ROANOKE COLLEGE N UMBER 129 The Bryological Times M ARCH 2010 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Moss 2010 2 The Bryological Times Needs You! By Janice Glime BryoConservation 2 Russian Conference 4 I am writing to you world of bryophyte tax- ble, so when I moved to 5, 17 as your past president to onomy. While I was on Michigan's Upper Penin- Books/Reviews share my bryological the faculty of Plymouth sula, I gave bryophyte Theses 6-9 history and my history State College in New identification another try. with the IAB. Hampshire, I had no her- But this time, I had a Japan/New Zealand 10 I began my appre- barium to work with and herbarium. And this 13, 18 ciation of bryophytes as no complete keys for the time, I had Howard Seminars, Trips an undergraduate. It area. There were no Crum's Mosses of the wasn't their intricate local forays, and I be- Great Lakes Forest. structure or their diver- came discouraged about And I had Bob Linn in sity or their ability to live recognizing the bryo- the office next door with almost anywhere that phytes well enough to do his interest in the bryo- first drew me to the community level studies. phytes of Isle Royale. bryophytes. I decided to However, during my Ph. But something even study them because my D. work on the insect more important hap- biology teachers couldn't communities associated pened. Nancy Slack answer any of my ques- with mountain stream organized the first A. tions about them. I de- bryophytes, I had devel- Leroy Andrews Foray in cided they were ne- oped sufficient confi- New York. It was a 22- glected, and I did have a dence in my abilities hour trip, but we packed SPECIAL POINTS OF fascination with minia- with stream bryophytes 10 students and myself in INTEREST: ture worlds, so it was a to work with those and two university vehicles natural marriage. ignore the terrestrial and headed east. This NYBG needs YOU My first and only ones. I was working in experience changed my bryophyte course was isolation, and I knew my life. Not only did I learn MOSS 2010 date issues primarily a course in limitations. to recognize a lot of bryophyte morphology. Now I don't give up bryophytes in the field, New research in the form of theses abstracts After that, I had a few easily if it is something I an essential ability for an bumpy starts into the want and think is possi- ecologist, I learned that We need Bryophyte socie- (see page 12) ties to help us out! Check out the latest from New York Botanical Garden Seeks Collections Mossin’ Annie Latest in bryophyte links for your laptop The NYBG is actively solic- correspondents, the dates of We are currently incorporating iting correspondence and such correspondence, and the correspondence of Jan- other kinds of archival mate- how much correspondence is Peter Frahm, who retires this rial from botanists in general. involved. We already have month. If any bryologist is Once incorporated into the the correspondence of a num- interested in depositing their Garden‘s archives, the mate- ber of major North American correspondence, please contact rial is cataloged and general bryologists, such as Howard Bill Buck for more information information is available on Crum, Bill Steere, Lewis at [email protected]. the web, such as a list of Anderson and Wilf Schofield. P AGE 2 N UMBER 129 Moss 2010 in Sapporo, Japan : HOLD ON FOR NEWS Picture of Physcomitrella by Sakakibara et al. 2003 Tomomichi Fujita has agreed to host Moss 2010 in Sapporo, However, there has been an issue with the original dates of July 20—24, 2010. PLEASE do not book your dates until you double check with Tomomi- chi Fujita or hear more online through bryonet! Tomomichi's contact details are: Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Uni- versity, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan. [email protected] Phone: +81-11-706-2740 Don’t book your flights just yet!! Bryophyte Conservation in Brazil by Denise Pinheiro da Costa In the last years the Brazilian bryologists were actively in- Bromeliophila natans - B1ab(ii,iii) + D2 - VU volved in several bryophyte conservation actions. This resulted Drepanolejeunea aculeata - B1ab(iii) + B2ab(iii) – EN in a number of publications, which are presented here: Myriocoleopsis fluviatilis - B1b(iii)c(iv) – CR Redlisting of Brazilian plant species Paracromastigum dusenii - B2ab(ii,iii) - VU 1) In 2005 a Brazilian red list of plants was elaborated and this Metzgeria hegewaldii - B2ab(i,ii,iii) – CR list included 17 bryophyte species (http:// Plagiochila boryana - B2ab(iii) – CR www.biodiversitas.org.br/floraBr/grupo3fim.asp). Only part of Erytrhophyllastrum andinum - B1ab(iii) – CR this list was published in 2008 and formally recognized by the Leptodontium wallisii - B2ab(iii) – VU environment Brazilian Ministry as the official list of redlisted Riccia ridleyi - B2ab(iii) - EN species (INSTRUÇÃO NORMATIVA Nº 6, DE 23 DE SETEMBRO DE 2008). All the bryophytes are included in the Regional Bryophyte assessments list recognized by MMA. 1) Costa et al. (2005) published