Pathkind (By Mankind) Lab Tests Medical Lab Test Price List

Pathkind (By Mankind) Lab Tests Medical Lab Test Price List

Pathkind (By Mankind) Lab Tests Medical Lab Test Price List 2020 217 | [email protected] +91 -571-2400266 Routine Tests Test Code Test Name MRP Offer HM01 Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) 120 108 HM02 Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) 160 144 MI01 Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) Smear 180 162 CO01 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time(APTT) 400 360 BC01 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) 500 450 MI06 AFB Stain (3 Samples) 420 378 MI02 Albert Stain (Diphtheria) 250 225 BC03 Albumin 100 90 BC04 Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 120 108 BC05 Amylase 300 270 PL01 Anemia Profile Basic (CBC, PS, Reticulocyte Count, Iron, UIBC, TIBC, % Saturation, Ferritin) 1000 900 PL23 Ante Natal Profile 1 (HB, Blood Group, BSR, HIV, HBSAG, HCV (Rapid), VDRL, Urine R/M) 800 720 PL02 Ante Natal Profile Basic (CBC, Blood Group, BSR, HIV, HBSAG, HCV (Rapid), VDRL, TSH, Urine R/M) 1000 900 SE34 Anti Nuclear Antibodies (ANA), IFA 2000 1800 SE02 Anti Streptolysin O (ASO), Quantitative 250 225 CP01 Ascitic Fluid Analysis 400 360 BC07 Bilirubin (Total, Direct & Indirect) 170 153 BC08 Bilirubin Direct 140 125 BC09 Bilirubin Total 120 108 CO02 Bleeding Time (BT) & Clotting Time (CT) 160 144 HM03M Blood Group 80 72 BC390 Blood Urea 90 80 BC10 Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 90 80 CL23 CA 125 1200 1080 BC11 Calcium 120 108 BC12 Calcium, 24 Hrs Urine 150 135 FC04 CD4/CD8-Lymphocyte Enumeration Study 2390 2150 CP02 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis 400 360 SE03 Chikungunya IgM, Rapid Card 970 873 BC13 Chloride 140 125 BC14 Chloride, Urine 190 170 PL04 Coagulation Profile (PT, APTT, BT & CT) 700 630 HM05 Complete Blood Count (CBC) 210 190 SE04 C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative 350 315 BC16 Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) 200 180 | [email protected] +91 -7529920063 Test Code Test Name MRP Offer BC17 Creatinine 100 90 BC18 Creatinine Clearance 24 Hrs Urine 500 450 BC19 Creatinine, 24 Hrs Urine 150 135 MI78 Culture Aerobic 750 675 MI85 Culture Aerobic, ET Secretion/Aspirate 550 495 MI81 Culture Aerobic, Pus 550 495 MI82 Culture Aerobic, Vaginal Swab 550 495 MI66 Culture, Body Fluid 550 495 MI32 Culture, CSF 550 495 MI34 Culture, Ear 550 495 MI35 Culture, Eye 550 495 MI39 Culture, RespiratoryIsolation & Identification + Sensitivity 750 675 MI65 Culture, Semen 550 495 MI40 Culture, Sputum 550 495 MI42 Culture, Stool 400 360 MI43 Culture, Throat Swab 550 495 MI44 Culture, Urine 400 360 CY07 Cytology For Malignant Cells 750 675 SE05 Dengue Duo Rapid Test 1150 1035 SE88 Dengue Ns1 Antigen Test 2100 1890 SE90 Dengue Virus IgG Antibodies 1000 900 SE91 Dengue Virus IgM Antibodies 1000 900 PL06 Diabekind (BSF, BSPP, HbA1c, Lipid Screen, MAU, BUN, Creatinine, Urine R/M) 1250 1125 PL05 Diabescreen (BSF, BSPP, HbA1c) 450 405 HM06 Direct Coombs Test (DCT), Whole BloodEDTA 480 432 HM40 DLC (Differential Leucocyte Count) 110 99 BC20 Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl) 300 270 BC21 Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl), Urine 350 315 HM07 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 70 63 BC22 Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 200 180 CL52 Estradiol (E2) 530 477 BC26 Fasting Plasma Glucose 50 45 CL56 Ferritin 600 540 PL07 Fever Panel- 1 (CBC, ESR, MP