Vol. XXXVI No. 2 UNICAMER AL January 14 - 18, 2013 THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE’S WEEKLY NEWS PUBLICATION Stories published daily at update.legislature.ne.gov UPDATE Governor proposes increases to education, elimination of income tax state economy that makes higher education more acces- A sible, encourages job creation and eases the tax burden on citizens was the focus of Gov. Dave Heine- man’s State of the State address to lawmakers Jan. 15. Heineman proposed a 5 percent increase in state aid to public schools for both fiscal year 2013-2014 and FY2014-15 — an increase of $125 million. Special education aid also would see a 5 percent annual funding increase under the governor’s budget proposal. “This is a great state and it starts Senators escort Gov. Dave Heineman (center) to the legislative chamber to issue his State of the with our citizens,” Heineman said. State address Jan. 15. “Our students of today are the leaders by removing business tax deductions. general funds. of tomorrow, and it is critical to our “We’re operating in a technology- “That’s $72 million in new general future that they have affordable access driven, global economy and we need fund spending for President Obama’s to a quality higher education.” a new tax system,” which he said had new federal health care law that should Heineman acknowledged the not been seriously considered for be going to state aid to education or struggle of working-class families to more than 50 years. “Our goal is a higher education,” he said. afford higher education for their chil- better business tax climate that will The budget proposal also includes dren. He proposed an increase in state create more high-paying jobs and more $176 million in general funds for aid that would provide $68.3 million rewarding careers for our sons and Medicaid and other medical provid- to fund a two-year tuition freeze for daughters. We need a tax climate that ers to address increases in provider students enrolled in the state college rewards working families.” rates, service utilization and federal system. Community colleges would The second part of the budget pro- requirements for increased state funds receive $10.7 million to offset similar posal addressed the implementation to finance services. tuition freezes. of the federal health care mandate, Additional general projects out- Under his two-part budget pro- which he said would have a signifi- lined in the governor’s budget propos- posal, the governor called for a mod- cant financial impact on the state. al include $47 million in funding for a ernized tax code that would eliminate Heineman said enacting the federal new Central Nebraska Veterans Home either the individual and corporate in- Medicaid program alone would re- and an increase of $29.6 million in come taxes or lower rates dramatically quire an estimated $72.3 million in developmental disabilities aid. g INSIDE: State of the Judiciary address • Committee schedule • New bills introduced this week January 14 - 18, 2013 Chief justice focuses on achievements, concerns ebraska Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Heavican delivered his State of the Judiciary ad- Ndress to the Legislature Jan. 17. Heavican focused on the judiciary’s role in addressing children’s rights, sen- tencing alternatives, vulnerable adults, language barriers in the courts and technology. In July 2012, a pilot project was implemented in Omaha, North Platte and Scottsbluff to prevent children in the juvenile justice system from becoming repeat offenders, Heavican said. Children do not have to become wards of the state to receive services from the project, he said, which results in individualized treatment, cost savings and a reduction in recidivism in the state’s juvenile population. The project resulted in an 80 percent successful proba- tion completion rate in the first six months, he said, which is higher than the statewide average. Heavican noted the success of other initiatives focusing on improving the way abused and neglected children are served in the courts. “Children are achieving stability more quickly because of court-based initiatives such as prehearing conferences,” he said. “Due to the success of these hearings and coordi- nation between the courts and [the state Department of Chief Justice Mike Heavican delivers his State of the Judiciary Health and Human Services], some termination of parental address Jan. 17. rights trials and appeals has been avoided.” is the increasing number of individuals who speak little or For many offenders crime and drug addiction are inter- no English. Not only is it is important that these individuals twined, Heavican said, so specialty drug courts have been be heard, he said, but it is important that judges, attorneys developed statewide to target problems that bring people and jury