REYNOLDS HISTORfCAlL GENEALOGY COLLECTK>N Nf^'i^^,M99,MMT,y. PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00728 9173 A DISCOURSE WARR IN LANCASHIRE. EDITED BY WILLIAM BEAMONT, Esq. PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY, M.DCCCJ^XIV. 'S3 4- Cliftliam M.DCCC.XLIII ESJ'ABLISIIED 1792485 FOR THE PUBLICA'J'ION OF HISTOIIICAL AND LITERAllY llEMAINS CONNECTED AVITH THE PALATINE COUNTIES OF LANCASTER AND CHESTER The Rit^ht IToii. and ^Nfost Rev. The ARCIIBISriOP of CANTEHRURY. His Grace The DVK \) oV DEVONSHIRE, K.G. The Rt. Rev. The Lord BISHOP of CHESTER. The Most Noble The .M ARQUIS of WEST.MixNSTER, The Rt. Hon. LORD DELAMERE. E.G. The Rt. Hon. LORD DE TAB LEY. The Rt. Hon. The EAKL of DERBY, K.G. The Rt. Hon. LORD SKELMERSDALE. The Rt. Hon. T'he ivARL of CRAWEORD AND The Rt. Hon. LORD STANLEY of Alderlev. BALCARRES. SIR PHILIP DE M ALPAS GREY EGERTON The lU. Hon. LOin) STANLEY, M.P. Baut., I\L.P. of Tho Kt. Uov. The Lord BISflOB CITICHESTER, GEORGE CORNWALL LEGH, Esq , M,P. The Rt. Rev. Tlio Lord BISHOP of AlANCHESTI^Ti K)HN WILSON PATTEN, Esq., M P. MISS ATHERTON, Kersall Cell. James Crossley, Esq., F.S.A., Fresident. Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., E.S.A., Hon. Canon of Manchester, Vice-President. William Beamont. Thomas Hey wood, E.S.A. •The Very Rev. George Hull Bowers, D.D., Dean of W. A. Hulton. Rev. .John Howard Marsden, B D., Canon of Man- ; Manchester. I Ui:v. .ToiiN Booker, M.A., E.S.A. chester, Disney Professor of Claosical Antiquities, i IL.v. TiioM.\s Coi;m;i;, M.A., E.S.A. Cambridge. .loiiN IIaulam), E.S..\.. Rev. James Raine, :M.A. I LuwAUD Hawkins, l\R.S., E.S.A., E.L.S. Artuur H. Hey wood, Treasurer. William Langton, lion. Secretary. I RULES OF THE CHETIIAM SOCIETY. 1. That the Society shall be limited to three hnndred and fifty members. 2. That the Society shall consist of members being- subscribers of one pound annually, such subscription to bo paid in advance, on or before tho day of general n\eeting in eucb year. The first general meetin;:: to be held (.a tho -.'U-d day of .>Lircli, IS and the general meeting in each year afterwards on the 1st day of .March, unless it ^hould fall on a Sunday, when some other day is to he named by the Council. |}. That tho ail'airs of tlic Society be conducted by a Council, consisting of a permanent Presider.t and Vice- President, and twelve other members, including a Treasurer and Secretarv, all of whom shall be elected, the first two at the general meeting next after a vacancy shall occur, and the twelve other members at the general meeting annually. 4. That any member may compound for his future subscriptions by the payment often pounds, 5. That the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Society be audited annually, by three auditors, to be elected at the general meeting; and that any member who shall be one year in arrear of his subscription, bbull no longer bo considered as belonging to the Society. (». That every member not in arrear of his annual svibscription, be entitled to a copy of each of the work? published by the Society. 7. That twenty copies of each work shall be allowed to the editor of the same, in addition to the one to which he may be entitled as a member. Applications and communications to be cuH /, s-sed to the President, luwfh Street, Piccadilly, Man- chester, or to the Hon. Secretary, Manchester and .':<at/ord Bank, Mosley Strcit, Manchester. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/chethammiscellan62chet_0 . |3ui)Iifation£i of tijc Cljctljam ^'ocifte VOL. For The Year 1S43-4. I. Travels in llollami, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ii^eland, 1634-1635, By Sir William lirercton, Bart. Edited by Edward IIawkixs, Esq., F.R.S., E.S.A., F.L.S. pp. viii/206. II. Tracts relating to oMilitary Proceedings in Lancashire during the Great Civil War. Edited and Illustrated tVoni Contemporary Docnments by George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., author of 'The History of Cheshire." pp. xxxii, 37-. III. Chester's Triumph in Honor of her Prince, a-; it Mas performed upon St. George's Day ICIO, in the forosaid Citic. Iveprinted from the original edition of 1610, with an Introduction and Notes. Edited by the Uer. Thomas Corseu, M.A. pp. xviii, 36. 1844- y. IV. The Life of Adam ]\Iartindale, written by himself, and now first printed from the original manu- script in tiie British Museum. Edited by the Kev. IUchard Parkinsox, B.D., Canon of jNIauchester. pp. xvi, 246. V. Lancashire Memorials of the Rebellion; 1715. By Samuel Hibberi-Ware, :M.D., F.R.S.E., .