hi f .1 f'i ‘ti PAGE SEVEN SEPTEMBER 26, 1955 CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER L'* :.t ■ ■! MRS. BROWER LEAVING (LASSiFiED AD Special Notice 30 Houses For S£i!b 30 3 Automobiles For Sale 5 ' Services Offered 8 , Property For Rent 25 Houses For Saie Mrs. Eugene B. Bower, who COR PASTEL PORTRAITS OF -4- NICE OFFICES FOR RENT j PERSONAL CAR 53 BUICK 4-DR. UOr,uPi.ETE L .CYCLE REPAIRS j pioneered with the School of Nurs­ iATES children and adu'ts call Fran­ over Renter s Drug Store. Kent NEW 7-ROCM ! Super R.v.era, Hydraulic brakes, on all makes and models. Bring | FOR SALE ing as the first hostess for' the ces Crawford, 9-6134, 73 Max­ your hike to Brown’s Auto Sup-1 reasonable, neat and lignts :ur- BRiCK HOME student nurses, has accepted a well Rd. I ra.'lio, heather 15,030 miles, tium Charge ply. 312 W. Franklin St. Phone j nished. Apply at Simter’s Drug 232 FLEM.NGTON RD. similar position at the University i Louise Jefferson, 9 5136 nights. Plastered walls, ^io:le~n kitchen,; Lines 6981. Store, Carrboro. of Maryland, in the Anne Arundel WANTED: RIDS TO DUKe IjNI- GLEN LENNOX I nice landscaped lot. Priced only' I Ops'Insertion versity six days a week. Carl SEE OUR RE-CONDITIONED j.tADJAiUK KEPAIKS PRO.MPT Dormitory. Living conditions here l^jper Line 3 Bedrooms—Split Level. i at ... i MaePherson. Phone 4966, 1 service. Reg gas 28.9c gal. Hi- i Ad^s. For Renl 27 are very pleasant, but she misses Ins'ertions USED CARS ! Way Service Station. Carrboro. It wvy.ii .-iJrrUl , (t 1 o ir rin her old friends in Chapel Hill, and $25.00 Reward 2 Full baths, ceramic tile. Nj./ i O ^ w' VO v-* ■pe." Line ' FOR BIGGEST VALUES STUDENT PHOTOGR \PHER, ALL fui'iiished or unfurnished, hot hopes they will look her up at issrtions I WILL PAY $25.00 TO THE FIRST AT LOWEST PPJCES types of photography. Call for water and bath, electric stove, Living- room with Norman brick 3-DEDKOOf.I BRICK HOME College Park when they are in 1 >er Line person giving me information 1946 Ford, 2-door _______ $195 appointment. Afte: noon cr night. near White Cross, reasonable fireplace. Largo kitchen, utility room and Washington. leading to the purchase of a 1953 Chevrolet, 4-door ____ $4o J Truman Morre, 85853. rates. Contact Bcttie 'M'^ard, Fully equipped kitchen with stove, garage. .A real buy at only . .. business building on East Frank­ 1951 Ford Custom, Tudor, KVerage M^ords Route 1. refrigerator, washer-dryer, dis­ lin Street. This Will be paid 6 Cyl. ................. .......... EXCMANGEITES ARE N.kMED Toirhe Line. $495 emale Wanted posal, and dishwasher. All Gen­ $'12,503 $10 00 as soon as I confirm that 1950 Ford Custom, Tudor, Houses For Rent 28 Two meinb:,rs cf the Chapel Hill lorderiyonr ad, for two .VOMEN — CHRIS'IWIAS SELLING eral Electric in “turquoise the building is for sale, with 8 Cyl. $195 READY FOR OCCUPANCY Oc­ Exchange Club have been appoint­ t: t ti#® yea may cancel season starts early with Avon green” with a stainless steel an additional $15.00 if I buy it. 1952, y2-Ton International tober 1st. two new five room CHAPEL HILL REALTY ed to ccaivnittoes cf the State Ex­ j^atSany time and pay va'uablc sales territory now counter top. Truly a “wonder change Clubs organization. They fc (he (number of times Address ’‘Mr. Smith,” Box 1187, Pick-up Truck ______ $695 brick homes. , r:'' available. Write M6R. 122 kitchen.” John A. Cates t lar a'd appeared. Chapel Hill. 1948 2-Ton Ford Truck .... $200 CHAPEL HII.L REALTY CO ’ are Whid Powell, named to the Camellia Drive, Fayetteville, N. , n Corii-nUtee, and Bill Ty­ L line of white space Phone 6-566 Paved street, all city utilities, lot Phone 6-53G or 9-1071 PRiTCHARD-LlTTLE C, for details. ler, named as ccmmilteeman-at- lame las line of type. Aufomobiles For Sale 5 100x200. MOTOR COMPANY iVON GIFT SETS ARE IN GREAT NIRKE ROOM COI " rGE COM- large. Ifews leader will not be Garage under the liouse with 1950 MERCERY 2-DOOR SEDAN, USED CAR LOT demand. Open territories are pletely unfurnished very center Lots For Sale 31 hi isible for more than one radio & healer; good condition; Main St., Carrboro available for women who have Chapel Hill. Permanent tenants overhead door. CHOICE LOIS IN BEST l.OCA- Tct insertion. If your ad- FOREIGN VISITOR AT UNC $450. Phone 9-8396. Office and Show'room need of money. For details write desired. Sixty dollars monthly. A fabulous home within walking lions. Phone' 8431. Foushee- '.t Jnient|is wrong notify us Dr. Prospero J. Meila-Chavier of L-i IMl'l Franklin St. at Columbia St. Avon, 122 Camellia Drive, Fay­ Tel. 9-Q553. Olsen Realty Go. srill be corrected, 52 MG LIKE NEW. SEE SOUTH- distance of school, shopping the University of Santo Domingo ern Motors, Bypass. 