Integrated Works Programme 2015-2016 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 115 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South A10 Northbound: Broxbourne Boundary To North Gt Amwell Roundabout; ARP15177 S Hertford A10 Northbound Offslip: Nb Offslip For Great Amwell Interchange; A10 Northbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To East Herts Boundary; A10 Northbound: Northbound Onslip From Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/331/334/337/340 A10 Southbound Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South A10 Southbound: East Herts Boundary To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 ARP15232 S Hoddesdon Southbound Onslip: From Great Amwell Rbt To A10 Southbound; A10 Southbound: North Gt Amwell Rbt To Broxbourne Boundary; A10 Southbound Offslip: Southbound Offslip To Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/330/333/336/339 A10 Southbound Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford, A10 Southbound: Baas Hill To North Of Turnford Roundabout; A10 ARP16042 W Turnford Hoddesdon South Southbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To Baas Hill Bridge; A10 Southbound Onslip: Onslip From Hoddesdon Itrchge Rbt To A10 Sbound; A10 Soutbound: Southbound Offslip To Turnford Rbt Road Sections: A10/344/350/354/358 A10 Northbound from M25 Major Patching Goffs Oak And Bury Green, A10 Flamstead End Roundabout: At Winston Churchill Way/lieutenant Ellis ARP16086 S Cheshunt Waltham Cross Way; Great Cambridge Road: M25 Junction 25 To Winston Churchill Way Rbt Road Sections: A10/388/390 EleanorCrossRoadResurfacing WalthamCross EleanorCrossRoad:AbbeyRdRbtToJuncQueensDr;StationRoad: ARP13137 C Waltham Cross Queens Dr (end Dual)to Cty Bdy (bridge) Project Location : Abbey Rd Rbt To Essex Bdy. Road Sections: A121/110/20 Great Cambridge Road Major Patching Cheshunt Central, Goffs Oak GreatCambridgeRoad:ChurchLaneSouthToCollegeRoad;Great ARP15247 S Cheshunt And Bury Green Cambridge Road: College Road To Church Lane Project Location : Mainly Church Lane And College Road Tl Areas Road Sections: A10/377/378 Great Cambridge Road Surface Dressing Cheshunt Central, Flamstead Great Cambridge Road: Brookfield Ln Footbridge To Halfhide Ln Bridge; ARP15210 S Turnford End And Turnford, Goffs Oak Great Cambridge Road: Church Lane To Brookfield Ln Footbridge; Great And Bury Green Cambridge Road: Halfhide Ln Bridge To North Of Turnford Rbt; A10 Northbound Offslip: Northbound Offslip For Turnford Roundabout Road Sections: A10/359/369/373/374 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W,C,S,I,M Data Generated: 6 March 2015 Page 1 of 185 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2015-2016 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 115 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme HighRoadMajorPatching HoddesdonSouth HighRoad:CozensLnRbt;HighRoad:CozensLnRbtToBellLnRbt;High ARP15184 S Broxbourne Road: High Road / Bell Lane Junction Road Sections: A1170/55/57/60 MonarchsWaySurfaceDressing WalthamCross MonarchsWay:30mphSignsToA1010HighStRbt;MonarchsWay: ARP14143 C Waltham Cross 40mph Signs To A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt; Monarchs Way: A1010 High St Rbt To 40mph Signs; Monarchs Way: A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt To 30mph Signs Road Sections: A1010/110/111/120/121 Wadesmill Bypass Northbound Surface Dressing Cheshunt Central, Goffs Oak Wadesmill Bypass: A10 Northbound Onslip From 2 Way Section; Great ARP15209 S Ware And Bury Green, Ware North Cambridge Road: Church Lane To Brookfield Ln Footbridge; Wadesmill Bypass: Dowsetts Lane Overbridge To A120 Roundabout; Wadesmill Bypass: North Drive Overbridge To Dowsetts Lane Overbridge Road Sections: A10/214/224/238/369 Bridges & Structures Programme BaasLaneBridgeHCCNo.1446 HoddesdonSouth BaasHill:40mphSpeedLimitToSpringWalk BRG15009 S Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U328/20 Local Carriageway AdamsfieldSurfaceDressing FlamsteadEndAndTurnford Adamsfield:HolbeckLane ToLongfieldLane CWY161264 S Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U561/10 Appleby Street Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford Appleby Street: Holbeck Lane To Park Lane Paradise; Appleby Street: CWY15300 S Cheshunt Smith Lane To Holbeck Lane Road Sections: 1U9/20/30 BeaumontRoadSurfaceDressing FlamsteadEndAndTurnford BeaumontRoad:Bread& CheeseLaneToParkLaneParadis;Beaumont CWY151808 S Cheshunt Road: No 4 Beaumont Villas To Bread And Cheese Lane Road Sections: 1U21/10/20 BeyersGardensThinSurfacing HoddesdonNorth BeyersGardens:O/sNos 8-16;BeyersGardens:OppNo28Beyers CWY151432 S Hoddesdon Gardens To Bridle Way S Road Sections: 1U342/10/20 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W,C,S,I,M Data Generated: 6 March 2015 Page 2 of 185 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2015-2016 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 115 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Brewery