sK tELEcoM AnnuAL REPoRt 2009 +α at SK telecom, our vision is to create value that transforms life. alpharising our neW “alpharising” advertising slogan embodies the concept that Intelligent When tWo different things come together, they create something of much greater value. today, as We move beyond simply being korea’s no. 1 mobile operator, We’re leveraging our information and communications technology knoW-hoW to expand into the business connected of helping businesses enhance their productivity and profitability to drive our next stage of groWth. Transforming Interactive contents 01 productivity rising Wireless information and telecommunications technology has 10 Financial HigHligHts changed the Way We live, Work, and play forever. it began by giving us 12 letter to sHareHolders 16 Board oF directors the freedom to talk to anyone, anytime, anyWhere. today, it enables 18 corporate governance us to communicate and collaborate over the internet With the same 20 2009 at a glance Business overvieW freedom and ease. and tomorroW, We at sk telecom believe that it has 22 MoBile network operations the potential to empoWer companies around the globe to achieve 28 convergence & internet services greater productivity and profitability as they create breakthrough 32 gloBal ManageMent service 36 suBsidiaries products and services that Will raise the quality of life for all. Financial revieW 40 Md&a 49 Financial stateMents 60 CORPORATE Milestones 62 gloBal network 63 investor inForMation Sustainability management 66 sustainaBility ManageMent 67 environMental PRESERVATION 68 win-win partnersHips 69 custoMer protection 70 coMMunity involveMent 71 etHics ManageMent i.s.YANG While technologies and alternative t.s. yook senior Vice senior Vice president, fuels are certainly a big part of the future, president, car & Life Division IPE Strategy division HYUNDAI-KIA consumers are increasingly expecting MOTORS more from their cars. they Want intelligent SK telecom safety, performance and conveniences, and thoughtful eco design, all of Which are riding on the of automotive and information and communications technology. i look forWard to seeing the virtually unlimited Ways SK telecom Will help create neW value With the “connected cars” of tomorroW. tell automotive car companies like mercedes-benz, BMW, and toyota aren’t the only ones dreaming up Ways to make driving safer, cozier, and greener. today, IT* heavyWeights like google, microsoft, and intel are also Working to introduce innovative services and technology to the industry. at SK telecom, We’re leveraging our leadership in ICT* and extensive experience in vehicle navigation and mobile in-vehicle solutions as the basis for a host of next-generation services noW under development. through partnerships With global auto marquees like hyundai, We aim to be one of the World’s top “connected car” service and technology providers. * IT (information Technology) * ICT (information & Communications Technology) i.s.YANG While technologies and alternative t.s. yook senior Vice senior Vice president, fuels are certainly a big part of the future, president, car & Life Division IPE Strategy division HYUNDAI-KIA consumers are increasingly expecting MOTORS more from their cars. they Want intelligent SK telecom safety, performance and conveniences, and thoughtful eco design, all of Which are riding on the of automotive and information and communications technology. i look forWard to seeing the virtually unlimited Ways SK telecom Will help create neW value With the “connected cars” of tomorroW. tell automotive car companies like mercedes-benz, BMW, and toyota aren’t the only ones dreaming up Ways to make driving safer, cozier, and greener. today, IT* heavyWeights like google, microsoft, and intel are also Working to introduce innovative services and technology to the industry. at SK telecom, We’re leveraging our leadership in ICT* and extensive experience in vehicle navigation and mobile in-vehicle solutions as the basis for a host of next-generation services noW under development. through partnerships With global auto marquees like hyundai, We aim to be one of the World’s top “connected car” service and technology providers. * IT (information Technology) * ICT (information & Communications Technology) Jeff semenchuk damian the World is becoming much more globally yoonsuh kim Managing Director, Head of Growth . this is also true in the financial team Leader, ventures global IPE Team 1 citigroup, inc. World, Where the customer experience is SK telecom shifting from physical to . at citigroup, We are all about transforming client experiences TO BUILD THE GLOBAL DIGITAL BANK FOR THEM. We are excited about our partnership With SK telecom because We see SKT leading a very similar experience , not Just in the area of mobile