It?“ finial iiiullriia .. PUBLISHED DAILY UNDER ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT BY THE COMMTTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION M GEORGE CREEL. CHAIRMAN Vol. 1. wusnisoros, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMUER 26, can PRODUCE DEALERS SUPPORT Administrative Procedure to Control ,FEDEPJII. LICENSING SYSTEM Exports of Coin, Currency, and Bullion T0 ELIIIIINATE SPECULATION Announced by Federal Reserve Board CONFER WITH THE FOOD OFFICIALS The Federal Reserve Board has issued the folioWing statement on administra tive procedure with reference to the proclamation and regulations issued by the Agree to exports coin, currency, . Organization of Their In President to control of and bullion: Individuals, firms, and corporations desiring to obtain licenses for the exporta dustry so as to Deliver Their tion of coin, bullion, and currency must file an application with the Federal reserve bank of the district in which the applicant resides, or where the transaction requir to Goods Consumer by Short ing the shipment originates. These applications must made a standard be ‘ ‘on form est Trade Route. which has been furnished to all Federal reserve banks. Exports of Gold. Representative produce men of the general policy country agreed in conference yesterday It will be the of the board not to authorize the exportation of gold shipment applied with officials of the United States Food unless the for is shown to be connected in a direct and way importation Administration to the organizing of their definite with a corresponding of merchandise for consumption States, in industry so as to eliminate speculation, in the United but any case authorization will be granted only where the exportation gold payment stabilize markets, and deliver their goods of in for such merchandise is found to be compatible reaching conclusions, to the consumer by the shortest possible with the public interest. In its however, the board will con attending trade routes. sider all circumstances in each particular case. Delegateswere sent by the National Shipments of Canadian Silver Coin and Currency. Poultry, Butter, and Egg Association Until further notice the board will approve all applications for the exportation and the American Association of Cream of Canadian silver coin and currency without limitation. Treasury Depart ery Butter Manufacturers, as well as by The ment has instructed collectors of customs to pass such shipments into Canada when various exchanges and associations approved by Federal reserve bank throughout th'e country. the of the district from which the shipments are made. Continuous permits for shipments of Canadian silver coin and currency, Unanimous for License Plan. without requiring an application in each case, may be granted by Federal reserve Delegates were unanimous in support banks upon condition that each transaction will be reported to it without delay. The of the Federal license plan and opposed ' (Continued on page 3.) to the.abolishment of the call. The fol lowing committee was appointed to meet Director. Haskell, of the dairy products division of the Food Administration, in cOnference on details of the license plan: UNITED STATES WILL HAVE 1,600 MERCIIANT B. L. Kimball, Philadelphia; Charles Borden, Chicago; A. H. Green, San Fran SHIPS, AGGREGATING 9,200,000 TONS, NEAR cisco; F. 0. Burger, New Yorkyaud E. E. Wilson, “Boston. END OF 1918, SHIPPING BOARD BELIEVES Those present at the conference were: Chicago—George L. McKay, T. A. N0'rn..—This statement was with the assistance the prepared of Somerville, Harold J. Brown, S. Edward cmperts the United States Shipping Board and approved by the Davis, C. E. McNeill, C. S. Borden, of H. S. Johnson, H. L. Hernemann, and full board. The figures may be ragardedfls definitely accurate. T. A. Borman. Cleveland—Ed. L Burridge, F. G. The United States has to-day 458 as compared with an overseas ma Chapman, and W. Thompson. ships of over 1,500 deadweight tons rine of 1,614,222 tons on June 30, 2, Pittsburgh—D. B. Daugherty and with an aggregate tonnage of 1914, scarcely a month before the W. G. Yost. 871,359, either engaged in or capa European War began. Boston—Alton E. Briggs, J. C. F. Slny~ ble of participating in foreign The tonnage referred to is ex ton. E. E. Wilson, and Alfred P. Lee. trade. There are also 1_17ships of clusive of that engaged on inland Buffalo—Ira T. Gleason. a tonnage of 700,285 of German waters, unsuitable coastwise ships Philadelphia-William D. Edson, R. B. and Austrian origin. The United and small craft operating along the Lehman, and B. L. Kimball. States Shipping Board Emergency coast and in bays and harbors, and Rochester—W. S. Riley. Fleet Corporation has comman does not, of course, include the New York—Julius D. Mahr, H. J. deered nearly 400 steel ships of prospective additional program of Runyon, F. 0. Burger, Frank G. Urner, more