' 3-. * 'Tm \ . ■ 1 1 * V-. PAGE TfflRTY-TWO - - MANCHESTER EVENING HEatAUPy Maqohester, ConBn Wed., March 7, 1973 S t r i k e ’ ; WACS Announce Todayss Winning Meditatioli'Lecture Set MOSCOW The Weather Job Openings carried a brief dispatch from Lottery Number Fair tonight with the loW to the SM fend New York on Tuesday w the The International Meditation teachers to this country has He will present some of his Young women who wish to E)o]bkiia^‘ mostly sunny and mild Friday with a high school strike to New Haven, . ^ ie ty wiil offer a free public grown from about 50 to about 3,- psychiatric findings at a sym­ enlist as WACS will find 40430 hear 60. Precipitation probability 10 per lecture in Mott’s Conununity 000 in the past five years, and posium March 13 in a different openings to the Manchester unit Conn. Manchester Republicans wiU ' Tickete, at 17.50 ead», may be cent tonight and Friday. Hall, 587 E. Middle Tpke., the technique is available now field: “ Transcendental Medita­ of the 1st Bn., 169th Inf., The official Soviet news agenr, honor N. Adler DoUdn and Mrs. obtainedObtained fromirom Mrs.nars. Merceiirmercer atw March 15 at 8:30 p.m. and in the in some 60 countries, he said. tion and Management according to Maj. Joseph R. 1>4 Ludlow Rd,, or from any c y jt report was factual, and^ Saunda Taylor with a MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 - VOL. XCH, No. 133 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TW ENTY P a G E ^ PRICEt nFTEEN CENTS Conununity Room of the Socie­ Maharishl’s teaching is most Enrichment.” This symposium Taricani, recruiting officer. tostimonial diimer April 11, at member of the committee. m ade no cwnment. ■1A ty for Savings, 1765 Ellington popular in the highly developed is sponsored by Rensselaer He reports the term of Willie’s Steak House. Dobkto Rd., South Windsor, March 16 western countries, principally Polytechnic Institute., enlistment is for three years, and Mrs. Taylor retired last the United States, Canada, Ger­ and that the following job at 8 p.m. month as GOP town chairman Last May Transcendental many, England and Sweden. specialties are available: , and vice- chairman,- Meditation (TM) became Linton says TM is a technique, Clinical medical specialist, Cacao Production ' respectively. ress medical aid personnel, clerk- Nixon Asks regularly available in Hartford for active people, rather than The dinner, at 7:30 p.m., will Shifted To W . Africa for the first time when five any means of withdrawing into typist, and personnel specialist.- Mini-Skirt be preceded by a social hour at teachers recently returned a reclusive way of life. Membership in the Guard Boston — Th^ first grinding: 6:30. 1 from several m o n ^ intensive Meditators typically report Merits Not offers the advantage of serving o f cacao beans in the North A. Paul Berte, vbo succeeded training with Maharishi feeling more calm, energetic, in the military right in your American colonies took place.-tin Intellectual home town. For further Dobkto as GOP towp chairnuui, 1765. Until 1900, tyopiOal Amer­ To Tap Highway Fuilc( Mahesh Yogi in Majorca, Spain, and joyful. It is a simple and will be general ctSibinmi o f Uk opened a center at 5 Lincoln St. natural procedure for allowing information, call Maj. Taricani ica produced more than 80 per at 643-5109, at the State Armory dinner. The niaster of eriht of the world’s cacao, but Lrctures were held periodically a person’s attention to turn MANSFIELD DEPOT (AP) ★ WASHINGTON (AP) - spent as they desire” to m'eet suspended in January, Nixon federal shift of funds from Guest Speaker ceremonies will be Atty. John 25 years later the center of pro­ in the surrouding areas, in­ within, to subtler, quieter levels — Mini-skirts are causing a on Main St. President Nixon urged development needs. said; highways to transit.” He said F. Shea Jr., foriner chairman duction had shifted to West ★ front End cluding a few at Mott’s Com­ of thinking and to eventually go warming trend in school The Rev. Edmund Nadotoy, Congress today to permit state Until the proposed legislation “ In pursuing our goal of de­ the aim is to allow local of the town com m ittee andf Africa. ■ - ★ Mnfliirt munity Hall and at Manchester beyond, or “ transcend” classrooms to the detriment of director of the office of and local governments to tap could take effect on July 1,1974, cent homes for all Americans, governments “to choose the Republican State Central Com--’" - ■ ★ Tmit. Community CoUege. Many peo­ thinking and reach a pure field students’ ability to learn, accor­ communications for the $3.5 billion of federal highway Nixon said “ funds already we know that better means are best solution for their urban mitteeman from the fourth ★ Rodlalo ple have taken the basic course, of inner wakefulness. ding to one Connecticut doctor. Archdiocese of