Vol. 7 No. 5 (See story Pg. 10) Pg. 2 Commentary Pg. 3 Tke.~ The AG Speaks Commentary GUARD From the Asst. AG-Army BUCKEYF GUARD Ml\GA/INE 1~ dn un­ official publit·3tion of th<' 1\djutant Gen­ Accepting Responsibility For Your Position era·' DcparlmPnl for the Sta IP of Ohio Be All That You Can Be and 1' puhl \hcd 111 coorrlin.ition ''1th lhl' During my period of service in the Ohio body will know it but us. Hence, we never ~i lua11on of wondering why: we are not ap­ Ohio Nauonal Gut1rd Associ.ition <1nd the By now we have all ~n that TV commer­ interpreted in th,11 manner. It 1s intended to National Guard, which ha!> covered the span develop the public ~upport that is needed preciated, our retention rate b low, cl poo1 Ohio Ndtional Guard'~ 19bth Public Affair~ ot with a total service time of over d.il titled "B[ ALL THAT YOU CAN BE - focus their t1ttention on their perc,onal, long­ 35 year~ and resulb in the creation of a good "rublic public perception of usexisb, ourself-image DctachmPnl It i~ J b1-monlhly off'N pub­ ye.:irs, one of my ba)i< unchangeable JOIN THE ARMY" rdnge goals and intermediate objectivec, 19 be­ image." In other words. we can hecome the is poor, recruiting suffers, morale drops to ti llcdlion with a prrnting run ot 2 3,000 cop1t>,, liefs has been thdt the organization must al­ While the commerc1c1I 1s an ddvcrtisement both in the Guard and in their civilian life. hl•>t but the public has to believe that too. low level, etc, culminating rn poorly trarncd look good. Per'>Onal rccogrnt1on and Thi-, b importa nt in buildini;: stature but more STATE OF O HIO - AG DEPT ior joining the Army, the " Beall that you can W hen I hear ,m officer say, " I want to com­ wa~., and poorly motivated soldiers. gai n accompli'> hed at the expense oi the or imporlanlly, de\ elop'> fa\Orable recruiting be" i~ good ,JCJv ice ior all of us, both Army mand th1' unit, or I want your job," or a a Defining the need and the responsibility i~ Governor ganiz,Hion serve' onl y one pu1po ... e and that and A ir Guard, and equally good for all private or j unior NCO say " I want to be the t•nvironment. ~ irnple. Likewise, the sol ution is not difficul t James A Rhodes i-. the dc-.truction of the public image of lhe people everywhere. Fi r!>t Sergeant of th is unit," I know I have met IT IS NO ACCIDENT THAT O HIO IS TH[ to define. Doing it is another matter. We OrRaniza tion. T h i ~ in turn destroys confi­ ONLY STAT[OFTH E SIX LARCESTTHAT IS mu ...t do it ourselves because, particularl y in Adjutant General We in the O hio National Guard have a person w ith a definite ob j ~ct i ve and "One de11ce m the wstem a< well as the MG Jarne C. Clem m.iny wonderful opportunities provided as a who intends to be all that he can be." ~e l i- ima ge OVER 100% STRENGTH. peacetime, nobody b going to do it for U'>. of edth individual. My time of to our country and in As ·1. AG. Army result of ourmember>h1p. Tuition assistance, I rea lize that many of you ha"e definite ~erv i ce The stature, dcceptance and reputation of What all this means i~ that each per.,on 1he military 1~ rapidly coming to an end. I the Ohio National Guard ha., never been BG Jamee, M . Abraham -.erv1ce school.,, aviator training, .,late CO civilian objective~ and have joined the occupying a po... ition of leader.,h1p mu.,t ac­ have alw.iy~ been proud to we.ir the uniform and leader>hip school-.. and officer candi­ Guard to a .. .,i<;t you in achieving the~ ob1ec­ belier. We can walk the halls of education Asst AG. Air cept the responsibility th.it established the ot our nation and have represented the Ohio date school.,, both active and state, to name llve~. However, -;ince m~t of you wrll be and industry with pride and confidence. re,11,on for the poc.ition. BC Edward J. Power but a few. Are you taking advantage of these with the Ohio National Guard for a ational Guard with a~ much dignity and People from all occupation., are very ~uppor­ In a military organization, the rea.,on for Public Affairs Officer opportunitie!