,DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. NEWTON ..BY•10FT. '459 Taylor Arthur, baker Ward Brothers, cycle agents, floral & Warwick Annie {Mr!l. }. shopkeet~er Vickers John, farmer & butcher turret clock makers Watson Charles, saddler Vickers William, farmer Ward George, shopkeeper Watson J{)hn, dairyman Walker Fred, farmer, Nettleham hth Ward Willia.m John, jun. farmer, Webster Frederick, White Hart P.H Bunker's hill, Lincoln Wingad John William. tailo.r NETTLETON is a parish and village, pleasantly M.A. of the University of Oxford. Here is a small Wes­ !eated in a valley: at the foot t)f a very bold point of leyan chapel and a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in the· Walds, calle!f Nettlewn Hill, 2 miles east from r858. There is land belonging t(} the church and parish~ Moortown station 41nd 2 mile~ north-east from Holton ve-sted in the churchwardens and ()Verseers, and pr9- station <JD t'he Hull '&nd Lincoln branch of the Great ducing a rent-al of under £2o. John Rowlan<l Cattle Central railway, about r mile south from Caistor, ro esq. of Nettleton Manor, is lord of the manor, and the miles south-east from "Brigg, in the North Lindsey divi­ principal landowners are the lord of the manor and the sion of the county, parts of LindsP-y, south division of trustees of Calthrop Johnston Calthrop esq. of Hark­ Yarborougb wapentake, Caistor petty sessional division, stow Hall, Rev, Thomas George Dixon M.A. of Bolton uninn and county court district, rural deanery of Yar­ Park, Linooln, Mr. William Wood, of Habrough,,• and borough No. 2, archdeaconry of Stow ·and di~se- of A. E. Kirkness esq. The soil is clay, -sand and ehalk; I.inooln. The churoh of St. John the Baptist was re subsoil, similar ; and there is a grea·t deal of ironstone built in 1874, under the. direction of Mr. James Fowler, in this parish. The chief crops are turnips. barley, architect, of Louth, at .a cost of £r,Boo, defrayed by · clover and. wheat. The ~rea of the paris.h ill 3,6o!Z the Rev, Samuel Turner, late rector, and consists of acres; rateable value, £?-,6II ; population in Igor, 3a3. chancel, nave, north porch and an embattled western Parish Clerk, .Samuel TaylPr. tower containing a clock and 3 bells : the tower is of eady date .and has a doorway reputed t.o be Late SaxotJ., Post Office.--':Mrs. Jane Catley, sub-postmistress. Letters and bearing a oharacteristic ornament termed the arrive from Caistor at 8 .a.m. ; dispatched at 5~1Cl ~'Jews' harp," found on :remains of this period in other p.m. ; no delivery of letters OD anndays. Caistor, 2 Lincolnshire churches; the stained east window was the miles distant, is the nearest money 'm'del' & telegraph gift of Mrs. Turner, widow of the late l'ector: the office 1'6redos and brass lsclern wer-e presented by Miss Marris ~ there are 220 .sittings. The register dates Councill (provided) Sdh<rl (mixed), built by th& lata from the. year 1679. T.he living ia.. a. rectory, yearly Sir Culiliing Ea.rdley E81l'dlley ba>l'ltl. in iiB35• & trans­ .vwue from 409! acres of glebe £230, with residence, in · fB<I"red! to the ltCihooi bo&rd• in July, 18Bo; it vill hold tlhe gift of J. E. Bamford esq. of Bradford, Manchester, 120 chill.diren·; avoo-age a.ttendance, S4i Mrs. W . .J. and held since 1877 by the Rev. Bugh Stillie Campbell Baker, mtistreu PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Briggs Solomon, farmer J ollands Wm. thrashing machine ownr Carter Joseph, farmer Lord Sarah (:Mrs.), farmer Campbell Rev. Hugh Stillie M.A. Cave Charles, farmer Market Rasen Brewery Co. 'Litnltsd Rectory Cook Robert, farmer; Bleak house (The), The Pelham brewery; & at Cattle John Rowland J.P. Nettleton Copping John S. farmer Market Rasen. See advertise- manor Dawson William, Salutation inn ment Kirkness Arthur Edwd. Nettleton lo East Alfred, farmer Marshall Charle$, wheelwri'ght Malkinson Mrs Favill Martin, coal dealer Moore Robert, farmel' Raby John Parker Field William, farm bailiff to C. J. Nixon William, farmer Splayford Robert, Old Vicarage Calthorp esq . Osgerby John Ambrose, grocer Harrison Frank, farmer Taylor Ha.rry, farmer, New farm COMMRUCIAL. Harwood Ephraim J oseph, Manor frm Todd Barhm, cowkeeper Allison Waiter, farmer J ohnson John, shopkeeper Tomlinson W illiam, farmer Altoft Joseph & Wm. Old Manor farm J ohnson Thomas, blacksmith Watson