RELIGION IN LIFE PROGRAM Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Published for The Community by Scouts Canada and Girl Guides of Canada Stage 1 — Yellow Border (typical ages 8, 9 and RELIGION IN LIFE 10) PROGRAM Stage 2 — Green Border (typical ages 11, 12, 13 Membership in the Girl Guides of Canada and and 14) Scouts Canada is open to all girls and boys, Stage 3 — Blue Border (typical ages 14, 15, 16 youth, and adults who wish to make the promise, and 17) regardless of race, colour or creed. The purpose Stage 4 — Red Border (18-26) of the Guide/Scout programs is to assist girls and Stage 5 — Purple Border (18+) boys in character development by encouraging them to be responsible citizens of their country. Candidates may start at any stage appropriate to their age and capabilities. Only one emblem — the latest An important part of the program is to assist in stage earned –– is worn. the spiritual growth of each Scout or Guide and to encourage them to participate actively in their HERE OBTAINABLE own religious community. Girl Guides of W Canada and Scouts Canada uphold the principle The emblems are obtained through regular badge that specific religious instruction is the channels. responsibility of parents and religious authorities. WHERE WORN Girl Guides of Canada — see Policy, THE EMBLEM Organization and Rules. The Emblem consists of a great circle, the Scouts Canada — see By-Law, Policies and symbol of eternity. In the circle are the first and Procedures. last letters of the Greek alphabet, Alpha and WHERE WORN Omega, the symbol of God; a reminder that the Girl Guides of Canada — see Policy, worship and service of God form an essential Organization and Rules. part of life’s program from beginning to end. Scouts Canada — see By-Law, Policies and Procedures. REQUIREMENTS The requirements for the program differ in each OBJECTIVE faith and denomination, and are prepared This program is intended to encourage Quaker nationally by the churches or religious bodies to Scouts/Guides, Guiders and Scouters to learn suit their particular needs. more about the history, faith, and practice of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and to INSTRUCTION complement the religious education provided by The instruction of a candidate desiring to qualify parents, Meetings, and First Day schools. The for an Emblem is the responsibility of the badge may be seen as symbolic of a Friend candidate’s own spiritual leader or his or her learning about religion, participating in religious appointee. observances and the practicing of faith in daily life. STAGES The Religion in Life program is in five progressive stages, colour-coded and adapted to the age groups concerned. INTRODUCTORY NOTES d) Application of faith through activities or projects that give expression to the idea 1) Youth and adult persons who are members of Quaker service. of the Religious Society of Friends and are involved in Scouting or Guiding should be 5) The Religion in Life Emblem may be encouraged to qualify for this Emblem. presented to a candidate when he or she has met the standards of the appropriate stage of 2) This program is intended for Quaker the program. It is recommended that this Scouts/Guides located in Canada regardless presentation take place at a regular session of Yearly Meeting affiliation and, where of the Meeting for Worship. The candidate’s appropriate, the term “Monthly Meeting” Scout or Guide group or a representative of includes “Church” and, if applicable, a the group should be invited to attend the Quaker minister/pastor may play an presentation whenever possible. important role in this process. 3) The candidate or his or her parent should 6) While the guidelines for stages 4 and 5 are approach the Monthly Meeting’s Religious identical, adults pursing stage 5 are expected Education Committee or the Meeting for to demonstrate a deeper knowledge and Business where no such committee exists so understanding of Quaker faith and practice that an appropriate Friend may be appointed and show a commitment to the to act as spiritual advisor to ensure that the encouragement of the faith journeys of candidate meets the intent of these young Friends. guidelines. The spiritual advisor should be a weighty Friend who is committed to the THE GUIDELINES faith journey of the candidate and has an interest in religious education. Lone Friends GENERAL STANDARDS should contact Friends Committee on 1) All candidates should, according to their age Scouting and/or Canadian Yearly Meeting’s and ability, be able to discuss: Home Mission and Advancement a) How his/her Scout/Guide promise and Committee (HMAC) for assistance in this law relate to the Bible and Quaker faith regard. and practice. b) The Quaker testimonies, and, in 4) The candidate’s Monthly Meeting may particular, the testimonies regarding adapt the guidelines for this badge, as peace, simplicity, creeds, vocal appropriate, for the needs of candidate or the ministry, and oath-taking. local meeting. The opportunity for c) The Quaker belief in the Inner