Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii niiiiiii associated press it mn ifiiiiiiiuiiiii iiii ! NewScope USG Begins Two-Week Vigil The World Protesters Stage HUB Sleep-In; U.S. Planes Hit Viet Cong Mountain Post SAIGON — American planes and artillery pounded North Many Make Commitments To Fast Ap Bia Mountain near the Vietnamese positions atop Dong By PAT DYBLIt and DENISE BOWMAN both human life and economic resources and Laotian border yesterday, as U.S. paratroops rested after 1,0 should therefore be terminated." futile attempts in nine days to storm the 3,000-foot peak. Collegian Staff Writers The second point was that "the foreign Air Force B42 bombers blasted enemy troops, bunkers and Approximately 15 students slept on 'lie Het- policy of our country has subverted the ideals gun batteries near the mountain in an apparent attempt to cut zel Union Building terrace Sunday night , begin- upon which our country was founded. " off reinforcements for the North Vietnamese still holding the ning a two-week vigil in protest of U.S. involve- According to the letter, elected rcprcscn peak overlooking the A Shau Valley. ment in Vietnam. lalives should lead their constituticnts "rather American commanders believe that a steady flow of men The 15 slept under a makeshift tent in the than follow them." and supplies is being funneled to the mountain defenders. rain after the first day of protest which began The letter stresses that participants in the and 37 U.S. at 1 p.m. Sunday. vigil and fast do not expect their actions to end The fight, in which 335 North Vietnamese The Undergraduate Student Government the Vietnam war. troops have been reported killed and 220'Americans wounded, "We can only ask you to lead longest, toughest campaigns of passed a resolution on May 8 by a vote of 17 to us from the death and destruction of Vietnam has developed into one of the 12 calling for a two-week vigil and fast to be to the search for life, liberty and the happiness recent months. conducted from Sunday through June 1. of all men." the letter concludes. • * * No Specified Duration Candlelight March Proposed U.S. To Fulfill Allied Security Obli gations Bob Lachman, chairman of the USG Steer- Don Shall , Colloquy initiator and unsuc- ing Committee to Protest the W.ir m Vietnam, cess fu l candidate for the USG presidency, said BANGKOK — Secretary of State William P. Rogers is last night that a resolution may come before reassuring America's Southeast Asian allies today that the said last week that the number of days for the fast would not be S|X?c i fied , so that students USG on Thursday proposing a candlelight Nixon administration intends to fulfill all its security march to the home of University President obligations in this part of the world. could make a "personal commitment." Fast commitments by USG members, stu- Eric A. Walker. Rogers will address the two-day meeting of the Southeast Shall said that the .march would probably have ex- dents and faculty are posted on a bulletin board Asia Treaty Organization—SEATO—whose members near the entrance to the Lion 's Den on the ter- take place, regardless of Congress' act ion . pressed anxiety about U.S. intentions. He proposed a "totally silent march to race. Severa l students have indicated that they ' Intensified U.S. efforts to get peace in Vietnam, President will fast for the two-week period. Walker s house after the USG meeting compos- Nixon 's known interest in a more active European policy, and Approximately 100 students attended a ed of anyone who feels as we do." Shall said growing opposition in Congress to extensive foreign involve- that he would like the marchers to silently memorial service at 4 p.m. Sunday for the ' ments are behind the allied anxiety, SEATO diplomats say. Vietnamese killed in the war. present a statement at Walker .- door asking at^j il him "to make a statement on Nixon, however, said during last year's presidential cam- Aron Arbittier . USG vice president, ex- war as most paign that he looked to the time when Asian countries would —Collegian Photo by Pierre Bellicrni plained that the flag in the HUB tcrracj had University presidents have done throughout the take primary responsibility for their own security. THE USG VIGIL and fast io protest the war in Vietnam been lowered for "the boys who died in Viet- nation and . also, to show how the University Vig il Site , began officially yesterday. A program of speakers and nam " and said that it would remain at half- relates to the war." discussions has been scheduled throughout the two week mast for the duration of the vigil and fast. Shall emphasized that the statement to Walker would be a request, rather than a de- Behind HUB5 