IAWA Journal, Vol. 18 (3),1997: 247-259 WOOD ANATOMY OF SOME ANAUERIA AND BEILSCHMIEDIA SPECIES (LAURACEAE) 1 by Catia H. Callado & Cecilia G. Costa Anatomy Sector, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, Rua Jardim Botänico, 1008 Jardim Botänico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ / CEP 22400-000, Brazil SUMMARY The wood anatomy of the species Anaueria brasiliensis Kosterm., Beilschmiedia emarginata (Meissn.) Kosterm., B. rigida (Mez) Kosterm. and B. taubertiana (Schw. et Mez) Kosterm. (Lauraceae) is described. The taxonomy and ecology of these species, important components of the Amazonian forest or Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil, are discussed as related to wood anatomy. The main anatomical differences are: presence, type, arrangement and location of inorganic inclusions and secretory cells, and the arrangement of the axial parenchyma. Key words: Wood anatomy,Anaueria. Beilschmiedia, Lauraceae, taxon­ omy, ecology. INTRODUCTION Anaueria Kosterm. is amonotypic genus, with the single speciesA. brasiliensis Kosterm. (Kostermans 1938; Van der Werff 1991).1t was once (1957) included in Beilschmiedia by Kostermans, but is anatomically closer to Mezilaurus Taubert (Rohwer 1993). The genus Beilschmiedia Nees consists of about 250 species and is found through­ out the tropics (Rohwer 1993); six species occur in the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil: Beilschmiedia angustifolia. B. emarginata. B. fluminensis. B. rigida. B. stricta and B. taubertiana. Three of these species were examined in this study. They were selected on the basis of availability of botanical material, whether fresh from the forest or through the exchange of wood sampies from collections in Brazil. Beilschmiedia rigida (Mez) Kosterm. and B. taubertiana (Schw. et Mez) Kosterm. are among the most important tree species at the Macae de Cima Munü;:ipal Ecological Reserve and the Parafso State Ecological Station (Relat6rio Tecnico do Programa Mata Atläntica do Jardim Botänico do Rio de Janeiro 1990). Beilschmiedia emarginata (Meissn.) Kosterm. is very similar morphologically to B. rigida, thus making species identifica­ tion difficult. Anaueria brasiliensis and the three Beilschmiedia species are important compo­ nents of two of the most endangered Brazilian ecosystems and are very difficult to identify. 1) Part of the first author' s MSc thesis. Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access 248 IAWA Journal, Vol. 18 (3), 1997 This study is part of aseries on the anatomy of the most important Atlantic forest plant families (Plant Anatomy Project, Atlantic Forest Program, Rio de Janeiro Bo­ tanical Garden). MATERIALS AND METHODS Characteristics of the individual plants used in the study are given in Table 1. Wood sampies were treated as recommended in Coradin and Mufiiz (1991), using techniques appropriate for the study of wood anatomy (lAWA Commitee 1989; Burger & Richter 1991). Generally, classification, measurements and counts of cell elements, as well as termino10gy, follow the recommendations of the JAWA Committee (1989) and Coradin and Mufiiz (1991). Description of si1ica bodies and prismatic crystals is based on Rich­ ter (1980); silica bodies were subjected to X-ray microanalysis (Wi1cox 1994). Lengths of oil/ mucilage cells were measured on radial or tangential longitudinal sections, or on dissociated material. Table 1. Tree measurements and characteristics of the wood and collection site of each tree sampled. Q 0 o '.:;::: a ... ü ü .