- ' The New~rk Post VOLUME XIX NEWARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1928 NUMBER 25 Townsend Does Not Local Broadcasters Red Men's Home n.eg i s t e~ Saturday - Aetna Carnival Prizes Will Include Want Candidacy For At 8 :30 daylight time, tomor­ row night, S, Kennedy F ell and Coming This Saturday The first Registmtion Day wi ll Mrs, Franklin Springer will broad­ be t hi s S:l1turday, July 21. Regis­ Complete Furnishings For Model Home . h'11tion oHic- eK in t he t hree local United States Senator cast musical selections from the . districts will be the Deer Park studio of Station WDEL, in the All Tribes And Councils Invited; Awards Comprise Furniture For Every Room In House, As Well As du Pont-Biltmore, Wilmington, Mr, Hctel, the Washington House and Former Governor Surprises Follow· F ell will 's ing s ix selections and Big Program Of Sports ul'l'inder's store, Christiana, The Radio, Household Wares, Rugs, Lamps And Groceries; Ml'S, Springer wi ll play several Arranged hours will be from 8 :00 a . m. to ers Saturday ; May Clear piano solos, 7:00 p. m., standard time, with an Big Prize A Hupmobile Eight Sedan Situation intermission from 12 :00 to 1 :00. The committee representing the There will be two more subsequent Registration Days, August 25 and The Newark frromen, providers of tribes and councils, Improved Ol'de l' Na. t Grange Lea der co nstant protection fo r tho homes of DR. BALL A • CANDIDATE Give Scout Camp Site of Reel Men, met inthe office of the October 20. I N ~ \Vark ~ n d the sUI'I'ounding co untry, Great Co uncil of Delaware last Sat­ Fal'mers' Day Spea ker wtll prOV id e co mplete fU l'l1i s hin g ~ 10r - As Memorial To Son urday and made final arrangements M iss Eleanor E. Fader _ , a home through their Carnival which '['he fi rst big 'urpl'ise in Republi­ for the home-coming and fi eld day opens July 27 and closes August 4. ran politics in Delaware was sprung at t he Red Men's Home next Satur­ S dd Senator And Mrs'. '1'. du Pont U en Iy P asses A way Louis J. Tab ~'i' Will Address Cecil Furniture for every pa l·t of the ,'lItu rday, when former Governor John c. day afternoon. In case of rain t he I house wi ll be given away Oil the cIos­ G. Townsend, Jr., of Selbyville, an­ Give Camp Rodney To Boy event wi ll be postponed until the The co mmunity of N ewark was Farmers At Tome ; New Cast e j ~ng ni ght, as h ~ndso m e bedroom, li v- nuunced t hat he wa not a candidate next clear Saturday. Sports will be greatly shocked last week, to heal' of Farmers Welcome In g l'oo m and ,ch nrng room sui tes are 101' L' nited States Scnator. MI'. TOWll­ Scouts; Comprises 944 as f ollows: the sudden death, Thursday, of Mi ss among the big pl'lzes. There will s~lId has been co nceded a good chance Potato, wheelbal'l'ow, co mbination E leanor Elizabeth Fad61.· while away al so be a rug and a variety of lamps fo r t.hi s candidacy and had a strong ' Acres Of Ground and sack race, tug of war, 50-yard on a vis it with her sister, Mrs. Edwin It isn't often that an organi zation awm'ded to lucky patrons during the following. However, the announce- dash for men, 50-yard dash for 'fhompson, in Warren, Ohio. Mi ss is fortunate enough to be able to se­ Cal'l1iva l. F rom the rec reational side, llJ(nl may clarify the general situa- A simple, but very impres ive cere­ women, fat men's race, f at women's Fadel' was one of t he most attractive curo the head of a Nat ional Ol'gan­ an elect. ric radio set wi ll be oO'ered lion and engender f urther harmony mony ma rl<cd the dedicat ion of Camp race, 25-yard dash for children under and popular young women of New- ization as speaker for their meeting. for the benefit of the Newark a mbu ­ in the state party. Rodney, Wilmington Council, Boy 8 years of age, 50-yard dash for ark and the news of hel' death was a It is unusually less f requent that t hat lance, and t he bi g award of the Car­ Wit. h Town. end in t he fi eld for the Scouts of America, at North East children between 8 and 12 years of stunning blow to her many friends. man combines with hi s high office, n ival "'ill be a Humpmobile