n._ 2 t70 1938 F D, HAVERFORD. NEWS VOLUME 29—NUMBER 22 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1938 2627 $2.00 A YEAR Felix Morley Will I Record Editor Cap And Bells Club Prom Chairman Gymnasium Made Deliver Address To Present Play `Colonial Mansion' At Commencement And Dance Friday For Junior Proni Editor Of "Washington Plan Original Costumes Dancing From 9 To 2; Post," Won Rhodes For "The Importance Refreshments In Scholarship Of Being Earnest" Smith Garden Is Renowned Author Clyde Emerson To Play Tickets On Sale Friday Mr. Felix.Morley, '16, editor of Dresses actually worn by Bryn A Gymnasium decorated to create the Washington Post,. will deliver Mawr students in the Gay Nineties an atmosphere of the romantic Old the annual commencement address, will be worn by the girls in the Cap South will be the setting fox Isharn it has been disclosed by the Pres- and Bells' "The Importance of Be- Jones' fourteen piece "name ' ident's office. Mr. Morley shared ing Earnest" on Friday night, said band" when it plays at the Junior the Pulitzer prize for editorial W. H. Clark, Jr., '38, vice president Prom, May 6. writing in 1936. He has been as- of the Club. "Excellent," was his Professional decorators will sociated with the Brookings Insti- additional comment on the condi- turn the bare walls of the Gym- tution for some years, and has euh- tion of the play as it nears its first nasium into the garden walls of a Class of '39 elects M. A. Web- performance this week. liahed books both on labor and in- ster chief of year book. plantation house. The orchestra, ternational relations. He is known The wasp-waisted, bell-shaped playing at its first engagement on as an excellent speaker. dresses which will be worn by fe- leaving the Blue Room of the Ho- Mr. Morley was born on the Hav- male members of the play cast on tel Lincoln in New York, will sit erford campus, the son of the late Friday night were dug out of moth on the steps of the mansion's por- Professor Frank Morley, who left Elect Webster, '39 balls at Bryn Mawr, said Clark. tico, and the dance floor itself will England to teach Mathematics for They were given to the College by Steiger heads committee bring- be the garden. a number of years at Haverford old students for a pegeant on the ing laham Jones for Haver. Refreshments be served at College. He was the-President of Editor Of Record 50th anniversary of its founding ford's Junior Prom of 1938. twelve in the Library Garden, the College Association, and he which was celebrated a few years which will be cleverly lighted in a took final honors in &welsh. Later ago. Wilde's play is essentially new motif by professionals. The he became a Rhodes Scholar at Jaquette Is Business Mid-Victorian, and, although it was dance, v4haiveoh New College, Oxford, as did his first decided to give the play with ttiveiHaptroftr= 9chg older brother, Christopher Morley, Manager; Appoint modern costumes, this "find" from Glee Club To Sing ces, eight before the twelve o'clock and his younger brother, Frank V- Other Positions Bryn Mawr will give the play a onRadio saturd intermission and four after. T. B. Morley, now a publisher in Oats- considerably better atmosphere. ay -Steiger, '39, chairman of the land. In this respect the Morley M. A. Webster, Jr., '39, was Six program dances nave been j Dance Committee, urges everyone family, all Haverford graduates, elected Editor of the 1939 Record planed for the dance which is to be not to come late, since there will are no far unique. board Friday by the Junior Class. held in the Gym after the play, at be a receiving line and the pro- His career in journalism he be- J. J. Jacquette, '39, was appointed which Clyde Emerson will play. Bird Finishes Excellent grams will start at 9.30 promptly. gan on the Philadelphia Public Business Manager by the class Ex- Tickets for the play are obtainable Tickets Sale at 70 North Barclay. Prices are Season; New Leader 0" Ledger. He soon occupied report- ecutive Committee Sunday. Tickets for the Prom will go on ing positions in Washington, and $1.25 and $1.00 depending upon lo- Webster is a Managing Editor cation, with 25e reductions to stud- To. Be Elected sale Friday at $6.00 per couple. was for seven yearn on the Editor- of the News and a member of the Arrangements for tickets should ial -Staff of the Baltimore Sun. He Executive Conentittee of hie class. Broadcasting overstation WALT be made as soon as possible since became a correspondent in the Far Mr. McKinley, of the Wayne He played varsity soccer in his t