~ ., .~ ~ g g 0 Q " ~= '"0 0 ]' ., ....," ü0 ~§ .E ~ 'B G .,"0 0 Q E .~ ..!l § '"o 0 ~ "0 § '§ 11 .~ ~ ..c: 11 ü ., ~ ~- .~ <=I Q 1;l~ ~ lZl ., e on <=I • '+< ., ~ 0'" ., .. -d '§ § ... ~ Cl'" §'" ... @ ~ '" 0 .~ a ... - ';:::l o 0 Q ..... 'E: ., ~ " ü lS" o Q Q 0 ~ '" " ., E- ... 0 a <=1- E ~ ~~ .g "<=I .-f3 'B ~ §8 ,,~ o '" '" Q ~ ::l '" ",..c: '"B Q '" :i§ § 0, 11 '" ., "..c: '" '" ~ 0 ::a " '" ~ "" 11 Species ~~ Ci ~:r: u ~ ~ ~., ~1Zl Anaueria brasiliensis 6843 45 H Barreirinha-AM 150 25 0 2500 S brasiliensis 7324 61 H Tefe-AM 150 25 0 2500 S Beilschmiedia emarginata 7347 86 H S. da Cantareira-SP 750 20 0 1300 M rigida 7277 39 H N. Friburgo-RJ 1100 18 0 1750 M rigida 7298 63 S N. Friburgo-RJ 1100 18 0 1750 M rigida 7266 29 S N. Friburgo-RJ 1100 18 0 1750 M rigida 7300 30 H N. Friburgo-RJ 1100 18 0 1750 M taube rtiana 7297 26 S Mage-RJ 650 21 0 2250 M Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access Callado & Costa - Anatomy of Anaueria and Beilschmiedia 249 RESULTS Anaueria brasiliensis Kosterm. (Fig. 1-7). Synonym: Beilschmiedia brasiliensis (Kosterm.) Kosterm. Common names: Anaueni, Louro Anaueni Branco, Anoeni-ferro. Anatomical descriptions: Growth rings: indistinct (Fig. 1). Vessels: wood diffuse-porous (Fig.l); (6-)8(-10) vessels/mm2; solitary (77%), ra­ dial multiples of 2 (22%) or clusters of 3-4 (1 %); circular to oval outline; element length (396-)646( -835) JlIll; tangential diameter (101-) 130(-152) JlIll; mean wall thick­ ness 4 11m; end walls oblique (30°); exclusively simple perforation plates; large, alter­ nate and circular to polygonal intervessel pits; reduced borders, elongate horizontally and diagonally vessel-ray pits, similar to the vessel-axial parenchyma pits (Fig. 4); tyloses present. Libriform fibres: length (1131-)1521(-1920) 11m; tangential diameter (16-)25 (-33) JlIll; lumina (8-)13(-21) JlIll; thin- to thick-walled; minutely bordered pits, mainly confined to the radial walls; gelatinous fibres present (Fig. 3). Axial parenchyma: paratracheal unilateral (Fig. 1), aliform and confluent, uniting the vessels diagonally, but never forrning concentric bands (Fig. 1); strands of 3-8 cells, (399-)627(-847) JlIll. Rays: (5 -)7 (-8) / mm; uniseriate composed of square to upright cells, 1-7 cells high, (54-)161(-357) 11m (Fig. 2) and multiseriate, 2-3 cells wide, (15-)24(-41) 11m (Fig. 2), composed entirely of procumbent cells, or with the body of procumbent cells with 1 (or 2) marginal rows of square or upright cells (Fig. 5), sometimes only at one end; height (186-)375(-603) JlIll; rough silica grains present (Fig. 6 & 7). Oil/mucilage cells: associated with axial parenchyma, length (125-)198(-271) 11m (Fig. 1 & 5). ~ Fig. 1-5. Anaueria brasiliensis - 1: Transverse section: diffuse-porous; solitary vessels (*), radial multiple of two elements (*); oil/mucilage cells (arrow). Scale bar = 330 iJIll. - 2: Tangential section: vessel elements with slightly oblique end walls (*); uniseriate rays (thin arrow); biseriate rays (thick arrow) and series ofaxial parenchyma (*). Scale bar = 330 iJIll. - 3: Transverse section: detail of gelatinous fibres (thick arrow). Scale bar = 10 iJIll. - 4: Tangential section: detail of strand axial parenchyma (*), vessels parenchyma pits evident (thin arrow). Scale bar = 130 iJIll. - 5. Radial section: rays with square marginal cells (thin arrow) and detail of oil/ mucilage cell