Cambridge University Press 0521771188 - Aristotle in China: Language, Categories and Translation Robert Wardy Index More information Index accident, 85, 105, 116, 121–6, 129–31, 138; see also i Prime Mover, 96; see also God ‘accident’; substance psychology, 101–2, 128, 144; see also soul Ackrill, John, 72 n. 4, 120 n. 197, 132–4, 138 n. 262 Sophistici Elenchi, 72, 76, 100 actual, 114; see also wei syllogistic, 33–4, 35, 103, 139, 150 Adam, 89–90, 106 Topics, 72, 73–4, 76, 100, 103, 106 n. 140, 113, 133 affection, 105, 113 n. 168; see also ch’ing art, 98–101 ai chih hsüeh ‘philosophy’, 90–1 attribute, 46 ai yü ‘the will’, 101, 128 n. 221; see also shou te Augustine, St, 100, 108, 148 Albertus Magnus, 109, 135 Aleni, Guilio, 90 n. 76, 99 n. 108, 128 n. 224 Barnes, Jonathan, 103 n. 126 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 129 being, 51–5, 72, 73, 87, 114–16, 120–31, 141; see Alexander the Great, 93–4, 96 n. 94 also existence Ames, Roger, 26, 30–3, 55, 56 Benveniste, Emile, 69–70 n. 1, 72 n. 6 Ammonius, 64 n. 219, 84, 117, 129, 135 Bloom, Alfred, 25–9 angels, 106–7 Boethius, 76 Anscombe, Elizabeth, 42 n. 143 Boetius, 129, 135 Anselm, 4–5, 38 Bonaventure, St, 39 n. 135 Aquinas, St Thomas, 39 n. 135, 76 n. 16, 83 n. 49, Bororo, 39 128–9 n. 224, 134 Buddhism, 71, 80–1, 82, 85–6, 151 Archytas, 83 n. 49 argument, 48–50, 75, 81–2; see also dialectic Cajetan, 149 Argyropulos, Johannes, 76 categories: see Aristotle, categories; Kant Aristotle, 51, 54 n. 185, 69–79, 89, 93–7, 117–18, Humboldtian, 22–3 130, 151 Chao, Yuen Ren, 1, 33 n. 117, 39 n. 136, 55 Analytics, 76, 83, 103, 106, 109 n. 148, 112, 139 ch’ao hsing che ‘metaphysics’, 110–11; see categories, 22, 71–5, 86 n. 62, 112–113, 116–17, also ch’ao hsing hsing hsüeh; metaphysics/ 119–20, 122 123, 131–4, 148–9; see also lun Metaphysics Categories, 69–70, 72, 73–6, 80 n. 39, 82–6, 99, ch’ao hsing hsing hsüeh ‘metaphysics/ 100, 103, 105, 106 n. 140, 116, 120, 121, 123 n. Metaphysics’, 83 n. 47, 116; see also ch’ao hsing 205; see also In Universam Dialecticam che; metaphysics/Metaphysics Aristotelis; ming li t’an; shih lun che , 148–9, 151 causes, 86 n. 62, 107, 144; see also tso so i jan; wei cheng ‘proof’, 109 so i jan cheng ming ‘name rectification’, 31, 57–8, 104 De Anima, 115, 128 ch’eng ‘appellation’, ‘predicate’, 112, 117 n. 184, De Caelo et Mundo, 79, 80 n. 38; see also hüan yü 118 n. 191, 119 n. 195, 122, 123 n. 204, 131 n. ch’üan 232, 137 n. 255, 138 n. 262, 140 nn. 267, 269, De Generatione Animalium, 129 142, 143 n. 277, 145, 148 n. 298; see also logic, De Interpretatione, 76, 112–13 predication Nicomachean Ethics, 102 n. 121 chi jan chih hsü , ‘hypothetical necessity’, Politics, 95 107; see also necessity 166 