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INDEX A/B testing, defi ned, 55 Borgos dos Santos, Sidnei, 176–178 Accel Partners, 59 Brain Platinum, 93–94 Acher, Eric, 164 Brazil: Ackerman, Bob, 38 business opportunities, 172–180 Advanced Research Projects Agency. See ARPA crime and safety issues, 166–169, 179 Africa, challenges of, 219–221. See also Rwanda culture and economics, 159–163 Agassi, Shai, 52–53, 62 entrepreneurship in, 19 Airtel, 125, 137, 151 exemplars of innovation, 169–178 Alex. Brown investments, 36–37 Marco Gomes story, 1–6, 163–166 Alibaba Group, 16, 96, 98, 100 Breslin, Abigail, 62 Almeida, Alberto, 233n1 (chap. 8) BRIC countries, 8, 161 Brin, Sergey, 27 Jeff Bezos, 34 BS Construtora, 174–178, 180 Kindle, 14, 35 Buffett, Warren, 84 powerhouse, 89–90, 96 Bug, 173–174, 180 Zappos purchase, 24 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 12 AmDocs, 47 BuscaPe, 228 Animation Lab, 61 Bush, George W., 116 AOL, 53 BYD, 83–85, 128 Apple: as competitor, 39, 100 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 161 as innovator, 7, 34, 35 Carret & Co. Equity Research, 96 as technology icon, 84 Casares, Wences, 167, 179, 229 vis-à-vis Tencent, 97 Casey, Liam, 76–78, 80 ARPA, 33–34 Catholicism, legacy of, 3, 160 Asian fi nancial crisis, 93, 185 Chady, Mario, 170–171 Asian Godfathers (Studwell), 185 Chandra, Pankaj, 130 Assis, Rogerio, 169–170http://www.pbookshop.comChang, Leslie, 79 Assis, Zica, 169–170 Charles River Ventures, 58 Atlantic Monthly, The, 76 Chase, 167 AT&T, 34 Checkpoint, 47 Chen Tianqiao, 94 Baidu, 96, 97, 98, 101 China: Bakshi, Naren, 115 business culture, 67–71 Bakuramutsa, NkubitoCOPYRIGHTED Manzi, 211 as economic MATERIAL power, 8 Barnes & Noble, in China, 80 entrepreneurship in, 17–18, 19 BBC, 145 innovative spirit of, 71–82 Beleza Natural, 170, 180 international fl avor, 82–86 Bell Labs, 34 Internet revolution, 87–96 Benchmark Capital, 48, 63 Ma Huateng story, 98–99 Better Place, 52–53 political climate, 106–110 Bezos, Jeff, 34 Roy Ho story, 83–86 Blonde 2.0, 44 Song Li story, 101–106 Boo-box, 164–165 Tencent’s success, 96–101 Borgos dos Santos, Eliane, 176–177 Xu Xiong story, 74–76 237 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223737 112/16/102/16/10 112:31:452:31:45 PPMM 238 INDEX China Central Television, 91, 93 founder of, 16 China Daily, 95 as Internet power, 89–90 ChinaHR, 101 PayPal purchase, 32 China Mobile, 99 Skype purchase, 46 Ciputra, 16, 183–185, 187–191 as tech giant, 34 Cisco Systems, 34, 46 Economic issues: CK Telecom, 83–86, 128 Brazil, 159–163 Cleantech electricity, 32, 62–63 China, 67–76 Clinton, Bill, 16, 212 India, 113–120, 135–144 Clinton, Hillary, 224 Indonesia, 183–191 Colonialism: Israel, 45–48 in America, 15, 160 Rwanda, 209–216 in Brazil, 159–161 U.S., 10–17 in India, 119, 127 Economic Policy Institute, 12 in Indonesia, 184–185, 187, 189–190, 200 Edison, Leontinus, 199 in Rwanda, 200, 209 Eisenberg, Michael, 48, 49, 63 Columbia, 223–225 Eko India Financial Services, 141–143, 151 Computers. See also Internet eLance, 138 Hole-in-the-Wall program, 122–123 Ellison, Larry, 34 Marco Gomes and, 4–5 Emerging markets. See also specifi c countries Comverse, 47 advantages of, 6–10 Consumer debt, U.S., 11 entrepreneurship in, 17–19 Craigslist, 73 new world order, 223–230 Crivo, 171–172, 178 vis-à-vis U.S., 10–17 Ctrip, 101 Endeavor, 16 Entrepreneurship: Dafoe, Willem, 62 in emerging markets, 10–19 Dare, Virginia, 160 globalization of, 6–10 Debt, U.S. consumer, 