Welcome to this week’s edition of the Knight Frank Town Planning update, a snapshot of the planning news for Canberra and surrounding NSW (Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and Yass Valley Council). ACT Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pubnote 28 Lowanna Street (B27 S5) Braddon DA202037012 AMENDMENT (S144D) TO DA202037012 (MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT-LEASE VARIATION) STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION. Proposed amendment includes building footprint reduced, increase south and east boundary setbacks, reduce total number of units to 5, changes to basement layout, changes to driveway and basement access layout, changes to the verge crossing and associated works. 1 Cape Street (B19 S32) Dickson DA202138562 DEMOLITION. Proposed demolition of both four storey buildings, walkway, landscaping and basement; removal of trees, disconnecting and capping existing services and associated works. 63 Dooring Street (B3 S12) Dickson DA202138476 PUBLIC WORKS. Proposed upgrade to existing electrical supply services and installation of new underground 11kV electrical conduits, cables, service pits and associated works. 77 Yamba Drive (B1 S58) Garran DA202138534 HOSPITAL – ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS. Proposed construction of new nine storey critical health services building; closure and reconfiguration of Hospital Road, reconfiguration of existing emergency drop-off on Yamba Drive; construction of at-grade carparking, bridge and tunnel connections to existing hospital building; erection of a satellite port, signage, basement and plant room, driveways, new helipad facilities on roof, landscaping and associated works. Block 792 Gungahlin DA202138619 ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Proposed Kenny Estate proposal for the creation of 1 community facility block for the future East Gungahlin High School, utility services, infrastructure, stormwater floodway and associated works. Proposal also includes ongoing provisions for the block to be incorporated into the future Precinct Map and Code. Block 1 Section 38 Strathnairn DA202138422 MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 3 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed construction of 3 new two storey dwellings, detached studio, carparking and associated works. Pre-DA Community Consultations Further information can be obtained from: https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pre-da-consultations 52 Leichhardt Street (B2 S23) Griffith 27 April – 11 May Urban renewal project. 2021 John Gorton Drive & Calaby Street (B1 S59) 22 April – 19 May Multi-Unit Development: 3 buildings consisting of Block A: 6 x 3 bedroom Coombs 2021 two storey townhouses with attached double garage; Block B: 4 x 3 bedroom two storey townhouses with attached double garages and Block C: 40 x 2 bedroom apartments across five storeys. 1 Binara Street (B21 S65) City 21 April – 20 May Holiday Inn Express Canberra. 2021 John Gorton Drive & Summerfield Close (B2 6 May – 20 May BLVD Denman Prospect. & 10 S75) Denman 2021 Randwick Road (B9 S69) Lyneham 10 – 28 May 2021 Thoroughbred Park Proposed TP Variation. 76 Steve Irwin Avenue/69 John Gorton Drive 5 May – 2 June Block C, Block 1 Section 38 Wright (B1 S38) Wright 2021 In General NEW other • Approved Variation to Territory Plan V363. Curtin Group Centre and adjacent residential area – zone changes and amendments to the Curtin Precinct Map and Code. Commencement date 7 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.legislation.act.gov.au/ni/2021-63/ news… • Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for Rental Homes. The ACT Government has released a survey for landlords and tenants regarding minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes. Options being considered are a minimum roof insulation standard; a minimum energy efficient heating standard and a ‘performance’ option such as a minimum star rating, that gives landlords a choice of upgrades to make. Survey closes Wednesday 19 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/minimum-energy-standards • Draft Variation to Territory Plan DV381 – Local Centre Shop Size. DV381 proposes to increase the maximum GFA for shops in local centres from 1,000m² to 1,500m². Comments due COB Friday 25 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.legislation.act.gov.au/ni/2021-268/ • Australian Building Codes Board – National Construction Code. The ABCB is seeking feedback on Stage 1 of the NCC2022 public comment draft. The first stage of consultation seeks feedback on all proposed NCC amendments except energy efficiency and condensation proposals that arise from project work. Comments due 11:59pm Friday 2 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/ncc-2022- public-comment-draft/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=3b3c01aa47- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-3b3c01aa47-64539375 CONTINUING • Shopping Centre Upgrade - Duffy. Designs have been prepared for upgrades at Duffy Shops. The preliminary designs are open for public comment. Comments close Monday 10 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/Duffyshops • Shopping Centre Upgrade –Kaleen. Designs have been prepared for upgrades at Gwydir Square, Kaleen. The preliminary designs are open for public comment. Comments close Monday 10 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/Kaleenshops • Shopping Centre Upgrade - Campbell. Designs have been prepared for upgrades at Campbell Shops. The preliminary designs are open for public comment. Comments close Monday 10 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/Campbellshops • Woolley Street, Dickson – Streetscape Upgrade. The proposed new streetscape for Woolley Street concept plans is open for public comment. Comments close Friday 14 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/dickson-streetscape-upgrade • Australian Building Codes Board – Building Manuals. In response to the Building Confidence Report - Recommendation 20 (each jurisdiction should require a comprehensive building manual for Class 2 – 9 buildings to be lodged with the building owners and made available to successive purchasers of the building), the BCR Implementation Team has developed a discussion paper for public consultation. Comments due 11:59pm Monday 17 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/building- manuals/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=6272ebca6f- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-6272ebca6f-64539375 • Braddon Streetscape Upgrade. New streetscape design concepts for Lonsdale Street, Braddon have been released for public consultation. Comments due 5pm Wednesday 26 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/braddon-streetscape-upgrade • ACT National Resource Management (NRM) Plan. The ACT NRM have released a discussion paper on how to protect natural resources over the next 20 years. Public comment is sought to guide the development of a new plan for managing the ACT’s natural resources. Comments close Friday 28 May 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.yoursay.act.gov.au/NRM-Plan • Australian Building Codes Board – Draft National Product Assurance Framework. The ABCB has released a discussion paper in response to Recommendation 21 of the Building Confidence Report – Building Ministers agree a position on the establishment of a compulsory product certification system for high-risk building products. Comments close 11:59pm Sunday 6 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/draft-national-building-product-assurance- framewor/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=43f42578c9- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-43f42578c9-64539375 • Southern Memorial Park. Revised masterplan and stage one designs have been released for public consultation. Comments due Monday 7 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/SMP • ACT 2021-22 Budget Consultation. The ACT Government are seeking input into shaping the priorities for the 2021-22 ACT Budget. Comments close Monday 28 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/2021-22-budget-consultation • ACT Parks and Reserves Visitor Survey. ACT Parks and Conservation Service are conducting a survey to understand who uses the reserves, forests and national parks, how they are used and how they can be improved. Survey closes Sunday 25 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/act-parks/act-parks-and-reserves-visitor-survey • ACT Legislative Assembly o Planning, Transport and City Services Committee Inquiry into DV364 Gungahlin Town Centre. Submissions due COB Wednesday 30 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/ptcs/inquiry-into-draft- variation-364-gungahlin-town-centre#tab1745147-1id NEW NCA • Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin: A Discussion Paper. The NCA has released a discussion paper on the potential impacts of seaplane operations on Lake Burley Griffin. Comments due COB Tuesday 22 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.nca.gov.au/consultation/seaplanes-lake- burley-griffin-discussion-paper CONTINUING • Heritage Management Plan – Anzac Parade. A draft heritage
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