than 2,500,000 tons, which are the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Andrew Davey, F. L. Preston, J. Lee being completed or under contract The fleet in prospect is already Henlgan, Henry Dunkak, W. S. Yearick, for construction in American yards. becoming a reality. Several of the S. K. Cohen, and Harry Dowie. , 7 The Board’s Fleet Corporation has commandeered ships are already Richland Center, Wis—John Kirkpat also contracted for 636 ships with taking cargo; othcwvvill leave the rick. a tonnage of 3,124,700. Totaled ways in increasing numbers with San Francisco—S. H. Green. these figures show that the United each succeeding month. The ships Los Angeles—Dudley M. Dorman. States will have near the end of for which the Shipping Board has Baltimore-A. B. Gardner. H. L. Plel, 1918 a merchant fleet of more than contracted are under construction Blattery 1,600 ships aggregating 9,200,000 and the first launching is expected John‘ H. and it. Henry Holme. Bloomington, Ill.—H. B. Patton. tons to carry its foreign commerce, within 60 to 90 days. Detroit—~Frauk A. Johnson. .3 SA to Second Issue ARE YOU VINC Your Money Invest in the of THE LIBERTY LOAN 2 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1917. ransom T0 RECElVE worn sales PROPAGANDA AGAINST Form Speakers’ Division HERE TO DISCUSS nus FOOD-PLEDGE CAMPAIGN _LEBERTY LOAN in Bureau of Publicity The-delegates to the Woman's Liberty for Second Liberty Loan The Food Administration authorizes Loan Conference, which meets in Wash the following: ington to-morrow for a two-day session, Secretary McAdoo has organ “That our enemies on the other side will be received at the White House by ized a speakers’ division in con of the fence are fighting our plan is one nection with the Bureau of Pub of the best recommendations that plan Wilson. The reception to the President licity for the Second Liberty can have, and to me the most significant Women. many of whom_have crossed the Loan, and appointed as chief of sign as to the value of food pledge week continent in order to perfect their ar the new division Charles F. Hor is the fact that the pro»Germans here rangements for the coming big drive in ner, of Kansas City, who has had have recognized its importance and are the sale of liberty bonds, will take place wide experience in this character fighting it hard.” in the East Room to-morrow at 2 o‘clock, of work. Mr. Homer has arrived This statement is made by Dr. ll. L. just preceding _the open meeting of the here and assumed his duties. Wilbur, president of Stanford Univer conference, which will be held in the The decision to create a speak sity, and head of the food conservation Pan American Building. ers’ division was reached after division of the United States Food Ad many requests for speakers had ministration, while discnssing the an Luncheon for Delegates. been received, and after several tagonism of the Prussian propagandists Another social feature arranged for speakers of national reputation to the'coming campaign to line up the the entertainment of the delegates is a had offered their services. Some American people in the interests of f000 luncheon, which will be given on Friday of the best speakers of the coun conservation. at 1626 Rhode Island Avenue, to which try will be available for this im Propaganda Widespread. the ladies of the Cabinet and Federal portant work. The organization Reserve Board have been invited by the of the National Speakers’ division Evidences of his statement, Dr. \Vil committee. for the Liberty Loan will not in bur declares, are brought to light daily The conference was called by the terfere with the local speakers’ from all parts of the country and in the Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee, of bureaus in the Federal Reserve most subtle ways. which Mrs. William G. McAdoo is chair districts to forward the work of “If you sign the pledge card, y‘our man. The delegates include the Federal the Liberty Loan. The function home will be invaded later and the goods reserve district and State liberty loan of the new division will be to you have canned will be taken away." chairmen appointed by the committee, meet the demand throughout the “-It is a trick of the Government, whose congressional district, city, and county country for nationally known pub ofiicials will requisition all your pre chairmen, members of the Woman's lic speakers to-deliver addresses serves." Among the colored people of Committee of the Council of National explaining the loan on behalf of the South the propagandists have been Defense, with the chairmen' of their the Treasury Department. circulating a rumor that the intention is State divisions, and the executive heads Secretary McAdoo, who will to take food away from the Negroes and of the big national organizations of leave Washington September 30 give it to the whites.
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