DOCUMENT RESUME ED 329 291 IR 053 491 AUTHOR Clark, Collin, Ed. TITLE California Library Directory, 1990. Listings for Public, Academic, Special, State Agency and County Law Libraries. INSTITUTION California State Library, Sacramento. PUB DATE 90 NOTE 186p.; Product of the Library Development Services Bureau. For the accompanying statistical report, see IR 053 492. AVAILABLE FROMCalifornia State Library, 1001 Sixth Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814-3324. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 PlUs Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Academic Libraries; Annual Reports; Directories; Higher Education; Interlibrary Loans; *Library Networks; Library Services; *Public Libraries; *Special Libraries; Two Year Colleges IDENTIFIERS *California ABSTRACT This directory lists 866 out of an estimated 1,000 public, academic, special, state agency, and county law libraries in California for fiscal year 1988-1989. The directory section lists libraries alphabetically by name within each city and provides the organization and library name; address; population or number of persons served; statement whether the library is open to the public; number of outlets for public libraries; statement of interlibrary loans and photocopy policies; name of library director; telephone number; electronic mail and telefacsimile units; hours of service; a brief listing of system and network memberships; and the short form of the library name which is given in the index and used in the companion statistics volume, California Library Statistics. While the directory listings make up the major part of this report, information is also provided on the organization of the California State Library (i.e., state library supervising staff, collections and services, California Library Services Board); abbreviations used in the directory; a map showing the geographic locations of the Ualifornia library systems; library associations, networks, and systems; and California public libraries. A library index provides an alphabetical list of libraries by short form name with cross references to the full name and the city of location. (MAB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.$ IMPARTMENT OF (DUCATION Office of Educational Reeesrch and improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0 This document has besn reproducod es receivedfrom the personor orgenostion originating it 0 Minorchanges have beftn made to improve reproduction quality Points of weer or opunone stated in thedoor meat do not nocessenly representofficial OERI position Of MOW +11.111k6 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Collin Clark TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." C a lifo rnia Lib rary Dire c to ry 19 90 Listings for Public, Academic, Special, State Agency and County Law Libraries Library Development Services Bureau California State Library Sacramento, 1990 Gary E. Strong, State Librarian California Library Directory 1990 ISSN 0740-7688 Edited by Collin Clark, State Data Coordinator Library Development Services Bureau California State Library 1001 Sixth St., Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814-3324 Tel. (916) 322-0373 FAX (916) 323-1870 Also available from California State Library California Library Statistics Printed by California Office of State Printing Distributed LDA Contents iv Library Directory Listings vii California State Library xii California Library Services Board 1 Directory of libraries 119 Abbreviations used 121 California Library Systems map 122 Library Associations, Networks, and Systems 132 California Public Libraries 145 Library index Library Directory Listings Each year the State Library sends annual reportformsto Califor- nia's academic, public, special, stateagency and county law libraries. Directoryinformationfrom those reports is compiled forthis publica- tion, with statisticaltabulationspublished in the companion volume, California Library Statistics. Although the statistics program and these publications are promoted as widely aswe can,participation for most is voluntary (public libraries are required by the Education Codeto report to the State Librarian) and some choose not to do so. This makes the state summaries and directory less than complete. Libraries failing to return the report form two years ina row are dropped from the free publications distribution list. California cooperates with the National Center for EducationStatistics in the collection of uniform public library data nationwide. For fiscal year 1988-1989 welist 866 libraries. We estimate there are at le.ast 1,000 librariesin operationin California,exclusive of school libraries, so datain these publications are about 86% complete. By type of library, the number reporting are: 168publiclibraries with 3,031 public service points. By juris- dictions, there are 48 county,105 city,four combined city-county, and 11 district public libraries. This year, King City Library merged with Monterey County Library, reducing the number of city libraries and the total of library jurisdictions. The four city-county libraries are Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, and Stockton-San Joaquin County. Public libraries by level of serviceare: 162 main libraries. Administrative headquarters are notincluded, and some county or district libraries haveno main library. 604 branchlibraries. A branch is an extension library open some part of each of five days a 7lek, has at least 1,400 square feet of floor space, a general book collection of atleast 7,000 volumes, and is staff- ed with the equivalent of at least one librarian andone clerical employ- ee during hours open for service. 326 library stations. A station is a library structure smaller than a branch, providing a lower level of service. 1,872 mobile library stops. A mobile library stop is a location vis- ited by a bookmobile or other traveling library. There are 67 mobile li- braries operated by 49 libraries. Combining main,branch,station and bookmobilefigures, there are 1,159 public library outlets. Emeryville and Piedmont are included with Oakland. Glenn County is served by Orland and Willows city libraries. Hillsborough is served by Burlingame and San Mateo city libraries. Mariposa Co. is included with Tuolumne Co. Santa Barbara Co.is served by the three city libraries of Lompoc, Santa Barbara and Santa Maria, Sierra Co. is included with Plumas Co. iv 192 academic libraries: 28 state supported academic libraries. 105 community college libraries. 59 private academic libraries. 447 special libraries: 36 legal libraries. 80 medical libraries. 123 libraries operated by for profit organizations. 75 libraries operated by non-profit organizations. 17 popular libraries at U.S. armed forces installations. 18 special libraries at U.S. installations. 40 re.sident libraries at state institutions and schools. 34 special libraries at state government offices. 24 branch libraries of academic institutions. 58 county law libraries. Includedunderspecial libraries are 45 operatedbythe federel government and 89 operated by the state government. The directory section contains name and address information as sup- plied by the libraries on their annual report. Wherever possible, infor- mation has been updated to final copy deadline, August 1990. Directory listings are alphabetical by city. Within a city, they are alphabetical byname of library, or name oforganizationoperating the library. Alphabetical arrangement is letter by letter, not word by word. Inthe left column of a listing is the organization and library name; street address; (mailing address ifseparate); ZIP code; population or persons served; statementif library is open to the public; number of outlets fbr public libraries; and statement of interlibraryloan and photocopy policies. In the right column isthe name of the library director; telephone and other communications such as OnTyme electronic mail and FAX (telefacsimile) units; hours of service; and brief listing of system and network memberships. Thelast element ontheright [in brackets] is thelibrary short form name. The short name is given in the index and used in the tables in California Library Statistics. Theshort name- isunique, sois a convenient meansof distinguishing betweenlibrariesofsimilarname. Mostentries are concluded bythe letteror numbersymbol indicating where data for the library is found in the companion statistics volume. The index is arranged alphabetically letter by letter, not word by word. Academic, public and special libraries are entered by the short form nameo used on statistical tables. The full name and directory listing is found under the city of location. vi California State Library The State Library is California's public researchlibrary helping a diverse people and their libraries meet their knowledge andinformation needs. The Library carries out this mission by helping peopledirectly, by helping thelibraries thatserve them and byadvocating apublic policy that encouragesaccess to informationand library materials. Ways in which the Library meets these service goals include programs to provide library services to the Legislature, state agencies and administration; to administer state and federal financial aid to public libraries; to provide consulting and interlibrary services in backup of local libraries; to collect and preserve library materials on Californiaand
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