·- 1893. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1581 The reading of the bill was resumed at line 6, on page 84. Branch, at Marion, Ind., page 93, line 6, after the word " con­ . , The next amendmentof the Committee on Appropriations was, struction," to insert "and repairs;" so as to read: under the head of" National Home· for Disabled Volunteer Sol­ For construction and repairs, includin~ the same objects spo.:J ified under diers," in the appropriation for the Central Branch, at Dayton, this head tor the Central Branch, IS:20,264.55. Ohio, page 85, line 7, to reduce the appropriationfor subsistence The amendment was agreed to. from $319,610 to $317,000. The next amendment was, on page 93, line 16, to change the The amendment was agreed to. total of the appropriations for the Marion Branch, at Marion, The next amendment was, on page 85, line 14, under the head Ind., from $2,353,163.89 to $2,360,663-89. of "National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers." to reduce The amendment was agreed to. the expenditure for clothing at the Central Branch; at Dayton, The next amendment was, on page 93, under the head of ' ' State Ohio, from $76,800 to $74,000. or Territo rial homes,'' line 22, after the word " eigh ty-eig :) t," to The amendment was agreed to. strike out "each;" so as to read: The next amendment was, on page 86, line 17, after the words For continuing aid to State or Territorial homes for the support o! dis­ 11 For construction " to insert " and repairs," and in line 22, bs­ abled volunteer soldiers in conformity with the act approved August Z7, fore the word'; cents," to strike out "sixty-five thousand one 1888, $575,000. hundred and thirty-four dollars and eighty-one" and insert The reading of the bill was continued t o line 9, on pag-e !J7. "seventy-three thousand three hundred and twenty-three dol­ Mr. ALLISON. At this point I will ask the Secretary to sus- lars and eighty-eight;" so as to make the clause read: pend, and I will move that the Senate adjourn. Mr. GORMAN. Until11 or 12? For construction and repairs, namely: Pay o! chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths,ca.rpenters,cabinetmakers, coopers, painters, gas-fitters, plumb­ Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate do now adjoum. ers, tinsmiths, wire-workers, steam-fitters; stonemasons, quarrymen, white­ Mr. GORMAN. It would be better to fix the hour. washers, and laborers, and for all machines, tools, appliances, and materials The PRESIDING OFFICER. Unless amotion is mada to ad­ u sed under this head, $73,323.88. journ untill2, the adjournment will ba until to-morrow at 11. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. VOORHEES. I move that the S 3nate adjourn uutil12 The next amendment was, on page 87, line 9, to r.educe the o'clock to-morrow. total approprintions for farm at Central Branch, at Dayton, Ohio, Mr. ALLISON. Mr. President-- from $22,500 to $19,720.93. Mr. VOORHEES. I have seen the attempt to do business hera The amendment was agreed to. in the hour from 11 to 12, and it is a farce. The next amendment was, in the appropriation for the North­ Mr. STEWART. I think we had better adjourn until 12 to­ western Branch, at Milwaukee, Wis., on page 88, line 5, after the morrow. word "construction," to insert "and repairs;" and in line 6, b3- Mr. ALLISON. In obedience to thewishesof Senators, I will fore the word "thousand," to strike out" twenty" and insert not press the motion I made. "twenty-five;" so as to read: The PRESIDING OFFICER. •rhe Senator from Indian:1 moves For construction and repairs, including the same objects specified under that the Senate adjourn until to-morrow at 12 o'clock. this head for the Central Branch, $25,400. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 42 minutes p. m.)the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Wednesday, February The amendment was agreed to. 15, 1893, at 12 o'clock meridian. The next amendment was, on page 88, line 10, to increase the total appropriation for the Northwestern Branch at Milwaukee, Wis., from $307,152.75 to $312,152.75 .. NOMINATIONS. The amendment was agreed to. Executive rwminations 1·eceived by the Senate Februa1·y 14, 1899. The next amendment was, on page 88, line 23, in the appropri­ ations for the Eastern Branch at Togus, Me., to increase the ap­ DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS. priations '•for household, including the same objects specified Myron M. Parker, of the District of Columbia, to be a Com­ underthis head for the Central Branch," from $45,000to$48,500. missioner of the District of Columbia, vice John W. Douglass, The amendment was agreed to. whose term of office has expired. The nextamendmentwas under the same head, on page 89, line PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. 