CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OF DIOCESAN ECUMENICAL & INTERRELIGIOUS OFFICERS ECUMENICAL OFFICERS DIRECTORY APRIL 2014 cadeio Index by Name Fencik 5 Lewis 8 Ruff 4 Ferguson 3 Linebach 6 Rush 6 Adrians 8 Fisher 5 Lingle 10 Rutten 11 Altavilla 10 Flagg 12 Liston 10 Ryan, J 5 Althoff 10 Flannery 1 Longdin 7 Ryan, T 8 Angadiath 13 Foye 7 Loughran 4 Samra 13 Appleyard 13 Freiburger 4 Loya 13 Samuels 4 Arsenault 5 Fulton 7 Ludwig 3 Schneider 11 Ashley 1 Gaalaas 11 Macaulay 11 Schremmer 3 Baca 8 Gagnepain 10 Mahon, G 12 Scott 2 Baima 2 Gardiner 4 Mahon, M 7 Seminak 13 Balluff 5 Geaney 4 Mansour 12 Senghas 8 Barrera 2 Ginther 5 Marchewski 6 Sheridan 3 Batakian 12 Gonzalez 12 Martin 5 Silva 9 Beaumont 4 Gorden 8 Martino 8 Sinisi 1 Beckmann 9 Graff 4 Martyn 9 Sirba 3 Bergeron 4 Greene 6 Massart 5 Skrehot 4 Biebel 3 Gregory 1 Massie 2 Smith, A 6 Botean 13 Grevenites 11 Mata’eliga 9 Smith, D. S. 6 Carlson 9 Grizard 9 Mattison 2 Spinosa 13 Carter 6 Groth 6 Mazur 2 Stieritz 2 Celino 3 Hamm 11 McCarthy 7 Stoeckig 6 Chapin 7 Handwerker 7 McDonald 2 Tangorra 8 Chemino 1 Hannon 4 McGowan 7 Tillman 1 Christian 9 Hartin 10 McGrath 1 Timmerman 7 Chudy 11 Hawkins 7 McWeeney 7 Toale 3 Ciccarelli 11 Higgins 13 Medved 5 Tobolski 11 Circe 8 Higley 5 Mikulanis 9 Tokarz 7 Ciurpita 13 Hilinski 2 Montgomery 3 Tracy 11 Covington 1 Hovey 3 Morgan 10 Trahan 1 Cox 10 Humbrecht 6 Moroney 1 Tully 8 Crist 4 Ibrahim 12 Mraz 1 Voorhies 10 Culotta 1 Jillson 4 Najjar 12 Wallace 2 Cunningham 9 Juelfs 9 Nesser 12 Wallis 4 DaSilva 2 Kane 1 Nicastro 2 Walsh 1 David 9 Kaufman 11 Nolan 12 Washko 13 Day 3 Kavanaugh 10 O’Neill 7 Webb 3 Demes 8 Ketteler 3 Oravetz 13 Weber 9 Dendinger 4 Kiernan 9 Padizinski 10 Wegher 6 Dietrich 6 Kihneman 3 Pagano 6 Welch 11 Diskin 8 Kiley 8 Petras 13 West 2 Dobelmann 2 Kosak 11 Polan 5 Whittel 7 Donoghue 12 Kruse 8 Ramirez-Portugal 6 Williams 3 Donohue 5 Kuhneman 9 Rebman 12 Witmer 12 Ecker 12 LaCaze 10 Reed 8 Woodward 5 Edelen 7 Latronico 7 Rodriguez 6 Younan 13 Elder 9 Laughery 10 Rohrbacher 5 Younes 12 Emeh 9 LeCompte 5 Rolfson 10 Young 13 Farmer 13 Lee 11 Rooney 1 Federline 5 Lengwin 8 Rubio 10 cadeio ecumenical officers directory 1 Albany, NY 8110 Jewel Lake Road [email protected] (Region 2) Anchorage, AK 99502 410-427-4776 [email protected] Rev. James KANE 907-243-2195 Baton Rouge, LA Diocese of Albany Interfaith Office fax 907-243-0088 (Region 5) 40 North Main Avenue Albany, NY 12203-1422 Rev. Michael MORONEY St. Alphonsus Ligouri Church [email protected] Arlington, VA 14040 Greenwell Springs Road 518-453-6660 (Region 4) Greenwell Springs, LA 70739-3302 fax 518-453-6793 Rev. Don ROONEY [email protected] St. Mary of the Immaculate 225-261-4650 Alexandria, LA Conception Catholic Church fax 225-261-5650 (Region 5) 1009 Stafford Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401 VG Rev. Scott CHEMINO, [email protected] Beaumont, TX Diocese of Alexandria 540-373-6491 (Region 10) 4400 Coloseum Boulevard fax 540-373-0251 Alexandria, LA 71303-3597 Rev. Jeremiah McGRATH St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica [email