/ V ' ‘ ■ Thf Weither Q TUESDAY, MARCH 1, I960 Aterage Daily Net ProM.Rnn Fbreeaet af 0 . 8 . WeaWtoDtolhtor For ton Week Ended PAOti FOURTEEN - Feb. X7, ItoO (Claady, Bttfa ekanga fatottomto. jlatirbEBtfr Swfnittg tore tiMEigkt. Low IS to ML Tliifape 1 3 , 0 8 1 day rioudy, aaow Hhriy, caiilfahef Scott B. Clondanlel, aon of Mr. Assault Charged Memberaf the Audit eold. High X5 t o 80. and Mw. Harold H. CSendaniel Jr., Bureau-af OIreulatom. - M anehester^A City o f V tUage Charm About Town 37 Cornell St., haa been named TojtockviUe Man X. ——I—1 (m ' ...... ^ * 1 - ' .’ .e' ___ ; _____ • y , J • “cadW of the month” for February Tbe esdcft iaUlSr of Uie M&nch«8»- in the Army ROTC at Oeorget---- (ClaaahfleS Advertlatnf mi .Page 18) PRICE p m s t«r Cadet Squadron, CMI Air Pa­ ATRookyilla man, Carl M. Oaui\a, (T W E N T Y p AGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 199« Unlvewity, Wiahlngton. D.C. la frea under $1,000 bond for ap­ V O L . K 129 trol, wUl n»««t tooifht at 7 o’clock dot Sgt. Clehdanlel la a aoph pearance in Torwn Court Saturday at »4 BtaMU S t ^ and an IWTrC aquad leader. to-anawer chargea of aaaault vrith a dangeroila weapon. i«k o ta O oun^ Dogpree of Poca- Twb clrclea of the Oommmnity According to police, Oauna want Latin America hdntafe. wiU meet tomorrow at 7:80 Baptiat Churth wiU meet tomor­ to the home of hla wife’s parents,- p:m. at Odd FaHewra* haU. Offlcera row wt 8 p.m. Mary Greesn^Clrcle at 149 Loomla .St., yesterday after^ not already irilMltad wiU be inatalM will meet at the home of Mje. Lyle noon and allegedly hit and Nations Weigh I by Deputy Oraad Pocahoo^ Carpenter., 78 BucWngh^ St. punched hia wlfa and put the blade jfyra FlUgerald. Tbere will'be.a Reed-Elatoh Circle will /meet at of a small' knife' |vainst her arm. card party or kitchen aoclsl^after the’ home* of Mra.- The wife’s slater and brother are Arms Cut Talk the meeting. Lawrence. 153 Avery St. said to have gone to her ai(I, with •V the brother receiving a cut hand. The Alpina Society will m ^ t to~ Washington, March 2 (/P)— The Holy FamUy Afothera' Clrr When Patrolman Walter Caaaells morrow at 7;3<ltP-5®^at the Italian Jr. arrived at the. house, he found / • -------- A conference of the 10 South j cle Will meet'tonlg^t at 8:15 at the enap, fleet American Club. Osima atanding at the door with a Parip, March 2 •aid that tiii Medii American nations on arms re-; home of Mrat WiUlkm M ait^e, 9 hammer, he reported. Osuna was u i^ r Friniirt com- ©loss liiitallfd In alumlSttin comblnotloB / must remain duction was reported under 3tra. George Marlow, 120 Plym­ Stephen St. / >>., .. taken to'the policy.station in hand­ North Atlantic Alliance ^ 1 mand In case qf'War. 'K brsm said active consi^ration today, j outh Lane, haa been named repre- cuffs and charged. dMrs and windows of aU typos. ^ . create a unified U-S.-British-^ talks are igre^rdn both qoes- aentatlve In thia area for the Nomination and election of of­ French force armed with nu­ tions and pfessei lope for a'solu- . Uruguay, a nktlon which al- alumni fund of the New York ficers for the Mancheater Emblem FLD t o t a l DlitOPS tion. / ^ ^ d y la practically dimlUtarlzed, | clear weapons, 'Gen. Lauris h a s 'w n suggested as the site for i School of Sodai Work of Colum­ CTub will take/place tomorrow at Hartford. Match 1 (An—The OPEN 8 DAYS A WEEK—8 A.M. to fi P,M. Nqnftad confirmed that NATO’s Stkte Health Depaxtoent .report­ Norstad, Supreme Allied com­ the conference, smd June or July I bia Unlveraity. The drive will ralae 8 o’clock ait tihfe K of C Home eaply warning and communications money, for the ■achool’a operating ed today that the number of In- mander in Europe, said today. have been proposed as dates. fluenaa cases reported by local ’ Each country wbtild provide one systems are being made over with ews P o li^ Use mcpenaea and adicdaxifiilp program. The Willing Workers of South the most modem equipment. The Both Prealdjwit Eisenhower and Methodist /Church vrtll meet t health dlrectoie have dropped J. A. WHITE GUSS CO. battalion for the force, which acting Secretary'«f State Douglas from 266 to 68. would be under a aingle unided systems will extend from Norway morrow at 10 a.m. at Cooper 31 NSSELLST. ' PHONE Ml 0-7322 to iHirkey, he aSid: . Dillon endorsed th^i^ea of arms at the church to tie quilts. iW’Poi' The department also reported de­ oommander .and itafl, reduction yesterday. The