NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC Studies on rosin acid analysis Jones, P. M. For the publisher’s version, please access the DOI link below./ Pour consulter la version de l’éditeur, utilisez le lien DOI ci-dessous. Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur: https://doi.org/10.4224/20338207 Internal Report (National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research), 1959-07-01 NRC Publications Archive Record / Notice des Archives des publications du CNRC : https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/view/object/?id=6384b866-70da-4171-bf8d-394a341c9665 https://publications-cnrc.canada.ca/fra/voir/objet/?id=6384b866-70da-4171-bf8d-394a341c9665 Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/copyright READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. L’accès à ce site Web et l’utilisation de son contenu sont assujettis aux conditions présentées dans le site https://publications-cnrc.canada.ca/fra/droits LISEZ CES CONDITIONS ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT D’UTILISER CE SITE WEB. Questions? Contact the NRC Publications Archive team at [email protected]. If you wish to email the authors directly, please see the first page of the publication for their contact information. Vous avez des questions? Nous pouvons vous aider. Pour communiquer directement avec un auteur, consultez la première page de la revue dans laquelle son article a été publié afin de trouver ses coordonnées. Si vous n’arrivez pas à les repérer, communiquez avec nous à [email protected]. NATIONAlJ RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA DIVISION OF BUILDING RESEARCH STUDIES ON ROSIN ACID ANALYSIS by Peter M. Jones Report No. 178 or the Division of Building Research Ottawa July 1959 PREFACE Studies of test methods for use in the paint speoifioations of the Canadian Government Speoifioa­ tions Board oonstitute a substantial portion of the work of the Paint Laboratory of the Division. An examination of a method may be made prior to adoption, or methods already inoorporated in speoifications may be re-examined as to reliability through round-robin tests, or may be studied for possible improvement. When it was proposed that an ASTM method for deter­ mination of rosin oontent of ooating materials be used in a eGSB specification, it was already known as a result of partioipation of the Paint Laboratory in an ASTM round-robin test that the method was not satis­ faotory. The author, who is a research offioer with the Building Materials Section, undertook to determine the suitability of certain modifioations to the original procedure. The results of this work are now reported. Ottawa N.B. Hutcheon July 1959 Assistant Direotor STUDIES ON ROSIN ACID ANALYSIS by Peter M. Jones These studies by the D1.vision of Building Researoh were begun as a result of participation in a round robin test オウゥョセ the astiセ method for "Total Rosin Content of Coating Materials • This procedure is that which was proposed in the 1957 preprint of the report of Committee D-l and is reproduced in Appendix A. The unsatisfactory results that were obtained ーセGッューエ・、 further work of which this report is a summary. Preliminary investi­ gation was carried out on extraction losses which may occur in the ASTM procedure. A study was made of the factors affecting the degree of esterification of fatty acids and rosin aoids. Preliminary work was also performed on the method proposed by Linder and Persson (2). As a result of these studies modific­ ations of the proposed method were attempted, and in addition other methods were examined as possibilities in providing a means of determining rosin acids in the presence of fatty acids. The difficulties in the procedure appeared to be in the esterification of the acids and the subsequent extractions and titrations. Consequently the saponification used for the preliminary separation on a real sample was omitted from the studies. Refined abietic acid and commercial linseed oil fatty acid were used to study experimentally the results of the esterification and extraction parts of the ASTM procedure. Experiments on Extraction £f ヲエ「セ・エゥ」 aッゥセ Abietio acid was dissolved in 100 ml of methanol and 5 ml of concentrated H2S04 as catalyst was added. The mixture was refluxed for 15 minutes, washed with Na2S0J, solution and extracted with benzene. The Na2so4 solution removed the acid catalyst and the benzene layer was titrated with KOH/methanol solution using thymol blue as indicator. The results are shown in Table I and indicate a large loss of the rosin acid. - 2 - Table I Recovery of Abietio aセゥ、 セ After Refluxing for IS Minutes セョセ Extracting with Na2S04 Solution Wt Abietio Acid Normality of KOH Titre %Recoverz (gm) (ml) 1.4643 0.206 16.1 68.5 0.9915 0.206 9.1 セNX 1.3951 0.206 9.4 .0 0.7430 0.206 セNSU 36.5 1.0405 0.206 .22 37.2 That this loss might be due to losses in the Na2S0" washing was oonsidered since the wash extraot formed an emulsion wEioh oould contain some abietic acid. It was found that additional abietic acid was reooverod by washing the n。