traight ~nato r s hip, S ussex County has been R iver, Ma ryland, on Saturday. The age, pie-eating contest. She was taken suddenly ill with in- the r eputation of being one of the E ight sedan. Household wa rc, gro­ back ing call( idates for Senator, Co n- deed to the camp wa. presented to Prize wi ll be awarded for earh testinal para lysis and died whi le she most forceful and able agricultural ceries and other u 'eful articles foy' grt'ss and Governor. MI'. Townsend's t he Boy Scouts by Senator and Mrs. event. Money has been donated by was being given a transfusion of speaker s in the entire country today. the home wi ll be presented in quan­ annou ncement that he is not a candi- T. Co lcman du Pont in memory of the tl'ibes and councils to purchase blood from her brother-i n-law, Edwin Such a man, however , is Louis J. tities every night of the affair. dde may cla rify the situation so me- their so n, E leuthere Irenee du Pont, prizes and provide entertainment, and Thompson. Her brothel', Frank, and Taber, of Columbus, Ohio, who has Chi ef Elliso n r eports t hat all the whal and may result in a New Castle who had been a Boy Scout. Frank F. also by individua,I s, including a box hel' istel', Winifred, went immedi- accepted the invitation of the Cecil Cal'l1i val supplies have been pur­ ounty man being nominated for du Pont, a brothel' of Eleuthere, un­ of candy by C. B, White, of Newport; ately to Wan'en on being notifi ed of Co unty Council to address the chased and that evera l new games enat.o r, a Sussex man being nomi- veil ed the bronze memorial tablet, and a box of razor blades by N. G. her illness, and were wi th her when fi fteenth annual Ceci l County Farm­ will be in. tail ed to assist ill the dis­ nated fo r Governor a nd Congressman which was inlaid in a rock. Ma rvel, of Stanton, a nd otners to be she di ed. ers' Day at Tome Institute, Port De- posal of prizes. Robe r· t G. Houston being nominated J ohn P. Nield s presented t he deed a nnounced. Mi ss Fadel' was the daughter of posit, on Saturday, August 18th. The Carnival will prov ide special for a third term. to J . Eclgar Rhodes, president of the Sports w ill commence at 2:30 p.l m. Gotleib and Mary Fadel', both de- MI'. Taber , who co mes to the meet­ band or orchestral music each night, In thi s connection the ' names of Wilmington Council of Scouts. Gov­ standm'd time. T he entertainment ceascd, and was born arId had spent ing as National Mastel' of the and will have twp special nights with Ircnee du P ont, R. R. M. Carpenter, ernor Robert P . Robinson, of Dela­ wi ll f oll ow. all her life in Newark. She was the Grangc, is recognized to be ono of big parades. Tuesday, July 31, will Judge Daniel O. Hastings, former ware, and James E. W est, chief ex­ The Orphans' Board will have the youngest of eight sisters. Mi ss Fader t he most able agricultural leaders in be American Legion Night, and a ,enator L. Heisler Ball and former ecutive of the Boy Scouts of America, little ones under their care present to was educated in t he Newark schools t he entire United States today and perce ntage of the proceed of that ongressman Will iam H. H eald are made addresses. 40 0 Wilmington enjoy t he occasion. and at Women's College, U niversity a speaker of t he highest ability. He even ing will be given to the Newark mentio ned as possible candidates for Scouts took part in the exercises. All members of the tribes and coun­ of Delaware. comes to Farmers' Day fresh from P o~t of the American Legion. The se nator. The tract given by the du Ponts in- cils are invited to be present and to Funeml services we're held Monday the annual meeting of t he Maryland local po st has planned a parade that Should a New Castle County man cludes 944 acres of land, only about bring their f riends. Bring lunch, or afternoon at 2 O'c lock, standard time, State Grange, which is being held at evening of Legion posts a nd bands be decided on for senator, it would 15 pel' cent of which is clear ed. The same can be purchased on the at her late home on Main street.
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