecking Mr. & Mrs. Cowles Herr Mr. & Mrs. CharlesW. Nichols,Jr. ShelleyVakay Mr AlexanderA. Cameron,Jr. Dr. Theodore M. Hiatt Mrs. Robert Ames Norton Willet T. Van Velzen Mrs Victor B. Carboni JosephJ. Hickey Robert W. Oberfelder Mrs. Robin Verbose Mrs Evelyn T. Chace. Joel R. Hitt Ginny Olcott William Verry Lee B. Chamberlalne Virginia Bly Hoover Arlene Omphroy Ellen K. Viereck Neal A. Clark Juliet Howard Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Oresman Mr. & Mrs. Elliot E. Vose GeorgeA. Clark, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce S. Howard The Hon. & Mrs. T. Decker Orr K. B. Wagner Mr & Mrs. Robert H. Clayton,Jr. Mrs. L. P. Howe Janet Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Carroll L. Wainwright Dr Mary H. Clench Jean Howell Robert E. Ostrander Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Walker Jane Rose Cole Mrs. Merle L. Hoyt Dr. Kenneth C. Parkes John B. Walsh Dr Charles T. Collins Ronald D. Huffman Mrs. H. J. Pauchey Ernest & Betty Wargo Thomas Collins Carol Hyatt Dr. Robert O. Paxton Daniel M. Watson John Comstock Dr. Frances C. James Bruce G. Peterjohn Lila Weber Dr Malcolm Coulter Astrid Jarvis Dr. Roger T. Peterson Brian J. Weed Mr William F. Crandall Rev. A. N. Jergens Jean K. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. John Weikart Catherine Crean David B. Johnson John J. Petrella Gates Weisberg JamesCunningham Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle C. Jones Noel Pettingell Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Wetherell, Jr. Eric Cutler GeorgeJonkel Anne P. Phelps Dr. Nathaniel R. Whitney, Jr. Richard M. Cutler Miss Julie Kammerer Mr. & Mrs. Howard Phipps,Jr. Rosemarie Widmer Dorothy M. Davis C.
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