he num be will be limited. East, and wrote a' book on his ex- Footlight ands, has done excellent on Saturday the Glee Club well pre- Concess howwill to tho Sophomore year and has been ions made to those periences there, predicting in 1928 elected captain of the basketball week, and the play is in fine shape, sent its last program of the year. who cannot pay in full at time of that Japanese power was in Man- team for next year, Secretary of according to Clack. Tryouts for next year's student sale. churia to stay. He became a Gen- Cog. on Page 8, Col. 2 leader will be held tomorrow night Acting as patronesses will be eva correspondent, and later the the Varsity Club, he is also a mem- ber of the Golf team. He prepar- in Union during the rehearsal for Mrs. W. W. Comfort, Mrs. H. Tat- director' of the Geneva office of the ed for Haverford at Germantown nail Brown, Mrs. Roy E. Randall, League of Nations Association of the broadcast. Mrs. William A. Reitzel, and Mrs. the United States. Here again he Friends' School.. Wilson, '10, Gives Talk An economics major, Jacquette The broadcast on Satuarday will Seth G. Steiger. Co-Mead en Psge s col. 3 played Jayvee soccer and is a mem- On Democracy In Radio occupy 15 minutes and will start Members of the Prom Commit- ber of the Glee Club. He will be "Town Mall" Broadcast at 12:15 P. M. "Bob" Bird, ,38, tee are Steiger, R. L. Balderston, assisted in his -work on the Record C. S. Bushnell, Jr., M. A. Webster, ImportantPhoto Exhibit Student director, will wind up one Jr.,- C. F. Miller, II, and L. H. Sim- by H. W. Phillips, '39, who has been John French Wilson, '10, Presi- of the Club's most successful sea- ens, Jr. appointed assistant Business Man- Shown At Camera Club dent of the Haverford Society of Sena leading selection from the ager. Cleveland, was first speaker on the variou programs which have been On May 2, the Camera Club will Fill Other roaillotte nationwide broadcast of the Town Clyde Emerson Featured hold its last meeting of the year. Hall Meeting of the Air, from given this year. The program will Various editorial positions on the include the regular group of sac- In Cotillion Club Dance Election of officers will be held for Record will be filled by the follow- New York last Thursday. This the coining year, and a group of honor was the result of his winn- red songs as well as "The Seren- ing: A. H. Albert and S. K, Coff- ing a National Essay Contest on aders" and other light songs. 48 prize-winning photographs will man, Jr., (Sports); H. P. Thomas, his orchestra, Sol Ebersol and his be exhibited and discussed. These the subject, "What Does Democ- Conductors Try Oat Jr., and N. H. Evans, (Photog- racy Mean?" The topic of the rabbit, and Jim George and his pictures, taken from those printed raphy); S. C. Withers, Jr., L. C. Candidates for next year's con- jamsters, the Spring Dance of the in the Zeiss monthly magazine, are -radio debate was "Is Public Opin- Lewis, Jr., and J. M. Tinnon (Lit- ion controlled by Propaganda ?" doctor will try out tomorrow night Cotillion Club rolled smoothly the first group of photographs to erary). All the above members of by leading the Club in one of the along from nine till one in the be circulated thus by the Zeiss com- A dinner was held at 7.30, and the Record Board are in the Class during the broadcast 100 seats songs in this year's repertoire, The ballroom of the Marion Cricket pany, and are having their maiden of 1938. Club, exhibition before the Haverford were reserved for members of Han- members will vote on the candi- Saturday. Contracts will be signed with the erford Society of New York. The dates and the vote will serve as a that (whiles divorionogriotrhde intermission Camera Club, in Bilks Labora- photographers and printers before tory. This fact lends considerable other speakers for the debate wererecommendation recommendation to the electing the end of the year, according to John P. Flynn, economist and finan- committee composed of Bird, the atm. ex-students, and alumni (one stige La the Camera Club, which Webster. In 1930 a three year con- eial writer, Frank R. Kent, vice- present leader; W. H. Clark, '38, of each) put their fingers to work Pre only been organized this year tract was signed with a firm of en- president of the Baltimore Sun student president of Cap and Bells; in the jam, drawing much atten- by its president, H. P. Thomas, Jr., '39. gravers, so that the 1939 Record and Professor Hadley Cantrill, and two alumni.
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