RsPセ solution with benzene and adding the benzene extract to the aoietic acid solution and titrating the whole. Table II shows the improved recovery of abietio aoid. However this procedure does not reoover all the emulsified acid, as is shown in Table III. It is found that washing with Na2S04 solution resulted in a loss of approximately 17 per cent of the abietic aoid present. If the Na2S0" washes were furt.her extracted with ether a small portion (3 per 」・ョセI of this 10S8 was reoovered. It is also observed that ether used as solvent produces a highor yield of the acid present than does benzene. Table. II RecoveFL of Abietio Acld_.- After Ref1uxlng for 15 Minutes end Extracting with n。Rウセセ Solution and Washing Extracts with Benzene wt Abietic Acid Normality of KOH Titre %Recovery (gm) - (ml) 1.3204 0.206 14.7 VセNS 0.9584 0.206 10.15 6 .7 1.4583 0.206 15.6 67.1 0.8158 0.206 8·5 64.9 QNPYセ 0.206 12.7 62.3 1.07 0.206 11.0 63.7 Table III Effect of Various factors Upon the Recovery-£! Abietic Acid Wt Abietio Normality Acid of KOH Titre セ Recovery Comments (gm) (ml) - 1.0005 0.1979 16.5 Straight titration using 1.0589 0.1979 17·3 セセZセTス ether as solvent. 1.0025 0.1979 16.6 81.36} No esterification. Extraoted 0.9969 0.1979 16.6 81.52 with Na2S04 using ether as solvent. 0.9964 0.1979 14.1 84.6 } No esterification. Extraoted 0.9981 0.1979 14.1 84.4 with Na2S0J, using ether as solvent ana washing extraot with ether. 1.0002 0.1979 12.1 72·3 } No esterification. Extraoted 0.9829 0.1979 11.85 7200 with Na2S0J, with benzene as solvent ana washed extraot with benzene. Conclusions from Extraction Studies Washing with Na2S0J. leads to errors due to extraction losses and it would be better to avoid this step. The function of this washing is to remove the acid catalyst prior to titrations of the rosin acids. It would be preferable to titrate the aoid catalyst in the presence of the abietio acid in one of the following ways: i) Titrating potentiometrically the mixture to end points of a pH of 4.0 for the catalyst and a pH of 10.5 for t he rosin acid (Fig. 1); ii) Titrating with thymol blue as an indicator, the end point for the catalyst being shown by the ohange of red to yellow at a pH of 2.8 and the end point of the rosin acid taken at the change from yellow to blue at a pH of 9.6. Both have been used with equal satisfaction. In the work on esterification the potentiometrio titration was used. - 4- Esterification Studies The effects of the catalyst, time of esterification and weight of sample, have been studied and are shown graphically in Figs. 2,3 and 4, and are summarized in Tables IV and V. The effects beyond an esterification time of 60 minutes and an acid catalyst content of 10 per cent were not studied. From the results it is seen that about 20 per cent of the abietic acid is esterified When 98 per cent of the fatty acids is esterified. These quantities vary considerably with different conoentrations of aoid and time of reaotion. Error,S are produced because of the partial esterification of rosin and the incomplete esterification of fatty acids. Since the amount of fatty acid will greatly exceed the amount of rosin present, the unesterified fatty acid may actually exceed the rosin content. In an analysis of a 40-gm sample of solids containing 0.4 gm (1 per cent) of abietic acid and the remainder fatty aoids using 6Q-minute esterification and 10 per cent acid catalyst. 0.32 gm of abietic acid will remain after esterification, for titration and 0.792 gm of fatty acid. And thus the titration will include a far larger quantity of fatty acid than of abietic aoid. Linder's and Persson's Method This method (2) uses an azeotropic distillation of the water to promote esterifioation. The esterification solution was prepared by mixing 500 ml of n-butyl alcohol, 500 ml of benzene and 6 gm of concentrated sUlphuric acid. The mixture was placed in a flask and distilled azeotropically for 30 minutes.
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