ENCLOSURE 1 KENILWORTH TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the MEETING of the TOWN COUNCIL commencing at 7.00 pm on 23 November 2017 PRESENT: Councillor Mrs K Dickson (in the Chair). Councillors: Mrs M J Bates, Mrs F G Bunker, Mrs P M Cain, M F Coker, J A Cooke, R I G Davies, R G Dickson, R J Hales, Mrs R A Hill, G R Illingworth, C J Nelson and D J Shilton. Town Clerk: Miss M S Field. Deputy Town Clerk: N A Eaton. There were three members of the public present. The press was not represented. The fire and safety brief was displayed on the screens prior to the commencement of the meeting. PRAYERS Prayers were led by Christine Flood of Kenilworth Methodist Church, following which the Mayor declared the meeting open. TC.607 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors J A Cooke and D J Shilton made a declaration of personal interest in relation to any items regarding Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council. MAYOR’S QUESTIONS TC.608 Councillor Mrs P Cain had submitted the following question – “Would the Town Council consider writing to the Master of the Lord Leycester Hospital, supporting her current HLF grant bid, submitted for the hospital buildings’ much needed refurbishment?” After consideration, it was proposed, seconded and: RESOLVED unanimously that Kenilworth Town Council would write to the Master of the Lord Leycester Hospital, supporting her current Heritage Lottery Fund grant bid, submitted for the hospital buildings’ much needed refurbishment. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME TC. 609 Mr Andrew Garsed had submitted the following question, on behalf of Residents of Central Kenilworth (ROCK) – 1 K:\TWNCNCL\AGENDA 2018\ENCLOSURE 1.DOCX INITIALS ……...……… “We write in connection with the recent notice to consider instigating a 20mph order for Forrest Rd. Kenilworth. Councillors will recall that in ROCK’s supportive letter on the Kenilworth Town Neighbourhood Pre-submission Plan, attention was drawn to the fact that residents were in favour of implementing 20mph zones on appropriate roads. In particular there was concern that the speed of some drivers in Southbank Rd presented a real hazard to elderly residents and the large number of pedestrians who cross the road between The Blundells alleyways including parents using buggies, children who walk to and from school or nursery, the disabled and the visually impaired. There is also the additional hazard for the many users accessing the road from Montpellier House, Wilton Court, Southbank Court and Hibbert Court not to mention for ordinary residents! The road is narrow in width taking into account parked vehicles often exacerbated by inconsiderate and illegal parking. It must also be noted that there are large buses for the disabled, regularly using the road on week days and requiring to reverse and turn into Hibbert Court. We would respectfully ask that a formal request is submitted to the County Council for a 20mph zone in this road.” The Chair invited Councillor J Cooke, Leader of the Council, to respond to this question. Councillor Cooke expressed sympathy but noted that, following consultation, the proposed 20 mph speed limit in Forrest Road was no longer being considered by Warwickshire County Council (WCC). Instead, they would be considering 20 mph speed limits in a wider area. The Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan was the correct way in which such speed limits should be considered in a holistic manner. This would then feed in to any wider consultation by WCC. Finally Councillor Cooke pointed out that Mr Garsed was also at liberty to contact his WCC County Councillor directly concerning this matter. TC.610 COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor informed Members of a letter from Ashdene Gardens Residents Association, thanking the Town Council for the recent work done in Ebourne Park. The Mayor informed Members that WCC have notified us that there will be a temporary closure of Stoneleigh Road and Albion Street from 20 December to 22 December. The Mayor reminded Members that the Boxing Day Cyclo-Cross event will be held again this year, on a number of streets within Kenilworth. Any comments or questions are required by WDC by Monday 4th December 2017 The Mayor reported that the Local Government Boundary Commission has informed WDC of their decision with regard to the future size of Warwick District Council. It was apparently a balanced decision but that they have decided that the Council should be made up of 44 Councillors. The public consultation on warding arrangements (where the wards for the 44 Councillors should be and how many Councillors in each Ward) starts on Monday 27 November 2017. A special meeting of the Licensing & Regulatory Committee has been organised on 13 December 2017 to determine this Council’s submission on Warding arrangements. Once WDC has determined its view on the Warding arrangements we will be sent a copy of the submission. TC.611 APOLOGIES Councillors: Mrs H M Delaney, M C Hitchins and Mrs S Shilton. TC.612 MEMORIALS AND PETITIONS 2 K:\TWNCNCL\AGENDA 2018\ENCLOSURE 1.DOCX INITIALS ……...