11 political ramifi cations, 223–230 Dell, 85 U.S. history of, 25–28 Deng Xiaoping: Ericsson, 125 agricultural reformer, 79 Estrin, Judy, 33, 34, 38 capitalism catalyst, 72, 78, 83 Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 189 as communist leader, 72, 86 in France, 131 Facebook: free-trade zone, 81 employee cachet, 39 homage to, 81, 108 funding for, 59, 97, 227 Department of Commerce, U.S., 12 in Indonesia, 196 Developing countries. See Emerging markets as media giant, 54 Digg, 54, 58 PayPal role in, 32, 58 Digital Equipment Corporation, 118 social network, 56, 100 Digu, 105 Factory Girls (Chang), 79 Discovery Channel, 145 Fallows, James, 232n1 (chap. 4) Disney, Walt, 7–8, 183–184 FARC. See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Disney video, 91 Columbia (FARC) Djalal, Dino Patti, 190–191 Farmer, Paul, 212, 214, 218 Domino’s Pizza, Brazil, 171 Fast Company, 155 Dot-com crash (2000), 11, 29 Federal Reserve Bank, 11 Dow Jones Venture Source, 46 FedEx, 7 Dubai, as investor, 221, 227, 91 Duke University, 9, 27 Financial Times, 161 Firefox, 39 eBay: Forbes “Midas List,” 60 censorship issues, 107 Foxconn, 84 as competitor, 100 Friendster, 196 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223838 112/16/102/16/10 112:31:452:31:45 PPMM INDEX 239 Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 119, 144 Hanna, Jack, 218 Gandhi, Pravin, 118, 138 Harvard Business School, 12, 13 Gates, Bill, 7 He, Eric, 92–96 Gates Foundation, 143 Hertz, Matt, 47, 49 GDP: Hewlett-Packard, 85 Africa, 220 Highland Capital Partners, 218 China-related, 70, 72 Hinduism, culture of, 131, 151 Rwanda, 212, 221 Hiware Bazar (India), 144–146 Singapore, 212 Ho, Roy, 83–86, 101, 108 wages as share of U.S., 12 Hole-in-the-Wall program, 122–123 world comparisons, 8, 184 Horsley Bridge Partners, 29 General Motors, 33 Hsieh, Tony, 23–25 Geni, 58–59 Huawei, 125–126 Genocide, Rwandan, 206–210 Hulu, 73 Ghate, Ravi, 144–151, 226 Giant Interactive, 92–96 ICQ, 53–54, 98, 100 Giuffrida, Fred, 29, 47 IL&FS, 138 Globalization, 6–10, 226–230 Image Café, 98 Goldman Sachs, 8, 162, 227 Immigrants: Gomes, Marco, 1–6, 163–166, 169, 180, 226 Brazilian, 179–180 Gondal, Vishal, 117 as economic asset, 9–10 Google: as entrepreneurs, 26, 27 ad build-out, 147 Indian, 115, 117, 120–121 in China, 107, 110 to Indonesia, 184–185 as competitor, 39 role in Israel, 50, 57 as copycat, 100 In U.S., 9–10 founder of, 27 Index Ventures, 48, 56, 59 funding for, 140 India: immigrant success story, 9 business culture, 135–144 as innovator, 7, 34–35 economy of, 113–120 in Israel, 46, 54 education in, 123–125 powerhouse, 90, 96, 97 entrepreneurship in, 17–18, 19 vis-à-vis Tencent, 96–98 infrastructure issues, 120–134 Web share, 139 Rajiv Mehrotra story, 151–156 YouTube acquisition, 55, 90 Ravi Ghate story, 144–151 Gourevitch, Philip, 210, 215 services economy, 126–134 Grant Thornton LLP, 37 telecommunications, 125–126 Great Leap Forward (Mao), 79 TiE networking, 120–121 Greenfi eld opportunities:http://www.pbookshop.comIndiabulls, 118 in Brazil, 161 Indiagames, 117, 118 in China, 74 India Institute of Technology (IIT), 49, 124, 138, 211 defi ned, 9 Indian Institute of Management, 130 in India, 124, 126 Indonesia: in Israel, 49 business opportunities, 196–200 venture capital and, 40 economic climate, 183–191 in Western world, 226 entrepreneurship in, 19, 188 Groupon, 97, 227 Martha Tilaar story, 191–196 Grove, Andy, 27 Infosys, 16, 124, 131–134, 167 Growth Enterprise