THE • APRIL • 1940 ALUMNI • MAGAZINE Hoosier Almanae April 30 Days I Mary Ellen Chase is the g uest 15 Glen Swiggett, '83, noted au­ speaker at the annual :Matrix 1940 April 1940 thority on South America, gives the Table sponsored by Theta Sigma S M T W T F S first of his six lectures on Pan Phi, coed journalism group .... America today on the campus.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pooch H arrell's baseball team * The University Theatre presents opens seaSOli with a three-game, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 the first of three days' perform­ three-day series at Fort Benning, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ances.. _ . The baseball ers travel to Georgia. Terre H aute for a r etur n game with 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Indiana State. 3 Annual spring exodus from 28 29 30 * * * * the campus begins today as the 16 Baseball again, this time De­ students go home for the spring Pauw here_ holidays. If:. One of the busiest days of the yecH on the 4 The baseball team's Southern training tour Jrl­ campus.... Purdue, here, baseball. .. Junior eludes a two-game series today and tomorrow with Chamber of Commerce opens two-day convention the South Atlantic League team at Columbus, Ga. here .... S tate High School L atin contest and Dis­ ... The golfers open their season with Loui sville cussion Leagues m eet today also .. a nd the tennis s uppl ying the opposition here. team goes to Earlham. 5 T he LaIV Institute opens a tw o-day conference on 20 Sports again grab the spotlight with the In­ the campus today.... Golfers compete in opening diana relays, including Indiana, Michigan, Illinois of Midwestern Amateur Golf Tourney at French Lick. and Notre Dame, rivaling the Purdue baseball game for local interest. ". The golf team meets Ohio State 8 Vacation over, the students return to their studies at French Lick and the tennis team goes to Butler. at :.; o'clock this morning.... The baseball team also returns to studies and to meet Indiana State here. 25 The Kiwanis Citizenship Conference will be . Educational Measuremenls Conference held today. held today on the campus . 9 Baseball again is the center of attracti on today 26 High School students competing III the S tate with Wabash co-starring. Mathematics Contest will have a chance to see the Indiana-Michigan baseball game to­ 12 Campus politicialls grab the day as th e other teams "t ravel. spotlight as the men vote in the annual U nion Board election.... 27 Eagle Scouts open two-day The baseball team opens the Con­ conference on the campus.. Golf ference sched uI e with a two-game team meets Michigan at Indianapo­ series at Ohio State. li s and the tennis team moves over to Kentucky from Cincinnati. 13 The S tate High Sch ool Solo Music contest, the m eeting 01 the 29 Indianapolis alumni will have Indiana Junior Historical Society, a chance to see I.U.'s baseball team and golf matches with Detroit and today as the Harrell diamond stars Butler all vie for student interest pIay at Butler. toda),. Voice o.f the Alumni Commends A rticle Part of On H . S . Tourney Neve,. Mind Confucius T he a rti cl~ o n the o ri:', in o f Ihe S laic H ig h ~c h oo l Ba ~ ke l ball Tourna me nl \Ve Say. i n Ih e .Ma reh i s~ u e Hl o rc Iruly repre ­ DON'T miss Ihe :l nnlla l r c unions ,,' nl ed Ihe fa et ll al beginning o f Iha t c ,,' nl Iha n d id Ih e br ie f ilem o f a year of Ihe "arious classes pla nne d in the game... agl ) , cOllnection with CorrlJllc ncem e nl o n T" th e ['e,1 'If my " nowlcdg:r- the Ihe campus Ihis June . B " ,, ~ t p r'" (111 1, c',,'cei ve d the idea , pl"nning nOw 10 h e the r e promoled il a nd ca rried it Oil\. Th ere­ START fu r e, i l wa ~ IllY prrsonal feeling: Ihal when Ihe fun s larlS. R e n e w y our the cl ub W HS en litl ed to full c redit {or old friendships wilh c hums o f y our it. college days, and come 10 se e h o w Con,:clIll c nll y it plea sed me 10 see your Universily is k eeping pace prJ,per a nd curreet a c kno wledg ment in wilh Ihe progress of Ihe limes. IIIC ,llagazi ll c. Y" 1I. lI"ly be ': IITe Ihal. 1. shall 1.