The Franklin NEWS Secondclass ~ostage peld VOL..18,NO.3 TWO SECTIONS- 24 PAGES SOMERSET,NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY,JANUARY 18, .1973 , at Somerset,N,J.OSS73 TEN CENTS ACOPY - $4,50 A YEAR Hawk Turns Dove? "lb Cover Budget Frelinghuysen Water Rate May Raps Bombing Rise Once More Waterrates maybe goingup againfor the becauseof whathe called harrassmentfrom SOMERVLLLE-- FormerVietnam War newsbreakthrough on peace negotiations by secondtime in two monthsdue to a 10.5 per the TaxpayersAssociation. supporterRep. Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen InaugurationDay and said it was"up to the cent ncrensegranted by the PublicUtilities AnotherSewerage Authority appointment disclosedMonday that he was "toying with U.S.to makethe best of a badbargain rather Commissionto the ElizabethtownWater will confrontthe councilnext month,when theidea" of supporting official Congressional thanlook for anidea] solution." Company,the wholesalesupplier of Franklin the termof DavidDe Vrios expires. cpndemnationofthe latest Vietnam bom- ¯ "If Kissingermakes no progress,it is in- water. The abandoned Glen-Gary quarry on bing. cumbenton Congressto set guidelineson To meet the newglizabethtown hike, Lenpp Lane will be purchased by the Althoughhestated that be wouldnot militarypolicy." Franklinwould have to raise its ratesonly 5.4 townshipfor parkland. Several membersof supportmeasures tocut off funding for the President Nixonwas criticized by his per cent. However,the townshipcouncil the council had beensupporting a moveto Indocbinaconflict, beadded that be felt former supporter for creating ’an "in- in’trodueedan ordinancelast Thursdaywhich use the quarryas a sanitarylandfill site. Congressmight be "driven toa cutoffin formationgap" betweenCongress, the White wouldraise bulkwater rates 10 per cent, the The ownersof the 52-acre quarry are funds." Houseand the public. additional 4.0 per cent beingincluded to asking $255,000for the property. Mayor "Certainlythewar has gone on too long," Rep. Frelinghuysencited pressure from cover what MayorDriver has called a Driver,who has led the townshipin seeking remarkedRep. Frelinghuysen, "and his constituentsas part of the reasonfor his "projecteddeficit in the wateroperating to purchasethe quarry for parkland, has Congresshasmade itself look foolish inmany statements. budget." stated that a $144,000grant fromthe U.S.’ respects."More guidance from Congress Last Saturday, peace’ groups from Department of Housing and Urban Opposingthe rate increase were coun- Developmentis available to Franklinfor. wouldshape i.be future of the conflict, he SomersetCounty and from Princeton met cilmenRichard Messner, Attllio Lattanzio, part of the financing,if the townmeets the noted.. withhim at his Somervilleoffice to complain Bruce Williamsand WilliamHoward., A "I don’t understandthe bombingand i aboutthe lack of a Vietnamsettlement. hearingwill be held on the ordinanceon Jan. Jan. 19 deadlinefor the application.Another deplore,it. It createda problemwithin the The Congressmanalso lashed out at 25, and final approvalor rejection on the $110,000is availablefrom Green Acres. Cost UnitedStates regarding our role, andit Congressduring his pressconference, catiing Feb. to the townshipwill cometo $5,000or $6,000: erodedour nation’spatience. The bombing waterrate raise is due on 8. At the Tuesdaynight agenda session, it lethargicand "consistently irresponsible in Thecouncil also votedto appoint coun- MayorDriver had told the council,"This is raisesthe spectre that military pressure is a overspending."He called for a thorough cilman Joseph Knolmayerto a Sev)erage solutionto thewar, which is notthe case," shakenpin Federal spending, adding, "we the onlyavailable land in the Foxwood-Levitt saidthe Fifth District Republican. Authoritypost left vacantby commissioner area for parkland.We may never get another deserveour presentproblems by not joining KennethJones, whoresigned last month Hestated that heanticipated a favorable in the fight againstinflation." chance." ¯ , ChamberWill Sponsor : CHRISTINE CROOKS stands proudly by an exhibiton the late Dr. MartinLuther King at Rizzolo, Imbriani the HamiltonPark Youth Development Program Center in Somerset,The exhibit was compiledby MissCrooks for theFrederick Douglass Liberation Library. Teen Business Program TheFranklin Chamberof Commercehas The program, according to Junior announcedthatit will begin sponsorshlp ofa Achievementco-ordinator Andrew F. Sweep County Somerset Groups Mark JuniorAchievement program inthe township SchnatterJr., has received endorsements. beginninginOctober. fromSuperintendent ofSchools Dr. Robert JuniorAchievement is a nationwide’Maxwelland former Franklin High School RepublicanVictor Rizzolo and Democrat programfor teenagers in highschool, principalHenry Miller. MichaelImbriani