WENZEL'S PEDIGREE CHART ~mple space for all data about your ancestors for 13 generations w_ m ALL lines. Visible Index. For full particulars write. JOHN WENZEL, 68 DALE AVE., ALLENDALE, NEW JERSEY OFFICIAL jEWELERS N. S., S. A. R. EMBLEMS SERVICE BARS STATIONERy Correspondence cordially invited 1E. CALDWELL &Co. ]fW!LB.Y • SILVER.WAil8 ~ WATCH!! • STATIONERY Quarterlv Bulletin. National Societv Sons of the American Revolution Chestnut Street at Juniper PHILADELPHIA NEW ENGLAND GENEALOGIES CONTENTS Records painstakingly searched by a person of rna· The L. G. Balfour Co. lure years. My large fund of data may already in· THE PRESIDENT GENERAL'S MESSAGE elude a key to your line. Minimum fee $10 in Attleboro, Mass. advance. • MRS. M. G. THORNDIKE, 20 Frances An., Aubura, R. I. TREATY OF PARIS CELEBRATED AT VINCENNES, IND . • GOOD PUBLIC RECORDS tN!anufacturers of WM. W. NEIFERT • Genealogist, Researcher CORRESPONDENCE AND SAFETY NOTES U. S. Pension and Census Records BADGES MEDALS 3965 Rainier Ave., • RINGS CUPS Mount Rainier, Md. FAVORS TROPHIES TIMELY THOUGHTS FROM TilE AMERICANIZATION CHAIRMAN PROGRAMS MEDALLIONS • STATIONERY PLAQUES OUR PROTEST AGAINST RECOGNITION OF SOVIET RUSSIA DOOR PLATES EMBLEM INSIGNIA YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED MEMORIAL TABLETS to OFFICIAL S. A. R. Supplies available • at National Headquarters ATHLETIC FIGURES NATIONAL S. A. R. LIBRARY-ITS DEVELOPMENT GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEDALS BOOK REVIEWS FRATERNITY JEWELRY R. 0. T. C. MEDALS (new) WAR SERVICE MEDALS A D BARS • (Medals $1 each) WASHINGTON, D. c., HEADQUARTERS DEFERRED ANNUAL REPORTS OFFICIAL GRAVE MARKERS 1319 F Street N. W., Suite 204 (For Revolutionary Soldiers) • Rosettes (2Sc ea.) and Official Ribbon EVENTS OF STATE SOCIETIES STEPHEN 0. FoRD (Prepayment of the above is requested) Application and Supplemental Blanks for use of • Manager State f?Hieers at current printing rates. Also GENEALOGICAL DEPARTMENT: ADDITIONS TO MEMBERSHIP PreUmanary AppUeation blanks. AND RECORDS OF NEW MEMBERS-IN MEMORIAM Inquire of the Secretary General • National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution STATE AND CHAPTER OFFICERS 1227 Sb:teenth Street N, W., Washington D C I h ere b y enro ll as ' · · • INDEX OF ANCESTORS-JULY, OCTOBER, 1933 0 A DONOR $500.00 0 A SUSTAINING MEMBER $100.00 0 CONTRIBUTING MEMBER Mark in Square with an X Your Selection Name----------------------------· Address __________________________ _ Volume XXVIII October, 1933 Number 2 PRESS OF JUDD & DlilTWEILElR, INC., WASHINGTON , D. C. General Officers Elected at the Cincinnati, Ohio Congress, May 17, 1933 poard of Trustees, 1933-1934 President Genernl I Offi d the Past Presidents Gen.-ral, together Gener:mber c:::r:neach State Society, the Boafrd ARTHUR .\lt LTON ~lcCRtLLis, 313 Xational Exchange Bldg., Providence. R. I. ·T~ eon~tituiP Wit one m the National Society. The followin~E Trustees or o£ Trustees of d M at the Congress held Vice-Presioents General h ral States were eleele ay 17• 1933' th t ti' Ohio to serve until their successors are elected at e at eC~ev~IDCIDD3 ' ' S.\l!UEL F. Pt:NDERSON, 146 State Street, Springfield. ~Ja.sach usetts. XoR>JAN B. CoNGER. 154 )Joss Avenue, Detroit. II. P Congress to be held in 1934: ;\Iichigan. :\ew England District Olaine. Xew Hampshire, Great Lakes District Olichigan, Illinois, and Wis­ \'ermont. Alassachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con­ consin). necticut). Louts B. HANNA, Far~o • .'lorth Dakota. MISSOURI 909 Wainwright Bldg., ~ILS>MORE KENDALL, Dobbs Ferry, New York. B. ZEITLER , 1\Jooresville. }AMES M. BRECKENRIDGE, Xorth )fississippi District (lllinnesota, North and ALABA:~ RY :\orth .