><' I;ET in louch wilh some (I f y our plra,cd I" he kep i infl) rIl lP d of th e ac­ old d"",,,,nwles and pla n 10 m a k e (l ti vities of ~ i g ll1 a Delt a C hi i n cr ecling !tarl~' of il! Yuu'll h"ve a g r e al a mOIlu me nl. til Ihe orig in of Ihe Tilurna­ lime recalling olrl m e mories ::111<1 menl o n the ca mpu s al 1. U. filldin~ 0111 whal "our o ld frj e nd ~ It occ ur, 10 IIl e Ihat tbe Si g ma Delta h a ve heell doing :; ince ihey .le fl C hi buy,: mi g ht wa nl SO ll1 C fact llal data Ihis C, UllpUS . 10 pre, erv(· in Ihis co nneclio n a nd p er· hap;: J co uld find sOlli e ppings from REMEMBER the .Ia les-June 1, Th e Daily SI/l. dell l in a n old snapbook 2, and 3! W e'll be luoking f o r t hal I ke pI ". hile in school. ~ ' OU ! TI ha, been years si nce 1 have see n Ihis hook, bill Hl )' wife lell, me il is slor ed away. Howeve r, i f I have a n y­ Was There To See Ihin g: in Ih a t conneclion Ihal is wan led , P/l.rdu.e Lose To I.U. r sha ll b,' gla d 10 conlrib ute ) 1. 1 was vcr)' happy 10 see I ndi a nG d e· FnANK W. E L SON , '12. feal Purdue up al Lafaye lte un ;"ic w R"chdlt-, N. Y. Ma rch 2_ r>'ditor's !Vu le : Siglll a Oc/l ry Chi r am now a visitor on Ihe Governor', Unpmploymcnl Relief COJJlmission a nd 1,1011.1' 10 creel a lilll csione memu,.,:al IU Ihe beginlling 0.1 Ih e Ilidial/a S iale am s lalioned here in Soulh Bend. The MARYCATl-IUUN[ DAYIS, '39. High School Baskelbali T O/l. rnatnwl Oil Ihe old Sil l' 0.1 Assembly Ha ll, bul due S uulh Bend. 10 dil/icllflies ill /ill all r'ing such rt !Jfu j­ pause eel w:"11 /l 0 1 ha ve su ch a m.OUl/lll ent Plans 1'0 Ret/l.rn r cody nil/if n ext year. For Comlnencemenl /Vrtl Iw II [(a plan, '40, presiden.t 0/ 1 h a ve no inleresling news a bOlll m y­ that Sigm.o Della Chi, Ih all ks Mr . Elso n. lor self 10 se nJ. I a m slill " dea ning" :.I nd his oller and says Ih al any such cii!,· leachi ng F re nch and g rammar in ' Vail e I'in gs IVu" ld be al'llI e6uled grea!ly. "ig h ~ c h ool during I he sch ool yea r a nd G enna n a l DeSaJ es College d uring Ihe s ummer session. 1 look Ihe AM Au I.U. Alumnus deg ree a l Middle bury Coll ege so me N olV at Purdu.e yea rs ago. It s ho uld, howeve r, be of i nte re sl I a lii null' a l P urd ll e Uni ve rsil Y, work­ 10 Ihe fri ends o f A N N E H . K OCK, '16, in e; Io wa I'd the doc lo ra le degree i ll 10 lea rn Iha l she is recei ving Ih e PhD ChcllIl ::; lry . I'll joy YO ll r i\'laga:tinc frll lll Ca tholi c Uni ve rs ily this year. A s vC'ry Jllu r \1. S ister Mar ie Pierre of tilt;. Sis ters of Mercy, ,;l,e is presidenl of Our JAdy of C inc inna li College. M rs. Pa ul H. Chapman, '15 (ELlZA­ I:l': TJJ G K1 FFITH), and I expccl 10 be back Feels The llJ flgazine fllr Comme ncement Ihis year. We Is Indispensable 'ho uld like 1.0 bring Sisler Marie Pierre Tlw t'ncll)"pd $3.00 ("ov c. r ~ l il y , u b­ lIilh us, bill Ihal is "ollblful. We .He !-'rriplion and dll f'S for rJ ll ollter year. aII Kappas and ni ec ?, of Professor Carl ... r wouldn't Ihink of he ing: " it holl l Os l ha il S. T ha t was the lie tint ho und lilt· AIUlllni Ma gazin e. II !' a ll 10 l. U. b efor e we ever came 10 r resie;ne rl my posl in Ih e connnercial ,; chooJ.
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