Light encouraging the spiritual growth of a Friend (“that of God in all people”). is considered to be more important than the d) The work and structure of their yearly specific details outlined here. However, the meetings and their constituent half- spiritual advisor is cautioned that the yearly, quarterly, monthly, and guidelines should be respected as much as preparative meetings and the major possible so that the badge has real meaning committees attached to these meetings. for those who wear it. Adapted guidelines e) The role of the Bible in the candidate’s should still serve the principles of this badge Quaker faith and practice. and encourage the candidate’s: 2) In preparing for and responding to the guidelines for this badge, the candidate a) Involvement in learning about the should record her or his thoughts in a journal Christian faith and Quakerism in in keeping with Quaker tradition. The particular; complexity and depth of this journal b) Discovery of her or his wider spiritual depends on the candidate’s age and ability heritage; but should reflect the candidate’s faith c) Participation in the life and work of the journey and attempt to put into words what Meeting; they believe. This journal need not be shared with the spiritual advisor unless the candidate so wishes. 3) All candidates should have satisfactory General Conference or Friends United attendance at and participation in their local Meeting. First Day school (if available) and their 3) Give a brief biography of ten of the Meeting for Worship. following people, and describe their contribution to Quakerism: WORD Joseph John Gurney, John Woolman, Rufus Stage 1 Jones, Arthur G. Dorland, Anthony Benezet, 1) Become familiar with the Bible as a book Elizabeth Fry, Isaac Pennington, William Penn and be able to: Robert Barclay, Stephen Grellet, Lucretia Mott, a) Identify your favourite Bible Story; John Wilber, Margaret Fell, Elias Hicks, James b) Find such passages as Psalm 23 & 100, Naylor, Mary Dyer, John Greenleaf Whittier, Matt. 6:9–13, John 1:2–6, and I Corin. Timothy Rogers, Sutherland P. Gardner 13; John T. Dorland, Laura Smith Haviland, David c) Tell someone how many books are in Willson, William Allen. the Bible, its main divisions and how they differ from each other. Stage 4 2) Read and discuss a book like Thee Hannah 1) Read and discuss the Journals of George by Marguerite De Angeli or another similar Fox. book, appropriate for the candidate’s age, 2) Participate in or organise a Quaker Bible from the Canadian Quaker Book Service or study group in your Meeting. from the catalogue of books available from 3) Write down and discuss your feelings about: Friends General Conference or Friends a) The Quaker belief in equality United Meeting. b) Quaker marriage practices 3) Learn who the following famous Friends c) The Quaker response to death. are: George Fox, Margaret Fell, John d) The Quaker relationship between Woolman, and Elizabeth Fry. science and faith, and, in particular, ideas like evolution and creationism. Stage 2 e) The Inner Light 1) Give a report on George Fox, the founder of Quakerism. Share it with other Friends in WORSHIP your Meeting. Stage 1 2) Tell, in your own words, how you try and 1) Through discussion, answer the following follow the teachings of Christ as recorded in questions: the Sermon on the Mount. a) What does Meeting for Worship mean 4) Read and discuss “The Story of Quakerism” to me? by Efrida Vipont Foulds or another similar b) Is meeting in a particular building book, appropriate for the candidate’s age, important? from the Canadian Quaker Book Service or 2) Talk about the importance of prayer in your from the catalogue of books available from life; consider sharing a prayer with your Friends General Conference or Friends Meeting or First Day School. United Meeting. 6) Describe how you feel about being a 3) Become familiar with your Yearly Quaker. Meeting’s “Advices and Queries.” 3) Discuss what do you think about God, love, 4) In what ways do you think God speaks to peace, nature, family, faith, Jesus, and the human beings today? Inward Light. Stage 3 Stage 2 1) Read the Gospel of St. John and know the 1) Through discussion, answer the following major themes. questions: 2) Discuss why Quakers refuse to adopt creeds. a) What does Meeting for Worship mean 5) Read “Friends for 300 Years” by H. Brinton, to you? “The Quakers in Canada: A History” by b) Why is it important for you to belong to Arthur Dorland, or another similar book, your Meeting? appropriate for the candidate’s age, from the c) Why is it important for Quakers to Canadian Quaker Book Service or from the gather together in worship? catalogue of books available from Friends 2) Explain Quaker worship to non-Quakers WITNESS such as your own Guiding or Scouting Unit Stage 1 or invite some friends to attend a Quaker 1) Tell how Guiding or Scouting and being a Meeting for Worship and ask some adult member of the Religious Society of Friends members to meet with them.
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