communication but also in digital and convergent technology. finance While the traditional business paradigm has focused on the exchange of tangible value through direct face-to-face contact, advances in ICT* are noW transforming it into the exchange of intangible value through a variety of channels, irrespective of time or place. our m-payment and m-finance businesses have delivered a taste of this transformation from a customer experience perspective. and noW We’re focusing on taking it to the next level With our neW IPE* strategy, empoWering financial institutions to meet and serve their customers anytime, anyWhere With a variety of breakthrough solutions. * ICT (information & Communications Technology) * IPE (industry Productivity Enhancement) Jeff semenchuk damian the World is becoming much more globally yoonsuh kim Managing Director, Head of Growth . this is also true in the financial team Leader, ventures global IPE Team 1 citigroup, inc. World, Where the customer experience is SK telecom shifting from physical to . at citigroup, We are all about transforming client experiences TO BUILD THE GLOBAL DIGITAL BANK FOR THEM. We are excited about our partnership With SK telecom because We see SKT leading a very similar experience , not Just in the area of mobile communication but also in digital and convergent technology. finance While the traditional business paradigm has focused on the exchange of tangible value through direct face-to-face contact, advances in ICT* are noW transforming it into the exchange of intangible value through a variety of channels, irrespective of time or place. our m-payment and m-finance businesses have delivered a taste of this transformation from a customer experience perspective. and noW We’re focusing on taking it to the next level With our neW IPE* strategy, empoWering financial institutions to meet and serve their customers anytime, anyWhere With a variety of breakthrough solutions. * ICT (information & Communications Technology) * IPE (industry Productivity Enhancement) Jed Weissberg, J.h. kah MD healthcare senior Vice senior Vice president, president, global IPE Division Quality and Care SK telecom delivery Excellence kaiser permanente on the occurring in the healthcare industry are painful but inevitable. With groWing attention to healthcare costs and the increase of chronic diseases, secure, reliable, and real-time processing five p’s Will turn today’s healthcare industry upside doWn: prediction, prevention, personalization, participation and of patient information is one of the key partnership. “connected healthcare” is made possible only by tasks at hand. institutions like ourselves focusing on customer needs and solving them With smart ICT*. total health management Which Will emerge by such convergence are With different industries Will not Just benefit every entity in the ecosystem including to find Ways to deliver the most effective, hospitals and patients but also Will have far reaching effects even most results and services at to national competitiveness. the loWest possible cost. * ICT (information & Communications Technology) Jed Weissberg, J.h. kah MD healthcare senior Vice senior Vice president, president, global IPE Division Quality and Care SK telecom delivery Excellence kaiser permanente on the occurring in the healthcare industry are painful but inevitable. With groWing attention to healthcare costs and the increase of chronic diseases, secure, reliable, and real-time processing five p’s Will turn today’s healthcare industry upside doWn: prediction, prevention, personalization, participation and of patient information is one of the key partnership. “connected healthcare” is made possible only by tasks at hand. institutions like ourselves focusing on customer needs and solving them With smart ICT*. total health management Which Will emerge by such convergence are With different industries Will not Just benefit every entity in the ecosystem including to find Ways to deliver the most effective, hospitals and patients but also Will have far reaching effects even most results and services at to national competitiveness. the loWest possible cost. * ICT (information & Communications Technology) ian chang the emphasis of modern education is don Jeong kim Managing Director, team Leader, COO increasingly on fostering problem-solving IPE Business Team 2 CHUNGDAHM SK telecom learning, inc. skills through interactive learning methodologies. at chungdahm learning, We believe that our and SK telecom’s Will together lay the frameWork for a “ ” platform, creating an interactive educational environment that teaching methods to individual student needs. the future of education has never looked brighter. act We’re seeing more and more attempts to integrate
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