Smear, SGPT, WIDAL, Urine R/M) 700 630 PL08 Fever Panel- 2 (CBC, Malaria Antigen, SGPT, WIDAL, Urine R/M, Urine C/S) 1000 900 PL22 Fever Screen (CBC, MP Smear, WIDAL, Urine R/M) 400 360 CY01 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) 500 450 CL57 Folic Acid 1210 1090 CL62 FT3 (Free Triiodothyronine 3) 370 333 CL63 FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen 430 387 CL64 FT4 (Free Thyroxine 4) 370 333 | [email protected] +91 -7529920063 Test Code Test Name MRP Offer MI03 Fungal Stain 300 270 HM08 G6PD, Qualitative (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) 650 585 BC24 Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) 200 180 BC23 Gestational Glucose Tolerance (GTT- 3) 200 180 BC25 Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) 90 80 BC27 Glucose Post Prandial 50 45 BC28 Glucose Random 50 45 BC29 Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT-2) 150 135 MI04 Gram Stain 170 153 HM09 Haemoglobin (Hb) 70 63 HM31 Haemogram (CBC+ESR) 260 234 HM04 Haemogram (CBC+ESR+PS) 310 280 BC30 HbA1C (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) 400 360 HM10 Hemoglobin & Hematocrit 80 72 SE06 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg), Rapid Card 220 198 SE07 Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV), Rapid Card 220 198 HP54 Histopathology: Large Tissue Biopsy 1330 1197 HP56 Histopathology: Medium Tissue Biopsy 780 700 HP58 Histopathology: Small Tissue Biopsy 640 575 SE08 HIV Antibody, Rapid Card 220 198 BC399 HOMA-IR 920 828 MI67 India Ink 320 288 HM11 Indirect Coombs Test (ICT) Serum 480 430 CL85 Insulin Fasting 800 720 CL87 Insulin PP (Post Prandial) 800 720 BC31 Iron 180 160 BC32 Iron Studies (Iron, TIBC, UIBC, % Saturation) 500 450 BC33 Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) 360 324 PL10 Lipid Profile Direct ((Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL Direct, HDL, VLDL, CHOL/HDL Ratio, 960 864 LDL/HDL Ratio) PL21 Lipid Screen ((Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL Calculated, HDL, VLDL, CHOL/HDL Ratio, 350 315 LDL/HDL Ratio) Liver & Kidney Profile (Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect, SGOT, SGPT, ALP, GGT, LDH, BUN, PL11 Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine Ratio, Uric Acid, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Total Protein, Albumin, 1100 990 Globulin, A:G Ratio, Urine Routine) PL12 Liver Function Extended Panel (Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect, SGOT, SGPT, ALP, GGT, LDH, 600 540 Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A:G Ratio) PL94 Liver Function Test (Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect, SGOT, SGPT, AST/ALT Ratio, ALP, Total 400 360 Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio) BC35 Magnesium 500 450 BC36 Magnesium, 24 Hrs Urine 550 495 HM12 Malaria Antigen Detection (Rapid) 130 117 | [email protected] +91 -7529920063 Test Code Test Name MRP Offer HM13 Malarial Parasite (MP) Smear 90 80 MI05 Mantoux / Tuberculin Sensitivity Test 100 90 BC37U24 Microalbuminuria, 24Hrs Urine 550 495 BC37 Microalbuminuria, Spot Urine 550 495 HM14 Microfilaria Detection 200 180 CP03 Miscellaneous Fluid Analysis 400 360 HM23 Osmotic Fragility Test 490 440 CY02 PAP (Papanicolaou) Smear 250 225 CP04 Pericardial Fluid Analysis 400 360 HM15 Peripheral Blood Smear Examination 100 90 BC38 Phosphorus 120 108 BC39 Phosphorus, 24 Hrs Urine 160 144 HM16 Platelet Count 100 90 CP05 Pleural Fluid Analysis 400 360 BC40 Potassium 120 108 BC41 Potassium, Spot Urine 230 207 BC42 