Board, 81–82 Innovation arbitrage, defi ned, 101 G7 nations, 8, 227 Intel, 9, 27, 46 Gupta, Abhishek, 123 Internet: Gupta, Naren, 119, 129–130, 131 in Brazil, 5–6, 165–166 in China, 88–110 Habyarimana, Juvenal, 210 effect on economy, 11–12, 27–28 Hambrecht & Quist, 36–37 government funding for, 33–34 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223939 112/16/102/16/10 112:31:462:31:46 PPMM 240 INDEX Internet: (Continued ) Li Peng, 93 in India, 122–123, 125 Luce, Edward, 128 in Indonesia, 196–198 Lula. See Silva, Luiz Inácio Lula da in Israel, 51–60 IPOs: Ma, Jack, 16, 98 in Brazil, 161 Ma Huateng, 98–100, 103 constraints on, 36–37 Group, 97, 227 as economic asset, 226 Mamuaya, Rama, 198–200 in Israel, 46, 51 Mani, VSS, 140 tech craze, 35, 36–37, 51 Mao Zedong, 79, 81, 107 Islam. See Muslims Margalit, Erel, 60–62 Israel: McDonald’s, in Brazil, 171 entrepreneurship in, 18–19 Mehrotra, Rajiv, 151–156, 226 Erel Margalit story, 60–62 Meiloo, 68 Gilad Japhet story, 56–60 Mendes, Nivea, 168 innovative spirit, 43–45, 62–63 mercadoLibre, 162 military ethos, 49 MetaCafe, 55, 59 strengths versus weaknesses, 48–56 Microsoft: venture capital boom, 45–48 as competitor, 39, 97, 100 as innovator, 7, 34 Japhet, Gilad, 55, 56–60 in Israel, 46, 54 Jardim, Francisco, 174 Miranda, Marcelo, 178, 179–180 Jerusalem Venture Partners, 60 MIT, 138 Jobs, Steve, 7, 34, 84 Mitra, Sugata, 122–123 John F. Kennedy School, Columbia, 225 MixIt, 200 Justdial, 139–141, 151 Mobile World Congress, 155, 101 Kagabo, Jean de Dieu, 21–25, 40, 203–206, 216, 226 Montgomery Securities, 36–37 Kagame, Paul, 16, 22, 211–215, 218 Moore‘s Law, 84–85 Kaskus, 200 M-Pesa, 221 Kauffman Foundation, 189 Murambi Genocide Memorial, 207 KFC, 8, 171 Murangira, Emmanuel, 207 Khosla, Vinod, 27, 33, 117 Murthy, Narayana, 16, 131–133, 167 Kidder, Tracy, 234n1 Musk, Elon, 32–33 Kingstone, Peter R., 231n1 (chap. 1), 233n5 (chap. 8) Muslims: Kinzer, Stephen, 213 in India, 145 Klein, Saul, 48, 49, 56, 59 in Indonesia, 19, 186, 190–191, 193 Knowledge economy: in Pakistan, 119 India as, 127–128 http://www.pbookshop.comMyHeritage, 55, 56–60 U.S. as, 12 MySQL, 48 Koni restaurants, 171 Koogle, Tim, 97 Napster, 89 Krugman, Paul, 231n4 (chap. 1) NASDAQ: Ku, Victor, 91, 107 Infosys IPO, 131 Israeli participation, 18, 45 Lal, Lakhan, 135–137, 141, 142 Latin America listing, 162, 48 1990s boom, 51 Late Show with David Letterman, The, 218 Silicon Valley and, 27 Levchin, Max, 27 volatility of, 37 Levensohn, Pascal, 38 Naspers, 99, 228 Levensohn Venture Partners, 38 National Venture Capital Association, 38 Li, Robin, 98 Nayak, Sanjay, 125, 129 Li, Song, 101–106 Negri, Heraldo, 173 Limman, Selina, 199 Negroponte, Nicholas, 214 LinkedIn, 32, 56, 58 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 119 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224040 112/16/102/16/10 112:31:462:31:46 PPMM INDEX 241 Nelson, Willie, 62 Robinson, Richard, 71–72, 200 New Yorker, The, 215 Ross, Alec, 224–225 New York Stock Exchange, 95 Rwanda: New York Times Magazine, 225 business opportunities, 216–222 Nexus Ventures, 129 economic issues, 209–216 NIIT, 122–123 entrepreneurship in, 19, 21–25 Noff, Ayelet, 44 genocide legacy, 22, 203–210 Nokia, 125 Jean de Dieu Kagabo story, 203–206 Nova, Dan, 218 Sacks, David, 58–59 Obama, Barack, 32, 38, 225 SAIF, 140 Olympics (2016), 162, 168, 169, 179, 39 Omidyar, Pierre, 16 Sama, Phanindra, 138 O’Neill, Jim, 231n2 (chap.

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