<tc. pp. X, r)(), ami xxviii, yi. Potts's Discovery of Witches in the county of Lancaster. Reprinted from the original edition of 1613 ; with an Introduction and Notes by James Crossley, Esq. pp. Ixxx, 1S4, 52. 1S45-6. YII. Iter Lancastrense, a Poem written a.d. 1636, by the Rev. Richard James. Edited by the Rev. Thomas C'.'U-eu, M.A. pp. cxii, 86. Folding Pedigree. VIII. Notitia Cestriensis, or ilistorical Notices of the Diocese of Chester, by Bishop Gastrell. Cheslilre. Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines, >,I.A., F.S.A. Vol. I. pp. xvi, 396. Plate. IX. The Norris Papers. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. xxxiv, 190. 1846- 7. X. The Cotichcr Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Edited by W. A. Hultox, Esq. Vol. I. pp. xl, ooS. Plate. XI. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. II. pp. 339-636. XII. The ]\loore Rental. Edited by Thomas IlE'YWOODj'Esq., F.S.A. pp. Ixx, 15S. 1847- 8. XIII. The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Edited by Jas. Crossley, Esq. Vol. I. pp. viii, 398. X[V. 'llio Journal of Nicholas Assheton. Edited by the Rev. F. R.Ratxes,^[.A., F.S.A. ;7p.xxx, 164. XV. The Holy Lvl'o and History of Saynt Werburge, very frutefull fur all Christen People to rede. Edited by Edward Hawkins," Esq. pp. xxviii, 10, 2 12. 1845- 9. XVI. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. III. pp. xli-liv, 637-936. XVII. AVarrington in 1465. Edited by Willi am' Beamoxt, Esq. pp. Ixxviii, 152. XVIII. The Diary of the Rev. Henry Newcome, from September 30, 1661, to September 29, 1663. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. xl, 242. 1S49-50. XIX. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part I. Lancashire, Part 1. pp. iv, 160, xxviii. XX. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. IV. (Conclusion J. ji^i. Iv-lxiii, 937- 1314. XXI. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part II. Lanca:>lure, Part II. ;>;). Ixxvii, 161-352. Plate. 1850-1. rt XXII. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part III. Lancashire, Pa II I. CConcliision j. pp . lioo-S'Zl figurative visions XXIII. A Golden Mirrour ; contcininge certainc pithie and prognosticating good fortune to England, &c. By Richard Robinson of Alton. Reprinted from tlie only known oo)\v of the original edition of 1589 in the British Museum, with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A,, F.S.A. pp. xxii, 10, 96. XXIV. Chethan\ Miscellanies. Vol. I. Edited by William Langtox, Esq. : containing Papers connected with the aiVairs of Milton and his Fan\ily. I'ditcil bv J. F. ^Lvusii, Esq. pp. 46. Plate. lOpistolarv Reliqncs of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquaries, 165;> 73. Communicated bv Gkougk OuMEROi), b.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., aiul F.G.S. pp. \G. Calendnrs of the Names of Faiuilies which entered their s-everal Pedigrees in the succe>sive Heraldic! VisitatioTLs of tho Comity I'alatine of Lancaster. Connnunicated bv Glokgk Okmki^op, D.C.L. F.R.S., F.S.A., and F.G.8. pp.'ZG. A Fragment, illustrative of Sir Wm. Hugdalc's Visitation of Lancashire. From a MS, in the posses- sion of tiie Rev. F. R. Ralvks, M.A.. .8.A. pp. 8. 3 ' Autobiogrnpliical Tracts of Dr. John Dee, Warden of the College of Miinclieiter. Edited hy Jamks Ckossi.ky, Esq. pp. iy,S4. Visitaiiun temp. Hen. VIIJ. The Abbai/e of Whaioley (for insertion in Whallet/ Coucher Book J. 1851 - 2. XXV. Cardinal Allen's Defonoe of Sir William Stanley's Surrender of Deventer. Edited by Thomas llr.vwoop, I'.S.A. pp-c, .')S. XXVI. Tho Auuihiogcaphy of llcnry Ncwcomc, M.A. Edited by Rd. Pauktason, D.D., F.S.A. Vol. I. /)/). XXV, 1S4. XXVIL The Autobiography of Henry Newcomc, ]\LA. Vol. IL ( Conclusion j. lSo-o9(». 1852- 3. XXVIII. The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1G94. Edited by Willtam BEA]^roNT, Esq. pp. xc, 132. XXIX. The Stanley Papers, Part I. The Earls of Derby and the Verse Writers and Poets of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. By TiiOMAS IIeywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. 0'4. XXX. Documents relating to the Priory of Penwortham, and other Possessions in Lancashire of the Abbey of Evediaiu. Edited by W^. A IIultox, Esq. Ixxviii, 13G. 1853 -4. XXXI. Tbc Stanley Papers, Part II. The Derby Household Books, comprising an account of the of Edward and Henry, third and fourth Earls of Derby Tlouseliold Ivegulatious and Expenses ; together with a Diary, containing the names of the guests who visited the latter Earl at his houses in Lancashire : by Vv^illiani Farrington, Esq., the Comptroller.
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