Presi­ T ear uras. luck.at noon will be followqB by clines in other virus diseases' TTie force would be armed with In answer to a question, he ea.id dent, speaking in Santln^. Chile, meeting at l:30^'p.m. oonventlonal as well u nliclear- the problem of stock-piling nu- tlear -weapons, possibly could be pledged U.i?. cooperation in ' weapoM, Norstad said, adding that such meeting. Hartford, March 2 (/P)—T,he A kitchen aoclal.w^^e held at he wented it to have the widest solved by ipaking NA'TO a fourth Fire Hoses atomic "power,” with collective 0iile's president Jorge/ Ales- blic was warned ■ today to all )U’io the home of Mrs. Os^re White, 63 range of capability. sandri has been an outspoken ad- Pino St., Thursd^ at 8 p.m. Pro­ FREE PARKING .tfqrstad said the new unit wbiUd control of the weapons. Several of i«rsons ipiperson- By STANFOBO BiBAIMSHAW NATO natlons-T-notably France— votate of arms redaction, saying K ceeds will b e, dmated to a VFW be il* mobile, task force designed expenditures forxmmies, navies ating ©fficial U.S. census Montevideo, , U r u g u a y, hearing aid patriotic p r o j^ Members are to lot next to Top Nbtch have refused to accept U.S. nuclear TOTS 'n TEENS for use wherever It la militarily or atockpiles. and air forces--^ould - better be March 2 (/P)-^tudMit8 dem- ipoIiUcally necessary throughout spent. on ^eSonomlc dayelopment 'Merriu L, Strong! supervisor of 956 Mgin Si., facing Oak , ^aitrated against President Ow NA’PO area. Waahingti,^on, March ,? By and soctaf progress. the Bureau of Census in Hartford, Hose 0b. No. 2, Eighth District said hia office haul received rehorta isenhower as he rod# He told' a news conference it *had 1963 the Unn iM States will have at " here stressed that ihrough this capital today. ijm g u L Fire Apartment, will meet to- been firmly dfeclded -to move ahead least 518 missiles, each capable of thexnitiative for such a , confer- of persons posing as census tak- m o n w at 8 : p.m. at fire headquar- In this field and to establish the destroying a Russian city, says a. bas to come from South > *•*- He- said that this eonstl- ! Police put down the''demon- q u a lity tef^ Main and Hilliard Sts. force in the course of next. year. ' tutes a misrepresentation for I trations with tsar gas and The battalions will be pulled out (Couttnued ou^ Page NIneteeh) I (Centtoued^oa Page Ten) which the individuals may be| lire fioses. One man was shot PREMIER Delta Chapter, Royal Arch of their national forces periodi­ prosecuted If apprehended. Although the ofllciql census h the-foot and several others ^ „,y »Q B O O eons, will hold its annual meeting cally for training, Noretad .said,, — — ^ and election of officers toiphrrow hut otherwise will be left in place. does not begiii until April 2, some were i^qred. at, 7:30 p.m. at the MyBsfrnlc Noretad also eaid that the Bonn enumerators being trained may The flarbbP by university ntu- -— ■— Temple. 'There idll be refreshments governemnt had assured NA’TO make practice visits prior to that deitta, tbe worst on toa SouUi - ★ New St»«asl/'" ■ and a social hour. ' that it will' make no decision on Alpe^t Sees Subsidy date. However, strong empHa-' American tour.'^ntartod a- cheoring 4 rawaiM Tip^iartl eetablishlng bases outside West sized that every official U.S. cen­ welcome from thousands ot -Uru­ Mirs. Paul Flekcher, 44 Blasell Germany without agreement of sus enumerator will have'jan offi­ guayans who lined the route from df NawUnwySd^i^Mlaral 22 in k pedestrtdn-auto. accident, is F la g to F ly D u r i n g Fund Drive NA'TO authorities i cial badge identifying him a.*i a the airport to the capital. census taker. , ' i Efisenhower apparently got a 22 in a pedestrian-tuto accident. Is Bonn had opened talks wltk4 . or New Haven Line The red, white and blue badge done of tear gas usedTty police to ■ji6w ’out W ln li' i r ^ a l ‘HdlW'*tdtft fpaln for supply and triiinlng | and may-receive visltora at Man­ cloth straight out. C. Elmore Watklna, chairman o f the fund drive' is at the left, and on the contains the following Informa- drive back demonstrators Just be* wonniaiifW' bases. The move csuee<^^orm of j tion. In toe red band at the top, chester Memorial Hospital. A .vet­ right are EdWard Krasenics,' chairmap of the home drive; and Edward J. Thoms, chairman of the protest In Britain and’% 'a lesser forie the motorcade .
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