5, after the word "construction," to insert" and repairs," and in Pay department. line 6, before the word "thousand," strike out "twenty-three" First Lieut. John A- Dapray, Twenty-third Infantry, to be and insert "twenty-five;" so as to read: paymaster with the rank of major, February 14, 1893, vice Can­ For construction and repairs, including the same objects specified under dee promoted. this head for the Central Branch, $25,717.10. Cavalry arm. The amendment was agreed to. First Lieut. Edwin P. Andrus, Fifth Cavalry, to ba captatn, The next amendment was, on page 89, line 10, to reduce the February 11, 1893, vice Babcock, Fifth Cavalry, appointed as­ appropriations for fat>mat the Eastern Branch at Tog us, Me., ''in­ sistant adjutant-general. cluding the same objects specified under this head for the Cen­ Second Lieut. Jesse Mel. Carter, Third Cavalry, to be first tral Branch," from $13,819.32 to $11,819.32. lieutenant, February 11, 1893, vice Andrus, Fifth Cavalry, pro- The amendment was agreed to. moted. · The next amendment was, in the appropriations for the South­ Injant1-y a1·m. I • ern Branch at Hampton, Va.,page 89, line 24, to increase the appropriation for household, "including the same objects speci­ Corporal John F. Stephens, Company B, Eleventh I nfantry, fied under this head for the Central Branch," from $46,000 to to be second lieutenant, January 28, 1893, vice Kirkpatrick, $48,500. Tenth Infantry, transferred to Fourth Cavalry. The amendment was agreed to. The next amendment was, on page 90, line 6, after the word 1 ' construction," to insert" and repairs;" so as to read: HOUSE OF REPRESE~TATIVES. For construction and repairs, including the s::~.me objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, $25,000. TUESDAY, l!'ebruary 14, 1893. The amendment was agreed to. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. P rayer by the Chaplain, Rev. The next amendment was, on page 90, line 11, to increase the W. H. MILBURN, D. D. total appropriation for the Southern Branch at Hampton, Va., The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read a.nd ap­ from $3 t16,774.65 to $389,274.65. proved. The amendment was agreed to. SENATE BILLS. The next amendment was, in tho appropriation for the West­ ern Branch at Leavenworth, Kans., page 91, line 6, after the The SPEAKER laid b ~ fo re the Housa Senate bills of the fol­ word "construction," to insert "and repairs;" so as to read: lowing titles; which were severally read twice, and referred as For construction and repairs, including the same objects specified under below: thls head for the Central Branch, $25,000. A bill (S. 3279) for the relief of R. Connable & Sons-to the The amendment was agreed to. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. o The next amendment was, in the appropriations for the Pacific A bill (S. 3689) for the relief of the schooner Henry R. Tilton Branch, at Santa Monica, Cal., page 92, line 5, after the word and the owners of personal effects thereon-to the Committeo "construction," to insert "and repairs;" so as to read: on Military Affairs. For construction and repairs, including the sa.me objects specified under POTOMAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY. this head !or the Central Branch, $30,000. The SPEAKER laid before the House a bill (S. 706) for the The amendment was agreed to. relief of the Potomac Steamboat Co-mpany. The next amendment was, in the appropriations for the Marion Mr. LOUD. Mr. Speaker, as the House Committee on Clai.rruJ . ' 1582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 14, have considered a bill o1 a similar nature, I ask for the present HARBOR OF FERNANDINA, FLA. consideration of that Senate bill. Mr. BULLOCK. Mr.-£peaker, I ask unanimous consent for The bill was read. the consideration of the House resolution in regard to the im­ Mr. McMILLIN. Mr. Speaker, let us have the report read, provement of the harbor of Fernandina, Fla. reserving the right to object. The resolution was read. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the House report, sub­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present considera­ ject to objection. tion of this resolution? The report was read. Mr. WATSON. I object. Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I shall have to object to the B. F. ROCKAFELLOW. consideration of that bill. I understand from the reading of the report that the company has alraady received $19,000. Me. TOWNSEND. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for The SPEAKER. The bill will ba referred to the Committee the present consideration of Senate bill977 for the relief of B. F. on Claims. Rockafellow. SENATE BILLS REFERRED. The bill was read, as follows.
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