William, farmer • Eorrill Edward, joiner • NEW YORK is a village in the p11rish of Wildmore, which see. NEWTON, near Folkingham, is a 'Parish and village, with residence, in the gift of Sir Charles Glynne Earl" 2~ miles north-we<St from Folkingham, 5~ north-west Welby hart. C.B. and held since 1897 bj the Rev. John from Billingborough st11tion on the Bourne and Slooford Dand Todd B. A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. Charities branch of th() Great Northern railway1 and 8 south-we-st of £2 2s. 8d; yearly value, left by various persons, are from Sleaford, in the North Kesteven division of tbP distributed by the rector on St. Thotnas' dray. There county, parts of Kesteven, Aveland wapentake, SloofGl"d ~s a ·Chalybeate ~;pring in the village. Newton House, onion, petty sessional division and county court district, the property of Sir Charles Glynne Earle Welby hart. rural deanery of Aveland No. 1, and archdeaoonry and C.B. o-f De-nton Manor, Grantham, lord of the manor .diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. Botolph is M.1 and sole landowne:l', is now in the occupation qf Mrs. ancient building of swne in the Norman, Early English Heathcote, The soil is a stiff loam; sub&oil, oolite and and later styles, consisting of chancel with chapels, nave, blue ,lias. 'I'he chief crop is whe.at. The area i&. I13(h aiS.e1, south porch and a w~stern tower with pinnacles, acres; ratea.bl~ value, £1,136; population in Igoi, .I59"· containing 5 bells: both nave arcades are Decorated, and Pa:ritrh ·Clerk, William Cooper. the npper stage of the tower is Perpendicular: the sout-h PO&t Office.-Will.iam ~pBr, snb-p08t:ma.ster, Letters chant'l'y chapel retains a. piscina with a hagioscope above through Folkingha.m, Lines, arrive at 7 .~o a.m. ; dis­ it; the nmth cbantry chapel has a niche and two narrow patch-ed at 4-45 p.m. week days only. · Folkingham, hagioi!COpes: in the north aisle are two incised slabs with 3 miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele­ croiN!e5: a the church wa-s restored in 1865-6, at cost of ~raph office £I,6ocJJ under the direction of MessN. Kirk and Parry; PubLic E.Lennen.tary Sohoal (mixed), , e.rectoo, with the ~ined east window was presented by Lady and Sir G_ E. Welby-Gregory; and there are two stained win­ ~r's house, in 1874• by t-he law Sir Glynn Earle dows at. the west end: the brass lectern was given by Willby-Gregury ba.rt. for 103 childiren ~ ave.ra.ge 11t.te-nd· ance, 54; Oharles Baldri.ng, l'Ill88tiBl'; M.rs. Baldiing, mist a previous rector: there are 200 sittings. The register date& from t.he year 1012. The living is a rectory, with Ca.rrier.-Goorge Rollings, to Grantham, en: tues. tours. that of Haceby anne:xed, joint net yearly value £310, & sat. & to Sleaiord, on mun. only PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cooper Wi!liam, blacksmith Francis Thomas, carpenter Heathcote Mrs. Newton house Doughty Saml. farmer, The Grange Lait Robert, fellmonger Todd Rev. John Dand B.A. The Rectry Ellis Thomas Charles, farmer Moor Frederick William, farmer Chapman John, Red Lion P.H Ellis William Smith, farmer Roaings George, carrier NEWTON-:BY·TOFT is a paris·h, 4 roil~ west-~ containing 'One bell: the church was almost wholly rebuilt eouth-west from Market Rasen station on the Hull and in 186o in the Early English style, the IJ.rcade of a 'pre· Lincoln branch of the Great Central railway, in the East viously-existing north aisle being carefully preserved : the I.indsey division of the county, north d}vision of the . interior was also re-seated, a new pulpit and other fittings .wapentake of Walshcroft, Caistor onion, parts of Lindsey, introduced, and the east window filled with stained glass ; '}Jetty sessional division and county conrt district of these works were effected under the direction of the lat~ Market; Rasen, rural deanery of Walshcroft, archdeaconry .Mr. James Fowler F.R.I.B.A. architect. of Louth.. and of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. chiefly at the cost of P. S. Wilkimon esq. the late patron; Michael is a building of stone of the Norman period, there are Bo sittings. The register date!! from the yeat consisting of chaLlcel, nave, south porch and a bell-gable 1592. The living is a rectory, consolidated in 1884 "With .
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