Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Pedagogická fakulta Ústav cizích jazyků Bakalářská práce The History and Cultural Decline of Kainai Nation (Blood Tribe) Dějiny a kulturní úpadek národu Kainai (kmene Blood) Tereza Cahová Olomouc 2020 Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Jiří Flajšar, Ph.D. Prohlášení: „Prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou práci vypracovala samostatně s použitím pramenů uvedených v bibliografii. Prohlašuji, že v souladu s § 47b zákona č. 111/1998 Sb. v platném znění souhlasím se zveřejněním své bakalářské práce, a to v nezkrácené podobě elektronickou cestou ve veřejně přístupné části databáze STAG provozované Univerzitou Palackého v Olomouci na jejích internetových stránkách, a to se zachováním mého autorského práva k odevzdanému textu této kvalifikační práce. Souhlasím dále s tím, aby toutéž elektronickou cestou byly v souladu s uvedeným ustanovením zákona č. 111/1998 Sb. zveřejněny posudky školitele a oponentů práce i záznam o průběhu a výsledku obhajoby kvalifikační práce. Rovněž souhlasím s porovnáním textu mé kvalifikační práce s databází kvalifikačních prací Theses.cz provozovanou Národním registrem vysokoškolských kvalifikačních prací a systémem na odhalování plagiátů. “ V Olomouci dne ……………………………………………………… Poděkování: Poděkování za pomoc, cenné rady a čas strávený nad kontrolou této práce patří Mgr. Jiřímu Flajšarovi Ph.D., vedoucímu práce. Abstract This thesis will focus on the history of the Kainai Nation. The thesis examines specific historical events of Kainai and their cultural values and traditions. The first part of this work will focus on theoretical features of Kainai history and culture. In the second part, I will analyse three movies from the Circle of the Sun movie trilogy in order to demonstrate the gradual decline of Kainai culture. By taking this twofold, theoretical and practical approach, the main aim of the paper is to compare the historical and present state of the Kanai tribe. Key Words Indians, Canada, North America, Blood tribe, Kainai Nation, Blackfoot confederacy, culture, history, residential schools, Sun Dance, cultural decline Obsah 1. Introduction 7 2. Introduction to Blackfoot Confederacy and Kainai Nation 8 2.1 Blackfoot Confederacy 8 2.2 Kainai Nation 9 3. The History of the Blackfoot Confederacy 11 3.1 Epidemics 11 3.2 Early economics 12 3.3 Relationships with Whites 13 3.4 Governmental influence and Treaties 14 3.5 Treaty 77 15 3.6 Last buffalos and starvation crisis 15 3.7 Population estimates 16 3.8 Residential schools 17 4. History of Kainai Nation 19 5. Customs and religion of Kainai Indians of earlier times 23 5.1 Religion 23 5.2 Position of Kainai Women 24 5.3 Childhood of Kainai 25 5.4 Warfare of Kainai 25 5.5 The Sun Dance 26 6. Present-Day Kainai Nation 28 6.1 Environmental issues 28 6.2 Economic issues 29 6.3 Social challenges 29 7. PRACTICAL PART – Analysis of the documentary movie trilogy Circle of the Sun 30 7.1 Directors point of view 30 7.2 Film 1 - Circle of the Sun 31 7.2.1 Sun Dance 31 7.2.2 Differences between generations 33 7.2.3 Life between two worlds 34 7.3 Film 2 – Standing Alone 35 7.3.1 Pete Standing Alone 35 7.3.2 Pete – The Modern Man 36 7.3.3 100th anniversary of Treaty 7 37 7.3.4 Modern hunters 38 7.3.5 Design transfer ceremony 38 7.3.6 The Help of Modern Science 39 7.3.7 Comparison with the Circle of the Sun (1960) 40 7.4 Film 3 – Round Up 40 7.5 Summary of the practical part 43 8. Conclusion 46 Bibliography 48 Resumé 53 Annotation 54 1. Introduction So little it is known about Indian culture in our Czech society. What is Indian culture like? Do Indian practices still exist? And did it survive? These questions will be answered in this thesis. Mgr Flajšar PhD, my thesis supervisor, gave me the idea of writing my bachelor thesis on a Kainai Nation, an Indian tribe in Canada. I find the topic of Native American culture, lifestyle and its fate in history very interesting and I plan to continue studying it. Mr Flajšar showed me Collin Low’s trilogy of documentary movies about the Kainai nation. It shows well how the Kanai and other Indian tribes live, what their traditions are, and also how these traditions decline. In this bachelor thesis, I will examine the Kanai Nation also known as the Blood Tribe, and their way of life with the help of Low’s documentary trilogy, Circle of the Sun. My goal is to explore their culture and present it to potential readers. I want to show the hard life of this unfortunately underexplored people. My theoretical part will focus on the history of the Kainai Nation, and on their culture and traditions. As a corollary, I will discuss the Blackfoot Confederacy, a union of Amerindian tribes in Canada. The timeframe explored in this section ranges from 16th to early 20th century. Many publications focus on this period since