![SUITS HALE's Fu T Sala Iitmfhthtrr Lewntttg Hrraliir](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
*, w - V. 'WSDN18DAT, ATTcnrar t, ifit The Weather Avsngu DoOy Nut Pi e «U . a VNaUm rbv Om Mtulh e l M l aot to grant alda. a la r g a ----------- — - — Ib a a ii Awatts Placement Possible Drop ba plaaad on tba loaal 9,465 aaS ifiatag; ctaaSy toeigbli AA No Eitfly Hwrr^ To Study Need TIM state aid grant asUawtad iitmfhTHtrr lEw ntttg Hrraliir About Town 'From ParkiBK Meters tar tbla yaar flgnras In tba a o M In Taxes Seen hudgat at lin jS S , and tbla bae M ametieelor - i City o f Village Charm Of New Bank not yat boon nwda a eortabity w iu t . C b lU r r A5MU1; Hactangular cardboard beet' as in which Manohaatar*s new tba nvamw alda. Tba bOl iael«diag la oharM e« th« tbla aid waa vatoad by Oeva---- (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CKNTB M n iot ^ w m in* at T:>0 at tba parking meUrs wars daUvarfd Badfet Adopted by 1H- m 9sm M) MAMCHB8TSK, OONNm THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 Formal Inspection to Bowlsa dnrlnc tba Isgfalattva Charch of tha Nawana. hare been placed over the In­ -rectors May Mean Cut stalled meters. CWof of Police tia just pafaad. R la axpaetad Be Made on Next Wed­ a apaeial I msIm bi Um faB Tba Dtaablad War Vatar^* Herman Schendal said thla O f Mill in Rate AmUUry. Ma IT, will ®aat thta morning that tha action nesday, I s ^ p o r t agatn taka up tha piaMw . Oawsty T b » B o n eto P id t •VMtac at al*ht o’clocli • t t t a V. neceasary to prevent m otorw A IUS1,S7S bndgst for Um s ^ from dropping colna Into tha I situattiau tba Republicans Want Names Spanish Loan y.W . h ^ . Oraan. Formal Inspection of the jmtion of town govsmmsiit was ■machines. ’ oountartax nwy again throw tho situation In regard to tha proposed Mr. ami The meters will not be In ef­ •doptod last mgkt by tha Bi oeUmataa ou t It haa haul atatad o( Saaman drcla are apaiiAnf thair fect imtll. Monday. new'First National Bank of M a^ a f Dlpaatoin. Action onma ■ that tho eounty oattnwtao w U aot Block Uland. a j* ^ * "People Insist on putting ciiastar will ba held a weak from tha b«nat, laeommwidad kjr Oan* bo in bataro Saptambor. Tbsv have paaiad by thair daufhtara, Judith baan riatag year, and last Senate’s Leaders money In the meters to see today. It was sUtad tAls nomlng •ral MaMgm Oasrgs a'WnddaH. and Daborhh. how they work." said ths yaar took ox auaxpsetad Jump isr Rider Rule Violation; chief, "and wo dont want to by Atty. John 8 . O. Bottaor, sacra- had bean up tor ynba« baartag last Maaehaatar amounttag to about Mrs. Oartnida BuchMan, head btf accuB^d of rooplnj ofcriy tary of tha organisation commit- 88,000. of tha Bconomlca commlttaa of harvest.** tea. Next weak a natloiml bank U m ganoral budget afeptad last To Give Progran Maachaater Qranga, la chalrmM axamlnar, an Inspector of tha Pad- gw^sral m aaafw tbat ^»*tb an « - algbt roprsaonta aa laaaaao e f of tha commlttaa h> o h a r*a ^ the Dsetad m n d k s t toessaas o f about eral Deposit Insurance agency and appcoartamtaly 10 par dmt ever ths haai duppar thia avanlng to OrMge poftkp s« tbs bod. euiraut year’s e o m due an Thrown Out of Bill haQ. to M foUowad by a aath^jj James T. Fogarty, of 64 Walnut an official of tha federal issarvi gst tbat must seow ftoas propsr* Strat- Six Womsa SlaisBla straat, has as hU tbs naod tar oxtandsd pubBe Two Closed-Door at T:*6 for which caah prlaaa wUI system will ba hare to check on I f taxation cam ba tmisad with a loss than for prteo taor------ Ftad Psrgisteaey Pays awarded. ProYlalaa wUl ba made r.ost of Wallingford, Conn. Mr. data and progress made to data. TV . ,— ^ currant egy Sessions Fail Frost claimed Manchester as his Si HdU tax M a n of tba tadhrtdual budget Senate Regulationi Foi> for dandng for thoaa who prefer The rssulU of thair Inspaetton 88 aun levy Itona show sabataatlal raduMoas. that paatlma to cards. Home made home when he played on the base­ To Produce Any Agree­ ball, team of the ManchesUr In- wlU ba forwarded through tba na­ Mat . Small aavtnga, ‘ ‘ (FH-Ftrristaaoy baa paid a * Rejects Suggestion bid Injecting LegW- candy, g ift aitlclaa and parcel pwt tional bank Inspaetion aarvloa to more than wlpod out b y . tte da- DOClcagea will b4 on eala, all fm dependenU who won, t l « t o ^ Enaign Bieherd Arnold Doogaa. Tbeia la a quaatkm. bewavar. ha ment on Adjournment for ata wamM atadaeta at lation in Appropria­ championship In # »- , w Itt tha OontroUar of th# Curroncy