-\tlantic District (New York and :\ew Jersey). St. LOUIS. South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska). ARIZONA MONTtr.~ EDWARD G. ELLIS. Missoula. ]OHN L. WALKER, 1507 Union Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, OsCAR B. CoLQUITT. 4950 Live Oak treet, Dallas, Pennsylvania. Texas. ARKA~~~- ARNOLD, Texarkana. NEBRAJ~~D C. HILTON, 305 Ricardo Block, Lincoln. ~lid Atlantic District (Pennsylvania. Delaware, South )Jississippi District (l\lissouri, Kansas, Ar­ ~Iaryland, and District of Co.umbia). kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas). CALIF~f~~ -l'tEoN FRENCH , 640 State Bldg .. San Francisco. NEW HAMPSHIRE CHARLES A. HoLDEN, Hanover. WALTER B. LIVEZEY. Xewport Xews, \'irginia. BENJA>IIN L. RtcH, 607 Boston Bldg. , Salt Lake City, COLO'r..~v~ENCE C. BLUNT, 1019 Downing St., Denver. South Atlantic District (Virginia . .'lorth and South Utah. NEW J~= o~~s W. WILLIAMS, 46 West Broadway, New Carolina, Georgia, Florida). CONNECTICUT . 1 'd Rocky :'\fountains Dk.trict (Arizona, New )lexica, FRANK E. SANDS, Journal Bldg., ?. en en. York, N. \'. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming. Idaho, and )lantana). NEW MEXICO 00 Los Lunas Rd., RANSOM II. BASSETT, Starks Bldg.. Louisville, Kentucky. ERNEST vAN CLEAVE, 13 \\'ALTER B. BEALS, Temple of Justice, Olympia, DELA "{$;~~ARD SPRINGER, ]R., p. 0. Box 246. Southern District (Alabama, )Jissi•sippi. Louisiana, Washington. Albuquerque. Tennessee, Kentucky). DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA S " W NEW YORK Broadway, New York Pacific Coast District (California, Nevada, Wash­ S. S. WILLIAMSON, 3314 Mt. Pleasant t. "· .. GEORGE RoYCE BROWN, 393 CHARLES A. BREECE, 4310 Central Avenue, Indian­ ington, Oregon, and the territories of Alaska. Washington. City. apolis, Indiana. Hawaii and Philippine Islands). Central District (West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana). FLORig~ORGE D. CRoss, 45 John St., Room 301. .'lew NORTH CAROBLINCAOIT Box 54 7 Greensboro. )lARQUIS DE ROCHA:\IBEAU, 56 Avenue Victor Hugo, RALPH . ' I York City. Paris XVI, France. NORTH DAKOTA Foreign District (Society in France and other foreign E. D. LuM, Wahpeton. territory). FRAN\,~AR QUIS DE CHAMBRUN, 3 Rue Taitbout, Paris. Secretary-Registrar General and OHIO ANSEL E. BECKWITH, 145 Old Arcade, Cleveland. Librarian Chancellor General GEOR~~~LIAM M. FRANCIS, 1107 Atlanta Trust Bldg., OKLAHO~IA 1N ::llain St. Sand Springs. Atlanta. PAUL P. PINKERTON, 619 . .1. , FR.\NK BARTLETT STEELE, 1227 16th Street N. W., Lot:ts IV. STOTESBURY, 270 :lladison Avenue, Xew Washington, District of Columbia. York, N. Y. OREGON L R Public Service Bldg., Portland. HAWA~~WI N A. CoOPER, 1940 Coyne Avenue. Honolulu. IRVING . AND, Genealogist General PENNSYLVANIA BRO\VN , N. Dithridge Street, Pitts­ IDAII~LB ERT H. CoNNER, o/o Dept. of Justice, Wash­ THOMAS S. 265 ]OliN HonART CRoss, P. 0. Box 1021 , Pensacola, Trea~urer General Florida. ington, D. C. burgh. ILI.INOIS RHODE ISLAND 1337 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford. Gt:ORGE S. ROBERTSON, Park Bank Bldg.. Baltimore, So. Dearborn St., Box 3. A. H. ARMINGTON, )Jaryland. Chaplain General CHARLES B. ELDER, Chicago. SOUTH CAROLINA Laurens St.. Columbia. REv. GEORGE P. EASDIAN, 42 Colt Road, ummit. RoBERT MoORl-tAN, 911 New Jersey. INDIA~~AR ENCE A. COOK , 5252 N. l\fe<idian St .. Indian­ SOUTH DAKOTA K St. N. W., Washington, SAMUEL HERRICK, 1712 I Historian General apolis. Chorister General D. C. lOW A CHARLES E. SNYDER, First Unitarian Church, Daven­ TENNESSEE ALLEN, 780 Riverside Drive, New York Br." \\'. PALMER. 