it illustrates the core of Indian culture. The publications I will use are Pictures Bring Us Messages, which I will use for the historical and factual part of my thesis. Then, I will cite My People, The Bloods, which will be the main source for analysis of Kainai culture and traditions. My secondary sources are The Inconvenient Indian, Indian Tribes of the Northern Rockies, internet articles and reports. For the practical part of my thesis, I will analyse the movie trilogy Circle of the Sun. The method I will use is the contextual movie analysis. Here, I will focus on the history and traditions from the second half of the 20th century and early 21st century. I aim to depict the Indian identity on a particular tribe, the Kainai Nation, to introduce their culture and define the main causes of the cultural decline, and lastly to compare the historical and present condition of this culture. I expect to find that the Kainai culture is degrading and that the Kainai population is getting lower each decade. 7 2. Introduction to Blackfoot Confederacy and Kainai Nation This chapter introduces the Kainai Nation as well as the Blackfoot Confederacy. The Blackfoot Confederacy plays a very important role in Kainai’s history and culture. The Blackfoot Confederacy is a union of Indian tribes in Canada, made up of the Kainai along with other Canadian Indian tribes. 2.1 Blackfoot Confederacy The Blackfoot Confederacy, also known as Blackfoot Nation or Siksikaitsitapi (in native Blackfoot language), consists of three Indian nations; Piikani, Siksika and the Kainai. Due to the powerful alliance among the nations within the confederacy, as well as ties to nations outwith the confederacy, the Blackfoot nation is one of the most formidable groups of Indigenous people on the Northern Plains. In 2016, 22,490 people claimed Blackfoot ancestry (Demsey, 2010). Figure 1 Map of Blackfoot Confederacy1 Blackfoot people have developed wide spiritual culture and connection to nature with which they live in harmony. Moreover, these people adopted a modern school system and economy while still preserving their traditions and culture (Hungry Wolf, 1989). 1 Source: http://afaithfulattempt.blogspot.com/2019/06/blackfoot-buffalo-hide-designs.html 8 2.2 Kainai Nation Kainai Nation, “Kainaiwa” in Blackfoot language, also more often called the Blood tribe, is a tribe of Indigenous people in northern Alberta in Canada. Kainai Indians are also very often referred to as the “Bloods” both by white men and Kainai Indians. The Kainai reserve is situated in the north of Cardston and constitutes a great part of the Blackfoot Confederacy about 1, 362 km2 (Dempsey, 2008). Figure 2: Map of the Blood Tribe2 Kainai tribe is a prosperous and well-integrated society having secured economy and environmental concerns. They successfully cooperate with local, provincial and federal governments thanks to which they have ensured housing, protection and other economic or social concerns (Demsey, 2008). 2 Source: Google Maps; Blood 148, https://www.google.com/maps/place/Blood+148,+Alberta,+Kanada/@49.485225,- 113.796507,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x536ee54bb7e39d6f:0xb9fc286c471d2963!8m2!3d49.4571274!4d -113.1262198?hl=de 9 The name “Kainai” stands for “Many Chiefs”. The legend says that one day Blackfoot leaders visited the Kainai tribe to speak with their chief. When they asked, “Who is the chief?”, all the Kainai around them answered: “I am”. For this reason, the Blackfoot called them the tribe of many chiefs (Blood Indian Reserve, 2003). It is believed, that the name “Blood tribe” was first used for Kainai by first traders. They named them after the red paint they used to wear on their faces (Blood Indian Reserve, 2003) or their traditional blood soup (Blood Tribe Culture and History, s.a.). But the precise origin of the word Blood is unknown. 10 3. The History of the Blackfoot Confederacy Historical accounts of the Blackfoot confederacy have been recorded mainly by white men. There are not so many writings focused only on the Kainai Nation. But since the Kainai is part of the Blackfoot Confederacy the history of Blackfoot is quite important to understanding the Kainai. Blackfoot confederacy includes Kainai Nation, Siksika Nation and Piikani Nation meaning that this chapter will cover the history of all these tribes as one whole unit. This chapter will focus on historical events which occurred in the period from the early 18th century to the early 20th century. In earlier years, before the influence of white incomers, the Blackfoot Confederacy relied on bison-hunting. Bison were essential for food, shelter, clothing, weapons and domestic equipment (Demsey, 2010). The Blackfoot tribes used to spread their history orally since their language did not have a written form.
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