Road/High Street Major Patching Hoddesdon South Brewery Road: Burford Street To Car Park Roundabout; High Street: CWY151672 S Hoddesdon Conduit Ln To Lord Street Road Sections: 1U324/10 1U348/10 Brittania Road Ind Estate Localised Patching/Crack WalthamCross BrookRoad:BritanniaRd ToEnd;NewFordRoad:BrittanniaRdToEeb CWY151862 S Repair Gates; Britannia Road: End To Eleanor Cross Road Waltham Cross Road Sections: 1U198/10 1U31/10 1U33/10 Brookfield Lane East/Brookfield Gardens Thin CheshuntCentral BrookfieldGardens:BrookfieldLaneToHillviewGardens;BrookfieldLane CWY15210 S Surfacing East: West Bdry Off No 1 Anchor Cl To High St Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U34/10 1U567/20 Bury Green Road Thin Surfacing Goffs Oak And Bury Green Burygreen Road: Dark Lane To Cromwell Avenue CWY15209 S Churchgate, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U38/30 ChurchfieldsThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth Churchfields:MillLaneTo StationRoad;Churchfields:NewRdToSt CWY151270 S Broxbourne Catherines Rd/osborne Rd; Churchfields: Station Road To St Michaels Road Road Sections: 1U375/10/20/30 CockLaneMajorPatching HoddesdonSouth,WareSouth CockLane:40mphSignsToDerestrictionSignBeforeA10Bridg;Cock CWY14658 C Hoddesdon Lane: C56 White Stubbs Ln To Scout Park Ent; Cock Lane: Derestriction Sign Before A10 Bridge To Scout Camp; Cock Lane: High St To 40mph Signs Road Sections: 1U194/10/20/30 3U194/10 Crossbrook Street Major Patching Cheshunt Central, Waltham High Street: Cheshunt Link Rbt To Railway Bridge; Crossbrook Street: CWY161104 S Cheshunt Cross Railway Bridge To 2 Turners Hill Road Sections: B176/3/5 Fairfield Drive Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford Fairfield Drive: Crescent In Front Of Houses 8 To 2; Fairfield Drive: High CWY151596 S Wormley Road Round To Pumping Station Road Sections: 1U392/10 1U780/10 HadleighCourtResurfacing HoddesdonSouth HadleighCourt:CozensLaneEastToEnd CWY151738S Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U406/10 Herongate Road Thin Surfacing Cheshunt Central Herongate Road: O/s No 61 To Bellmouth S/o No 228 Perrys CWY161221 S Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U136/10 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W,C,S,I,M Data Generated: 6 March 2015 Page 3 of 185 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2015-2016 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 115 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway LieutenantEllisWayMajorPatching/CrackSealing GoffsOakAndBuryGreen LieutenantEllisWay:A10 GreatCambridgeRoadToBroom Hills CWY161163 S Waltham Cross Roundabout; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Broom Hills Roundabout To A10 Great Cambridge Road; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Broom Hills Roundabout To Goffs Lane; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Goffs Lane To Broom Hills Roundabout Road Sections: B198/12/13/16/17 LordSt/WalnutTreeCl/NorrisRdThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth NorrisRoad:EndOfNorrisRoadToOppNos58-60 Lord;WalnutTree CWY151508 S Hoddesdon Close: Lord St To Opp No 8 Walnut Tree Cl; Lord Street: Taverners Way To Box Lane Road Sections: 1U190/20 1U519/10 1U608/10 MarkhamRoadThinSurfacing GoffsOakAndBuryGreen MarkhamRoad:HammerheadForHouses16To19;MarkhamRoad: CWY151519 S Hammond Street Hammond Street Road To Hammerhead By House 17; Wilkinson Close: Markham Avenue To End By House 6; Savill Close: Markham Road To End By House 1; Sadler Close: Markham Road To End By House 6; Burgess Close: Markham Road To End By House 8; Wilkinson Close: Spur At Side Of House 10; Burgess Close: Spur For Houses 1 And 2 Road Sections: 1U929/10/20 1U952/10/20 1U953/10 1U954/10 1U955/10/20 Middlefield Road/Stanstead Road Resurfacing Hoddesdon North Middlefield Road: Opp No 41 Ware Rd To Opp No 15 Stanstead; Stanstead CWY14465 C Hoddesdon Road: Service Road From Middlefield Road Road Sections: 1U1074/50 1U440/10 MillLaneThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral MillLane:HighStToSchoolEntrance CWY15041 S Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U185/10 MonsonRoadThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth MonsonRoad:LoopOppNo8MonsonRoad;MonsonRoad:OppNo51To CWY15978 S Broxbourne Opp Nos 22-23 Monson Road; Monson Road: Opp No 8 Monson Road To Opp No 97 High R Road Sections: 1U444/10/20/30 MulberryCloseThinSurfacing FlamsteadEndAndTurnford MulberryClose:Nos34-59 CWY14527 C Turnford Road Sections: 1U628/20 Pindar Road Ind Estate Localised Patching/Crack HoddesdonNorth PindarRoad:OffEssexRoad(oppMapleParkToOppCpmHouse); CWY151863 S Repair Normandy Way: Pindar Road To Block 33-48 Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U468/10 1U866/10 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W,C,S,I,M Data Generated: 6 March 2015 Page 4 of 185 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded
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