3701 Pillsbury Avenue. )finneapolis, FREDERIC DE G. HAHN (by Executive Committee ap­ J. WALTER )I m nesota. pointment at wampscott. ;\Jass., ;'\Jay, 1925), port. City. 619 Westminster Avenue. Elizabeth, New Jersey. KANS\~ILLIAY A. BIBY, Central Nat'! Bank Bldg., Topeka. TEXASROBERT W. HuMPHREYS, Galveston. kF.NTIICKY . K • C. A. ::llc)hLLAN. Pans, y. UTAH DANIEL S. SPENCER, % Union Pacific R. R., Salt EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE~ 1932-1933 Lake City. LOUIS~~~!m ::II. SMITH, Hibernia Bldg., New Orleans. D. BuTTERFIELD, Burlington. MAINE VERM~~HUR THE following were nominated by the President General and con­ ]. L. TEWKSBURY, Camden. firmed by the Board of Trustees, at Cincinnati, Ohio, Mny 17, 1933: VIRGtw~J\!AC )ONES, IS North Sixth St., Richmond. MAilYJ.AND • ld B It' ore LOUIS ANNIN Al\IES. 85 Fifth Avenue, New York, ERNEST J. CLARK, 104o Calvert B g., a om . New York. T. SCOTT OFFUTT, Towson, Md. WASH~~~o:. WRIGHT, 1508 16th Ave., Seattle. MASSACJJUSETTS • S \" th WEST VIRGINIA · H. PRESCOTT BEACH, 376 Upper Mountain A"~nue, RULEF C. SCHANCK. 604 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., WILLIAM). HoLBROOK, oil 1\lain St., . ,,eymou . Uppt•r Montclair, ew Jersey. Pitt11burgh, Pa. B. BRUCE BuRNS, Park Hills, Huntmgton. IIIICIIIf:AI\" - F cd · k St Royal Oak DAVID E. FRENCH, Bluefield, 'West Va. LOREN E. SOUERS, 1200 lbrler Bldg., Canlon, Ohio­ RoY V. BARNES, 61> r enc ·• · WI~CO~~~Y C. ::IIcDERMOTT, !826 E. Elmdale Court, FREDERICK W, :MILLSPAUGH, The Pullman Com­ )Jilwaukee. Jlany, Nal'>hville, Tenn. JOSIAH A. VAN ORSDEL, Court of Appeals, 'Vas hing­ MINNESOTA • Ul ton, D. C. HENRY L. BEECHER , New m. WYOMING ARTHUR !U. 1\JcCRILLIS, President General, MISSISSIPPI . )A:>rEs H. WALTON , Cheyenne. A. l\1. PEPPER, Lexmgtnn. Chairman Ex Officio rThe name< of General Officers will be found on the second cover page.) *Decrased, July II , 1933. The Sons of the American Revolution Magazine fluarterly Bulletin of the National Society of the Sons of the Aoleriean Revolution National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Organized April 30, 1889. Incorporated by act of Congress, June 9 , 1906. President General Arthur M. McCrillis, 313 National Exchange Bank Bldg., Providence, R. I. National Headquarters, 1227 16th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Telephone, District 8490 • THE Sons of the Anterican Revolution Magazine records action by the General Officers, the Board of Trustees, the Executive and other National conunittees, lists of members deceased and of new members, and important activities of State societies and chapters. In order that the Magazine may be up to date, and to insure the preservation in the National Society archives of a complete history of the activi· ties of the entire organization, State societies and local chap­ ters are requested to communicate promptly to the Secretary General written or printed accounts of all meetings or cele· brations, to forward copies of all notices, circulars, and other printed matter issued by them, and to notify him at once of dates of death of members and other changes in their rosters. Number 2 Volume XXVIII OCTOBER, 1933 Edited b y the Secretary General.
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