in longitudinal section (thick arrow). Scale bar = 130 iJIll. ~~ Fig. 6 & 7. Anaueria brasiliensis, silica bodies in ray cells. - 6: In optical microscope (thick arrow). Scale bar = 10 iJIll. - 7: In scanning electron microscope (*), detail of ray pits (thick ar­ row). Scale bar = 7.5 iJIll. - Fig. 8-10. Beilschmiedia emarginata. - 8: Transverse section: growth ring bounded by marginal parenchyma (black arrow) and axial parenchyma aliform (white arrow). Scale bar = 330 iJIll. - 9: Dissociated vessel element: simple perforation plates and short appendices (thick arrow). Scale bar =75 iJIll. - 10: Tangential seetion: uniseriate rays (thick arrow) and multiseriate rays (ti). Scale bar = 330 iJIll. Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access 250 IAWA Journal, Vol. 18 (3), 1997 For legend, see page 249. Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access Callado & Costa - Anatomy of Anaueria and Beilschmiedia 251 For legend, see page 249. Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access 6: 252 IAWA Journal, Vol. 1800 (3),1997 Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 06:20:25PM via free access Callado & Costa - Anatomy of Anaueria and Beilsehmiedia 253 Beilschmiedia emarginata (Meissn.) Kosterm. (Fig. 8 -10) Synonyms: Hufelandia emarginata (Meissn.) Mez; Cryptocarya emarginata Meissn. Anatomical descriptions: Growth rings: distinct, marked by marginal parenchyma bands, reduced diameter and increased wall thickness of latewood vessels (Fig. 8). Vessels: wood diffuse-porous (Fig. 8); (3-)4(-5) vessels/mm2; solitary (61 %), ra­ dial multiples of 2-3 (37%) or clusters of 3-4 (2%); circular to oval outline; element length (330-)453(-529) 11m; tangential diameter (122-)143(-162) /lffi; mean wall thickness 311m; end walls oblique (31°); exclusively simple perforation plates (Fig. 9); large, alternate and circular to polygonal intervessel pits; bordered, elongate hori­ zontally and diagonally vessel-ray pits, similar to the vessel-parenchyma pits; tyloses present. Libriformfibres: length (1247-)1542(-1873) /lffi; tangential diameter (24-)30(-39) /lffi; lumina (13-)19(-27) 11m; thin-walled; minutelybordered pits, mainly confined to the radial walls. Axial parenchyma: paratracheal vasicentric, aliform (Fig. 8), confluent and bands of 2-4 cells wide, marginal parenchyma bands up to 5-8 cells (Fig. 8); strands of 2-4 cells, (335-)429(-561) /lffi. Rays: (4-)6(-8)/mm; uniseriate composed of square to upright cells (Fig. 10), 1-5 cells high, (54-)133(-326) 11m, and multiseriate, 2-4 cells wide, (24-)48(-74) 11m (Fig. 10), composed entirely of procumbent cells, or with the body of procumbent cells with one marginal row of square or upright cells, sometimes only at one end; height (143-)303(-462) /lffi. Beilschmiedia rigida (Mez) Kosterm. (Fig. 11-14) Synonym: Hufelandia rigida Mez ex Taubert. Common name: Canela tapinha. Anatomical descriptions: Growth rings: distinct, marked by marginal parenchyma bands, reduced diameter and increased wall thickness oflatewood vessels (Fig. 13). Fig. 11-14. Beilschmiedia rigida. - 11: Tangential seetion: detail of pits to parenehyma eells (arrow). Seale bar = 75 ~. - 12: Tangential seetion: detail of oil/mueilage eell in longitudinal seetion (arrow) and multiseriate ray. Seale bar = 75 ~. - 13: Transverse seetion: growth ring bounded by marginal parenehyma (*); axial parenehyma aliform (thick arrow).
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