haa atatad. oonoemtaig tha onUie for additional ausM tar od- Wostam Mlchlgaa oaDaga. U*a banaflt of tha building fund. 1 0 10 •on trfilr . and Mrs, Ward DougaiL Other Than Promise Harry Johnson as manager. Mr. and othor Washington offldala WMiiriAi plotuia durbig tba eom- uoatiou, arolfara and other a f T l ^ studiad at latarvala tion Measures; LneM Tha meal wUl be served conUnu- who have final dlspoMUon of tho of 881 School atraot. is at prsaent loo wbon nssda bars grown. O f Aid Compromise oualy from •:< » to 7:80 as patrons Frost would enjoy reviewing old uig year, tar if tba atata daaa not tar pmlodo raagliig from SO to local raquast for a national bank at home a w a ltt^ en T o Speed Work Challenges McCarran drop In. friendships while In town and Is with tha Amaiicbn Praeldant IS yaara to aotn eoUaga 4a> looking forward U) seeing some of ebartof. graoa. They wUl raoalva thorn Amendment and M ^ his old acquaintancaa. Attomay Rottnor said to­ A graduate of Mancheater H lrt Washington, Aug. 4--^d?) touifbt from PraoMtat Paul Truman Indicates No day that tha choice between appU- schom with tha clase of 1S44, nj — Republimn senators sax- V. iaagtaa at aummar grad- Signs Appear caUons for tho post of oaocuUva Carran Appeals De­ 1S46 ha racalvad an app^tm ant loiis to adjourn tbs present ssm»leE^ eKSPClSSS. Opposition to Con­ vice prasidont and cashier has basn aa cadet midshipman In tha U, 8 . Shop In Air-Conditioned Boom IntarTuptsd their col­ cision from Barkley DArrowad to four, and that every Merchant Marina Cadet Corps. wA ■sgaion of Ckmgrsss today lage earaara to roiao tamlHaa gressional Curbs on Personal Notices effort la haing made to aspadlta PAitaii on Senate Democratic Business Has was ssslgnsd to ths Ban Matao, A t laaat tbroa are graadinoth- Allocation of Funds Washington, Aug. 4.-—(4^ tha opening of tha bank. Csllfomla Basic Training leaders to prsaent s "deftnite In Memoriam reported Comfort At HALE’S — Vice President ^rkley to­ llila morning It was for his preliminary training. Upon legiahthrs program.” Two M l) gibM wNh a large vmtaaa boaw bi Wa haada, Good Outlook that tha bank has 150 potential eompteOm 0# thta training ha b ^ Baeratary a ( Wsshlngton, Aug. 4.-—</F) day ruled 150,000,000 in dm. $1.25 closed-door strategy seMons d tram right) drtlvara aa aut-al-tbe ■Ida af-tba- In lovinf memory of our dear hue- sto^holdars listed and MOlndl one year of saa duty at • third whOa Saa tar Howard MeOrath 1) <• — President TYuman today k>uB to Spain out of the Eu­ band and father. Martin Pella, who classman. During thla time Im of the G.O.P. senators fafled ■t to Baa. Fraak W. BoyUa (D* AM.) (right) at a wIM gaiaa dfancr hrtd hi Waaklagtoa cstad depositors. rejected inggeetiooe that he ropean recovery program. JUST Jii$1.75 paaaed away Auf. *. IM l. •a i m with thA Am*rtcan to produce eay mlncrtty agree- Priest Given ■M r aZrnmOmtm (D „ Tax.) (aat rtMwa la pbota). W . AvaraU Harriman, tha MarahaU Activity Likely to Hold t a S a ^ la at M l. Baykla. hast at the dtaaar, said tha maau Included bear, Wa ehall alwaye lore you ant' aadly dent Un*A mAking two trip# BMBt oa adjmnwmeat oUtar thaa ptaab ravlag compromise in hie requeet Barkley held that an amend­ wlM tarkay, raeeaoa aad aahaaa. ______ ___________________________________ At Present Level for THEM ON m laa yo u. Around th# world. .w a pronlaa to eoopareta ou apeed- for 81>460,000,000 fo r arms ment gponeored by Senator In our memorj' you are ever dear. Hale’s Clearance In July. 1847. ha antarad tha U. lag na the legialetlve BiechliMfy. Prison Term aid to friendly nations. Mr. Quarter; Long - Range McCarran (D., Nev.), vio­ Loved and remambared alwaya, Playground See IroaSceehlF Begged Dewa Order Early At the dote of another ytar. TWIN VEIVA> Am T "Thera waa a unlvereal aeatl- Truman indicated at his Prospects Are Darker lates Senate rules against Truman Denies news conference, however, writing new legislation Into aa W ife, aona and daufhtera. Spring and Summer meat that the majority leadorahlp For Treason Agreement Reached appropriation bill. has begged down,’* Saaator MUU- that he does not oppose sug- Washington, Aug. 4— Signs Avoid last-minute delay In Card of Thanka Notes eanao, and also aa an analgn In tha hta (R „ OMO.J. told repertare a ^ gastad congrsaalonal ciniw on hla Democratic Leader Lucas of built up today of a breathing apall nitoola challenged tha McOanaa getting ready for school and U.
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