1936 FORD COUPE, CREAMPUF'F etteville, N. C. center, and church. Not a “com­ fcd advertising copy ac~ Library was a recent visitor to the : i-'h- body, runs good: to^notch “sec­ HOUSES FOR RENT petitive model” with construc­ Farms, Sale or Rent 32 fnip 'until 5 p.m., Fri- 1st CHOICE ,ADY WITH CAR FOR SPECIAL University Library. He is making ond ear.” Phone 9-3161. tion shortcuts but a home in­ It Monday’s paper, and work 4 hours per day, average 1. Large six-rocm house, beauti­ FIFTEEN ACRES WITH SIX- a tour of the leading American corporating quality materials, ITVednesday for Thurs- USED CARS FOR QUICK SALE, 1946 FORD $10.00 a day. Write Box VL. fully decorated, landscaped, room old-style house containing libraries under the auspices of the excellent workmanship, and a LperjAl! classified can- 2-door, radio, heater, only $150. News Leader, for interview. conveniently located. five fireplaces, 18 - x - 40 - fool United States State Department. Ls the same as copy 1955 DODGE Royal Lancer, 3,500 120 Polk Street, Victory Village Nv^iViDN —EARN WHILE YOUR 2. Five room house with fireplace lot of hard work and loving storage house, garage and out­ care. Ines ^ove. miles, all accessories .... 1950 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, children are in school. Avon on large landscaped lot con- buildings. Located in a beauti­ ENTERTAIN ALUMNI 1953 DODGE Coronet, 4-door, hydramatic, RH, clean, new Products has (3) profitable ter­ ventiently located. FULTON INSURANCE & REALTY ful grove, fruit trees and a large VN MALE DOG all accessories _______ 1495 ritories in Chapel Hill. For an paint, good white wall tii'es. 3. Five room house with carpoiT, CO.. INC. scuppernong vine. This is a The Alpha Lambda chapter of jmed iGibbs, in . vicinity 1952 DODGE Coronet Club interview write Box M. H. News paved road, conveniently locat­ $625. Call 85803. beautiful home. Located 10 Della Sigma Pi professional busi­ s.jChurch. Please call coupe, fully equipped, ..$1095 Leader. Glen Lennox Shopping Center ed, vei'y reasonable rent. miles west of town. A real buy ness fraternity at University, en­ fd. 1952 DODJGE Coronet four- Services Offered Phone 9436 Male Help Wanted 10 R. G. WINDSOR for $8,000. Terms if wanted. i tertained more than 100 alumni door _____ _________ $1095 Bill Hobbs, Realtor -< ENGRAVED AND PRINTED WED- real ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO. ■an,1 their wives from throughout 1951 WILLYS Station Wagon, FARM FOREMAN TO SUPERVISE Thompson & Vincent lice ding invitations, reception cards, six-cyL, overdrive, radio men, operation of farm mach­ 2 - BEDROOM HOUSE IN DOG- FOUR-ROOM HOUSE IN CARR- Chapel Hill the state at a special open house informals. University Printery. 30ANS R. G. WIND- & heater . ............ 795 inery. Permanent employment. wood Acres for rent. Unfurnish­ boro for sale. Floor furnace, hot Phone 8-433 or 8-0663 Saturday. beneath Suttons. Phone 9-7701 es f. sa! Estate and mortgage 1951 CHEVROLET 2-door Salaried state position. Retire­ ed, with or without range and water. Contact Willard Cahnada ny announces the open- ......... .............. 795 SUPERVISION OF PRE-SCHOOL ment benefits. Call 99851 or Kelvinator. Phone Ati.iorne Real on Durham bypass, across from a Mortgage loan depart- 1951 DODGE Coronet four- children by two college gradu­ 83221 Estate. 9-2221 or S-9443. Wishing Well. Mortgage loans will be ates with training and experi­ Nu door ............. 895 lie f^r Chapel Hill and 1950 DODGE Coronet Club ence in child care—Monday thru insurance 17 Houses For Sale 30, COLONIAL HEIGHTS iTounding area. Loans for Coupe ________-............ 695 ■ Friday 9-12. Phone 9-8623. EXCELLENT AUTO LIABILITY FINISH THIS HOUSE YOURSELF j •jp to 20 years, 5% in- Homes Available For 1950 DODGE Coronet four-door WILL KEEP CHILDREN ANY and Physical Damage Insurance and save. 5-rooms, water ini sr less, Prompt, person- ______ .. ....................... 695 with saving to 20% with a kitchen, wired for electricty,'! October Occupancy aiid courteous service, age for working mothers. 80856. t950. CHEVROLET two- Capital Stock Company-Safeco bathroom fixtures included but c ai|praisads, all applica- | PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. • Curb and gutter door ____ $595 Insurance Company of Ameri­ not installed, 3 rooms finished. - ^completely confidential, ‘ Reasonable rates, prompt ser­ Hard surface streets 1952 DODGE Two-Ton Truck, vice. Free estimates. Call Ed ca of the famous General Wonderful opportunity to cut • City Water onstrpclion commitments; new motor _____ 995 A 100% Home S Potter 8-9143 or come by room of America group. Assets: 185 building costs by finishing it • City Sewage (* 51k monthly pay- 1952 FORD V 8 half-ton pickup 25, Steele Dorm.
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