members can understand their testimony for into the state’s criminal court. He said he anticipates drug justice to be served. courts will be available in all 12 of Nebraska’s judicial Last year interpreter services were provided in 39 lan- districts for the first time this year. guages, he said, and this year the court is implementing Issues and concerns have been raised about the imple- a plan to research Nebraska’s immigrant and refugee lan- mentation of new laws and court rules meant to better serve guage needs and to educate judges and court staff. vulnerable adults, he said, as well as instances of theft and Technology is helpful in providing interpreter services, he misuse of funds by guardians and conservators. said, and also is increasingly important to the operation of “We are working with the Nebraska State Bar Associa- the entire judicial branch. Heavican said the courts will work tions to identify these areas where the process can be sim- towards electronic filing and publishing in appellate court plified, while maintaining an adequate level of protection cases, video conferencing in the trial courts and an increased for these vulnerable adults,” he said. use of technology to promote judge and staff productivity. Additionally, he added, a commission is being created to The judicial branch serves the most vulnerable of the focus on further implementation of protections provided state’s citizens and is proud of its achievements in ad- to these adults. dressing their needs, Heavican said, and he thanked the Heavican said another challenge facing Nebraska courts Legislature for its support. g PAGE 2 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 103RD LEGISLATURE January 14 - 18, 2013 Government, Military & Veterans Affairs: 2013 Committee Sen. Scott Price Health & Human Services: Sen. Bob Krist Vice Chairpersons Agriculture: Judiciary: Sen. Norm Wallman Sen. Steve Lathrop Appropriations: Natural Resources: Sen. John Harms Sen. Lydia Brasch Banking, Commerce & Insurance: Nebraska Retirement Systems: Sen. Mark Christensen Sen. Al Davis Business & Labor: Revenue: Sen. Burke Harr Sen. Paul Schumacher Education: Transportation & Telecommunications: Sen. Jim Scheer Sen. Jim Smith General Affairs: Urban Affairs: Sen. Colby Coash Sen. John Murante New Bills Bill Introducer One-line description Jan. 14, 2013 LB156 Watermeier Eliminate a report made to the Department of Health and Human Services by counties utilizing a community service program LB157 Cook State intent relating to the appropriation of funds in support of dental services LB158 Seiler Change provisions relating to eligibility for and use of ignition interlock devices LB159 Schumacher Provide and change sales tax provisions relating to gold, silver, and platinum and provide a tax amnesty LB160 Schumacher Provide for electronic signatures on recall, initiative, and referendum petitions LB161 McGill Change a penalty for violation of building ordinances or regulations of a city of the metropolitan class LB162 McGill Provide for notification of eligibility for an associate degree as prescribed LB163 McGill Provide for a report on education credentials and workforce needs LB164 Dubas Change motor vehicle auction provisions LB165 Dubas Change provisions relating to motor vehicle dealer warranty service LB166 Schilz Change labeling requirements for lawn and turf seed containers LB167 McCoy Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors LB168 Larson Authorize series limited liability companies LB169 Gloor Change provisions relating to jury commissioners LB170 Gloor Rename and expand the purpose of the Nebraska Educational Finance Authority Act LB171 Bloomfield Provide for an expedited concealed handgun permit process for applicants who are victims of domestic violence LB172 Coash Change court filings for guardianships and conservatorships LB173 Coash Change provisions relating to documentary proof of age under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act LB174 Mello Change provisions relating to vehicle load contents and spillage LB175 Smith Change the persons authorized to represent Nebraska under the streamlined sales and use tax agreement LB176 Smith Exempt military retirement benefits from taxation as prescribed LB177 Smith Provide enforcement and penalty provisions to the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act LB178 Kintner Change provisions relating to transportation reimbursement and state aid relative to learning communities LB179 Kintner Eliminate learning communities LB180 Adams Provide for the waiver of education-related fees for dependents of veterans LB181 Avery Prohibit motorcycle passengers less than eight years old LB182 Avery Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault LB183 Karpisek Provide for county
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