Hartford, will . funds during the next three available to the Department of needed—that the old and transportation problems.” Senatorial District. ★ Vahn arindhig^ v^ch consists of two hours’ in­ Through this refining of be guest speaker at the Ladies RANGE AND years to improve mass transit Housing and Urban wasteful programs, programs In what he termed a compa­ Other members of the dinner ^ m m o r O w ilM iil struction on each of four con­ thought, meditators gain a deep Dr. Hans H. Neumann, chair­ Pollack Named of St. James communion supper FUEL OIL systems. Development will be used to which have already obligated nion measure to his ^highway committee are: Mrs. Jack ★ Boidrical Wort the taxpayer to payments of secutive days. s level of rest,>measured at Har­ man of the Public Issues Com­ March 12 at Willie’s Steak In a special m essage on maintain and support bill, Nixon said he will caU for a mittee of the Connecticut Mercer and Francis Dellafera, GASOLINE between $63 billion and $95 According to Andrew Linton, vard and University of Califor­ To Faculty House. The evening will open at It Your ChBvy community development, community development.’’ $3-biUion increase in federal Public Health Association, says tickets; State Comptroller and Nixon called anew for billion during the next 40 years, funding for mass transit capital TM official, there are about 10 nia at Los Angeles (UCLA) to 6 with’ the group’s annual Mass Needs It . .. Nixon said the money would be the tendency to overheat former Manchester mayor creation of a department of are not toe answer.” grants, bringing total spending teachers in the Hartford area, be twice as deep as the rest NEW HAVEN (AP) - Louis for living m em bers at St. m sam earmarked “ for urban Nathan Agostinelli, special and three are directing their gained to sleep,” he added. classrooms is producing a H. Poliak, former dean of the James Church. We Do It community development He said a m ajor housing authority for such programs to arrangements; Mrs. Richard COMPANY, INC. transportation needs, including energies towards establishing a In the past few years, variety of adverse effects on Yale Law School, has been ap­ Husbands of members have C A U M 6-6484 “ which would pull under one study already is under way $6.1 billion. Dennison and Mrs. Trutnan capital improvements for bus center in Manchester, or near­ professionals and performance and achievement pointed to the University of been invited to attend the Mass 331 Main Street roof various programs now in within the government and In urging prompt action on Crapdall, program; Mrs. and rapid rail systems.” by, and teaching full-time in academicians, as well, have by students. Pennsylvania faculty, it was and dinner. Reservations close the Departments of Housing asserted; toe better communities act, Richard;^ Murphyf dinner Tel. 649-4595 CAHTER this area. found diverse benefits from the learned here Tuesday. Friday and may be made by Another feature of the and Urban Development, “ Within toe next six months, Nixon said his goal is “ to Interest in TM has been practice. In Hartford, Dr. Ber­ "It is known that mental Poliak, who is noted for his contacting Mrs. Albert G. Roy arrangeihenta;' dpd Miss Rockville 875-3274 CHBOMtEr message was a call for a better Transportation, Agriculture I intend to submit to the replace inflexible and growing throughout the world nard Glueck, director of stimulation increases at lower work in constitutional law and of 103 Prospect St. or Mrs. Eltoor Hashim, publicity. communities act to provide and other agencies.” Congress my policy recommen­ fragmented categorical grant- to the past decade, he said. research at the Institute of temperatures,” he says. It,civil and human rights, official­ Dominic Roto of 230 states and communities with Voicing strong criticism of dations in this field, based upon in-aid programs, and to reduce About 200,000 Americans now Living, has been investigating “ Conversely, as temperatures ly will become the university’s Hackmatack St. $iz.3 billion a year of special present federal housing toe results of that study.” toe excessive federal control meditate, most of them having the therapeutic potential of TM rise, perceptiveness and first Albert M. Greenfield Father Nadolny’s duties revenue sharing money “ to be programs, many of which he While urging diversion of that has been so frustrating to learned the practice in the past with mentally distrubed alertness are dulled.” Professor of Human Relations include coordinating programs CoL North Given Big Welcome some highway trust fund local governments.” two years. The number of patients there. and Law on July 1, 1974. for Connecticut radio and PINEHURST-TOMY ftS ALWAYS- monies to mass transit He said “ funds would be used television stations.
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