protected] P.O. Box 3309 318-445-2401 Atlanta, GA Beaumont, TX 77704 fax 318-448-6121 (Region 14) [email protected] Most Rev. Wilton GREGORY 409-833-6433 Allentown, PA Archdiocese of Atlanta fax 409-833-8996 (Region 3) 2401 Lake Park Drive Smyrna, GA 30080 Rev. John MRAZ [email protected] Belleville, IL St. Ann Rectory 404-920-7303 (Region 7) 415 South 6th Street fax 404-920-7301 Emmaus, PA 18049-3703 Rev. Msgr. Robert FLANNERY St. Francis Xavier Church [email protected] 303 S. Poplar Street 610-965-2426 Austin, TX Carbondale, IL 62901-2709 fax 610-967-1099 (Region 10) [email protected] Rev. Charles COVINGTON 618-457-4556 Alltoona-Johnstown, PA St. Louis Church fax 618-457-7368 (Region 3) 7601 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78757 TOR Rev. Daniel SINISI, [email protected] Biloxi, MS 5324 Carnegie Street 512-454-0384 (Region 5) Pittsburgh, PA 15201 fax 512-454-2010 Mr. Leo TRAHAN [email protected] Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer 814-472-3172 1790 Popps Ferry Road Baker, OR Biloxi, MS 39532 (Region 12) Amarillo, TX ECUMENICAL OFFICER [email protected] (Region 10) 228-702-2131 Diocesan Pastoral Office fax 228-702-2178 Deacon Floyd ASHLEY P.O. Box 5999 Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer Bend, OR 97708-5999 P.O. Box 5644 [email protected] Birmingham, AL Amarillo, TX 79117-5644 541-388-4004 (Region 5) [email protected] fax 541-388-2566 Rev. Joseph CULOTTA 806-383-2243 x103 St. Mark the Evangelist fax 806-383-8452 P.O.Box 380396 Baltimore, MD Birmingham, AL 35238-0396 (Region 4) Anchorage, AK Rev. Msgr. Richard TILLMAN [email protected] (Region 12) 205-980-1810 Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer fax 205-980-9208 Rev. Leo A. WALSH 200 Ware Avenue Archdiocese of Anchorage Towson, MD 21204 2 april 2014 Bismarck, ND Brownsville, TX PO Box 23689 (Region 8) (Region 10) Columbia, SC 29224 [email protected] ECUMENICAL OFFICER Rev. Msgr. Gustavo BARRERA 803-788-0811 Attn: Bishop Kagan Our Lady of Sorrows fax 864-654-2950 420 Raymond Street, PO 1575 1108 W. Hackberry Avenue Bismarck, ND 58502-1575 McAllen, TX 78501-4304 [email protected] [email protected] Charlotte, NC 701-223-1347 956-686-0251 (Region 14) fax 701-223-3693 fax 956-686-0322 Rev. Msgr. Mauricio WEST Diocese of Charlotte Boise, ID Buffalo, NY 1123 S. Church Street (Region 12) (Region 2) Charlotte, NC 28203 [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Joseph DaSILVA Rev. Francis MAZUR 704-370-3326 Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer 1501 Federal Way, Suite 400 10 Hastings Avenue Boise, ID 83705-5925 Buffalo, NY 14215-3886 Cheyenne, WY [email protected] [email protected] (Region 13) 208-342-1311 716-832-1627 fax 208-342-0224 fax 716-895-6311 Deacon Vernon DOBELMANN Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer PO Box 1468 Boston, MA Burlington, VT Cheyenne, WY 82003-1468 (Region 1) (Region 1) [email protected] 307-638-1530 Dr. Vito NICASTRO, PhD Rev. Thomas MATTISON fax 307-637-7936 Office of Ecumenical and Interreli- Christ Our Savior Parish gious Affairs 398 Bonnet Street 66 Brooks Avenue