JESUIT EDUCATION OF MANY THINGS mere half mile from the spot born in this place during a disturbingly 106 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019-3803 where Our Lord was born, nine similar period of occupation and Ph: 212-581-4640; Fax: 212-399-3596 children are born each day at destitution. It also made good sense for Subscriptions: 1-800-627-9533 A www.americamagazine.org Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem. us to visit the hospital. For the previous facebook.com/americamag Though it offers a full range of health six days, led by America’s editor at twitter.com/americamag care services, the hospital specializes large, James Martin, S.J., we had toured in prenatal care and delivery. At the the major sites associated with Jesus of PRESIDENT AND EDITOR IN CHIEF Matt Malone, S.J. invitation of Pope John Paul II, the Nazareth, from the shores of Galilee to EXECUTIVE EDITORS medical facility has been supported and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Robert C. Collins, S.J., Maurice Timothy Reidy administered since 1990 by the Knights site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. MANAGING EDITOR Kerry Weber of Malta and houses a maternity ward But when the risen Lord appeared to LITERARY EDITOR Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. with 63 beds and the latest in Western Mary Magdalene and his disciples, he did SENIOR EDITOR AND CHIEF CORRESPONDENT medical technology. Thanks to the not simply announce his triumph: he also Kevin Clarke generosity of its benefactors, it’s hard commissioned them to make disciples EDITOR AT LARGE James Martin, S.J. to discern any difference between Holy and to serve the least among us. In that EXECUTIVE EDITOR, AMERICA FIlmS Jeremy Zipple, S.J. Family Hospital in Bethlehem and sense, the visit to Holy Family Hospital POETRY EDITOR Joseph Hoover, S.J. Children’s Hospital in Boston. Since gave our pilgrims a glimpse of one of ASSOCIATE EDITOR AND VATICAN CORRESPONDENT its opening, the dedicated team at Holy the ways that Christians are meeting the Gerard O’Connell Family has delivered more than 55,000 Lord’s mandate in our own time. SENIOR EDITOR Edward W. Schmidt, S.J. babies, without regard for their parents’ It is almost impossible to put into ENGAGEMENT AND COmmUNITY EDITOR ability to pay or for their religious words what one feels during such a Elizabeth Tenety or national affiliations. The church’s pilgrimage. “Awe-inspiring” is one word. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ashley McKinless, Olga Segura ASSISTANT EDITORS Francis W. Turnbull, S.J., commitment to a consistent ethic of “Humbling” is another. But after some Joseph McAuley human life is clearly and daily evident in initial reflection, I’ve settled on “hopeful.” ART DIRECTOR Sonja Kodiak Wilder their work. I am hopeful, not because I think we COLUMNISTS Helen Alvaré, John J. Conley, S.J., I visited the hospital this month have solved our problems or because Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M., James T. Keane, John W. Martens, Bill McGarvey, Angela Alaimo O’Donnell, during America’s eight-day pilgrimage there appears to be less injustice in the Margot Patterson, Nathan Schneider, Robert David to the Holy Land. Bethlehem, as you world. Far from it, I fear. I am hopeful Sullivan likely know, is located in the Palestinian because this pilgrimage allowed me to CORRESPONDENTS John Carr (Washington), An- thony Egan, S.J., and Russell Pollitt, S.J. (Johannes- Territory, on one side of a gargantuan meet Jesus once again, this time in the burg), Jim McDermott, S.J. (Los Angeles), Timothy wall that separates the Israelis from land of his birth and ministry, the land Padgett (Miami), Steven Schwankert (Beijing), Palestinians and, in a very real way, that biblical scholars like to call the fifth David Stewart, S.J. (London), Judith Valente (Chi- cago), Mary Ann Walsh, R.S.M. (U.S. Church) the first world from the third world. Gospel. I encountered anew the one we MODERATOR, CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB Life in Bethlehem is dramatically call in Mass our “blessed hope.” Whatever Kevin Spinale, S.J. different from life in downtown happens, he has already won the ultimate EDITOR, THE JESUIT POST Jerusalem, just a 15-minute car ride battle between good and evil. Michael Rossmann, S.J. EDITORIAL E-MAIL away. Unemployment rates are stuck That gives me the hope I need to [email protected] in the upper 20s, and daily wages for redouble my efforts on behalf of the Palestinians are less than half of those kingdom of God. It’s the same hope the PUblISHER AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Edward of their Israeli counterparts. These two good men and women of Holy Family Spallone. DEPUTY PUblISHER Rosa Del Saz. VICE economic realities have converged to Hospital show in their work, the same PRESIDENT/ADVANCEMENT Daniel Pawlus. DEVEL- OpmENT COORDINATOR Kerry