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521771188 - Aristotle in China: Language, Categories and Translation Robert Wardy Index More information Index 167 ch’i , 61, 67, 81 differentia 113, 114; see also shu chieh ‘commentary’, 123 Diodorus Cronus, 38–9, 41 chih ‘knowledge’, 66 Diogenes Laertius, 69, 88 n. 69, 92 chih ‘matter’, 114 n. 172; see also matter Diogenes the Cynic, 93 chih jan chih hsü ‘absolute necessity’, 107; Dionysius, 115 see also necessity Dudink, Adrian, 83 n. 44 chih shih ‘government’, 101 Duns Scotus, 146 chih t’ung ‘simple apprehension’, 105 Chinese ει ναι ‘to be’, 51–2, 54, 87, 131 ambiguity, 6–10 Engelfriet, Peter, 83 n. 46 conditionals, 8, 25–30 English, 8, 25–8, 38, 54, 59, 67, 117, 117 n. 184, 147, disjunction, 39 149 ‘genius’ of, 23, 37 Epicurus, 88 interrogatives, 132 essence, 53, 105, 114, 121–3, 129, 131 n. 235, 143; logic, 22–5, 67, 81–2; see also logic see also nei chi i li; pen yuan mood, 8 ethics, 97, 101–2 morphology, lack of, 6–8, 22, 117, 135–7, 142, Etiemble, 77 n. 18 151 Euclid, 78, 83 n. 46 negation, 37, 39 Evans, Gareth, 40 n. 138 nouns, 32, 60–2, 67 existence, 4–5, 25 n. 77, 42, 51–5, 114, 127, 141; see quantifiers, 37, 146 also being quotation, 117 n. 184, 119 n. 195; see also yeh semantics, 55 fa ‘law’, ‘rule’, ‘regulation’, 81, 100 n. 113, 108 n. syntax, 23 145, 109 n. 147, 139 tense, 8 fei ‘wrong/false’, 97–8, 100 n. 114, 118–19, 139; word-classes, 21, 24, 32 see also shih ch’ing ‘affection’, 105, 113 n. 168; see also form, 53, 114, 126–7; see also mo affection Frankenheimer, Uwe, 71 n. 3 Chomsky, Noam, 13 n. 33, 20 n. 56 Frede, Michael, 72 nn. 4, 6, 73 nn. 7, 8, 74 nn. 9, 10, Christianity, 77–81, 98, 102, 115–16, 128 75 n. 11 Crucifixion, 115 n. 175 Frege, Gottlob, 46, 66 n. 226 resurrection, 144 Furtado, Francisco (Fu Fan-chi), 70, 71, 75, transubstantiation, 85–6, 115 n. 175, 122, 124 76, 78 n. 22, 79 n. 32, 80, 83, 86 n. 62, 91, 92 n. Trinity, 115 80, 93, 95, 96 n. 94, 98, 102, 103, 111, 114, 120, Chroust, Herman, 95 n. 91, 96 nn. 92, 94 124, 125, 127, 128, 140, 141–2, 148, 149, 152 Chuang Tzu, 64 n. 220, 91 Furth, Montgomery, 73 n. 7 ch’üeh ‘valid’, 139; see also logic, validity Cicero, 92, 109 Garbo, Thomas de, 129–30 Clavius, 78 Geach, Peter, 47 Clement of Alexandria, 88 n. 69, 108, 111 genus, 113, 114, 116 n. 177; see also tzung complexio ‘combination’, 118 Gernet, Jacques, 24–5, 77 n. 18 conceptual schemes, 16–19; see also translation, Givòn, Talmy, 39 n. 137 radical God, 96, 113–16, 130; see also Aristotle, Prime Confucius, 29 n. 102, 30–1, 81, 94, 102, 108 n. 146, Mover; t’ien chu 130 n. 228 Graham, Angus, 4–6, 10, 32 n. 112, 33–4, 35, 37, 38, Couto, Sebastian, 76 42 n. 142, 51–8, 61 62, 62–6, 69–70 n. 1, 72, 87, 113 n. 165, 118, 131 n. 235, 132 n. 239, 133 Damascene, St, 