UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE SAN LUIS POTOSÍ FACULTADES DE CIE NCIA S QUÍMICAS, INGENIERÍA Y MEDICINA PROGRA MA M ULTIDISCIPLINARIO DE POSGRADO EN CIENCIAS A MBIENTALES AND COLOGNE UNIVERSITY OF AP PLIED SCIENCES INSTITUTE FOR T ECHNOLOGY AND R ESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS ANALYSIS OF THE AGROBIODIVERSITY OF HOME GARDENS IN THE TROPICAL REGIONS OF MEXICO THESIS TO OBTAIN THE DEGREE OF PROGRAMA MULTIDISCIPLINARIO DE POSGRADO EN CIENCIAS AMBIENTALES DEGRREE AWARDED BY UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE SAN LUIS POTOSÍ AND MASTER OF SCIENCE “TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS FOCUS AREA “ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT” DEGREE AWARDED BY COLOGNE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES PRESENTED BY: CLAUDIA HEINDORF CO-DIRECTOR OF THESIS PMPCA: DR. JUAN ANTONIO REYES-AGÜERO CO-DIRECTOR OF THESIS ITT: PROF. DR. HARTMUT GAESE ASSESSOR: DR. JAVIER FORTANELLI MARTÍNEZ SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, MÉXICO AUGUST, 2011 GULF OF MEXICO 7 30 1 10 31 6 4 3 5 29 28 2 PACIFIC OCEAN 25 27 11 12 23 24 20 26 14 9 21 13 8 22 16 17 BELIZE 19 18 15 GUATEMALA YUCATÁN OAXACA 1 CADENA CISNEROS 2006: Celestún and Telchac Puerto 18 AGUILAR-STØEN, M. et al. 2009: Candelaría Loxicha 2 CASTRO 1994: Communities of Eastern 19 GARCIA RAMOS, Y. 2010: Putla district 3 MÉZQUITA RUIZ 2010: Izamal and Tunkás 20 LÓPEZ MÁRQUEZ, E. (1996): Cerro Clarín, low Mazateca region 4 MONTANEZ ESCALANTE 1998: Hocabá and Sacabá 5 NOVELO CHAN 2007: Around city of Valladoild GUERRERO 6 RICO-GRAY et al. 1990: Tixpeul and Tixcacaltuyub 21 CANO RAMÍREZ, M. 2003: Tepango, Guerrero 7 XULUC TOLOSA 1995: Sacabá 22 WITRAGO AMEZCUA, M. 1997: La Esperanza, Municip. Martir de Cuilapan CAMPECHE MORELOS 8 CANUL MONTANEZ 2002, Campeche 23 PLIEGO ARADERO, C. (2006): Tepalcingo 9 NEULINGER 2009, Campeche PUEBLA QUINTANA ROO 24 ESPEJEL ESPEJEL, C. 1993: San Juan Epatlán 10 FEDICK et al. 2008: Naranjal, Yalahua Region 25 BASURTO PENA 1982: Yancuictalpan y Cuauhtapanaloyan 11 OSORIO HERNANDEZ 1997: Maya Zone 12 DE CLERCK & NEGREROS-CASTILLO 2000: Maya Zone VERACRUZ 26 ALVAREZ-BUYLLA ROCES, M et al., 1989: Balzapote TABASCO 27 ARÉVALO VIZAÍNO, V. P. 1999: Municipality of Tlapacoyán 13 HERNÁNDEZ BURELA 2001. Huimanguillo 28 DE LA CRUZ OSORIO, J. 2009: Community Francisco Villa 14 VIDAL BARAHONA 2008: Cárdenas 29 GARCÍA BURGOS, M. 2003: Main Municipality Tihuatlán CHIAPAS SAN LUIS POTOSI 15 GASCO, J. 2008: Soconuco Region 30 ALCORN, J. B. 1984: Huasteca 16 GUTIÉRREZ MIRANDA, L. 2003: Municipality of San Fernando 17 OSORIO HERNÁNDEZ, C. 2000: Francisco I. Madera NAYARIT 31 RUENES MORALES, R. 1993: Ejidos El Ahucate, Adolfo López UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE SAN LUIS POTOSÍ FACULTADES DE CIE NCIA S QUÍMICAS, INGENIERÍA Y MEDICINA PROGRA MA M ULTIDISCIPLINARIO DE POSGRADO EN CIENCIAS A MBIENTALES AND COLOGNE UNIVERSITY OF AP PLIED SCIENCES INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND R ESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS ANALYSIS OF THE AGROBIODIVERSITY OF HOME GARDENS IN THE TROPICAL REGIONS OF MEXICO THESIS TO OBTAIN THE DEGREE OF MAESTRÍA EN CIENCIAS AMBIENTALES DEGRRE AWARDED BY UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE SAN LUIS POTOSÍ AND MASTER OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS FOCUS AREA “ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT” DEGREE AWARDED BY COLOGNE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES PRESENTED BY: CLAUDIA HEINDORF DR. JUAN ANTONIO REYES-AGÜERO, CO-DIRECTOR (PMPCA) PROF. DR. HARTMUT GAESE, CO-DIRECTOR (ITT) DR. JAVIER FORTANELLI MARTÍNEZ, ASSESSOR (PMPCA) SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, MÉXICO AUGUST, 2011 PROYECTO REALIZADO EN: ITT AND PMPCA CON EL APOYO DE: DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCH DIENST (DAAD) CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA (CONACYT) LA MAESTRÍA EN CIENCIAS AMBIENTALES RECIBE APOYO A TRAVÉS DEL PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE POSGRADOS (PNP - CONACYT) Erklärung / Declaración Name / Nombre: Claudia Heindorf Matri.-Nr. / N° de matrícula: 11072578 (CUAS), 180193 (UASLP) Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, dass ich die vorliegende Masterarbeit selbstständig verfasst und keine anderen als die von mir angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt habe. Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß aus veröffentlichten und nicht veröffentlichten Schriften entnommen sind, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht. Aseguro que yo redacté la presente tesis de maestría independientemente y no use referencias ni medios auxiliares a parte de los indicados. Todas las partes, que están referidas a escritos o a textos publicados o no publicados son reconocidas como tales. Die Arbeit ist in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch nicht als Prüfungsarbeit eingereicht worden. Hasta la fecha, un trabajo como éste o similar no ha sido entregado como trabajo de tesis. San Luis ‚Potosí, den /el_ 15/08/2011_ Unterschrift / Firma: Ich erkläre mich mit einer späteren Veröffentlichung meiner Masterarbeit sowohl auszugsweise als auch als Gesamtwerk in der Institutsreihe oder zu Darstellungszwecken im Rahmen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Institutes einverstanden. Estoy de acuerdo con una publicación posterior de mi tesis de maestría en forma completa o parcial por las instituciones con la intención de exponerlos en el contexto del trabajo investigación de las mismas. Unterschrift / Firma: Acknowledgement It is a pleasure to thank those who made my investigation possible and all those who directly or in directly contributed to the successful elaboration of my master thesis. My first and very special thanks goes to Dr. Juan Antonio Reyes Agüero for his really great guidance throughout my whole investigation and for the fertile and memorable conversations with him. I owe deepest gratitude to Dr. Javier Fortanelli Martinez, who was an excellent support during my research time in Mexico, for his constructive remarks and his efforts to obtain financial supports for my excursions. I also thank Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gaese for his motivating comments and for always trusting in my capacities. I am grateful to all the experts who I personally met and who contributed with valuable information to my work. Particular thanks to Dr. Heike Vibrans, Alfonso Castillo, Dr. Pedro Joaquín Correa Navarro, Dr. Alayón Gamboa Alay and Dr. Francisca Acevedo Gasman, including her nice colleagues from CONABIO. Also my gratitude to Dr. Daisy for her warm welcome in Merida, and her friendly students that guided mi through Merida during the first days. Not to forget, all the inspiring and special people that I met on the markets and in the countryside; some of them are “secret” agrobiodiversity experts. Special thanks goes to José D. García Peréz, the treasurer of the herbarium of the IIZD, for his time and his taxonomic expertise. Also my appreciation to all the friendly and kind library staff of several research centres that I have visited. Lastly, I want to thank all those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the project. Nico, Agosto, my cheerful, motivating “San Luis Trio”, Clau‟s mom, Manu and, of course, my lovely family far away, THANKS TO YOU ALL! ABSTRACT Traditional land use systems such as home gardens serve as a reservoir for plant genetic resources. Mexico is one of the centre of origin of cultivated plants and one of the richest countries in vascular plants. Therefore, the agrobiodiversity of Mexican home gardens gains special research importance. The attempt of the study is to provide an overview about the agrobiodiversity of the home gardens in the tropical region of Mexico. As a database served the information of 31 caution fully selected home garden studies from 12 different Mexican states. The data was used to create a complete floristic list that represents the species richness and infra- and interspecific diversity of home garden vegetation. In a further step, taxonomic and additional information about plant use and origin was analyzed. Moreover, complementary data was taken to describe influencing factors of agrobiodiversity in home gardens. In total 1347 plants were recorded (including 22 hybrids, 24 botanical varieties and 13 subspecies) that correspond to 149 plant families and 732 different genus. The portion of native plants, with 65%, is high. The species composition shows analogies to the natural vegetation of Mexico and to similar floristic regions of the world. Most of the home garden plants are dedicated to food production, followed by ornamental and medicinal use. Fruit trees are typical plant components. The home garden consists of various layers. According to the growth habit, most of the plants are expected to be found in the herb strata. The numerous listed local names indicate a high infraspecific diversity of home garden plants. Complementary data show that home garden size and age influence the species richness and diversity. The arrangement of plants is rather planned than spontaneous. Home gardens are managed by the family members and a gender specific division of activities is observed. Management activities are complex and correspond to individual needs of the home gardeners. The home garden production is mainly dedicated to subsistence and plants between home gardens and the environment are constantly exchanged and distributed. Problems such as lack of water for irrigation are widely observed. At the same time socioeconomic tendencies and demographic factors influence agrobiodiversity in home gardens. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Traditionelle Landnutzungssysteme wie Hausgärten stellen ein Reservoir für pflanzengenetische Ressourcen dar. Mexiko gehört zu den Genzentren der Kulturpflanzen und ist eines der artenreichsten Länder an Gefäßpflanzen. Untersuchungen zur Agrobiodiversität der Hausgärten
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