Potassium, Urine 230 207 PL13 Pre Operative Extended Panel (CBC, Blood Group, PT INR, APTT, BSR, BUN, Creatinine, HIV, 1450 1305 HBSAG, HCV, TSH) CL103 Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Total 750 675 BC43 Protein & Creatinine Ratio Urine 300 270 BC44 Protein, 24 Hrs Urine 200 180 CO03 Prothrombin Time (PT) 250 225 PL09 Renal Profile (Urea, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine Ratio, Uric Acid, Sodium, Potassium, 600 540 Chloride, Urine R/M) HM17 Reticulocyte Count 200 180 SE10 Rheumatoid Factor (RF), Quantitative 300 270 CP06 Semen Analysis 300 270 BC45 Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient (SAAG) 380 342 BC06 SGOT / AST 110 99 BC02 SGPT / ALT 110 99 BC46 Sodium 120 108 BC47 Sodium, 24 Hrs Urine 250 225 BC48 Sodium, Spot Urine 250 225 CP07 Stool Occult Blood 100 90 CP08 Stool pH & Reducing Substances 110 99 CP09 Stool Routine & Microscopic Examination 100 90 PL95 Surgical Profile (CBC, BT & CT, Blood Group, BSR, Urea, Creatinine, TSH, HIV, HBsAg, HCV (Rapid) 1000 900 CP10 Synovial/Joint Fluid Analysis 400 360 MB125 TB/ AFB PCR 2000 1800 CL115 Testosterone Free & Total 2000 1800 | [email protected] +91 -7529920063 Test Code Test Name MRP Offer CL116 Testosterone Total 600 540 CL61 Thyroid Profile Free 600 540 HM19 TLC & DLC 190 170 HM39 TLC (Total Leucocyte Count) 110 99 SE210 Torch IgG & IgM Evaluation Panel 2500 2250 SE211 Torch IgG Antibodies 1300 1170 SE212 Torch IgM Antibodies 1300 1170 BC49 Total Cholesterol 120 108 BC50 Total Protein 130 117 BC51 Total Protein & Albumin/Globulin (A/G) Ratio 120 108 CL121 Total T3 (Triiodothyronine) 200 180 CL122 Total T4 (Thyroxine) 200 180 BC52 Triglycerides 200 180 CL123 Triple Marker Test 2700 2430 CL124 Troponin I, Rapid Card 1600 1440 BC53 Troponin T, Rapid Card 780 700 SE252 Typhidot IgG & IgM, Rapid Card 500 450 SE11 Typhidot IgM Rapid Card 350 315 BC54 Urea Nitrogen, 24 Hrs Urine 120 108 BC55 Uric Acid 110 99 BC56 Uric Acid, 24 Hrs Urine 140 125 CP11 Urine Bile Salt & Bile Pigments 50 45 BC413 Urine Calcium & Creatinine Ratio 350 315 CP12 Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT) 150 135 CP13 Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination 70 63 SE12 VDRL 100 90 SE13 VDRL, CSF 100 90 SE232 Viral Markers (HIV, HBsAg, HCV), Rapid Card 700 630 CL131 Vitamin B12 1050 945 CL51 Vitamin Check (Vit D, Vit B12, TSH) 1700 1530 CL132 Vitamin D 25 - Hydroxy 1200 1080 SE14 Widal 130 117 | [email protected] +91 -7529920063 Specialized Tests Test Code Test Name MRP Offer CL01 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D 3200 2880 CG01 14Q Rearrangement Blood (ALL, NHL) 4300 3870 CL02 17-Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone 1300 1170 BC344 17-Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone (Neonatal Screen) 250 225 CL03 17-Ketosteroids, Urine 5700 5130 CG02 1P/19Q 9000 8100 SE15 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA)Urine 24hrs 3500 3150 BC57 Acetone, Serum 1500 1350 BC58 Acetone, Urine (Qualitative) 700 630 CL04 Acetylcholine Receptor (ACHR) Antibody 2170 1950 BC400 Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Antibodies 9900 8900 BC401 Acetylcholine Receptor ModulatingAntibodies 13200 11800 BC59 Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic) 330 297 CO04 Activated Protein C Resistance (APCR) 3900 3500 CL05 Active Vitamin B12 (Holotranscobalmin) 1600 1440 MB01 ACTN3 Genotyping (Sports Gene) 4800 4300 Acute Hepatitis Marker Profile PL77 2700 (HAV IgM, HBsAg, HBc IgM,

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