83 n. 49 Granet, Marcel, 24 Davidson, Donald, 17–19, 25, 48, 67 Greek, 4, 8, 21, 24, 37, 38, 42 n. 142, 51, 54, 67, 69, definition, 105, 113, 143; see also t’ui lun, chieh shih 70, 73, 117–18, 117 n. 184, 131–3, 142, 149 Denyer, Nicholas, 39 n. 133 Grunebaum, Gustave von, 39 n. 135 Derrida, Jacques, 58, 63 Guttenplan, Samuel, 35–6, 49 n. 165 dialectic, 58–9, 63, 66, 74, 76 n. 15, 77, 78 n. 22, 81, 88–90, 93, 97–111, 112–13; see also argument Haack, Susan, 49, 50 Diderot, Denis, 41 n. 140 Hacking, Ian, 59–60 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521771188 - Aristotle in China: Language, Categories and Translation Robert Wardy Index More information 168 Index Hall, David, 26, 30–3, 55, 56 language Han Fei Tzu, 64 n. 220 artificial, 35–9, 42–4, 52 Hangchou, 70, 78, 79, 80, 85 n. 61, 86 n. 62, 87 n. 64, context, 7–10 128–9 n. 224 feature-placing, 59–60 Hansen, Chad, 34, 55–7, 60–2, 65, 67–8, 118 inflection, 38–9, 41, 64–5, 117, 135–7 Harbsmeier, Christoph, 8–9, 26, 32 n. 114, 37–8, 39, interrogatives, 70 n. 1 55 n. 186, 56, 57 n. 196, 59 n. 201, 60 nn. 204, natural, 35–9, 40–4, 48–51, 52 206, 61, 63 pragmatics, 7–8, 29, 41 Harris, Roy, 9 n. 19, 57–8, 63 n. 213 reference, 16–17, 59–60 Hawkins, E. L., 66 n. 226 semantics, 8–9, 17–19, 30–4, 56–9 Henderson, John, 130 n. 228 structure, 2, 6, 11–13 Heraclides Ponticus, 92 syntax, 41, 50 Hieronymus, 110 Latin, 21, 24, 38 n. 132, 39 n. 135, 70–1, 82, 114, 117, Hippocrates, 97 117 n. 184, 132, 142, 149 Hirsch, Eli, 67 n. 227 Legalism, 94 ho hsien ‘term’, 105, 113 n. 164; see also logic, lei ‘species’, 86 n. 62, 94, 113, 131 n. 235, 139, 140 terms nn. 267, 269; see also species Hobbes, Thomas, 52–3 Lemmon, Edward, 49 n. 167 Hoijer, Harry, 15 n. 39 li ‘pattern’, ‘principle’, ‘mode’, 66, 90, 96 n. 95, 99 hsing ‘nature’, 139, 140 n. 269, 145, 146 n. 287 n. 108, 104 n. 130, 105, 106, 110 n. 152, 113 n. hsing chih shih ‘physics’, 110 168, 140 n. 269 hsiu shen ‘self-cultivation’, 101–2 Li Chih-tsao , 70, 71, 75, 76, 78–83, 86 n. 62, Hsün Tzu, 57 87 n. 64, 91, 93, 95, 96 n. 94, 98, 102, 103, 111, hüan yü ch’üan , 79; see also Aristotle, De 114, 120, 124, 125, 127, 128, 140, 141–2, 148, Caelo et Mundo 149, 152 Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 19–25, 37 Li T’ien-ching , 80–2 huo ‘or’, 39 Li Tsu-pin , 83 ling ‘soul’, 100 n. 112, 110 n. 152, 114 n. 173, 128, i ‘accident’, 105, 123 n. 204, 138 n. 256, 140 n. 144 n. 279; see also soul 267; see also accident Lloyd, Geoffrey, 2, 11, 19 n. 55 i ‘definition’, 31 logic, 22–5, 71, 75, 77, 81–2, 97–107, 107–11, 112; i ‘idea’, 65–6 see also Chinese, logic i hsiang ‘concept’, 119 Aristotelian, 86 In Universam Dialecticam Aristotelis, 75–7, 79 n.
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