> to "be all that you can be?" minimum of six }-ears, I encourage you to personal enthusiasm as I can muster. At the tive ot the Guard. In many cases, we arc e\ erythrng is our troops. Thr .., i nclude.. trarn 1 LT Victor Dubina In my visits to units and annual training, I establbh obiective> for your military career .,,1me time, much of my concern has been being vi!!orously promoted by those w ho ing 1the bottom line is sur\ ival) and welfare. directed tcw.ard en,unng that the n eed~ oi ta lk to manv enlisted members. NCO's and .1~ you have for your civil ian I ife. Leadership, had no rde;i w hat the National Guard was all Asst. PtJblic AtI.iirs Otficer Under welfare, I would include morale, per· junio r officers. One of my favorite q uestions lrainin8 and assumption of responsibilities in ou r soldier> are met w ith immediate .ind about until recently. Sr C Nancy C levenger sona l p<1y, food, publ ic relations, is " Where do you plan to go in this unit?" the Guard w ill <;erve you well later i n your problem~ . corrective r c~ p ome~. I mention the"e things Tra i ning .;oldiers is not difficu lt. Gelling pride, ca reer management ,rnd a..,, i..,tance 196th P.A Oett1chme n1 Commander Th a t '~ somewhat like a parent t1~ king their civil ian occup;ition. in the i nterest of bri nging out cert,1i 11 facts them, keeping them , instilling pride in not and the multitude of other items th t1t makes Capt Torn Chupka children w hat they want to be w hen they "Be al l that you can be" and the O hro that we mu~t accept and practice. only our trooµs, but ab o the publ ic, i ~ 1hc the difference that re su lt ~ in proud, well­ Leader.,hip mu'>t mainta in a will a~ well a~ Editor grow up. The question i s not meant to be National Guard will benefit, too. real challenge because too often, we don't motivated 5oldiers, w ho are accepted by a de'>ire to in~ure that a visible per~ond l rela­ SFC Nancy C/ewnger recognize that we have to work to make it MG James C. Clem peer">, friends, family and the general pubI ic. tions attitude is ob\ ious to everyone. Thos<' hc1ppen To be really effective, our leader­ Associate Editor I now want to isolate the importance of whoare~nior mu'>t imbue thi., in those who ship at ,111 levels has to become per.anally SGT Forrest Goc,sett public relations from the other conc;1dera w ill lead in the future. 1nvol\ed. Motivated, well trained and proud Assistant Editor~ tion) that have lx>en mentioned. We can The focu., i., on our TROOPS and on thl' 'Old1er' go hand in hand with good public M!'. Becky H aden produce the fi ne~t. best trained and mot i­ PUBLIC. It lt1kes time and much per~ona l relations. We need a program but only Mem b N~ oi 196th PAD. Why We're Here \ ated soldiers po« ible but if we lock our­ effort. If we don't place top priority on t he~e pconle can make it work. ~elves aw<:ly irom the re~ t of the world, no- things, we will again find ourselves in the ONGA OFFICERS Brig. Gen. James M. Abraham Prc~iden t . Things We Defend COL. Robert Pettit President Reagan addressed t he Second U.N. General Assembly's Special 1.. 1 Vice Pre~. Session on Disarmament held in New York on June 17, 1982. He spoke about COL. Willit1m lngler how the United States' military power has been a force for peace. Excerpts Letters 2nd Vice-Pres. follow. CAPT Jim Pleast1nt The rec.:ord of hi ~tory is clear: C1tizem of the United States rPsort to force reluctantly Editor: commander .iwdre of it. Believe me, I know fo1m, there Wa'> alway!> omething rel,1xing Secretary and only when they must. Our foreign policy, as President E1~enhowe r once said, W hen I first joined the Guard I was givt•n f1om expc11ence the Guard works for you. to look forward lo after the hours of training. COi . Roger I. Truax (Ret.) .. is not difficult to ~ l ate. We are for peace, fir'>l. last, .:ind always, for \ery simple quite .:i few guarantees . One of which wa<; Pvt. 2 Holly A. Barstow Fo1 your many hour, of work gentlemen, l rca~urer reasons. We know that it is only in a pec1ceful atmosphere, a peace with justice, one in that after ba.., ic training I would be allowed lo Det 1 1416th TC (AVIM) CoC, I 12th Fngineer Battalion offer.; a heart CAPT. M ichael Harold w hich we can be confident, that Anwrica can pro<ipN as WC' h,we known prosperity in have my civilian job ba ck.
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