Goleski. OPERATIONS produce a myriad of social problems for hope that allows us to believe in faith STAFF Chris Keller, Glenda Castro. ADVERTISING Bethlehem’s residents, including a lack that we will one day sing with joy and CONTACT [email protected]; 212-515-0102. of access to good, affordable health care. with new meaning the words of one of SUBSCRIPTION CONTACT/ADDITIONAL COPIES [email protected]; So Holy Family Hospital, which has the our favorite hymns: In that little town 1-800-627-9533 only available medical care for high risk of Bethlehem, “God imparts to human pregnancies in the area, is saving lives hearts/ The blessings of His heaven./ © 2015 America Press, Inc. daily. No ear may hear His coming,/ But in It makes sense that this Christian this world of sin,/ Where meek souls will Cover: Pope Francis places a biretta on new Cardinal John Dew of Wellington, New Zealand, work should shine in the midst of such receive him still,/ The dear Christ enters during the consistory on Feb. 14. CNS photo/ poverty and struggle. After all, Jesus was in.” MATT MALONE, S.J. Paul Haring Contents www.americamagazine.org VOL. 212 NO. 16, WHOLE NO. 5089 MAY 11, 2015 JESUIT EDUCATION 14 THE CARDINALS’ APPEAL Perspectives from the periphery Jim McDermott 21 COMPANY MEN On preserving the unique identity of Jesuit universities William J. Byron 26 GETTING PERSONAL The philosophy of W. Norris Clarke, S.J. David C. Paternostro COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 4 Current Comment 14 5 Editorial The Student Debt Crisis 6 Reply All 8 Signs of the Times 12 Column New Monasticisms Nathan Schneider 18 (Un)Conventional Wisdom In My Backyard Robert David Sullivan 31 Vatican Dispatch Progress With China? Gerard O’Connell 33 Faith in Focus Vocation Crisis Kristin Grady Gilger 35 Generation Faith An Irish-American Dream Hanna May 21 47 The Word What Time It Is John W. Martens BOOKS & CULTURE 37 THEATER “Everything That Rises Must Converge” POETRY From Nothing OF OTHER THINGS Of Machines and Men BOOKS Walte r Lippmann; Only One Thing Can Save Us; The Mockingbird Next Door ON THE WEB Kevin Spinale, S.J., leads a discussion of “Killing Jesus,” by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard, and Brother Joe Hoover, S.J., right, reads his favorite recent poetry on “America This Week.” Full digital highlights on page 39 and at americamagazine.org/webfeatures. 37 CURRENT COMMENT and Judaism. Recently, graves at a Christian cemetery in A Humanitarian Disaster northern Israel were desecrated, and Jewish extremists, Conflict in Iraq, Syria and Yemen and violence and poverty who have carried out similar acts in the past, are in African states are propelling an unprecedented flight to suspected. Israeli government officials rightly condemned Europe. The most desperate are attempting to escape by the vandalism. Religious extremism strives to achieve sea from the chaos of Libya, where they are prey to Islamic ideological dominance over the other. If violence can State assassins and criminal human trafficking gangs. After obtain that objective, it will be used. By employing its vast the deaths of hundreds in two horrific incidents in April, diplomatic network, the Vatican hopes to raise awareness it is clear that Europe’s maritime capacity, too focused on and combat religious intolerance. It is a critical issue of our treating the crisis like a border control problem and not the time, which tears at the fabric of civil society as well as of humanitarian disaster it has become, must be rapidly and religion, and it must be addressed. dramatically scaled up. As America’s editorial “A U.N. for Religion?” (3/9) The crisis offers the European Union the opportunity stated, the Vatican is uniquely situated to provide a forum to review and rationalize its asylum policies with the aim for conflict resolution and possible reconciliation. The great of establishing a reasonable and comprehensive plan for unknown is whether it can succeed in this endeavor. In immigrant and refugee resettlement continentwide. The order for society and religion to thrive, it must succeed. fiscal and social burden for new operations should be fairly distributed among all member states. Pope Francis wisely warned in Strasbourg last Lessons From Ebola November that any coherent E.U. response must include It is clear now that the world was not ready for the Ebola provisions to protect migrants not only on the high seas outbreak that began in December 2013. After ravaging but in communities of resettlement, where they may be parts of West Africa for more than a year and a half, targets of labor exploitation or the source of resentment. the highly infectious disease has left 10,000 dead in Unfortunately, no matter how Europe responds, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia and has infected an tragedies on the Mediterranean will continue as long as additional 25,000.
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