rode to easyvictories in "Naturally,I amdisappointed but mainly designedtogive them a first.hand glimpse of for the manydevoted, wonderfuland hard Dr. King’s Birthday theprivate enterprise system by. actually Mr.Schnatter’s past experience with their respective primaries Tuesdayac- working people whodid so muchfor my JuniorAchievement includes work In’Union cordingto unofficialreturns from the county placingthem in business forthemselves. The County and Carteret. Hehas been asked by clerk. campaign.Their unstinting support will participantswillexperience allphases of alwaysbe rememberedby mewith gratitude "If it wasn’tfor the movementstarted by and community-controlledprograms with businessfrom incorporation toliquidation. theChamber to serveas director of the Withmost of the districts reporting,Mr. andheartfelt affection.To them and to all of Dr. MartinLuther King, you wouldn’thave whichchildren could identify. Franklinprogram. Rizzoloeasily outdistancedhis Republican thosewho voted for meas wellas to all o£ the this buildingto get togetherin," said Ran Alsofeatured as part of the day’sagenda challenger¯ Victoria ¯Schmidt, 4101 to 1747. peopleof our countywho need and deserve Copeland,executive direetor of the Somersetwas a demonstration by Lance Scott of Former prosecutor Imbriani beat James the best of leadership,I pledgeto continue CommunityAction Program Mondayaf- SCAN,’thesomerset Citizens AgainstNar- Gano,Jr. handily,2225 to 642. myfight on their behalf.I intendto seekthe ternoon. Hewas addressing an audience cotics. Mr.Scott explainedthe purposeand Mr. Imbrianiand Mr. Rizzolowill face Republicanparty nominationonce again for composedprimarily of schoolchildren at the someof the methodsof SCAN,noting its each other Jan. 30 for the assemblyseat assemblythis time for the comingfall HamiltonPark Yentb Development Program majoz;goal as being,"an attemptto change vacated by Mrs. Millicent Fenwickwho centerduring ceremonies staged there in becameconsumer affairs director Jan. 1. election. theindividua]’snegativeoutlookonlife into a InIocalbrenkdowns,.the.two countywide "MeanwhileI will continueto speakout on honorof the lateDr. King’sbi.rthday.., positive one throughconfrontation." victorsswept all the local municipalities. Mr. the issues, to provide’aquestioning ~,oico MrScott aedseveral participants inthe Rizzolowon it Manville,110-31; in whenI feel peopleare not gettingthe best, to .,b o?7/ o;la~ . f~. ..;s ... s... ~’ SCANprogram illustrated encountergroup Hillsborough,450-65;in Franklin 386-156; n continue to learn fromthe peoplewhat they ma.,"me oegmnmgot me mgges¢revomuon teehninuesafter the talk RockyH l,29-5; and’Montgomery, 88-26. needmost and to workas hard as I can to this nationhas ever seen." Heoutlined the " ’ Mr.Imbriani chalked upvictory margins provideit for them. history of the civil rights movementfor his Slidestaken at last August’s"Week Of The Mr. Rizzolo and Mr. Imbriani were ex- youngaudience, and several times pointed People"were shown, and the YouthCouncil of144-55 inManville; 149-42 inHillsborough; out the connectionbetween those long-past 230-61inFranklin; 8-4in Rocky Hill and 23-7 pectedto get backinto the campaignswing presentedskits relating to the lives of Dr. inMontgomery. by this weekend. events and the existing I~overtyprograms King and MalcolmX. DefeatedRepublican Victoria Schmidt issuedthe followingstatement after her defeat: "Thevoters havespoken and Mr. Rizzolo has beenselected as our Republicanparty candidatefor the assembly.I" offer himmy County Set To Realign Twp. Wards sincere goodwishes and rny supportso that victoryfor our partycan be achievedat the TheSomerset County Board of Elections tbet’e is a large discrepancybetween wards Therevisec[ mapof the newwards should endof this month. announcedlast weekthat it has receivedthe underpresent alignment, established after issue in early Marchwhich wouldallow informationon the populationof Franklin the 1960census. adequatetime in advanceof theMayelection Townshipwhich is necessaryto re-align the in Franklin. Franklin Wardsin accordance with the Franklinhas developedin the northeast requirementsof the FaulknerAct. corner while the southern section has Theplan is not to displace any of the This programhas beenpending since the remainedmostly open land. Thepopulation present committeemenbut to revise the 1971release of the 1970National Census mustbe divided into wardsof about6,000 fewestelection districts whilemeeting the ,Inside... It figures. Mrs. Lucy Lomhardo,township peopleeach. legal requirementsof equal ¯ population clerk of Franklin,advised the be/wdby letter Mr.Jones stated their tentativeschedule is distributionin five wards. Franklin Townshipcandidates for the that she had the properfigures and would tacompleteastudyofthedataand
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