Manchester Center, VT 05255 Braintree, MA 02184 Chicago, IL [email protected] (Region 7) [email protected] 802-362-1380 617-435-0019 fax 802-366-1168 Rev. Thomas BAIMA fax 617-783-5642 Ecumenical / Interreligious Affairs Archbishop Quigley Center Camden, NJ PO Box 1979 Chicago, IL 60690-1979 Bridgeport, CT (Region 3) (Region 1) [email protected] Rev. Joseph WALLACE 312-534-5325 (office) Notre Dame de la Mer Rev. Samuel SCOTT 847-970-4866 (seminary) St. Joseph Parish 1500 Central Avenue, Suite 100 8 Robinson Avenue North Wildwood, NJ 08260 Danbury, CT 06810 [email protected] Cincinnati, OH [email protected] 609-522-2709 (Region 6) 203-748-8177 fax 609-522-9375 Mr. Tony Stieritz Archdiocese of Cincinnati Brooklyn, NY Chalan Kanoa, MP 100 East Eight Street (Region 2) (Region 11) Cincinnati, OH 45202 [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Guy MASSIE ECUMENICAL OFFICER 513-421-3131 x2661 Sacred Heart and St. Stephen Attn: Bishop’s Office Church PO Box 500745 108 Carroll Street Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, MP 96950 Brooklyn, NY 11231 Cleveland, OH 670-234-3000 (Region 6) [email protected] fax 670-235-3002 718-596-7750 Rev. Joseph HILINSKI fax 718-260-9233 Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs Charleston, SC 28700 Euclid Avenue (Region 14) Wickliffe, OH 44092 [email protected] Rev. Sandy McDonald 440-943-7475 Vicar for Ecumenism fax 440-943-7577 cadeio ecumenical officers directory 3 Colorado Springs, CO 321 Calumet Street Dodge City, KS (Region 13) Dallas, TX 75211 (Region 9) [email protected] Most Rev. Michael SHERIDAN 214-337-3936 Rev. Robert SCHREMMER Diocese of Colorado Springs Diocese of Dodge City fax 214-333-9148 228 N. Cascade Avenue 910 Central Avenue P.O. Box 137 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Dodge City, KS 67801 [email protected] Davenport, IA [email protected] 719-636-2345 (Region 9) 620-227-1555 fax 719-636-1216 Deacon David MONTGOMERY fax 620-227-1545 Diocese of Davenport Columbus, OH 780 West Central Park Avenue Dubuque, IA (Region 6) Davenport, IA 52804-1901 (Region 9) [email protected] Rev. William FERGUSON 563-888-4222 Rev. Msgr. Thomas TOALE Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ecumenical Officer PO Box 45 PO Box 479 Buckeye Lake, OH 43008 Denver, CO Dubuque, IA 52004 [email protected] (Region 13) [email protected] 740-928-3266 x 202 563-556-2580 x216 Mr. Phil WEBB fax 563-556-5464 Archdiocese of Denver Corpus Christi, TX 1300 S. Steele Street Denver, CO 80210 (Region 10) Duluth, MN [email protected] (Region 8) Rev. Msgr. Louis KIHNEMAN 303-715-3160 Diocese of Corpus Christi Most Rev. Paul D. SIRBA fax 303-715-2042 PO Box 2620 Diocesan Pastoral Center Corpus Christi, TX 78403 2830 E. Fourth Street Duluth, MN 55812 [email protected] Des Moines, IA [email protected] 361-882-6191 (Region 9) fax 361-693-6770 218-724-9111 Rev. John LUDWIG fax 218-724-2221 Ecumenical/Interreligious Officer Covington, KY 720 Orchard Hills Drive (Region 5) Norwalk, IA 50211 El Paso, TX [email protected] (Region 10) Rev.
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