vigil. Peace, "Persistent Exercise" mand. He added , "These kinds of symbolic ac- The Nation The Bev. Alan Cleeton. formerly affiliated tions are most effective for those who take Conviction with the United Campus Ministry and now a part , and I hope the march will be in total Supreme Court Upsets Leary graduate student at Boston University, told the silence." WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court yesterday upset the afternoon crowd that peace is a "persistent ex- The Steering Committee to Protest the War conviction of drug experimenter Timothy F. Leary and barred GSA Cancels Reservation ercise." in Vietnam issued a statement Sunday defining enforcement of the federal tax on illegal marijuana transac- "It is not a new idea to seek peace." the vigil and fast: tions. Cleeton said. "Some cynics say peace will "Fo r the purposes of interpretation of what An 8 to 0 .decision said the former Harvard teacher was never come—I support the claim of people who is meant by participation in the USG vigil May protected by the Constitution from having to pay a tax on the have a conscientious objection to war." 18-June 1 in protest of the continuing war in half-ounce of marijuana sweeping found in his car when he Cleeton defined war in Vietnam as the Vietnam , students, faculty and town men may- crossed the International Bridge from Mexico in 1966. Elks Ask Compensation "genocide and destruction of a people living in consider themselves involved in the vigil if they join in a ' Had he paid the tax. Justice John M. Harlan reasoned, he hamlets and villages in Southeast Asia. " covenant of concern' by being present would have run the risk of self-incrimination by exposing He said that to the people of America, Viet- at the site of the vigil , on the lower terrace of himself to state prosecutions. nam has become "a living room war—a toy the HUB whenever they are not required to be war on a toy television." Cleeton said at necessary classes ' Though the government argues otherwise, Harlan said, the For Dance Cancellatio n that the or essential' studies. time has come for Americans to speak out Fasting Procedures tax law is aimed "at bringing to light transgressions of the boldly. "a very substan- Sy SANDY BAZONIS council members felt that GSA Some of the GSA members Regarding fasting procedures, the state- marijuana laws" and those who comply run should cancel the dance spoke of a court settlement, "Institutions won't come tumbling down ment reads- tial risk of self-incrimination." Collegian Staff Writer without paying the rental fee but nothing has been decided . because a few students protest, but institutions "For those who wish to participale in the The State College Elks Club to the Elks. Others felt that An emergency GSA meeting can and should be changed," he stated. fast in conjunction with the vigil, students, has asked the Graduate Stu- since GSA had made a legal will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday Letter to Statesmen faculty and townsmen may consider dent Association for S125 to contract , the council should in 216 Hetzel Union Building. Lachman said participants in Sundav themselves involved in the fast if they join in a The State compensate for the council's pay some of the rental fee, ac- Ewing said the council will nigh t's sleep-in dra fted a letter which will oe 'covenant of concern' by daily restricting their cancellation of its annual din- cording to Ewing. discuss what action GSA will sent to State senators, congressmen and known diet or intake of food to liquids only, or rice and Pittsburgh Democrats Vie For Mayoralty ner dance, scheduled for the take. opponents of the war. The letter emphasizes water or a single meal a day." PITTSBURGH — Democratic candidates went into yester- club. "The council wanted to know what the group called the " the Elks' feeling about the Smith said that if GSA wants essence of the en- Sources close to USG reported last night day's mayoralty primary swinging at each other while Three GSA executives met to take the issue to court, he tire (USG ) resolution." that a larger, sleeping tent would be erected enjoyed the legality of the contract," Ew- The first point , Republican hopeful John K. Tabor sat back and yesterday with Elks Club ot- ing said. "We wanted to know "could not say" what he would the letter states, is that today in the HUB courtyard for the duration flight. ficials to discuss the legality of if we would be responsible for do. USG "feels that the Vietnam war is a waste of of the two-week period. Tabor, the former state secretary of labor and industry a contract GSA had made with paying the entire rental Tee.
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