the first bryoflora The following list includes 17 species that are considered threatened in Brazil (following the IUCN-Threat categories). evaluation from Rio de Janeiro state, in which they Southbya organensis - B2ab(iii) + D - CR considered 155 species as being threatened in the state, Pringleella subulata - B2ab(iii) – VU including 64 hepatic species (53 VU and 11 EN). Later Atractylocarpus brasiliensis - B2ab(iii) + D2 – VU Costa & Farias (2008) published a paper about conservation Atractylocarpus longisetus - B2ab(iii) + D2 – VU priorities for the bryophytes of Rio de Janeiro state and in Campylopus densicoma - B2ab(iii) – VU 2008, Costa & Santos (2009) evaluated again the status of Leptoscyphus gibbosus - B2ab(iii) + D2 - VU the hepatics taxa in the state after several field trips and Jungermannia decolor - B2ab(ii,iii,iv) - EN bryophyte collections studied in the RB herbarium. (see Blepharolejeunea securifolia - B2ab(iii) – EN page 3) T HE B RYOLOGICAL T IMES P AGE 3 Brazil Conservation continued from page 2 The Costa & Santos (2009) assessment reassessed the 64 men- Slageren & Kruijt, Itatiella ulei (Broth.) G.L. Smith, Jen- tioned above. This resulted in a change in threat category of 10 senia difformis (Nees) Grolle, Lethocolea glossophylla species and 12 newly threatened species (1 EN and 11 VU). (Spruce) Grolle, Chiloscyphus latifolius (Nees) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust., C. quadridentatus (Spruce) J.J. Engel & VU - 53 taxa (here 6 changed, being 5 considered as NT and 1 as R.M. Schust., Macromitrium podocarpi Müll. Hal., Mi- LC) cropterygium campanense Spruce, Paracromastigum EN - 11 taxa (here 4 changed, being 2 considered as CR and 2 as pachyrhizum (Nees) Fulford, Stephaniella paraphyllina VU). J.B. Jack In total, 71 hepatic species are now considered as NT (4) - Aongstroemia julacea (Hook.) Mitt., Aptychopsis threatened in the state of Rio de Janeiro (20% of the state hepatic subpungifolia (Broth.) Broth., Daltonia stenophylla MItt., flora), being 2 CR, 8 EN, and 61 VU, also 4 taxa considered as Diplasiolejeunea pauckertii (Nees) Steph. NT. The 10 taxa that changed their conservation status are: LC (12) - Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp., EN to CR: Bromeliophila natans (Steph.) R.M. Schust.; Bryopteris diffusa (Sw.) Nees, B. filicina (Sw.) Nees, Rosulabryum capillare (Hedw.) J.R. Spence, Cyclodic- Southbya organensis Herzog. tyon glaucifolium (Müll. Hal.) Broth., Helicodontium EN to VU: Jensenia spinosa (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Grolle; Le- capillare (Hedw.) A. Jaeger, Kurzia capillaris (Sw.) jeunea grossiretis (Steph.) E. Reiner & Goda. Grolle, Plagiochila exígua (J. Taylor) J. Taylor, P. ruti- VU to NT: Calypogeia uncinulatula Herzog; Cryptochila grandi- lans Lindenb., Porella brasiliensis (Raddi) Schiffn., flora (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Grolle; Heteroscyphus combi- Radula javanica Gottsche, Squamidium brasiliense natus (Nees) Schiffn.; Lophocolea mandonii Steph. (Hornsch.) Broth. VU to LC: Plagiochila patula (Sw.) Lindenb. The work on threatened bryophytes in this species-rich region 2) In 2008 the red list of plants from the state of Minas Gerais resulted in the following recommendations to the state of was published and this list included 36 bryophyte species. This Minas Gerais: 1) To create new Conservation Unities in the list was published on-line in this year by the BIODIVERSITAS state; 2) To increase the efforts of the floristic inventory work (www.biodiversitas.org). See also D.P. Costa et al. 2008. in the State; 3) To train and educational centres so that more specialits can obtain a graduate training in this group of The bryoflora of Minas Gerais state is the third in plants in the state. number of bryophyte species in Brazil, with ca. 750 spp. and includes 36 spp. threatened according to the IUCN criteria (13 mosses and 23 hepatics) , of which 23 species. occurr only in the Other conservation news Atlantic Rain Forest, 3 in Cerrado (Savanna), and 1 in both. The In 2005 Brazilian bryologists and Steven P. Chur- high number of species considered data deficient (DD), 214 chill from the Missouri Botanical Garden began to work on species, reflects the lack of the knowledge of the bryoflora of the the preparation of a Guide to Brazilian Mosses. At this mo- state. The following is the list of threatened bryophytes from ment, te first product is a moss checklist (Synopsis of the Minas Gerais: Brazilian moss flora: checklist, synonyms, distribution and CR (1) - Drepanocladus perplicatus (Dusén) G. Roth. conservation) that will be submitted for publication in 2010. EN (9) - Adelothecium bogotense (Hampe) Mitt., Cephaloziella Then, the experts will focus their research activity on the granatensis (J.B. Jack) Fulford, C. stellulifera (Tayl.) Schiffn., producton of the guide that hopefully will be completed by Marsupella microphylla R.M. Schust., Mnioloma cyclostipa (Spruce) R.M.
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