……… It was advised and NOTED that there were no matters under this heading. TC.613 MINUTES The Minutes of the Town Council held on 12 October 2017 were moved, seconded, ADOPTED and signed. MATTERS ARISING TC.614 KENILWORTH CHILDREN’S CENTRE GROUP (TC.551 and TC.565) Councillor J Cooke, Leader of the Council, reported on developments at WCC, including the consultation outcome. He confirmed that an ‘outreach model’ has been proposed for centres due to close in Bertie Road and St John’s. However the St John’s centre would be kept open for one year in a ‘transition period’. A special WCC Meeting on this matter will take place on 29th November 2017, so no final decision has yet been made. Councillor Cooke highlighted the high number of consultation responses from Kenilworth. Councillor D Shilton hoped that St John’s would succeed in any bid to be used as a Children and Family Centre (hub). Members NOTED this update. TC.615 WARWICK DISTRICT STANDARDS COMMITTEE (TC.593) Councillor R Davies reported that a WDC Meeting on 15 November 2017 supported the formation of a Standards Committee of Warwick District Councillors, of which at least three (where possible) would be dual hatted members who were also either Parish or Town Council Members. The Committee would also include two independent members. Members NOTED this update. STANDING MATTERS TC.616 PROGRESS REPORT - KENILWORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Councillor G Illingworth reported that a great deal of progress had been made with the analysis of consultation responses. This now needs prompt consideration by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, in order to make amendments to the draft Plan. Proposed Meeting dates will be circulated. Councillor Mrs M Bates thanked all those who had helped with the consultation analysis, including spreadsheet development. Councillor R Hales thanked both the above Members and suggested that details of the Neighbourhood Plans’ current position are communicated on Social Media and the website. Members NOTED this update. TC.617 KENILWORTH DEVELOPMENT FORUM - PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORT Councillor M Coker reported on the initial meeting of the Kenilworth Development Forum, confirming that a briefing email had been circulated to Members. 3 K:\TWNCNCL\AGENDA 2018\ENCLOSURE 1.DOCX INITIALS ……...……… This Forum was a spin off from the Town Centre Management Partnership. It represented business interests rather than “politics” and will act as an influencing and consulting body, but does not make decisions. The Forum’s first event will be the Christmas market on 02 December 2017. Councillor R Dickson enquired whether the Forum had a website or other public face, and Councillor M Coker responded that this was to be decided but the idea would be noted. Councillor R Hales added that the Forum was embryonic and will change and adapt over time. Members NOTED this update. TC.618 HS2 LTD UPDATE Councillor G Illingworth reported on the visit of Gareth Epps (Independent HS2 Construction Commissioner) on 21 November 2017. This was considered a success, with Mr Epps appearing knowledgeable and aware of local issues. Councillor Illingworth further informed Members on a talk during this visit, from HS2 on community project funding available to Community Groups. The Town Council may need to take a lead on this due to lack of uptake in Kenilworth to date. Members considered opportunities to promote these funds and their potential. Councillor Illingworth reported on the notification of drop-in surgeries which HS2 Ltd is holding over the next few months, intended for local communities to pop-in and find out more about HS2 in their area. None are currently planned in Kenilworth, highlighting ongoing communications issues. HS2 will take this up. Members NOTED this update. TC.619 UPDATING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLANAND FLOOD INCIDENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS TO WDC It was NOTED that there were no reports available regarding this topic and there were no incidents of floods which required reporting. NEW MATTERS AND CORRESPONDENCE TC.620 WARWICK DISTRICT COUNCIL CAR PARK STRATEGY 2018-2028 CONSULTATION Members considered the Warwick District Council Car Park Strategy 2018-2028 Consultation. After full debate, it was proposed, seconded and: RESOLVED that with respect to the Warwick District Council Car Park Strategy 2018-2028 Consultation, Kenilworth Town Council submits the following response - Kenilworth Town Council appreciates the recent visit of an officer of Warwick District Council to present and consult of the Car Parking Strategy. The Town Council cannot agree that there is adequate car parking in the town for future requirements, and are surprised by the report of the consultants. The Town Council has been unable to locate the report on the WDC website and would appreciate sight of the relevant section concerning Kenilworth.
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