Latin America and the Caribbean Driving Change An Interview with Susana Malcorra, Dean of the IE School of Global and Public Affairs and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship for the Republic of Argentina EDITORS’ NOTE Susana What interested you in public ser- in politics in my country. I feel that there are Malcorra’s most recent position vice and being a part of the gov- things we did which had a real impact. We were was as Minister of Foreign Affairs ernment in Argentina? able to put Argentina back into recognition by and Worship of the Argentine I should start by saying that the the world and brought the voice of Argentina Republic from December 2015 to offer came as a surprise to me. The throughout the world. You always wish you June 2017. She took the job after candidate at the time called me to say had done more, such as my conviction to bring more than eleven years of experi- that he was considering me for the Argentina closer to Africa which I still believe ence in the United Nations. From position and while it was not some- is very important, as well as the Arab world, April 2012 to December 2015, she thing that was in my mind, the min- which we made progress in doing but need was the Chef de Cabinet (Chief of ute he said it, it shook me. Having the to do more. I was able to achieve what I had Staff) of the Secretary-General, honor to serve your country and to wanted in the short period of time that I was Ban Ki-moon. Previously, she led represent your country to the world is in the role. the Department of Field Support Susana Malcorra one of the highest honors you could You have a deep understanding of the (DFS) for Peace Missions, based have. I felt that I could make an impact United Nations. Do you feel that the UN has in New York, as Under-Secretary General of based on my experience in the private sector been effective at evolving to meet the chal- the United Nations. In 2004, she joined the and at the United Nations with my understand- lenges the world is facing? World Food Programme (WFP) in Rome as ing of the world from that perspective. I felt that The UN needs to constantly evolve as an Assistant Secretary General and Chief I could contribute from an angle where I could the world evolves. Every institution needs to Operating Offi cer (COO). Before starting in the add value and make a difference which led me adjust to the changing landscape in order to United Nations, she had almost 25 years in the to say yes. survive. The UN is many things – fi rst of all, it private sector. From January 1993, she worked Were you able to make the changes is a constellation of member states. The UN is in Telecom Argentina, retiring in 2002 as the and create the impact that you had hoped 193 member states coming together around the Chief Executive Offi cer. She started her profes- during your time as Minister? General Assembly. People need to understand sional development in IBM Argentina, joining I had moved from the private sector to the that the UN is a very complex architecture that shortly after obtaining an Engineering degree United Nations which is a very complex system was established after World War II to avoid a from the University of Rosario. She is an active and I had learned the need for adaptation and reoccurrence of that war. With this as its frame- international speaker and member of the leveraging your capacities and experiences to work, one could argue that so far so good. The board of multiple public and private institu- adjust to a new environment. You have to fi nd UN is also the security council which is 15 mem- tions. Malcorra has been awarded the Gran and create ways to bring about change, but also ber states of which fi ve have veto power. The Cruz de Mérito Militar con distintivo blanco recognize where you are starting from in that structure of the security council was established (Kingdom of Spain), 2011; United Nations process. Nobody has a magic wand that will during a time which is very different than today. Foundation, Global Leadership Award, solve all problems. This was my fi rst time serv- The UN is also the Secretary-General who has 2011; Cóndor de los Andes en Gran Cruz ing in a position in government in my country convening authority, but can only go so far since (Plurinational State of Bolivia), 2016; Gran and it was the fi rst time for me to be involved the member states are there to set the tone. The Cruz de la Real Orden de Isabel la Católica (Kingdom of Spain), 2016; Orden al Mérito Cavalieri di Gran Croce (Italian Republic), 2017; Induction to the International Hall of Fame, International Women’s Forum (IWF), 2017; and the Orden de Bernardo O’Higgins (Republic of Chile), 2018. She is a found- ing member of the Argentine Chapter of the “The UN needs to constantly evolve as the world International Women’s Forum, honorary member of the Association of French- Argentinian Women, and a member of the evolves. Every institution needs to adjust to Aspen Ministers Forum of the Aspen Institute, Atlantic Council – Adrienne Arsht Latin the changing landscape in order to survive.” America Center, Kofi Annan Foundation, Brookings Foreign Policy Leadership Council, and Global Future Council on Geopolitics of the World Economic Forum. She sits on the boards of Inter-American Dialogue, Kofi Annan Foundation, International Crisis Group, and Fundación Euroamerica. 190 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2021 LEADERS MAGAZINE, LLC VOLUME 44, NUMBER 2 Latin America and the Caribbean “I had been in the private sector for 25 years, then at the United Nations, Driving Change and then served in government and I did not plan for any of these roles. These unexpected opportunities helped me discover a new person in me and new things that I could do where I could make an impact.” An Interview with Susana Malcorra, Dean of the IE School of Global and Public Affairs and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship for the Republic of Argentina EDITORS’ NOTE Susana What interested you in public ser- in politics in my country. I feel that there are UN has a critical role to play in the world and need for the international fi nancial institutions There is much debate around the Malcorra’s most recent position vice and being a part of the gov- things we did which had a real impact. We were is doing important work in refugee countries, to fi nd ways to address the needs of the middle- world about gender equity. As a leading was as Minister of Foreign Affairs ernment in Argentina? able to put Argentina back into recognition by addressing human rights, gender issues, envi- income countries in order to create opportuni- woman who has held senior roles in busi- and Worship of the Argentine I should start by saying that the the world and brought the voice of Argentina ronmental concerns and much more. I think ties for the future. ness, government and education, do you Republic from December 2015 to offer came as a surprise to me. The throughout the world. You always wish you the UN needs to continue to transform itself to What attracted you to the academic feel that progress has been made in pro- June 2017. She took the job after candidate at the time called me to say had done more, such as my conviction to bring adjust to the 21st century and that relates to all world and to your current role? viding opportunities for women? more than eleven years of experi- that he was considering me for the Argentina closer to Africa which I still believe of the pieces of the UN. I had been in the private sector for 25 Women need to fi ght for these opportu- ence in the United Nations. From position and while it was not some- is very important, as well as the Arab world, How concerned are you about the years, then at the United Nations, and then nities. I do not believe that the opportunities April 2012 to December 2015, she thing that was in my mind, the min- which we made progress in doing but need impact of the pandemic in Latin America served in government and I did not plan for any are there at the level that they should be. For was the Chef de Cabinet (Chief of ute he said it, it shook me. Having the to do more. I was able to achieve what I had and what are the keys to recovery for the of these roles. These unexpected opportunities me, it is not a matter of justice or a matter of Staff) of the Secretary-General, honor to serve your country and to wanted in the short period of time that I was region? helped me discover a new person in me and what is right, which it is – it is really a mat- Ban Ki-moon. Previously, she led represent your country to the world is in the role. I am very concerned. When you look at the new things that I could do where I could make ter of making economic sense. Having half of the Department of Field Support Susana Malcorra one of the highest honors you could You have a deep understanding of the impact in the region, it is disproportionate to the an impact.
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